• A vagina in a dream signifies relief for someone who is experiencing hardship, pressure, or sorrow.... (Vagina)
  • If a prisoner finds himself having a vagina in a dream, it means his release from prison, and for someone who is depressed, it means relief from his depression.... (Vagina)
  • If a man looks at a woman’s vagina in a dream, it represents his wicked state of mind, needs, desires, humiliation, or it could represent the high standard a woman has achieved in his eyes.... (Vagina)
  • Seeing the vagina of an elderly woman in a dream means loss of business.... (Vagina)
  • A vagina in a dream also represents a shameless and an insolent worker, or it could represent a bird’s nest.... (Vagina)
  • If a woman’s vagina turns into iron or into any metal in the dream, it means that she has lost all hope in accomplishing her aspirations, satisfying her desires or needs.... (Vagina)
  • If a woman sees water entering her vagina in a dream, it means that she will conceive a child.... (Vagina)
  • A vagina in a dream also could represent a blood sucker, a murderer, or a deceitful person who portrays piety during the day, then shows his teeth at night.... (Vagina)
  • If one reenters the womb of a woman through her vagina in a dream, it means his death.... (Vagina)
  • (Love.... (Licking honey)
  • (See Lick | Wooden bowl)... (Licking a bowl)
  • See Electuary | Honey | Lick)... (Licking honey)
  • (Homosexuality | Inkwell | Lesbian | Sodomy)... (Licking an inkwell)
  • If one is facing an opponent, it means that he will conquer him.... (Vagina)
  • If one has to appear in court, it means that he will win his case.... (Vagina)
  • In this sense, capturing a bird, or looking inside a bird’s nest in a dream means getting married.... (Vagina)
  • (Also see Blowing into the va- gina | Looking at a sexual organ | Semen | Effeminate | Sexual intercourse | Sod- omy)... (Vagina)
  • (See Blowing)... (Blowing into a vagina)
  • It also could mean satisfaction of one’s needs, fulfillment of one’s desire, marriage, partnership, exposing a secret, working with minerals, protecting women’s chastity, imprisonment, the house entrance, the front door, travels, the prayer niche inside a mosque, one’s innermost secret, running water, heat, an oven, a garment, a canyon, discovering a cure for an illness and feeling happy about it, finding an elixir, feeling relief after having sexual relationship with one’s spouse, a grave, distress, one’s wife, fire, a burning desires, family reunion, having children, dispelling doubt about what is right and what is wrong, clearly identifying true from false, finding guidance, or heeding admonition.... (Vagina)
  • If a woman looks at a man’s sexual organ in a dream, it represents her strength and manlike drive.... (Vagina)
  • Eating trotters or licking up their marrow in a dream signifies swindling the trusted inheritance of an orphan by his guardian.... (Trotter)
  • Licking a bowl, or licking one’s fingers after cleaning the bowl with one’s hand in a dream means consuming one’s share in this world and the nearing of one’s death.... (Wooden bowl)
  • (Sexual organs | Vagina) Lustfully looking at the vagina of one’s wife or that of another woman, or touching it in a dream means engaging in a rotten business.... (Looking at a sexual organ)
  • Licking medicine with one’s index finger in a dream means proclaiming the truth, or it could mean profits from the direction the index finger is pointing at in the dream.... (Medicine)
  • Licking a bowl in a dream represents one’s earnings, and it could mean that he has consumed his lot in this life, or that he has reached the term of his life in this world.... (Bowl)
  • Licking milk, water, honey or a dash of anything in a dream denotes frugality, tight handedness, or meager earning.... (Lick)
  • Licking the holy Qur’an in a dream means that one has committed a major sin.... (Qur’an)
  • To lick up one’s fingers or any element in a dream means money, or benefits from the substance one is licking in his dream.... (Lick)
  • (Medicinal paste | Ointment | Salve) Licking a paste made from drugs mixed with honey or syrup, or applying a salve in a dream means recovering from an illness or having a sizeable offspring.... (Electuary)
  • If he erases it by licking it with his own tongue in a dream, it means that he will commit an awful sin.... (Holy Book)
  • If one sees himself licking someone’s rear end or buttocks in the dream, it means giving high praises to an unworthy and an impious person or commending him.... (Body 1)
  • Licking an inkwell in a dream means engaging in sodomy or homosexuality.... (Inkwell)
  • Licking honey in a dream means getting married.... (Honey)
  • What comes or goes into the male organ or woman’s vagina in a dream of good or bad will reflect in their lives.... (Body 1)
  • (Also see Sexual intercourse | Vagina)... (Effeminate)
  • (See Vagina)... (Transvestite)
  • (Inverted | Queer) Seeing a pimp in a dream means moving from a clean place to a loathsome one, or from a vagina to the anus.... (Pimp)
  • In a dream, a saddle mount represents a boy, a dependable and a trustworthy servant, woman’s vagina, or the foundation of a house.... (Saddle mount)
  • If an effeminate person who is also bisexual sees himself as having a vagina, or if he looks at his penis in a dream, it means separation from his wife or mother or segregation from his friends.... (Effeminate)
  • The tunnel is associated with birth and is represented as the symbol of maternal vagina.... (Tunnel)
  • The tunnel exit represents the maternal vagina.... (Tunnel)
  • If an effeminate person sees himself having a vagina in a dream, it means that he has two faces or that he is satisfied to be knowledgeable as well as a fraud.... (Effeminate)
  • Closed lips in a dream represent one’s eyelids, a vagina, the anus, the banks of a river or a well.... (Lips)
  • (Also see Anus | Semen | Pleasure | Sodomy | Tears | Vagina)... (Sexual intercourse)
  • Blowing into the vagina of a woman in a dream means that she will become pregnant.... (Blowing)
  • (Also see Pederasty | Vagina)... (Sodomy)
  • Seeing an oval in a dream represents the qualities of a vagina, the womb and the female.... (Oval)
  • (Also see Impurity | Sexual intercourse | Vagina)... (Semen)
  • (Lesbian | Sodomy | Transvestite | Vagina) If one sees himself acting effeminately in a dream, it means evil, distress, fear or that a calamity will befall him.... (Effeminate)
  • To blow a trumpet, signifies that you will gain your wishes.... (Trumpet)
  • When you are dreaming about turtles, then it signifies that our affairs are moving very slowly, but something unexpected will speed them up and will be producing benefits.... (Turtle)
  • New objects, if they are useful, it signifies a period of benefits.... (Buying)
  • Dreaming of the new year, signifies prosperity and connubial anticipations.... (New Year)
  • Dreaming of keys to a door lock signifies surprises and changes in the dreamer’s life.... (Lock)
  • See one burning obscurely, signifies delays, obstacles, and impediments to the gratification of your wishes.... (Lantern)
  • When you dream of seeing an apartment it signifies the condition of your material life.... (Apartment)
  • The narcissus flower in a dream also signifies longevity or gray hair.... (Narcissus)
  • Calf signifies pregnancy, happy birth, adoption, guardianship, patronage and other similar situations.... (Calf)
  • To fly over broken places, signifies ill luck and gloomy surroundings.... (Flying)
  • Attending a ceremony signifies a favorable change.... (Attending)
  • To be in a sea or ocean with your ship, signifies the high expectations you have made for yourself or others.... (Ship)
  • (Transportation) In a dream, a driver signifies travels, a marketplace, a carrier, or driving toward good or evil for one who is intending that.... (Driver 2)
  • To see others with pimples on them, signifies that you will be troubled with illness and complaints from others.... (Pimple)
  • Seeing an architect in a dream also signifies richness after poverty and health after sickness.... (Architect)
  • When you are reading or listening to weather forecast this signifies changes in your life, this may be changed living place or changed work.... (Weather)
  • Dreaming about breaking bottles of wine signifies that you have exceeded in your desires and passion.... (Wine)
  • A broken bow in a dream signifies the death of a brother, a business partner, or a son.... (Bow)
  • This color for some scholars signifies violence but for others it means that it’s about dynamic and adventure.... (Red)
  • Dreaming of making a wager, signifies that you will resort to dishonest means to forward your schemes.... (Wager)
  • To pour it from one vessel into another, signifies that your enjoyments will be varied and you will journey to many notable places.... (Wine)
  • Traveling over a rough, unknown road in a dream, signifies new undertakings, which will bring little else than grief and loss of time.... (Road)
  • Dancing alone in one’s house in a dream signifies joy and satisfaction.... (Dancing)
  • The dream signifies that we will be victims of a destructive, slow and clandestine work.... (Termites)
  • Empty basing signifies financial difficulties.... (Basin)
  • Dreaming that someone familiar dies while on a fight signifies own risks due to bad character or recklessness.... (Fights)
  • When you dream of being an accountant , it signifies your impartiality in the situation you are at the moment.... (Accountant)
  • (Build | Contour | Frame | Profile) Having a tall figure in a dream signifies pride, arrogance, stinginess, ostentatiousness or pretending to be tall.... (Figure)
  • To count the number of persons present at a feast, signifies dignity, honor, satisfied ambition.... (Numbers)
  • Seeing an architect in a dream also signifies trials, evil, calamities and disunity.... (Architect)
  • A sponsorship in a dream also signifies steadfastness and resoluteness of both the guarantor and his protegee.... (Sponsorship)
  • For a woman Dreaming of weaving on an oldtime loom, signifies that she will have a thrifty husband and beautiful children will fill her life with happy solicitations.... (Loom)
  • If a spouse dreams of a dead dove, it signifies that there will be at least a separation between the couple that could lead to divorce between them, due to infidelity from one of the two.... (Dove)
  • In that sense, a spool represents the element of religious life and the rope in a dream signifies religion, which is one’s connection to his Lord.... (Spool)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she tries to unlock her trunk and can’t, signifies that she will make an effort to win some wealthy person, but by a misadventure she will lose her chance.... (Trunk)
  • Salt in a dream also signifies hard work, or an illness.... (Salt)
  • To see others thus living, signifies pleasure derived from the interest that friends take in your welfare.... (Splendor)
  • If the coffee mill isn’t able to grind the coffee, it signifies that there will be failures in everything the dreamer tries to do.... (Coffee)
  • To fall while flying, signifies your downfall.... (Flying)
  • Dreaming of milking, and it flows in great streams from the udder, while the cow is restless and threatening, signifies you will see great opportunities withheld from you, but which will result in final favor for you.... (Milking)
  • To see dahlias in a dream, if they are fresh and bright, signifies good fortune to the dreamer.... (Dahlia)
  • Dreaming of gold leaves, signifies a flattering future is before you.... (Gold Leaves)
  • To walk over mineral land, signifies distress, from which you will escape and be bettered in your surroundings.... (Mineral)
  • Dream of lead signifies accusation, severity.... (Lead)
  • If one does not hear the barking of the dog in the dream, it signifies that one’s enemy has left him inflected with a small loss.... (Dog)
  • To see dahlias in a dream, signifies happiness, fortunate luck in financial matters.... (Dahlias)
  • If he then enters it in his dream, it signifies that his life term in this world has come to its conclusion.... (Grave)
  • (Demanding | Exacting | Pushing someone | Retaliation | Yielding) In a dream, a driving force signifies retaliation by something, or compliance and submission to someone together with vigilance and wonderment about what might happen next.... (Driving force)
  • Any dream of pincers, signifies unfortunate incidents.... (Pincers)
  • If you dream of a dog that is barking nicely it signifies happiness and energy.... (Bark)
  • To see a miller in your dreams, signifies your surroundings will grow more hopeful.... (Millet)
  • Dreaming of making a political one, signifies your opposition to approved ways of conducting business, and you will set up original plans for yourself regardless of enemies’ working against you.... (Campaign)
  • Dreaming that a police gets near in a threatening manner, while the dreamer knows he or she is innocent of any guilt, signifies that someone is betraying the dreamer, and putting his honor and property at risk.... (Police)
  • (Alertness | Keenness of mind | Vigilance) Wakefulness in a dream signifies keenness of mind, perseverance in one’s objective, completion of one’s work, retracting one’s steps to reverse an act of wrongdoing, or it could mean longevity.... (Wakefulness)
  • If you are the thief during this dream, then it signifies that there are feelings of remorse due to taking the rights of another person.... (Thief)
  • When dream of one, signifies gossip and backbiting.... (Owl, little owl)
  • Dreaming of seeing the sun while flying, signifies useless worries, as your affairs will succeed despite your fears of evil.... (Flying)
  • If you dream of seeing apes it signifies lies, cheating and insolence.... (Apes)
  • To leave one, signifies loss of position, trade or failure of securing some desired object.... (Custom-house)
  • Dreaming that you climb on something (a ladder or a rope) signifies that you aim to overcome a big fight or have already overcome some aspects of your life.... (Climbing up)
  • If the route is straight and wide, then it signifies success and fortune.... (Route)
  • If the one has been dreaming about seeing or eating sausage, then such dream signifies the sexual tension the one is suffering from.... (Sausage)
  • (Fryer) In a dream, deep frying signifies evil, adversities, arguments, problems, failing to do one’s prayers, following one’s mind, passion and desires, or backbiting and slandering people.... (Deep frying)
  • To see trophies in a dream, signifies some pleasure or fortune will come to you through the endeavors of mere acquaintances.... (Trophy)
  • For a woman Dreaming of a vulture, signifies that she will be overwhelmed with slander and gossip.... (Vultures)
  • To see milk in large quantities, signifies riches and health.... (Milk)
  • Dreaming that you have lockjaw, signifies there is trouble ahead for you, as some person is going to betray your confidence.... (Lockjaw)
  • Seeing an unknown bakery oven in a dream also represents the governor’s house, or the court house because of the fires that are kindled therein from time to time — as fire in a dream signifies power and sovereignty.... (Oven)
  • To see a dead hawk, signifies that your enemies will be vanquished.... (Hawk)
  • To see vegetables in your dream, signifies your need for spiritual nourishment.... (Vegetables)
  • Dreaming that you administer chastisement to another, signifies that you will have an ill-tempered partner either in business or marriage.... (Chastise)
  • Dreaming of seeing flowers blooming in gardens, signifies pleasure and gain, if bright-hued and fresh | white denotes sadness.... (Flower)
  • Dreaming of feeling the pulse of another, signifies that you are committing depredations in Pleasure’s domain.... (Pulse)
  • If you escape from some place of confinement, it signifies your rise in the world from close application to business.... (Escape)
  • For a young woman to lose an alabaster box containing incense, signifies that she will lose her lover or property through carelessness of her reputation.... (Alabaster)
  • Dreaming of chasing and capturing one or more birds signifies the desire and ambitions of prosperity, which is taking a long time to arrive.... (Birds)
  • Playing backgammon in a dream also signifies a fight, an argument or a dispute between business partners, each of them seeking his personal interests.... (Backgammon)
  • Dreaming of vultures, signifies that some scheming person is bent on injuring you, and will not succeed unless you see the vulture wounded, or dead.... (Vultures)
  • To see your lover taking laudanum through disappointment, signifies unhappy affairs and the loss of a friend.... (Laudanum)
  • Dreaming of a large spider confronting you, signifies that your elevation to fortune will be swift, unless you are in dangerous contact.... (Spider)
  • For a man Dreaming that his wife has them, signifies a pleasant termination to some affair which has been long in dispute.... (Triplets)
  • For a young woman to frighten hawks away from her chickens, signifies she will obtain her most extravagant desires through diligent attention to her affairs.... (Hawk)
  • To the business man it portends successful trade, and to the young it signifies unalloyed bliss and faithful loves.... (Concert)
  • When you dream of an albino it signifies the innocence, steady and timeless life.... (Albino)
  • An illness in a dream also signifies a calamity, distress, fear of something, desiring something, or trouble.... (Illness)
  • To be in a shelter while dreaming, signifies the hardships and frustration the dreamer is dealing with at the moment.... (Shelter)
  • If they sting you in a dream, signifies secret enemies ; otherwise constancy in love.... (Nettles)
  • For men, a cradle in a dream signifies sorrow, distress, imprisonment or a small and restrictive dwellings.... (Cradle)
  • A roadless terrain in a dream also means dullness or stupidity, while a plain in a dream signifies intelligence and keenness.... (Roadless terrain)
  • To see one arrive, signifies unexpected news, favorable to the dreamer, if a man ; unfavorable, if a woman.... (Steamboat)
  • Dreaming of the wind blowing softly and sadly upon you, signifies that great fortune will come to you through bereavement.... (Wind)
  • To hear newly-born triplets crying, signifies disagreements which will be hastily reconciled to your pleasure.... (Triplets)
  • If you find that a rival has outwitted you, it signifies that you will be negligent in your business, and that you love personal ease to your detriment.... (Rival)
  • To see a windmill in operation in your dreams, foretells abundant accumulation of fortune and marked contentment To see one broken or idle, signifies adversity coming unawares.... (Windmill)
  • To see a tarantula in your dream, signifies enemies are about to overwhelm you with loss.... (Tarantula)
  • Dream of being lame or seeing one of your acquaintances in that condition, signifies infamy ana dishonor for the person afflicted, laziness, want of action.... (Lame)
  • Dreaming of hearing notes from a flute, signifies a pleasant meeting with friends from a distance, and profitable engagements.... (Flute)
  • Becoming angry for someone else’s sake in a dream signifies a corrupt contract, a tainted agreement, a marriage consent with a hidden intent of a divorce to follow, fighting for unlawful earnings, or it could mean accumulating money from usury.... (Anger)
  • The Saturn signifies cautious attitude towards the others.... (Saturn)
  • Seeing an archer in a dream signifies longevity, bravery and victory over one’s enemy.... (Archer)
  • To see a bundle of straw on fire carried into a public place, signifies joy, honor, and security in the business the dreamer carries on.... (Straw)
  • To see this beast of burden, signifies that you will entertain great patience and fortitude in time of almost unbearable anguish and failures that will seemingly sweep every vestige of hope from you.... (Camels)
  • For a man, a beard in a dream signifies wealth, honor and dignity.... (Beard)
  • Dreaming of using blotting paper, signifies you will be deceived into the betrayal of secrets which will seriously involve a friend.... (Blotting Paper)
  • To follow a treatment signifies hope of upcoming improvement in your conditions after distressing circumstances.... (Hot spring)
  • To give them to others, signifies that you will be criticised for your disagreeableness.... (Pill)
  • Dreaming of seeing hypnotic and slight-of-hand performances, signifies worries and perplexities in business and domestic circles, and unhealthy conditions of state.... (Conjuring)
  • For lovers Dreaming that their sweethearts have palsy, signifies that dissatisfaction over some question will mar their happiness.... (Palsy)
  • Dreaming of trying unsuccessfully to drink milk, signifies that you will be in danger of losing something of value or the friendship of a highly esteemed person.... (Milk)
  • Dreaming of coming before a judge, signifies that disputes will be settled by legal proceedings.... (Judge)
  • When you dream of looking through album full of pictures, it signifies that it is hard for you to forget the past and let go the bad things that happened to you.... (Album)
  • Dreaming of seeing an execution, signifies that you will suffer some misfortune from the carelessness of others.... (Execution)
  • Wearing a decorated ceremonial overcoat in a dream signifies power, dispelling depression, or satisfaction of one’s needs.... (Overcoat)
  • To dream of finding a rat in the cellar signifies a loss sustained without its being mistrusted.... (Rat)
  • This dream signifies your disgrace and fault.... (Anus)
  • When you are dreaming about a tower, then it signifies that you aspire to rise above the environment in which you live.... (Tower)
  • (Well of Zamzam | Ka’aba | Mecca) If one sees the well of Zamzam quenching the thirst of people and if it is situated in a particular neighborhood, or in a town other than Mecca, it signifies that a gnostic will come to reside in that place and whose knowledge and wisdom will benefit its people.... (Zamzam)
  • Dreaming of currying a horse, signifies that you will have a great many hard licks to make both with brain and hand before you attain to the heights of your ambition | but if you successfully curry him you will attain that height, whatever it may be.... (Currying a Horse)
  • If a woman dreams of a mermaid, it signifies that she have doubts about her femininity.... (Mermaid)
  • Dreaming of a camera, signifies that changes will bring undeserved environments.... (Camera)
  • The satellite dish in a dream signifies the problems that are caused in a world and awareness that has been caused by it.... (Satellite Dish)
  • To see a broken pump, signifies that the means of advancing in life will be absorbed by family cares.... (Pump)
  • To see one completely demolished, signifies great distress and loss of property.... (Locomotive)
  • To see a cuspidor in a dream, signifies that an unworthy attachment will be formed by you, and that your work will be neglected.... (Cuspidor)
  • To see a drama, signifies pleasant reunions with distant friends.... (Drama)
  • Dreaming of seeing them on their parent trees, signifies prosperity and happy union | but to eat them as prepared for commerce, they are omens of want and distress.... (Dates)
  • Should she be pregnant at the time of the dream, it signifies the birth of a son.... (Sword)
  • That you are comforted by anyone, to the rich signifies mishap and injury, but i> the poor aid and assistance.... (Comfort)
  • To pet one, signifies family joy.... (Squirrel)
  • Dreaming about bankruptcy signifies hopes of improving your living conditions.... (Bankruptcy)
  • (Champing | Chomp | Love | Rancor) In a dream, a bite signifies perfidy, rancor or extreme love for the one who is bitten in a dream.... (Bite)
  • To see a bookcase in your dreams, signifies that you will associate knowledge with your work and pleasure.... (Bookcase)
  • Dreaming of your daughter, signifies that many displeasing incidents will give way to pleasure and harmony.... (Daughter)
  • Wearing silk brocaded overcoat in a dream signifies attachment to one’s worldly gains and disregard for one’s religious and spiritual benefits.... (Raincoat)
  • Dreaming of drawing corks at a banquet, signifies that you will soon enter a state of prosperity, in which you will revel in happiness of the most select kind.... (Cork)
  • A bite in a dream also signifies extreme anger.... (Bite)
  • If you see yourself eating an apple in your dream, it signifies productivity, concord and enjoyment.... (Apples)
  • To deal in leather, signifies no change in the disposition of your engagements is necessary for successful accumulation of wealth.... (Leather)
  • To see a dead nun, signifies despair over the unfaithfulness of loved ones, and impoverished fortune.... (Nuns)
  • When you dream of seeing an apple tree it signifies greatness and nobility.... (Apple Tree)
  • To the young, it signifies romantic attachments.... (Fables)
  • This dream, usually means, that the favors from influential people will be very effective in the work that has been undertaken and signifies that this will come to fruition.... (Trampoline)
  • To receive a sword blow from an acquaintance, signifies a small service that person will render.... (Sword)
  • To fall from a foot-log into clear water, signifies short widowhood terminating in an agreeable marriage.... (Foot-log)
  • Ivy in a dream also signifies a bad character, or it could represent an ill will.... (Ivy)
  • An idle quarry, signifies failure, disappointment, and often death.... (Quarry)
  • Dreaming of intensely looking for a pair of pants to put them on signifies that the dreamer lives in a state of confusion as a result of problems that cannot be decrypted or whose solution is out of reach.... (Pants)
  • (Bowl) In a dream, a wooden bowl represents the world, or earning money from a business during a trip, while a porcelain or a ceramic bowl in a dream signifies earnings from a local business.... (Wooden bowl)
  • For a woman to see them, signifies she will have a quarrelsome husband or lover.... (Katydids)
  • If this dream is witnessed during the last week of the month of January, then it represents a solar eclipse, or the death of a Western leader, a plague, or the birth of a planet that signifies the destruction of a great city on earth.... (Thunder)
  • Dreaming of driving a carriage, signifies unjust criticism of your seeming extravagance.... (Driving)