• To handle poison, or see others with it, signifies that unpleasantness will surround you.... (Poison)
  • To see one caged, denotes that enemies will surround but fail to injure you.... (Leopard)
  • To dream about a flower garden is good, as always, it announces a calm, happy and optimistic future where honest, friendly and caring people will surround you.... (Garden)
  • Dreaming that you thatch a roof with any quickly, perishable material, denotes that sorrow and discomfort will surround you.... (Thatch)
  • Dreams in which pliers or pincers appear usually indicate that there are problems with the people you surround yourself with, problems that are probably showing themselves or have already manifested through acid comments, doubtful ideas and attitudes against your own interests.... (Pliers)
  • Dreaming of silk handkerchiefs suggests that the dreamer has a very pleasant, magnetic, and charismatic personality, and this is projected to people who surround the dreamer.... (Handkerchiefs)
  • To see others at work, denotes that hopeful conditions will surround you.... (Work)
  • The crocodile in dreams is a symbol of betrayal, deceit, and hypocrisy by people that surround the dreamer daily.... (Crocodile)
  • If you see yourself playing with the skull, it indicates a great inner strength, with which you can count to overcome the sufferings that surround you.... (Skull)
  • Dreaming of thorns, is an omen of dissatisfaction, and evil will surround every effort to advancement.... (Thorns)
  • Denotes that kind friends will surround you, if you are in danger from enemies.... (Bullock)
  • Snails crawling in your dream, signifies that unhealthful conditions surround you.... (Snail)
  • Dreaming that you see a mason plying his trade, denotes a rise in your circumstances and a more congenial social atmosphere will surround you.... (Mason)
  • To dream about an act of justice that’s being performed anywhere (whether you make it or are its recipient) suggests that you aspire to balance your behavior in order to live in harmony with those who surround you.... (Justice)
  • To dream that others are using axes suggests that they live well because they are hard workers, and whom active and dynamic people always surround is always prosper, and may fulfill their desires.... (Axe)
  • Dreaming about crippled, handicapped people means you don’t have enough faith or confidence in the ones who surround you, for example, partners or employees.... (Crippled)
  • If they surround the person in his dream, it mean that he mixes with such people.... (Lice)
  • To see a strange and weird-looking face, denotes that enemies and misfortunes surround you.... (Face)
  • To see illuminated snakes, or any other creeping thing, enemies will surround you, and use hellish means to overthrow you.... (Illumination)
  • To see a crowd in the street, indicates unusual briskness in trade and a general air of prosperity will surround you.... (Crowd)
  • Also that enemies surround you.... (Flies)
  • Dreaming that you’re walking and carrying your luggage symbolizes your anguish to achieve a change of life as soon as possible, no matter what happens to the people who surround you.... (Luggage)
  • In a dream, the rear side of the human being represents his outward appearance or what renders the human being accept- able, or it could represent his garment, an ostentatious person, a show of grandeur, pride about one’s social class, a show of being wealthy, the surround- ings of one’s house, the outskirts of a town, the outer display of one’s religion or his school of thought.... (Back)
  • To dream with magpies is a warning for us to get rid of trickster people who surround us.... (Magpie)
  • To send a gift, signifies displeasure will be shown you, and ill luck will surround your efforts.... (Gift)
  • Try to surround yourself with simple and loyal people.... (Events)
  • To dream that old, mistreated and neglected books surround you, suggests that you’re surrounded by lies and evil.... (Books)
  • For a young woman Dreaming she sees gold spiders crawling around her, foretells that her fortune and prospect for happiness will improve, and new friends will surround her.... (Spider)
  • To see a pile of bones, famine and contaminating influences surround you.... (Bones)
  • If the carrots in the dream are freshly harvested or remain fresh, then it is usually a sign of happiness in the family and understanding with those who surround us.... (Carrot)
  • To wander in the night barefoot with torn garments, denotes that you will be crushed in expectation, and evil influences will surround your every effort.... (Barefoot)
  • For a woman Dreaming that she goes into a cellar to see about a boiler foretells that sickness and losses will surround her.... (Boiler)
  • To dream that you handle rubber objects suggests that you have a versatile personality and a ductile character, and that’s the reason why the people who regularly surround you mostly criticize you.... (Rubber)
  • In dreams, stuttering usually represents doubt, insecurity about daily issues and matters that surround the dreamer’s life.... (Stutterer)
  • To dream that a few people are crying and wiping their tears suggests that the sufferings of the people that surround you somehow affect you, but this will soon pass.... (Cry)
  • To dream that you’re hitting something with an iron object suggests your own selfishness and cruelty against those who surround you.... (Iron)