• For a man, dreaming of having sex with an ugly woman means death; having sex with a beautiful woman indicates betrayal.... (Sex)
  • Dreaming of other people having sex usually means that someone will soon propose something indecent to you, though it may not be sex related.... (Sex)
  • A married woman who dreams of having sex with a person outside her family suggests that she wants to have sex outside of marriage.... (Sex)
  • When a woman dreams of having sex with an unknown man, then it indicates desire for having an illicit relationship, perhaps as a result of frequently inappropriate friendships.... (Sex)
  • Dreaming of having sex with your own daughter means a scandal.... (Sex)
  • Having sex with a prostitute in a dream indicates permanent good luck.... (Sex)
  • Dreaming of having sex with your absent spouse, indicates bad news.... (Sex)
  • If a woman dreams of having sex with an ugly man, then it indicates disease, if on the other hand, the man is handsome, it indicates disappointments.... (Sex)
  • Dreaming of having sex is generally an indication that you have unmet and repressed desires, or that at least you want to get adventures to please your sexual needs.... (Sex)
  • Sleeping with one’s mother indicates safe business.... (Sex)
  • Having a specific conversation with your mother represents an issue that is concerning you and you don’t know yet how to solve it.... (Mother)
  • To dream that you were having sex, could show the actual lack of sex in your life.... (Sex)
  • To be heterosexual in reality, but to have sex with the same sex can be interpreted as the acceptance of who you are and the love you have for yourself.... (Sex)
  • To have sex with your ex denotes to the lack of sex in your waking life or the fact that you are longing for the old times.... (Sex)
  • If you dream of having a husband, when you lack of one in your real life, it symbolizes a new relationship or commitment.... (Husband)
  • Sex dreams, when they are frequent, mean that some of your real needs are not being met.... (Sex)
  • If you have sex with your spouse, then it indicates joy.... (Sex)
  • Sometimes, sex dreams acquire a morbid connotation, but this shouldn’t be taken literally.... (Sex)
  • Maybe you are willing to start a family life therefore the regular sex is inseparable part of it.... (Sex)
  • The sex is also the symbol of fertility, new life and new opportunities.... (Sex)
  • The sex in a dream could also show the massive impact the media does to you such as magazines, internet, television and others where the sexuality plays a huge role.... (Sex)
  • If you had a sex with your partner in a dream, then it shows the strong bond between you two.... (Sex)
  • Alternatively, it could show your hidden desires to make love with the same sex.... (Sex)
  • If you dreamed about sex, then such dream may have many different explanations depending on the various contexts of the dream.... (Sex)
  • If you dream of having an anal sex, it is a sign of presentation.... (Anal Sex)
  • Dreaming about sex is very common and most of the time it reflects needs or real desires in this area.... (Sex)
  • In general, this is usually an indicator of fatigue and boredom because you have a monotonous sex life and you want greater things and excitement in your sexual life, and your subconscious exaggerates the situation to try to make it real.... (Sex)
  • But there can be times where there are scenes of perversions or sex with strangers.... (Sex)
  • Sex dream indicates repressed desires, sexual dissatisfactions.... (Sex)
  • For a person to dream of changing sex, if the dreamer be a man, denotes infamy, dishonor.... (Sex)
  • Sex change: frustration, helplessness and unhappiness with what you have and what you are.... (Sex)
  • If the person in question is poor, then seeing his mother in a dream means that his financial conditions will change for the better.... (Mother)
  • Dream of your mother means you’ll live an intense and fully requited love.... (Mother)
  • To dream of leaving your mother’s house ; a bad step whence you extricate yourself with difficulty, elevation in dignity.... (Mother)
  • For a woman Dreaming of mother, signifies pleasant duties and connubial bliss.... (Mother)
  • Mother in a dream symbolizes life and death.... (Mother)
  • To see your mother in dreams as she appears in the home, signifies pleasing results from any enterprise.... (Mother)
  • To dream that you have lost your mother indicates her sickness.... (Mother)
  • To dream that your mother is crying at home indicates that something is very wrong and you’re at risk of experiencing hardships, diseases and other discontents.... (Mother)
  • If you dream that you see your mother and converse with her, it indicates that you will have prosperity in life.... (Mother)
  • To see one’s mother emaciated or dead, foretells sadness caused by death or dishonor.... (Mother)
  • The mother is security, shelter, warmth, tenderness; but she also represents the risk of oppression and suffocation.... (Mother)
  • To hear your mother call you, denotes that you are derelict in your duties, and that you are pursuing the wrong course in business.... (Mother)
  • (Educator | Eye-brow | Governess) Seeing one’s mother in a dream has a deeper and a stronger meaning than seeing one’s father.... (Mother)
  • Dreaming of your mother-in-law, denotes there will be pleasant reconciliations for you after some serious disagreement.... (Mother-in-law)
  • For a woman to dispute with her mother-in-law, she will find that quarrelsome and unfeeling people will give her annoyance.... (Mother-in-law)
  • An incestuous dream with our mother indicates insecurity and fear, and desire to return to childhood to feel protected and pampered.... (Mother)
  • To fight with mother implies the need and deep desire to do without her tutelage, to gain maturity and independence.... (Mother)
  • To dream that your mother calls you indicates that you’re not behaving entirely correct and will get in trouble.... (Mother)
  • To dream about your dead mother announces sorrows, frustrations, failures, etc.... (Mother)
  • If your mother is dead and you dream of her, you must pray for her.... (Mother)
  • If you dream that your mother dies, it is a sign of separation or divorce.... (Mother)
  • If one sees his mother giving birth to him, should he be ill in real life, then it means the approach of his death, for a deceased is wrapped in a shroud, while a new born is wrapped with a receiving cloth.... (Mother)
  • To dream our mother is dead when in reality she is alive reveals the desire to emancipate from home and her care.... (Mother)
  • When the mother appears in dreams the dreamer situation is particularly important for good or bad.... (Mother)
  • Buying a glittering glass ornament, or a house made of mother of pearls in a dream means choosing the pleasures of this world over the everlasting bliss of the hereafter, disdaining from obeying God’s commands, or it could mean becoming an apostate.... (Mother of pearl)
  • If you talk to your mother in the dream, you’ll have a long life.... (Mother)
  • Dream of your mother represents the maternal side of your personality.... (Mother)
  • To dream about your mother, who has already passed away, and that she’s behaving in her natural state, suggests superior protection that will help you succeed.... (Mother)
  • To dream that you’re talking with your mother insinuates upcoming good news about your job, business, etc.... (Mother)
  • Hearing your mother screaming in a dream denotes a certain disease or affliction.... (Mother)
  • Hearing to your mother calling you in a dream means you were negligent on duties and you will have concerns.... (Mother)
  • On the other hand reflects unsolved problems in the relationship with your mother in real life.... (Mother)
  • If one is going through difficulties and sees his mother in a dream, it means that help will come his way from sources he does not anticipate.... (Mother)
  • To dream about our mother, reveals deep anxiety states.... (Mother)
  • When a woman dreams that her jealous husband unjustly accuses her of infidelity, it suggests that she has been indiscreet and insinuating to other men.... (Husband)
  • When a woman dreams about her dead husband, it symbolizes that she’ll soon experience problems with his family.... (Husband)
  • When a woman dreams that her husband seems gaunt and has a sickly appearance, it suggests that he or his family actually may actually suffer a disease.... (Husband)
  • When a woman dreams that her husband abandons her without giving her any explanation, it suggests upcoming serious trouble between the couple, but they’ll reconcile soon.... (Husband)
  • If you fall in love with another woman?s husband, it indicates that you are growing vicious.... (Husband)
  • Dreaming about husband or wife omens of good events around you.... (Husband or Wife)
  • Dreaming of your husband means solid and permanent union, omens of good events in at home.... (Husband)
  • When a woman dreams that her husband is cheerful and festive, it indicates that everything is doing well at home, and it may also suggest that all that she desires may come true.... (Husband)
  • When a woman dreams that her husband is unfaithful, it suggests that he’s actually walking in the wrong direction, and that is causing them problems at home.... (Husband)
  • It is important to analyze your husband’s role in the dream, and how do you feel about him.... (Husband)
  • It may also represent your father’s attributes that you manifest in your dream through a husband image, which are part of the male side of your personality.... (Husband)
  • To dream of your husband represents how your relationship with him is and the opinion of your subconscious towards him.... (Husband)
  • If a woman dreams that her husband is killed because of another woman, it indicates that you are at risk of divorcing or experiencing significant losses.... (Husband)
  • Dreaming of your husband is a sign of strength in the marital relationship.... (Husband)
  • When a woman dreams that her husband is at a party, it suggests problems.... (Husband)
  • If she dreams that he is killed while with another woman, and a scandal ensues, she will be in danger of separating from her husband or losing property.... (Husband)
  • For a woman Dreaming she sees her husband in a compromising position with an unsuspected party, denotes she will have trouble through the indiscretion of friends.... (Husband)
  • To see your husband depart from you, and as he recedes from you he grows larger, inharmonious surroundings will prevent immediate congeniality.... (Husband)
  • To be in love with another woman’s husband in your dreams, denotes that you are not happily married, or that you are not happy unmarried, but the chances for happiness are doubtful.... (Husband)
  • For an unmarried woman Dreaming that she has a husband, denotes that she is wanting in the graces which men most admire.... (Husband)
  • Dreaming that your husband is leaving you, and you do not understand why, there will be bitterness between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will ensue.... (Husband)
  • The main meaning of this dream is that you should be braver and more confident with yourself.... (Anal Sex)
  • Maybe partner you have do not pay enough attention to you, especially the sexual one.... (Sex)
  • There might be something you are shy to talk about or to do.... (Anal Sex)
  • A woman, pregnancy.... (Sex)
  • In such cases, it is often caused by the subconscious to make needs more perceptible, and to do this it shows us extreme scenes.... (Sex)
  • Make sure you interpreter yourself well and accept yourself fully for who you are.... (Sex)
  • We may be wanting innovation or originality, or maybe you are repressing some desires which then emerge in the dream.... (Sex)
  • Most of the times it is the reflection of real needs that aren´t satisfied enough.... (Sex)
  • If you never have this kind of dreams, then it indicates that you don´t have interest in this topic and a consult with your own awareness is suggested.... (Sex)
  • If the dream acquires morbid connotations, then it indicates tiredness from a monotonous sexual life.... (Sex)
  • (Also see Earth)... (Mother)
  • Gossips, risk of falling into contradictions and errors, disloyalty.... (Father-in-law, mother-in-law)
  • In this dream the action happens here and now, if not so this is another dream, for example, if we see relatives and characters from our childhood we refer to children.... (Family, Relatives, Cousin, Nephew, Father-in-law/Mother-in-law, Aunt/Uncle, Son-in-law)
  • To see a relative in dreams announces surprises or news.... (Family, Relatives, Cousin, Nephew, Father-in-law/Mother-in-law, Aunt/Uncle, Son-in-law)
  • To see that deceased relatives that are alive, announces some good or bad event, depending on whether the relative has a calm or agitated expression.... (Family, Relatives, Cousin, Nephew, Father-in-law/Mother-in-law, Aunt/Uncle, Son-in-law)
  • This dream announces future difficulties.... (Mother of pearl)
  • See her dead, peril in person or goods.... (Mother)
  • Speak to her ; happy tidings.... (Mother)
  • Of returning to it; return to your native country, if you have been away, reunion of relatives and friends.... (Mother)
  • Dwell with her; peace, security.... (Mother)
  • To see her, gain.... (Mother)
  • Mothers provide protection, comfort, life, support and love.... (Mother)
  • Some people may have problems to break free from their mothers and are looking for their own individuality and development.... (Mother)
  • Man’s dreams are most pleasing when he sees his parents, grand parents or a relative.... (Mother)
  • If in real life he is awaiting someone’s return from a journey, that person could arrive shortly.... (Mother)
  • If one is sick, it means that he will be cured from his illness.... (Mother)
  • (Also see Pearl)... (Mother of pearl)
  • To hear her call indicates sadness at her absence or a guilty conscience.... (Mother)
  • To hold her in conversation, you will soon have good news from interests you are anxious over.... (Mother)
  • To hear her cry as if in pain, omens her illness, or some affliction is menacing you.... (Mother)
  • Travelling with her means the desire to recover certain keys of our life rooted in childhood.... (Mother)
  • If he is rich, it means restrictions of his earnings, for a child is dependent on others, and his movements are restricted.... (Mother)
  • All the same in one’s dream, seeing her means attaining one’s goal.... (Mother)
  • A married woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she has a very uncomfortable life with her husband because she doesn’t have a nice relationship with her family, her mother in law, or because the husband is very jealous, disobliged or vicious.... (Kidnapping)
  • If she is observing the ‘Iddah period because of her husband’s death in the dream, it means her divorce, or the death of her husband, mother, father, or anyone for whose sake one will renounce comfort, beautiful clothing, tasty food, the pleasures of this world and the company of others.... (‘Iddah)
  • Dreaming that he is in love with another woman, he will soon tire of his present surroundings and seek pleasure elsewhere.... (Husband)
  • If he is sick, you will be mistreated by him and he will be unfaithful.... (Husband)
  • Unfavorable conditions follow this dream, though the evil is often exaggerated.... (Husband)
  • Such dream is also a sign of solid and permanent bond.... (Husband or Wife)
  • Your wish will not be granted.... (Husband)
  • To see him gay and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and bright prospects will be yours.... (Husband)
  • If disagreeable conclusions are avoided, harmony will be reinstated.... (Husband)
  • To see him pale and careworn, sickness will tax you heavily, as some of the family will linger in bed for a time.... (Husband)
  • If he mistreats and upbraids you for unfaithfulness, you will hold his regard and confidence, but other worries will ensue and you are warned to be more discreet in receiving attention from men.... (Husband)
  • Long life.... (Husband)
  • If you see him dead, disappointment and sorrow will envelop you.... (Husband)
  • (Benediction | Grace | Light) In a dream, blessings represent one’s life, hearing, sight, good health, wealth, good qualities, contentment, gratitude, faith, guidance, submission to God Almighty, obedience to one’s parents, having obedient children, having a husband or a wife, children, lineage, friends, love, compassion, happiness, comfort, endowments, attainments, success, provi- sions, knowledge, wisdom, balance, intelligence, clarity, truthfulness, work, strength, peace in the land, safety, protection, a just ruler, rain or they could mean a good crop, etcetera.... (Blessings)
  • If a sick person sees himself having sexual intercourse with his mother in a dream, it means his death, for the mother here represent the earth.... (Sexual intercourse)
  • Of having the hair as long as that of a woman, effeminacy and weakness as belonging to that sex.... (Hair)
  • To dream of the screwdriver could relate to the same symbol of the screw, which means that you are thinking about having sex with someone.... (Screwdriver)
  • For a young woman Dreaming of having corns on her feet, indicates she will have to bear many crosses and be coldly treated by her sex.... (Corns)
  • Having sex with your own daughter means scandal, and if you dream you sleep with your sister, it can indicate a close trip.... (Bed)
  • A young woman who dreams of having sex with an acrobat indicates that want to experience flings, perhaps as a result of past disappointments or for no apparent reason.... (Acrobats)
  • The condom could also indicate the fear of diseases that you might get if having unprotected sex.... (Condom)
  • (Male reproductive glands) In a dream, testicles represent the elements of husband and wife, one’s two children, trade, business, doors, doormen, money pouch, or the female members of one’s family, including sisters, daughters, mother or aunts.... (Testicles)
  • The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents God’s House, a mosque, a community center of all Muslims, and it represents a teacher, a guide, Islam, the holy Qur’an, the prophetic traditions, one’s son, a religious scholar, a shaikh, a master, a husband, one’s mother, and the heavenly paradise.... (Ka’aba)
  • If any of the flowers of the lily family are cut, or made into a bouquet in the dream, then they mean sorrow, and if they are seen on their mother plant, they mean happiness, a husband or a son.... (Hyacinth)
  • Otherwise, the sun in a dream could represent, the governor, one’s husband, wife, child, mother, daughter, aunt, father, or grandfather and the above interpretations will relate to such a person.... (Sun)
  • Seeing an unknown land could denote one’s mother, child, husband, wife, partner, guardian, a servant, or it could mean one’s heirs.... (Earth 2)
  • Fighting unjust people in a dream means triumph over injustice, supporting the needs of one’s father or mother first, or being protective of one’s wife or husband.... (Fight)
  • When a man dreams of himself having fun with a famous actress, it reveals that he longs for breaking free from some pressures, perhaps as a result of strained relationship with his wife (or girlfriend if he’s not married), or a close relative (usually the mother, aunt, etc.), and it also means that this relationship becomes more strained every day.... (Actors or actresses)
  • If an effeminate person who is also bisexual sees himself as having a vagina, or if he looks at his penis in a dream, it means separation from his wife or mother or segregation from his friends.... (Effeminate)
  • (Adversities | Benefits | Brother in-law | Distress | Father-in-law | Mother- in-law | Profits | Son in-law | Stress) Having in-laws in a dream for someone who does not have in-laws means strength, peace and tranquility.... (In-laws)
  • Eating from a honeycomb with honey still in it in a dream means having sexual intercourse with one’s own mother.... (Honeycomb)
  • It can also mean the path to fulfill one’s needs, having a high ranking connection with the governor, or it could represent one’s wife, father or mother.... (Bridge)
  • If a married woman after the dream of being in a soldier’s camp is in danger of having her husband’s name sullied, and divorce courts may be her destination.... (Camp)
  • If she sees herself having charcoal colored hair in a dream, it means that she will live from her husband’s wealth or inheritance.... (Strand of hair)
  • If she sees herself having a charcoal colored hair in the dream, it means that she will live satisfied with her husband’s wealth or inheritance.... (Black hair)
  • One’s kidney in a dream means having a good business connection, dispelling adversities, distress, trouble, safety from danger, a husband and a wife, one’s parents, or it could represent two lovers.... (Body 1)
  • If a woman sees herself having hairy legs in a dream, it means humiliation or a trick that she will play before her husband, or that her private life will become public knowledge, or that she will receive spiritual guidance after that she lived in heedlessness.... (Leg)
  • If a woman sees her entire body dyed with henna in a dream, it means having a good relationship with her husband.... (Henna)
  • If the quilts are clean, but having holes in them, she will win a husband who appreciates her worth, but he will not be the one most desired by her for a companion.... (Quilts)
  • If a woman sees herself having a thick black hair in a dream, it means that she will marry a respected and a handsome looking husband.... (Black hair)
  • If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a child in a dream though having not had sexual intercourse with her husband, it means that she will discover a hidden treasure.... (Pregnancy)
  • If a woman sees herself having a beard in a dream, it means losing her husband and if she is a widow, it means that she will marry a hard-working man who is compatible with her.... (Beard)
  • If a woman sees her hair turned gray in a dream, it means the arrival of guests, or it could mean that her husband is having a mistress.... (Gray hair)
  • Having no lips in a dream means loosing any of the above, or one’s dream could mean a broken door, or loosing one’s keys, or perhaps it could mean the death of one’s parents, husband or wife.... (Lips)
  • If she has her palms read, she will have many friends of the opposite sex, but her own sex will condemn her.... (Palmistry)
  • (Granary | Pantry | Storrage room | Subterranean storehouse) An underground grain storage house in a dream represents a caring mother, a single parent or a foster mother.... (Underground granary)
  • For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience.... (Secret Order)
  • If one sees Eve with her beautiful countenance in a dream, then she represents his mother, for Eve is the mother of humankind.... (Eve)
  • If the ship sinks, and if some of its debris and boards remain afloat in the dream, it may mean the death of one’s mother, for one’s mother was once his ship.... (Ship)
  • If a young single mother dreams of being mother of a newborn, suggests that someone is creating rumors that will hurt her.... (Baby)
  • A piper in a dream also could represent a mourner, a good mother, or perhaps a bad mother who is bereaved of her child.... (Piper)
  • If one sees milk coming forth from his thumb and blood coming forth from his index finger in a dream, it means that he will marry a mother, then will he marry her daughter, or it could mean that he will rape the mother, then her daughter.... (Body 1)
  • Looking at a pen one is holding in his hand and seeing another pen laying beside him in a dream denotes having a half brother, or if one’s mother is pregnant, it means that she will deliver a new son.... (Pen)
  • (Collar | Neckband | Neckwear) In a dream, a collarband represents the pleasure and pride of a mother or a wife to see her sons or daughter having a jewelry business.... (Collarband)
  • If a woman sees a strand of her hair being cut in a dream, it means a fight between her and her husband, or it could mean that someone is encouraging her husband to seek another woman.... (Hair)
  • This same dream for a married woman announces problems at home, with her husband or family, particularly his husband.... (Earrings)
  • For a married woman to hug others than her husband, she will endanger her honor in accepting attentions from others in her husband’s absence.... (Hugging)
  • If the wife of such a friend wipes the nasal mucus of her husband’s guest in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband and carry the child of his friend.... (Nasal mucus)
  • If married woman dreams that she sees her husband reflected in a mirror, it announces that she’ll experience moments of anguish because she doubts about her husband’s fidelity.... (Mirror)
  • If a woman sees her husband’s arrows in their quiver in a dream, it means that her husband has turned away from her.... (Arrows)
  • To beat one’s husband, fear of the wife and love of the husband.... (Beat)
  • (Overseas cap | Persian toga | Roman toga | Shawl) In a dream, a cap means travels, a wife who is supporting her husband, or a husband who is supporting his wife.... (Cap)
  • Misfortune and disgrace, notable for the husband, to whom this dream foretells his wife’s temptations, while to the wife it announces that her husband closes his eyes upon her improprieties that she shall not watch him.... (Crows)
  • If it is with her husband’s friend, she will be unjustly ignored by her husband.... (Adultery)
  • When a woman dreams of committing adultery with a friend of her husband, it suggests that, among other interpretations, she consciously or subconsciously wants revenge because his husband neglects her, which obviously can lead to delicate situations in marriage, therefore that dream is actually a warning, so you can fix whatever that needs to be fixed just in time.... (Adultery)
  • If one sees himself sleeping with someone else’s wife, while the husband is not minding in a dream, it means that the husband will entrust him with his home to manage.... (Adultery)
  • It also could mean satisfaction of one’s needs, fulfillment of one’s desire, marriage, partnership, exposing a secret, working with minerals, protecting women’s chastity, imprisonment, the house entrance, the front door, travels, the prayer niche inside a mosque, one’s innermost secret, running water, heat, an oven, a garment, a canyon, discovering a cure for an illness and feeling happy about it, finding an elixir, feeling relief after having sexual relationship with one’s spouse, a grave, distress, one’s wife, fire, a burning desires, family reunion, having children, dispelling doubt about what is right and what is wrong, clearly identifying true from false, finding guidance, or heeding admonition.... (Vagina)
  • The dream of having difficulty to breath could also be caused by the internal stimulus where you are having problems with breathing because of asthma or runny nose.... (Breathe)
  • You should consider, as there might be something missing in the relationships you are having, that why you are having those fears.... (Adultery)
  • (Secretary) In a dream, hiding a secret means concealing knowledge from those who need it, or it could mean having good nature, or having good qualities.... (Keeping a secret)
  • Having large cuts of coal when one needs small pieces in a dream means worries, distress and concerns, while having fine crushed coal when one needs chunks to light a fire in a dream means diminishing of one’s wealth .... (Coal)
  • Doubting the truth or having doubt about God’s revelations in a dream means hypocrisy, having double standards, duplicity, or entrapment of a chaste woman.... (Doubt)
  • Dreaming of having a heavy heart, without having any justification for it in real life, announces that there will be an unpleasant event, perhaps an accident of someone close, which could be a relative or a friend.... (Nerves)
  • When you dream of being at the bar, it symbolizes your wish to dissapear and be at the place where everyone is relaxed, having no worries, having a good time and being surrounded by positive energy.... (Bar)
  • Having a tail in a dream means having a following of people or students.... (Tail)
  • It also could mean having musical inclinations, or having a picnic.... (Earrings)
  • Having two tongues in a dream also means backbiting others, or having two faces with people, for people say that so-and so has two tongues or two faces.... (Tongue)
  • If you are dreaming having aches, this could be the sign of you having too many doubts about your business, you should be careful and stronger if you want to achieve the goal in your life, because there might be someone who is stealing your ideas and will make their own business out of your ideas.... (Aches)
  • If a young man or a young woman see themselves having an operation where their chest is opened, or having an open heart surgery for example in a dream, it means that they are in love.... (Surgery)
  • (Mole | Strawberry mark) If one sees himself having a birthmark in a dream, it means that he will be caught and be accused of a sin, or a crime someone else has committed, or it could mean paying for someone else’s fault, or it could mean having a good character or nature.... (Birthmark)
  • Dreaming about having some trouble or fight with someone while cooking, for example having food hitting the ground, or breaking something, indicates that the expected friends will create problems for the dreamer.... (Cooking)