- If she dreams of mules running loose, she will have beaux and admirers, but no offers of marriage.... (Mule)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she sees some one at her wedding dressed in mourning, denotes she will only have unhappiness in her married life.... (Wedding)
- A young woman who dreams of her suitor or lover as dance teacher insinuates that she doesn’t fully trust his intentions are serious, but if she dreams of dancing with him, it indicates that neither of them have serious intentions.... (Dance)
- When a young single mother dreams that she’s near the sea, it suggests that she longs for true love.... (Sea / Ocean)
- Venus predicts a happy love if she is in a good mood, or unhappy love, or even revenge if she is in an angry mood, and so on.... (Mythology)
- She may experience displeasure or illness where she expected happiness and health.... (Wedding)
- If a young woman dreams that she is holding a cat, or kitten, she will be influenced into some impropriety through the treachery of others.... (Cats)
- If she sees herself giving a sermon on Friday’s congregational prayers in a dream, it means that she will be divorced, or conceive a child from adultery.... (Preacher)
- For a woman Dreaming that she is drinking coca-cola signifies that she will lose health and a chance for marrying a wealthy man by her abandonment to material delights.... (Coca-Cola)
- For a young woman to walk through a potter’s field with her lover, she will give up the one she loves in the hope of mercenary gain.... (Potter’s Field)
- When a woman dreams that she marries an elderly man, it suggests that she’ll soon have several problems, including a painful illness.... (Marriage)
- If she unmasks, or sees others doing so, she will fail to gain the admiration sought for.... (Mask)
- When a woman dreams about a masquerade or that she’s using a mask, it symbolizes that she enjoys being unfaithful.... (Mask)
- But if she feels scared, while riding, then it indicates that in real life she doesn’t trust this man a lot.... (Horse)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is chasing live poultry, foretells she will devote valuable time to frivolous pleasure.... (Poultry)
- For a woman to admire her own hands, is proof that she will win and hold the sincere regard of the man she prizes above all others.... (Hand)
- If she lets others kiss her hands, she will have gossips busy with her reputation.... (Hand)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she participates in a masquerade, denotes that she will be deceived.... (Masquerade)
- If she sees them withered, sorrow is even nearer than she could have suspected.... (Lily)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is sleeping in an attic, foretells that she will fail to find contentment in her present occupation.... (Attic)
- If she is defiant, but innocent of offence, she will shoulder burdens bravely, and stand firm against deceitful admonitions.... (Religion)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she wears a mask, foretells she will endeavor to impose upon some friendly person.... (Mask)
- When a young woman dreams that she has an ugly face, it suggests that she knows that her conduct is reprehensible, and perhaps even offensive, and that causes that her friends no longer estimate her and also causes her problems with her beloved one.... (Ugliness)
- If she sees ivy clinging to the wall in the moonlight, she will have clandestine meetings with young men.... (Ivy)
- A woman dreaming that she travels with an unknown traveler may mean that she will make an unexpected trip with uncertain results.... (Traveler)
- For a young girl Dreaming that she rides a black horse, denotes that she should be dealt with by wise authority.... (Horse)
- If one sees a woman hanging down from her breast in a dream, it means that she has committed adultery and that she will give birth to a bastard son.... (Breast)
- If a young woman imagines that she is over religious, she will disgust her lover with her efforts to act ingenuous innocence and goodness.... (Religion)
- If after she alights from the horse it turns into a pig, she will carelessly pass by honorable offers of marriage, preferring freedom until her chances of a desirable marriage are lost.... (Horse)
- If she weeps over religion, she will be disappointed in the desires of her heart.... (Religion)
- If she was frightened, she is likely to stir up jealous sensations.... (Horse)
- For a young woman dreaming that she discussed a scandal, foretells that she will confer favors, which should be sacred, to some one who will deceive her into believing that he is honorably inclined.... (Scandal)
- If a woman sees herself hunting in a dream, it means that she has control over her husband’s money, her father’s assets, or it could mean that she will receive an inheritance or control vast interests in a business.... (Hunt)
- Any person, who dreams that he/she is playing a guitar although he/she doesn’t know how to play it; it suggests that they yearn to feel harmony and love around them.... (Guitar)
- If she sees herself eating an apple in a known place in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a handsome son.... (Apple)
- If she is wearing a flashy red slip in the dream, it means that she will be accused of wrongdoing.... (Slip)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she has been the victim of rape, foretells that she will have troubles, which will wound her pride, and her lover will be estranged.... (Rape)
- When a woman dreams this way, it suggests that she’ll experience complications in her love life, but she’ll end up succeeding.... (Hail)
- For a woman dreaming that she owns peacocks, denotes that she will be deceived in her estimate of man’s honor.... (Peacock)
- If she loses or breaks her pearls, she will suffer indescribable sadness and sorrow through bereavement or misunderstandings.... (Pearls)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is associated with wealthy people, denotes that she will have high aspirations and will manage to enlist some one who is able to further them.... (Wealth)
- For a woman Dreaming of a bronze statue, signifies that she will fail in her efforts to win the person she has determined on for a husband.... (Bronze)
- If she is married and pregnant, it means she will beget a son.... (Crown)
- When a woman dreams that she’s wearing a new, beautiful hat, it implies that she’ll soon have economic facilities and even social privileges.... (Hat)
- When a young woman dreams that she’s receiving jewelry, it suggests that she longs an advantageous marriage.... (Jewels)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is wearing costly furs, denotes that she will marry a wise man.... (Furs)
- When a woman dreams of money, especially in abundance, it suggests that she wants to marry a rich man, or if the woman is already married, she longs for her husband to become rich.... (Money)
- To see the mill in which she works dilapidated, she will meet with reverses in fortune and love.... (Knitting)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she has the heartache, foretells that she will be in sore distress over the laggardly way her lover prosecutes his suit.... (Aches)
- For a woman Dreaming that she sees, or is in any way connected with, manslaughter, denotes that she will be desperately scared lest her name be coupled with some scandalous sensation.... (Manslaughter)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she works in a knitting-mill, denotes that she will have a worthy and loyal lover.... (Knitting)
- If she has the headache, there will be much disquietude of mind for the risk she has taken to rid herself of rivalry.... (Aches)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she makes ointment, denotes that she will be able to command her own affairs whether they be of a private or public character.... (Ointment)
- If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application.... (Hair)
- When a woman dreams of jumping from a high place, or jumping a difficult obstacle, it may mean that she will succeed in the things she’s working on.... (Jump)
- If she becomes exhausted and refuses to go further, she will be slightly disappointed in not gaining quite so exalted a position as was hoped for by her.... (Mountain)
- When a single woman dreams about giving birth, it suggests that she should be careful in regards of her friends, especially if she has an admirer dating her.... (Birth)
- When a woman dreams that she’s been exiled, it suggests that she’ll have to travel in the future, even against her will, in order to solve a problem that is affecting her.... (Exile)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is spending borrowed money, foretells that she will be found out in her practice of deceit, and through this lose a prized friend.... (Cash)
- If one’s wife is pregnant, and if she hands him a pearl in his dream, it means that she will deliver a beautiful son.... (Pearl)
- If she contracts a worldly, or approved marriage, signifies she will rise in the estimation of those about her, and anticipated promises and joys will not be withheld.... (Wedding)
- If she is not married, it means that she may never marry.... (Head cover)
- When a woman dreams of herself wearing defective, ragged or stained clothes, it can mean that she will be ill-treated due to misunderstandings with people she esteem.... (Dress)
- If a sick woman sees herself getting married to a man she does not recognize or know his name in a dream, it means that she may die from her illness.... (Marriage)
- If a woman is offered a ring in a dream, it means that she will get married, and for a married woman, it means that she will give birth to a son.... (Ring)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she sees acrobats in tights, signifies that she will court favor of men.... (Acrobat)
- For a woman Dreaming that her hair turns to white flowers, augurs that troubles of a various nature will confront her, and she does well if she strengthens her soul with patience, and endeavors to bear her trials with fortitude.... (Hair)
- If a man dreams that she seems to be more fair than unusual, it is a sign she is chaste and constant.... (Absent Sweetheart)
- If she thinks in her dream that there are parental objections, she will find that her engagement will create dissatisfaction among her relatives.... (Wedding)
- If she dreams of garnishing her wedding garments with lace, she will be favored with lovers who will bow to her charms, but the wedding will be far removed from her.... (Lace)
- A woman that has this dream insinuates that she’s indecisive in participating in certain activities because she fears of compromising her dignity and prestige.... (Confusion)
- If the crown is of gold in the dream, it means that she may marry an old man whom she will inherit.... (Widow)
- When a woman dreams about being inside a grave, finding it as the only place to rest, is a sign that she will have a disappointment or sadness due to friends she believed were faithful to her.... (Grave)
- When a young woman dreams of having a lot of perfume on, it suggests that she’s being deceived by her friends and by the man she desires, even though he might not be her suitor.... (Perfume)
- For a woman Dreaming that she is examining samples sent her, denotes she will have chances to vary her amusements.... (Samples)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she sees her lover executed by this means, denotes that she will marry an unscrupulous and designing man.... (Gallows)
- She will often think that now he will propose, but often she will be disappointed.... (Courtship)
- For a young woman, this dream denotes success in love affairs | or the reverse, if she dreams of the fence falling, or that she falls from it.... (Fence)
- If she loses her khimar in the dream, it means that she may lose her husband.... (Khimar)
- For a young woman Dreaming of seeing a snake crawling through blossoming clover, foretells she will be early disappointed in love, and her surroundings will be gloomy and discouraging, though to her friends she seems peculiarly fortunate.... (Clover)
- For a young woman to think that she has an extensive acquaintance, signifies that she will be the possessor of vast interests, and her love will be worthy the winning.... (Acquaintance)
- If the crown is made of gold in the dream, it means that she will marry an old man whom she will shortly inherit.... (Crown)
- When a woman dreams that she is tinting or has tinted her hair, it announces that she’ll experience distresses due to gossip in her social environment.... (Stylist)
- For a woman Dreaming that she is associated in any way with learned people, she will be ambitious and excel in her endeavors to rise into prominence.... (Learning)
- If she intrudes on the privacy of her husband or lover, she will disabuse some one’s confidence, if not careful of her conversation.... (Privacy)
- A young woman who dreams of accompanying a queen is a sign that is not in accordance with the level or social environment in which she is located, or that she wants to get married soon.... (Queen)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is executing difficult, but entrancing music, she will succeed in winning an indifferent friend to be a most devoted and loyal lover.... (Piano)
- However, if she’s married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems.... (Queen)
- If a woman dreams that she is an inmate of a harem, she will seek pleasure where pleasure is unlawful, as her desires will be toward married men as a rule.... (Harem)
- For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience.... (Secret Order)
- If a young woman dreams that she’s sick, it suggests that she fears remaining single.... (Disease)
- If she sees other girls wearing ribbons, she will encounter rivalry in her endeavors to secure a husband.... (Ribbon)
- If she blows it out, by her own imprudence she will lose a chance of getting married.... (Lantern)
- For a young woman musician Dreaming that she sees another young woman on the stage clothed in sheer robes, and imagining it is her own soul in the other person, denotes she will be outrivaled in some great undertaking.... (Soul)
- If a young woman dreams she acts as a page, it denotes that she is likely to participate in some foolish escapade.... (Page)
- When a woman dreams of being a queen, and she’s young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities.... (Queen)
- For a young woman Dreaming of a Jew, omens that she will mistake flattery for truth, and find that she is only a companion for pleasure.... (Jew)
- If she sees herself spinning linen in a dream, it means that she will seek the company of righteous people to acquire wisdom and knowledge.... (Spinning)
- If she is sick and thus dreams, she will have sickness or worry, but will soon overcome them, unless the physician appears very anxious, and then her trials may increase, ending in loss and sorrow.... (Physician)
- During such a separation, she will cease asking her husband for her bridal dower, and later on she will return to him.... (Spinning)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she sees her sweetheart with a revolver, denotes that she will have a serious disagreement with some friend, and probably separation from her lover.... (Revolver)
- For a woman Dreaming that her neck is thick, foretells that she will become querulous and something of a shrew if she fails to control her temper.... (Neck)
- If a woman dreams about her stockings without seeing many details, it indicates that she is looking for undesirable fun with disreputable friends, or that due to her careless or weakness she may fall into a compromising situation.... (Stockings)
- If she sees people looking at her hair in a dream, it means that she will suffer slander and defamation.... (Hair)
- When a woman dreams about a party implies that she awaits the return of a friend who left with one of her rivals, but she is not confident that this can really happen.... (Party)
- When a young girl dreams that she’s in a hypnotic state and therefore subject to be under someone else’s power, it suggests that she should examine her friends to discover who is trying to cause her problems.... (Hypnotism)
- For a young woman Dreaming that her sweetheart is connected with a printing office, denotes that she will have a lover who is unable to lavish money or time upon her, and she will not be sensible enough to see why he is so stingy.... (Printing Office)
- A woman who dreams that she was given and put on a beautiful necklace, is the announcement of happy relationships that can lead to marriage, and if she is already married, then it announces a gift from the husband.... (Neck)
- If she buys them, she will have a pleasant and easy place in life.... (Ribbon)
- If a woman sees herself having a beard like a man in a dream, it means that she will never beget children, unless if she has a reddish beard as the natural color of her hair.... (Beard)
- For an unmarried woman Dreaming that she has a husband, denotes that she is wanting in the graces which men most admire.... (Husband)
- If she succeeds in disengaging herself from the meshes, she will narrowly escape slander.... (Meshes)
- For a woman Dreaming that she cooks hash, denotes that she will be jealous of her husband, and children will be a stumbling block to her wantonness.... (Hash)
- To dream of a woman with breasts full of milk reveals that soon she will become pregnant, if she isn’t already.... (Milk)
- For a woman Dreaming that she vomits a chicken, and it hops off, denotes she will be disappointed in some pleasure by the illness of some relative.... (Vomit)
- If a young woman dreams of that, it means that she yearns to have a happy home, but if she builds it and this building collapse, this means that her wishes will not be fulfilled in the immediate future.... (Fence)
- A woman that dreams of her partner or lover as a pirate suggests that she doesn’t trust him because she feels like he’s cheating.... (Pirate)
- For a young woman Dreaming of taking it, foretells that she will be victimized through the artful designing of persons whom she trusts.... (Calomel)
- For a young woman Dreaming of being accused of being older than she is, denotes that she will fall into bad companionship, and her denial of stated things will be brought to scorn.... (Age)
- When a woman dreams about her oven, which is turned on and is actually very hot, and that she is baking bread or cooking meat, it suggests that she enjoys the sincere affection of her family members and the sympathy of her friends.... (Oven)
- Dreaming of seeing your swetheart{sic} wearing a chameleon chained to her, shows she will prove faithless to you if by changing she can better her fortune.... (Chameleon)
- For a young woman Dreaming of cooking it, shows she will soon assume new duties, which will make her happier, and she will enjoy wealth.... (Rice)
- For a young woman to make soup, signifies that she will not be compelled to do menial work in her household, as she will marry a wealthy man.... (Soup)
- For a young woman to have her pocket picked, denotes she will be the object of some person’s envy and spite, and may lose the regard of a friend through these evil machinations, unless she keeps her own counsel.... (Pickpocket)
- If she feels angry or displeased about them, she will find that some other woman is dividing her honors and pleasures with her in her social realm.... (Ribbon)
- If a young woman dreams that she is holding a person on her lap, she will be exposed to unfavorable criticism.... (Lap)
- If she sees a cat in her lap, she will be endangered by a seductive enemy.... (Lap)
- If she picks others’ pockets, she will incur the displeasure of a companion by her coarse behavior.... (Pickpocket)
- Dreaming that she loses jewels, she will meet people who will flatter and deceive her.... (Jewels)
- If she mashes her finger while driving it, she will be distressed over unpleasant tasks... (Tacks)
- Ants always symbolize hard, intelligent and organized work, so they do warn the dreamer that he/she should act the same way, perhaps because he/she is being negligent with his/her responsibilities, what may lead him/her to many setbacks.... (Ants)
- A widow who dreams that she’s walking through the cemetery could mean that she’ll soon get married again, this time with better luck.... (Cemetery)
- If a woman dreams she has a mustache that indicates she expresses her energy in words.... (Moustaches)
- If she wears a bridal veil of sea foam, she will engulf herself in material pleasure to the exclusion of true refinement and innate modesty.... (Sea Foam)
- If she suddenly perceives that she has left off her petticoat in dressing, it portends much ill luck and disappointment.... (Petticoat)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she admires her nudity, foretells that she will win, but not hold honest men’s regard.... (Naked)
- If a young woman dream that she wears silken, or clean, petticoats, it denotes that she will have a doting, but manly husband.... (Petticoat)
- If a woman sees God’s prophet Noah (uwbp), or God’s prophet Lot (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she is disobedient to her husband, and rather she obeys her own family and clan.... (Noah)
- When a woman dreams that she’s walking on ice, it suggests that due to her behavior she’s exposed to serious disrepute.... (Ice)
- For a woman Dreaming that she sees a man wearing over-alls, she will be deceived as to the real character of her lover.... (Over-alls)
- To see her petticoat falling from its place while she is at some gathering, or while walking, she will have trouble in retaining her lover, and other disappointments may follow.... (Petticoat)
- If she thinks of marrying in Autumn, she will be likely to contract a favorable marriage and possess a cheerful home.... (Autumn)
- If a young woman dreams of wearing a uniform, it suggests that she would like to relate to a military man, but if the uniform is thrown during the dream, then it may mean she just likes dangerous adventures.... (Uniform)
- If she is bitten by any of them, she will be superseded by a rival.... (Reptile)
- For a woman Dreaming that she is pregnant, denotes she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive.... (Pregnancy)
- For a woman Dreaming that she is a wet nurse, signifies that she will depend on her own labors for sustenance.... (Wet Nurse)
- If a woman sees herself striking a flint stone with a piece of steel, and if she can produce sparks in the dream, it means that she will beget a son.... (Flint Stone)
- A married woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she has a very uncomfortable life with her husband because she doesn’t have a nice relationship with her family, her mother in law, or because the husband is very jealous, disobliged or vicious.... (Kidnapping)
- If the statue in the dream portrays a particular woman, or if it is interpreted to represent a specific woman, then she will be quiet, intelligent and serene, or it could mean that she is stupid and has pride.... (Statue)
- If she is unmarried, it means that she will get married and the same goes for men.... (Perfume)
- For a young woman to see or handle coffee she will be made a by-word if she is not discreet in her actions.... (Coffee)
- When a woman dreams of going under any arch, it means that she will soon suffer disappointments because the things she wanted will be destroyed.... (Arch)
- If she receives it as a gift from a man, she will experience fascinating, but dangerous pleasures.... (Perfume)
- When a young woman dreams that she’s illuminating the face of her lover with a flashlight, it suggests that she doubts that he is the right man for her.... (Lamp)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is soaking wet, portends that she will be disgracefully implicated in some affair with a married man.... (Wet)
- When a woman who is young and single dreams of a luxurious bed, it symbolizes that she desires to get married to a rich man, and that might happen when she meets a foreigner.... (Bedroom)
- A married woman who dreams of being in an Eden indicates that she trusts her husband and she trusts their children will grow up to be healthy, smart, etc., and reach high levels in society.... (Eden)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is swimming with a girl friend who is an artist in swimming, foretells that she will be loved for her charming disposition, and her little love affairs will be condoned by her friends.... (Swelling)
- If she dreams of swimming in clear water naked, she will enjoy illicit loves, but nature will revenge herself by sickness, or loss of charms.... (Naked)
- As for a pregnant woman, a metal lance means that she will deliver a girl, and that she will receive a gift of money or a present after her birth from other daughters.... (Lance)
- If a woman dreams that she is jealous of her husband, she will find many shocking incidents to vex and make her happiness a travesty.... (Jealousy)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is no longer a virgin, foretells that she will run great risk of losing her reputation by being indiscreet with her male friends.... (Virgin)
- If she sees cooked meat, it denotes that others will obtain the object for which she will strive.... (Meat)
- If the girl keeps on weaving, then when she finishes her work she unravels the fabric in the dream, it means God’s wrath, afflictions, or destruction.... (Spinning wheel)
- To dream that a medallion is hanging from your neck suggests, specially for women, the following: When a young woman dreams that the man she loves has the medallion, it suggests that she will meet different admirers and suitors.... (Medallion)
- If she is unmarried, it means that she will get married.... (Joseph)
- If a young single woman dreams of admiring a man’s beard, it suggests that she wants to get married soon, but since she’s trying to hurry and get married soon, her marriage can be unfortunate.... (Beard)
- If she sees herself taking her time in spinning her wool in a dream, it means that either she or her husband will undertake a journey.... (Spinning)
- If she is poor, it means that she will become rich, and her life in this world as well as in the hereafter will turn to her advantage.... (Joseph)
- For a woman Dreaming of collars, she will have many admirers, but no sincere ones, She will be likely to remain single for a long while.... (Collar)
- She will also live unhappy because of her separation from her beloved, and she will fall in love with a great man.... (Joseph)
- When a young woman dreams that she is writing something, it suggests that she will have good luck in her marriage, though it will take longer for her to get married.... (Pencil)
- For a young woman to wave adieu or a recognition with her handkerchief, or see others doing this, denotes that she will soon make a questionable pleasure trip, or she may knowingly run the gauntlet of disgrace to secure some fancied pleasure.... (Handkerchiefs)
- If her attempt to play is unsuccessful, she will lose favor, and aspire to things she never can possess.... (Violin)
- If she sees naked men swimming in clear water, she will have many admirers.... (Naked)
- If a young woman dreams of walking under nets, it announces that she’ll have many suitors and she won’t know who to choose.... (Net)
- For a woman Dreaming that she sees Daniel in the lions’ den, signifies that by her intellectual qualifications and personal magnetism she will win fortune and lovers to her highest desire.... (Lion)
- If she is pregnant, it means that she will beget a daughter.... (Belt)
- For a married woman Dreaming that she is a virgin, foretells that she will suffer remorse over her past, and the future will hold no promise of better things.... (Virgin)
- If she feels sad and depressed she will have new cares and regrets.... (Cemetery)
- Dreaming about your own daughter, especially if she’s already a teenager, suggests that she’s hiding certain problems that need to be solved as soon as possible.... (Daughter)
- When a woman dreams of owning a crucifix it indicates that she accepts with serenity the life that she has, which attracts the understanding and affection of her friends.... (Cross)
- For a woman Dreaming that she wears a fine new hat, denotes the attainment of wealth, and she will be the object of much admiration.... (Hat)
- If she is seen dressed with modesty in the dream, then she represents goodness, chastity, discreteness, and following the correct religious conduct.... (Young woman)
- For a maiden Dreaming that she is molding candles, denotes that she will have an unexpected offer of marriage and a pleasant visit to distant relatives.... (Candles)
- When a young woman dreams that she or others are in a state of madness, suggests that she isn’t feeling safe in her relationship.... (Madness)
- If people see her thick strand of hair, it means that she will be exposed for something wrong she has committed.... (Strand of hair)
- For a woman Dreaming of hilarious drinking, denotes that she is engaging in affairs which may work to her discredit, though she may now find much pleasure in the same.... (Drinking)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is copying a letter, denotes she will be prejudiced into error by her love for a certain class of people.... (Copying)
- If she is lighting a candle, she will meet her lover clandestinely because of parental objections.... (Candles)
- If she is not married, it means that she will never marry.... (Strand of hair)
- For a woman Dreaming that she is befriended by a miser, foretells she will gain love and wealth by her intelligence and tactful conduct.... (Miser)
- If she sees herself having charcoal colored hair in a dream, it means that she will live from her husband’s wealth or inheritance.... (Strand of hair)
- When a woman dreams that she’s enjoying some wealth, it can mean that she’s subconsciously looking for illusions, vanities and temporary pleasures.... (Wealth)
- For a young woman to see clear bottles of ammonia, foretells she will be deceived in the character and intentions of some person whom she considers friendly.... (Ammonia)
- If she sees her hair thick in the dream, it means that she will do something that will make her famous.... (Strand of hair)
- If a woman sees herself having a beard in a dream, it means losing her husband and if she is a widow, it means that she will marry a hard-working man who is compatible with her.... (Beard)
- For a young woman Dreaming that she is leading an idle existence, she will fall into bad habits, and is likely to marry a shiftless man.... (Idle)
- If she crossed the canal on a bridge over clear water and gathers ferns and other greens on the banks, she will enjoy a life of ceaseless rounds of pleasure and attain to high social distinction.... (Canal)
- For a young woman, it means that she will be angry with her lover and that she fears the opinion of acquaintances.... (Paper or parchment)