- (See Arabic months)... (Rabi’u Than’i)
- Thus, large sleeves denote a greater amount of money than tight ones, and long sleeves in a dream mean more money than short ones.... (Sleeves)
- Dreaming of riding a horse other than a skinny or sick and of any color other than black, it means that successes are nearby.... (Horse)
- Some interpreters convey that hunger in a dream is better than satiation, while to drink extra water in a dream is better than thirst.... (Appetite)
- In that case, his position is better than theirs, for the giving hand is better than the receiving one.... (Bread)
- A canopy in a dream represents someone who has less authority than the commander, a dome represents someone of a lower rank, and a tent in a dream means less than a dome.... (Pavilion)
- If one sees his sight better than what people think in the dream, it means that his inner character is better than what people think, or if he sees his sight weakened though people do not know about it in the dream, it means that he keeps his faith to himself.... (Eyes)
- A tree bearing a fruit other than its own in a dream represents an adulterous wife who bears a child from someone other than her husband.... (Tree)
- Perhaps the dream suggests you to be simpler and not so needy, because the human being needs less than they think they need.... (Hut)
- However, according to Islamic interpretations of the human transformation into a lower category of creatures phenomena, if such transformation takes place in real life, it connotes a curse and a punishment, and it does not last for more than three days, and it will culminate in death.... (Transformation)
- An unknown old woman in a dream has a stronger connotation than a known old woman.... (Old woman)
- If one sees one of his feet longer than the other in a dream, it means that he will travel and profit from his journey, or receive the needed help during his journey.... (Foot)
- If you dream of your car, van motorcycle or any other vehicle that you are driving has broken down, than such dream shows the pressure you have made for yourself.... (Breakdown)
- If we are playing it, it means we count on randomness more than on work and responsibility in our life.... (Billiards)
- Beautifying childrens’ eyes with other than kohl or antimony in a dream means molesting them.... (Kohl)
- Perhaps you trust people more than you should, therefore sometimes you get deceived.... (Fraud)
- This dream also could be a sign that you want more ordinary than complicated life.... (Amish)
- If one sees the crop being harvested before its time, or much later than its due time in the dream, it means death or a war.... (Harvest)
- If one ends his prayers without the traditional greetings in a dream, it means that he is more interested in collecting his profit, than in protecting his capital investment.... (Greetings)
- A young single woman who dreams of a priest dressed in white and officiating a mass means, more than anything else, her desire to get married.... (Priest)
- His sweetheart will covet other gifts than his own.... (Letter)
- If he is a poor person, it means that his benefits to others are greater than if he were a rich person.... (Foot)
- To utter the formula – ‘La ilaha il Allah’ (there is no god other than Allah) in a dream means that one will only die having faith in his Lord.... (Exalting God’s Oneness)
- If you dream of the waist that is larger than normally, then it indicates the cozy life.... (Waist)
- Alternatively, dream about a facelift symbolizes narcissism, egoism and your concerns about your exteriors side rather than what is inside you.... (Facelift)
- If the buildings are small, our company will be more modest but always better than it is now.... (Construction work)
- If the family of such a house is thirsty in the dream, and if the cistern is filled with other than water, then it means that they owe alms tax and must pay the necessary charity on their assets, or it could mean that such a family has turned its back to God’s path and preferred worldly gains instead, or that they have a knowledge that they do not practice, or it could mean shortage of rain in that locality that necessitates spending money on God’s path.... (Cistern)
- To dream about a pond full of dirty water, and worse if it’s muddy, it suggests that your business will worsen, and that you have more enemies than friends.... (Pond)
- If the buildings are small, our company will be more modest but it will always be better than now.... (Build, Building (Property, Skyscraper))
- Both command lesser controlling domains than the eagle.... (Sparrow)
- Alternatively, you can try to escape from a situation rather than face it.... (Refugee)
- A Carnelian-red stone in a dream also represents one’s progeny, good religious conduct, good character, while seeing the white variety of this stone has a stronger meaning and a better attribute than the red.... (Carnelian-red)
- You trust yourself and have no fear showing it, there is no one who can stand by you and feel superior than you are.... (Army)
- The one is unable to recognize himself as more than a body.... (Soul)
- Wearing a crown studded or inlaid with gems in a dream is better than wearing a plain golden crown.... (Crown)
- Dreaming of a slaughter-house, denotes that you will be feared more than loved by your sweetheart or mistress.... (Slaughter-house)
- It is limiting you from seeing more than black and white in all things around you.... (Duel)
- Dreaming of seeing an old man, or woman, denotes that unhappy cares will oppress you, if they appear otherwise than serene.... (Old Man, or Woman)
- To see a dead eagle killed by others than yourself, signifies high rank and fortune will be wrested from you ruthlessly.... (Eagles)
- If the door of one’s house opens to the street in a dream, it means that what one earns will be of benefit to strangers rather than to his own household.... (Door)
- But if we feel comfortable and confident with our dreamed tatters, then it indicates a certainty of the importance of deeper self that is stronger than all appearances.... (Rags)
- Perhaps the things that are done slowly always bring the better results, than those that are done quickly, because of the sureness of the steady progress.... (Turtle)
- If you eat sweet potato in the dream, then it means that your sexual appetite is stronger than the person that you are with.... (Sweet Potato)
- If the reflected image is better than the reality it reveals in us self-indulgence and narcissism.... (Mirror, Rear view mirror)
- For a woman Dreaming of blowing a horn, foretells that she is more anxious for marriage than her lover.... (Horn)
- Imam Ibn Seer’in use to prefer entering the city in a dream rather than leaving it.... (City)
- Carrying a dead person in a different way than one carries a deceased person to bury him in a dream means acquiring unlawful money.... (Death)
- Pomegranates, when dreamed of, denotes that you will wisely use your talents for the enrichment of the mind rather than seeking those pleasures which destroy morality and health.... (Pomegranate)
- Burning pearls to cook with them rather than wood in a dream means putting a heavy burden on someone who cannot carry it and consequently having him explode.... (Pearl)
- (See Hand.) To have more than five fingers on the hand, new alliance, friendship, happiness, profit, inheritance.... (Finger)
- If in a dream you are bigger than normal, it is interpreted as your inflated opinion of yourself.... (Big)
- To dream that someone or something is bigger than normal, is sign of arrogance.... (Big)
- If you stretch it, you will try to establish a greater business than you can support.... (India Rubber)
- To see things being bigger than normal, also indicates expression of passion to be more dominant in some situation or relationship.... (Big)
- Dreaming of your wardrobe, denotes that your fortune will be endangered by your attempts to appear richer than you are.... (Wardrobe)
- Dreaming of seeing naked shoulders, foretells that happy changes will make you look upon the world in a different light than formerly.... (Shoulder)
- Such dream could also show your tendency to twiddle things completely other way, than they were.... (Contortionist)
- If one finds his leg shorter than usual in a dream, it means that he will lose some of his money.... (Leg)
- Have a tooth larger than the others, affliction on account of parent.... (Teeth)
- Killing a ram for other than food in a dream means killing a noble person.... (Ram)
- The large teeth represent distant relatives.) Have teeth more beautiful or whiter than usual, implies joy, health, prosperity, friendship, good news of relatives.... (Teeth)
- This dream seems to be more common in women than men, in which case it may be due to elicit love.... (Bandages)
- Dreaming of a portion of your income remaining, signifies that you will be very successful for a short time, but you may expect more than you receive.... (Income)
- However, if the dream is repeated in more than one night in a short period of time, it means that we cannot solve some of the problems that overwhelm us.... (Actor, Actress)
- Colors in dreams have the same symbolism and meaning than the one that is known in real life, and you should interpret them like that when you dream of clothes.... (Clothing)
- You are becoming less anxious than you was before.... (Cellar)
- Dreaming of rabbits, foretells favorable turns in conditions, and you will be more pleased with your gains than formerly.... (Rabbit)
- You had better be accused in a dream rather than accuse, or see an accused.... (Accusing, Accused)
- Dreaming that you have three, or more, legs, indicates that more enterprises are planned in your imagination than will ever benefit you.... (Legs)
- If it is a wooden chair, then it means less than that beside added hypocrisy.... (Chair)
- To get on one shows that travel which you held in contemplation will be made under different auspices than had been calculated upon.... (Cars)
- Changes in your life will give you more happiness than troubles.... (Cooking Oil)
- If one forces himself to break wind in a dream, it means that he will carry a burden greater than he can bear.... (Fart)
- To admire the golden fruit upon graceful trees, denotes that fortune will wear a more promising aspect than formerly.... (Pears)
- Wearing one’s garb in the winter in a dream is better than wearing it in the summer.... (Apparel)
- It generally announces that we’ll be submitted to hard tests that’ll demand new perspectives and motivations, different than the ones before, to keep the enemies away.... (Survival)
- Large pearls in a dream provide for better connotations than the small ones.... (Pearl)
- This dream means that you are going completely opposite way than you used to be, which is a good thing, it means that everything is in your hands and you are able to do things you never thought you could do.... (Arch)
- If an ophthalmologist sees him in a dream, it means that he will acquire great expertise in his field and become renowned in the land, for God’s prophet upon whom be peace, did return the eye of his companion Qutadah to its place and made his sight sharper than it was by God’s leave, after Qutadah had lost his eye during one of the battles with the unbelievers.... (Muhammad)
- A stream of flowing blood rather than water in a dream represents the deviation of one’s wife.... (Stream)
- Perhaps you are trying to find the real answers to the questions of the life, therefore you become a volunteer to help those that have worse conditions of the life, than you have.... (Volunteer)
- If one sees the well of Zamzam quenching the thirst of people in a particular neighborhood other than Mecca in a dream, it means that a gnostic will come to that town, and whose knowledge and wisdom will greatly benefit its people.... (Well)
- Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought.... (Car)
- If one sees his face white and his body yellow in a dream, it means that what he shows outwardly is better than what he hides.... (Paleness)
- In our dreams we are closer to our real self than in waking life.... (Death)
- On the other hand, if one’s face is yellow and pale and his body is white in the dream, then it means that his heart is better than what others can perceive from his outer look.... (Paleness)
- If one sees the planet Venus mixing with the moon, or if its position is lower than the moon, or if it is burning in the dream, then Venus represents one’s daughter, or it could mean mixing with crazy or stupid people, or listening to vain talk.... (Venus)
- Very often you look more after others than yourself.... (Bracelet)
- Plucking out one’s facial hair in a dream is worst than shaving it, and particularly when hair louses up one’s face or attractiveness.... (Shaving)
- In the west, your prospects will be brighter than formally.... (Lightning)
- Dreaming of seeing cream served, denotes that you will be associated with wealth if you are engaged in business other than farming.... (Cream)
- (Hypocrisy) In a dream, lumber represents a person who mixes with hypocrites, or one who mixes goodness and hypocrisy in his life, or one who appears better than he is in reality.... (Lumber)
- An elephant entering a land other than its natural habitat signifies an official visit of a king or a president to another country, or it could mean invading it.... (Elephant)
- More than the piano, in this dream is more important the music that is heard, because it is always a good omen.... (Piano)
- If you see someone thinking you are older than you actually are, it could be a sign that you should be careful when meeting new people in you life.... (Age)
- To have shoulders larger and more plump than customary, if the dreamer be in prison ; vexation, sadness, punishment; otherwise strength and prosperity.... (Shoulder)
- (Educator | Eye-brow | Governess) Seeing one’s mother in a dream has a deeper and a stronger meaning than seeing one’s father.... (Mother)
- It’s better to do a few things properly rather than doing too many badly.... (Legs)
- Dreaming of a white bull, denotes that you will lift yourself up to a higher plane of life than those who persist in making material things their God.... (Bull)
- Dreaming that you’ve made a trip in less time than expected can mean that the dreamer’s projects will soon be satisfactorily achieved.... (Trip)
- If one sees himself sitting on the pulpit rather than standing up and delivering his sermon in a dream, this maybe interpreted as afflictions and disgrace.... (Preacher)
- If one sees himself having less flesh than what he actually has in a dream, it means stagnation of his business or loss of his money and property.... (Flesh)
- Dreaming of a postman, denotes that hasty news will more frequently be of a distressing nature than otherwise.... (Postman)
- Wearing a silken shawl without patterns in a dream is better than a cotton or a woolen shawl and particularly a patterned one.... (Silk)
- Remember, that it’s better be safe than sorry.... (Telegram)
- Some of us are stronger than the others either in physical or mental way.... (Blacksmith)
- If the sun appears weird, or in an eclipse, there will be stormy and dangerous times, but these will eventually pass, leaving your business and domestic affairs in better forms than before.... (Sun)
- Receiving money in a dream is better than giving it.... (Penny)
- If a man sees himself in a dream dyeing his hair or beard with other than henna, it means that he will suffer from what he fears most.... (Dye)
- If you dream of saying an anecdote it represents the funny side of yours and that you better spend time with those funny people than the ones who take things more seriously.... (Anecdote)
- When a woman dreams that she is older than she actually is, it indicates how she has negative and false friendships that will end up harming her.... (Age)
- Dreaming that others wield the sceptre over you, denotes that you will seek employment under the supervision of others, rather than exert your energies to act for yourself.... (Sceptre)
- You are the one who is not afraid to take the risks and show even more of your personality than you should.... (Topless)
- To have them stronger and larger than usual, means conjugal happiness, contentment, coming from the family or those taking an interest in the dreamer’s affairs.... (Sides (Of The Body))
- If she sees them withered, sorrow is even nearer than she could have suspected.... (Lily)
- Dreaming of lime, foretells that disaster will prostrate you for a time, but you will revive to greater and richer prosperity than before.... (Lime)
- If a woman who dreams about her lover being older than he actually is, then it indicates that she is at risk of losing him.... (Age)
- When a woman dreams of herself being older than she actually is, it insinuates that soon she will suffer from an illness, or if the woman is young, she will have difficulties with her boyfriend, lover or husband.... (Age)
- If one is rich, then it means that he will have a great friend to support him and whose inner thoughts and intentions are better than what one may think.... (Cummerbund)
- To see religion declining in power, denotes that your life will be more in harmony with creation than formerly.... (Religion)
- If the statue is bigger than life-size, then it means a fright.... (Statue)
- There is a possibility that there is someone that is asking more from you than you can offer and you feel the pressure.... (Beating)
- (Lunar months | 1- Muharram | 2- Safar | 3- Rab’i-‘ul Awal | 4- Rab’i’u Than’I | 5- Jamadul Awwal | 6- Jamadu Thani | 7- Rajab | 8- ShaTaan | 9- Ramadan | 10- Shawwal | 11- Zul-Qi’dah | 12- Zul-H.ijjah) Seeing a dream during the month of Muharram means that the dream is most true as it is seen.... (Arabic months)
- Drinking more water in a dream than what one usually drinks in wakefulness means longevity.... (Water)
- However, soft cheese in a dream seems to have a more beneficial interpretation than hardened cheese.... (Cheese)
- Discovering oneself as a writer in a dream means that one will attend to the comfort of others rather than to his own comfort.... (Writer)
- More than five fingers, means new emotional concerns.... (Fingers)
- If one sees himself planting in other than a fertile ground in a dream, it means that he engages in sodomy.... (Planting)
- If one sees himself sitting down rather than standing up when delivering his sermon in a dream, it means that he will preside over his companions.... (Preacher)
- If one’s flesh grows bigger than what one actually has in a dream, it means prosperity, and if one is sick, it means recovering from his illness.... (Flesh)
- Finding a pair of lost slippers in a dream means occupying oneself with worldly business rather than serving one’s benefits in the hereafter, or it could mean delinquency in attending one’s religious duties.... (Slippers)
- Cotton in a dream means money, but less than that of wool.... (Cotton)
- If you are pregnant in reality this dream is nothing more than a reflection of your current state.... (Pregnancy)
- The winner’s stand in a dream is always better than that of the loser.... (Wrestling match)
- To see flowers in your hair, foretells troubles approaching which, when they come, will give you less fear than when viewed from a distance.... (Hair)
- (Strangulation) Suffocating in a dream means that one has taken upon himself a responsibility greater than what he can handle, or that he is intimidated into accepting a heavy responsibility, or that he abused a trust or a leadership position.... (Suffocation)
- To dye the gray hair of one’s beard in a dream means ostentatiousness and adorning one’s merchandise or deeds to make them look better than reality.... (Dye)
- If a man dreams that she seems to be more fair than unusual, it is a sign she is chaste and constant.... (Absent Sweetheart)
- Dreaming about looking at your own grave is a sign that rivals are trying to prevent you to get more success than the one you already have.... (Grave)
- Also, you have an ambition, which is taking more attention from you than your loved ones.... (Fare)
- Such earnings will costs more than what they are worth.... (Baldness)
- Maybe they are moving faster than you? To dream about destroying the diploma or to see diploma, that is burning or broken in pieces, means that you are worried about time wasting on something.... (Diploma)
- The same interpretation is given for anyone who compasses people, or guards them, or someone who harms the interests of his employer more than he benefits him.... (Tomcat)
- The dream may also show your point of view completely different than others.... (UFO)
- Larger than usual, increase in wealth and fortune proportionately to its augmentation.... (Abdomen)
- Dreaming that you are anxious to obtain an education, shows that whatever your circumstances in life may be there will be a keen desire for knowledge on your part, which will place you on a higher plane than your associates.... (Education)
- To find yourself in a library for other purpose than study, foretells that your conduct will deceive your friends, and where you would have them believe that you had literary aspirations, you will find illicit assignations.... (Library)
- Dreaming of God seems to be more than anything, a way of blaming one-self for not acting properly.... (God)
- Wild plants are also interpreted as a person whose goodness is hidden and whose heart is better than what his appearance may suggest.... (Wild plants)
- If one’s head looks bigger than usual in the dream, then it represents his father, or it could mean rising in rank and receiving honor.... (Head)
- To see a person dressed in crape, indicates that sorrow, other than death, will possess you.... (Crape)
- When you dream of seeing yourself baking something it shows that you are very original person and you are able to make things different and interesting than those around you.... (Baking)
- Somehow, to wear a simple band in one’s dream is better than wearing a heavy ring.... (Ring)
- Seeing an elephant in a land other than its native land in a dream means adversities.... (Elephant)
- This dream wants to show you, that you are more original and soulful than you thought you were.... (African American)
- You will acquire useful knowledge, which will stand you in better light than if you had pursued the usual course to learning.... (Museum)
- Having two tongues in a dream means acquiring a second language or a second trade, using a proof other than one’s own in a court of justice, or winning victory over one’s enemy.... (Tongue)
- If the one insulting is of a higher social rank, then the victim in the dream is better than his attacker.... (Insult)
- This dream is a wish, more than anything, a loosely-defined longing, which is usually interpreted as a hunch or mere uncertainty.... (Surprise)
- If they appear distorted or unnatural, the dream is more unfortunate than good.... (Life-insurance Man)
- Seeing wild thyme in the field is better than seeing it cut in a dream, for once any fragrant plant is cut in a dream, then it means distress and worries.... (Wild thyme)
- Dreaming of climbing to a garret, denotes your inclination to run after theories while leaving the cold realities of life to others less able to bear them than yourself.... (Garret)
- To eat sugar in your dreams, you will have unpleasant matters to contend with for a while, but they will result better than expected.... (Sugar)
- You’ve got to make it better than it actually is.... (Blackbird)
- If one ends his prayers without the traditional greetings in the dream, it means that he is more interested in collecting his immediate profits than in protecting his capital investment.... (Prayers 2)
- If a man dreams that he is sporting with an actress, it foretells that private broils with his wife, or sweetheart, will make him more misery than enjoyment.... (Actor and Actress)
- If one uses a dye other than what is commonly used, and if it works in the dream, it means that he will be saved from an adverse condition through miraculous events.... (Dye)
- Perhaps you are afraid of being less good than you could be.... (Impotence)
- The difference between dreaming with rats or mice is in the severity of its meaning, being higher in rats than in mice.... (Rats or mice)
- If we are lying down outdoors it means that what really makes us suffer, is nothing more than a temporary discomfort without the seriousness that we imagined.... (Lay Down)
- Dreaming of receiving commands, foretells you will be unwisely influenced by persons of stronger will than your own.... (Commandment)
- If a woman sees men, other than husband or lover, in a looking glass, she will be discovered in some indiscreet affair which will be humiliating to her and a source of worry to her relations.... (Glass)
- Wearing a new garment in a dream is better than seeing an old one.... (Clothing)
- If you are the one who has became a vampire in a dream, then it shows the tendency of yours to be egoistic and take from others more than you should.... (Vampire)
- In these cases, what you should do is to find a solution to your problems instead than assuming that a family member will die.... (Corpse)
- If you are taking vacations in your dreams, it is an indicator of the need to repose, which allows you to enjoy a time of relaxation and replenish your energies that may be declining and may take you to make mistakes, which can result in disastrous consequences and at the same time indicates we are much more vulnerable than usual.... (Vacations)
- Think what will be best interest for you and for others, than just thinking about your needs.... (Sharpen)
- It is better to see oneself in a dream holding it, than seeing others fishing with it or carrying it.... (Fishing pole)
- (Greed) To chew food other than for grinding or eating one’s meal in a dream means an illness or loss of appetite.... (Chewing)
- The dream in which you see the inventor, shows your desire to become something more than you are at the moment.... (Inventor)
- You may feel trapped in some situations, however the traffic is not going to stay forever, you will move to the destination you set up, only it will go forward much slower than usually.... (Traffic)
- Have them longer than ordinarily, great profits.... (Nails (Of The Fingers))
- Clean the ears or to have more than two, friends and faithful servants.... (Ear)
- If one sees the sun rising at times different than its usual sun rising time in a dream, it means that an uprising against the government will take place in different parts of the country.... (Sun)
- To have ears handsomer or larger than usual, success and brilliant fortune from an intimate friend .... (Ear)
- The dream also suggests that you claim to do more than you can accomplish – you have a lot of fantasy.... (Jar)
- If it is a makeup moderately applied, it warns us that in life we should always show ourselves a little better than we really are.... (Makeup)
- Dreaming of threading a needle, denotes that you will be burdened with the care of others than your own household.... (Needle)
- Having chest pain in a dream denotes a sin one is being punished for, or it could mean being a spendthrift or generous in other than God’s pleasure, and the pain in the dream represents his punishment for it.... (Chest 2)
- Hearing the call to prayers in a language other than the Arabic in which it was revealed in a dream means lies and backbiting.... (Call to prayers)
- If one thinks it is Friday in his dream, then the meaning will be more pejorative than laudatory.... (Friday)
- The dream could also show your desire to be better than you actually are which is good because you never stop improving.... (Cult)
- Flying for other than a traveller means joblessness.... (Flying)
- It portends worry and pleasure intermingled, more of the former than of the latter.... (Agony)
- If you dream of playing with the slot machine, then such dream indicates your tendency to spend more than you have.... (Slot Machine)
- To have eyebrows and eyelashes thicker and longer than ordinary; happiness and public esteem, success in love, considerable fortune.... (Eyebrow)
- Dreaming about wandering, whether in the countryside or in the city, indicates a state of depression, annoyance, sadness and perhaps nostalgia for past times which were better than the current ones.... (Wanderer)
- To make a long-distance journey in a much shorter time than you expected, denotes you will accomplish some work in a surprisingly short time, which will be satisfactory in the way of reimbursement.... (Journey)
- To see your friends start cheerfully on a journey, signifies delightful change and more harmonious companions than you have heretofore known.... (Journey)
- Seeing snow in other than wintertime in a dream means an illness, paralysis, or obstacles hindering one’s travel plans, or it could mean sufferings, swearing, or deceit.... (Snow)