• Buying beans in a dream means loss, illness and sadness.... (Beans)
  • If you dream of eating the beans it symbolizes the bond between your roots and mankind.... (Beans)
  • Keep in mind that the most important symbol of beans is the fecundity and productivity.... (Beans)
  • Dreaming of beans is the best omen those who want to have a child can have because it’s a guarantee of the child’s next arrival.... (Beans)
  • Dried beans, means much disappointment in worldly affairs.... (Beans)
  • Eating beans in a dream means discussions and family problems will pass away very soon.... (Beans)
  • Beans symbolize frequent rows and disputes, even physical violence.... (Beans)
  • To cook beans means arduous work.... (Beans)
  • The other explanation of seeing or eating beans says that the most important subject of your your being is the u quality of your soul and it represents the endless life which you should indicate and live as only you could live once.... (Beans)
  • In a dream, buying something means selling it.... (Buying)
  • Buying an object that we already have, risk of financial difficulties.... (Buying)
  • (See Lupine)... (Beans)
  • To see them growing, means envy, malice.... (Kidney Beans)
  • Criticism and scandal on the part of an inferior.... (Kidney Beans)
  • To eat them, quarrel, dissension, sickness.... (Beans)
  • This is a bad dream.... (Beans)
  • Make sure you know what ties you up with people around you.... (Beans)
  • The dream means sarcasm, mockery or laughter from a person who is inferior to the dreamer.... (Green beans)
  • Dreaming of eating them, implies the misfortune or illness of a well loved friend.... (Beans)
  • Care should be taken to prevent contagious diseases from spreading.... (Beans)
  • To see them growing, omens worries and sickness among children.... (Beans)
  • If we buy clothing, then there is a need of security, comfort.... (Buying)
  • (Also see Sale)... (Buying)
  • When you buy furniture, then it brings an advantageous financial situation.... (Buying)
  • New objects, if they are useful, it signifies a period of benefits.... (Buying)
  • When you buy vegetables, then it foretells about disputes at home.... (Buying)
  • Fruits which you buy are the reflection of sentimental disappointment.... (Buying)
  • (Carob beans) In a dream, carob beans means debilitation or death of a sick person, whether he eats it in his dream or not.... (Carob)
  • Boiled lupine beans in a dream represent medicine, or fast earnings.... (Lupine)
  • Dreaming about green or immature coffee beans suggests that enemies will try to prevent the dreamer to reach his or her goals in business, affection, etc.... (Coffee)
  • Cooked or broiled fowl meat in a dream means profits and money earned from a woman through deception and dishonesty.... (Meat)
  • The milk emanates from the udders of an animal and the porridge is cooked on fire, thus all three can be interpreted according to their individual meaning.... (Porridge)
  • Eating a meal that is cooked with meat in a dream means richness for a poor person.... (Food)
  • If one sees himself preparing food on fire, and if his food is well cooked in the dream, it means that he will attain success and become famous.... (Cooking)
  • Otherwise, if his food is not well cooked in the dream, it means that he will fail to attain his goal.... (Cooking)
  • Eating it cooked in a dream means defrauding someone, then falling sick and recovering from one’s illness.... (Meat)
  • If they are cooked in the dream, then they represent a lawful income, or they could mean gobbling the property of one’s own children.... (Body 1)
  • Eating a meal that is cooked without meat in a dream also may mean poverty, or it could mean devotion.... (Food)
  • (Flesh | Knowledge | Money | Substance | Wealth) Cooked meat in a dream means money.... (Meat)
  • If the meat is well-cooked in a dream, it means good news.... (Roasted meat)
  • If she sees cooked meat, it denotes that others will obtain the object for which she will strive.... (Meat)
  • If the food is well cooked in the dream, then it means money and profits.... (Cooking)
  • If in the dream they are already cooked and ready to be eaten, then it indicates the upcoming and imminent release of the problems that have been bothering you and deviating you from your goals.... (Mushrooms)
  • Eating cooked sprouts in a dream means benefits in every respect.... (Sprout)
  • The cooked meat of a snake in a dream means receiving money from one’s enemy.... (Meat)
  • Eating cooked meat in a dream means increase in one’s wealth.... (Meat)
  • Eating it cooked in a dream means refraining from pursuing such avenues.... (Leek)
  • To eat them well cooked, security in business and quick returns.... (Peas)
  • Dreaming about eating cooked beef hints that soon the dreamer will require help in certain activities and mainly in regards to health.... (Beef)
  • If the food is burnt or not cooked, then it warns you that you have much to learn in order to succeed.... (Kitchen, cooking)
  • Eating meat cooked with vinegar from a ladle in a dream means living happily with dignity from money one has earned from his own labor, or it could mean serving the domestic needs of others, working for rich people and making good money, making healthy profits from one’s trade, or winning an important political appointment.... (Ladle)
  • Eating a cooked or a broiled scorpion in a dream means making money behind the back of one’s enemy, or winning ajust inheritance case against one’s opponent.... (Scorpion)
  • If we eat them cooked, it announces a meal among friends.... (Chestnut)
  • Dreaming of eating green mustard cooked, indicates the lavish waste of fortune, and mental strain.... (Mustard)
  • Cooked, perspective of happiness.... (Meat, ham)
  • However, eating cooked garlic in a dream means repentance.... (Garlic)
  • To see, or eat cooked beef, anguish surpassing human aid is before you.... (Beef)
  • Eating it cooked in a dream means steeling money from him if he recognizes him.... (Head)
  • Cooked onions, denote placidity and small gains in business.... (Onions)
  • Eating cooked wheat in a dream means afflictions.... (Wheat)
  • If the meat is cooked in his dream, it means that one will greatly benefit from such a person, and his earnings will be lawful.... (Pot)
  • If they’re cooked that announces grief and sorrow, and if we eat them – disease.... (Peas)
  • A pumpkin in a dream could also denote medicine and particularly when cooked.... (Pumpkin)
  • Eating a cooked pumpkin in a dream also means acquiring knowledge, or memorizing some of it, or it could mean reestablishing broken ties.... (Pumpkin)
  • If one eats it raw, cooked, or broiled in the dream, it means that he swallows unlawful money, or knowingly eats impermissible food.... (Swine)
  • When a pitcher is highly priced in a dream, it denotes the high rank of the one who is interested in buying it.... (Pitcher)
  • Buying or carrying a measure of barley in a dream means that one may conceive a son who will grow to be pious and a man of knowledge, though his life will be short.... (Barley)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of buying... (Purchasing)
  • Carrying the Holy Book, or buying a copy of the Qur’an in a dream means living by its criterion.... (Holy Book)
  • Dreaming that you are eating, preparing, or buying food is a sign that you’re very afraid of poverty, of suffering material losses, loneliness, rejection of others, illness, and aging.... (Food)
  • To dream that you’re buying jewelry suggests that at that moment your economic situation is doing well, and that you have maintained a good social position.... (Jewels)
  • Buying barley from its distributor in a dream means receiving a great wealth or an inheritance, though one must pay its due alms tax and charities.... (Barley)
  • Dreaming of buying perfumes suggests that the dreamer is looking to get away from the environment in which he or she lives in, mostly because of disappointments that have already occurred.... (Perfume)
  • Wearing a pair of slippers in a dream also means a journey, or travelling by sea, or it could mean buying a new vehicle.... (Slippers)
  • Dreaming of oneself buying or using new clothes in a good way, that is a suit or dress, means upcoming changes in the dreamer’s life.... (Dress)
  • Plaster in a dream also could be interpreted as having a good marriage, good children, assiduity, concern for one’s religious duties, applying knowledge to one’s words, ability to appreciate and to express one’s gratitude, recovering from an illness, buying new clothing, or drafting a just agreement.... (Plaster)
  • Buying something with silver coins of unknown origin, or placing them inside a silver bowl in a dream means hiding something suspicious, or receiving something as a trust that one should keep with honesty, then return it to its rightful owner when asked to do so.... (Silver)
  • Having a suitcase, buying or receiving one as a gift in a dream means relief from difficulties.... (Suitcase)
  • Buying a ticket is a good omen, if you are rewarded remember the numbers and try to acquire it.... (Lottery)
  • Buying it, you may with ease retain your credit.... (Coffee)
  • Buying it or selling it means confidence and security.... (Gold)
  • If one sees himself as a store owner, sitting in his shop, surrounded with his merchandise, giving orders, buying and selling in a dream, it means a commanding post in his own field.... (Merchant)
  • The dreamer will experience a moral or a physical pain, if the dreamer dreams of buying it, it may mean that he’ll get ill; if the dreamer sells it, it’s a happy sign.... (Absinthe)
  • Dreaming of yourself buying something in an auction means future and profitable businesses, or good social or emotional relationships.... (Auction)
  • Buying a piece of human flesh in a dream means having a stagnant merchandise.... (Flesh)
  • Buying a glittering glass ornament, or a house made of mother of pearls in a dream means choosing the pleasures of this world over the everlasting bliss of the hereafter, disdaining from obeying God’s commands, or it could mean becoming an apostate.... (Mother of pearl)
  • Buying a copy of the Holy Book in dream means benefits, prosperity and becoming a renowned and a distinguished religious scholar.... (Holy Book)
  • Buying an animal’s head from a butcher in a dream means asking one’s superior for a teacher for a special training, a coach, a continuing education program, or a better job.... (Butcher)
  • A chair in a dream also signifies delivering a babe, travels, a vehicle, buying a house or initiating a good practice that people will emulate and follow.... (Chair)
  • Dreaming of buying a rope suggests that the dreamer yearns to achieve full stability in every way, including sentimental stability.... (Rope)
  • (Advantage | Gains | Profits | Spoils) In a dream, receiving a share in a booty means joy, happiness, profits, benefits, attaining one’s goals, blessings in one’s earnings, buying power, or it could mean abundance.... (Booty)
  • Buying or eating them means that you have a great infantile fixation or you need affection and love.... (Sweets)
  • Buying jewelry, especially silver cutlery, indicates playfulness.... (Jewelry)
  • To the tradesman, foolish buying, in which he is likely to incur loss of good money.... (Bishop)
  • Dreaming of buying liquor, denotes selfish usurpation of property upon which you have no legal claim If you sell it, you will be criticised for niggardly benevolence.... (Liquor)
  • If you dream of buying or seeing a bedspread, it indicates your sexual desires and the way you look or represent yourself.... (Bedspread)
  • Seeing one’s own back in a dream also could mean buying new clothing, or it could mean feeling strong because of one’s knowledge, his son, power, political connections, wealth or property.... (Back)
  • Buying with money in a dream means risk of being suborned.... (Money)
  • Buying a new and a beautiful- looking mattress in a dream means marriage to a chaste and a beautiful woman.... (Mattress)
  • Owning a precious stone in a dream could mean buying one in wakefulness, or it may mean gaining a strong foothold over someone of the same caliber, or it could mean a marriage to a compatible person.... (Stone 1)
  • Dreaming you’re eating, preparing or buying food, means you have a great fear of poverty, to suffer material losses, loneliness, rejection of others, illness and growing old.... (Food)
  • Buying a cradle or sitting in a cradle in a dream means blessings, grace, profits and comfort.... (Cradle)
  • An unknown mattress in an unknown place in a dream means buying, receiving, or inheriting a farmland.... (Mattress)
  • Buying a ship in a dream means gettingmarried.... (Ship)
  • Dream about bidding or buying or even selling in auction also indicates something that you have learned from your past and will try not to do the same mistakes you were used to do.... (Auction (public sale))
  • Buying folded yardage of silk fabric in a dream means getting a housemaid.... (Brocade)
  • Eating the flesh of a partridge in a dream means buying new clothing, or storing food for one’s family.... (Partridge)
  • If instead of buying it you’re selling it, then it warns you that you’ll be accused due to your misconduct.... (Wine)
  • Dreaming about buying wine indicates selfishness and an intent to misappropriate something.... (Wine)
  • Dream of buying a lottery ticket is sign of good omen.... (Lottery)
  • Buying something, then selling it in a dream means needing people’s help.... (Buyer)
  • Buying a fish in a dream may mean marriage.... (Fish)
  • If you dream that you’re buying a lantern or flashlight suggests that you’ll have a good business or improve those that already exist.... (Lamp)
  • Buying or reading it means no founded fears, calumnies and slanders.... (Newspaper)
  • Using or buying a wig means hypocrisy, false friends, infidelity from the loved one.... (Wig)
  • Dreaming of buying at an auction, signifies close deals to tradesmen, and good luck in live stock to the farmer.... (Auction)
  • (Cucumber | Large cucumber | Squirting cucumber) Seeing or eating the large variety of cucumber known as snake-cucumber in a dream means blessed money, a good business, or buying a new property.... (Snake-cucumber)
  • As for the fifth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadul Awwal, seeing a dream during this month means that one should slow down or scrutinize his buying and selling, or it could mean that he may lose his daughter or wife, for it is in this month that the daughter of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, Fatima died.... (Arabic months)
  • Buying a quiver in a dream means getting married.... (Quiver)
  • A mold maker practicing his trade, buying and selling what he casts in a dream represents someone who is well acquainted with his profession, and who knows how to promote his services.... (Molder)
  • Buying a container of ice during a hot weather in a dream means profits that will bring financial stability to one’s family, or hearing good news that will comfort and cool one’s heart.... (Ice)
  • Buying a new belt in a dream means protecting one’s property, money or knowledge.... (Belt)
  • Buying camphor can mean winning a heritage from a distant relative.... (Camphor)
  • Dreaming that you are buying insurance, can have symbolic meaning of reference to a lack of trust.... (Insurance)
  • Dreaming of being inside a fish market even if you aren’t buying anything, could mean that business is productive and there are currently good social relationships.... (Fish)
  • To dream that you are buying a dog, indicates your inclination to bribe or buy your friends or buy compliments / favors.... (Dog)
  • Seeing the glass of one’s window tainted or colored means planting seedlings, inflorescence, conceiving children, continuing one’s education, buying new clothes, or crowning someone.... (Window)
  • Wearing a special costume for a festival or a celebration in a dream means prosperity and a wealth that is saved for one’s children, or it could mean buying new merchandise for one’s shop.... (Clothing)
  • Buying a new threshold or sitting on one in a dream means that either the husband or the wife may suffer a bodily injury.... (Threshold)
  • If we see ourselves buying in one it indicates that a successful initiative will ensure the proper development of your position.... (Drugstore)
  • (Dwellings | Hardship | House | Journey) Buying or receiving an apart- ment as a gift in a dream means undertaking a distant and a difficult trip.... (Apartment)
  • (Day) The dawning of the daylight in a dream means relief from pain, distress and sorrow, or it could mean buying a new garment, marriage, having beautiful children, the emergence of truth, unveiling what is hidden, release from prison or the coming home of a traveller.... (Daylight)
  • Dreaming that you are buying a farm, denotes abundant crops to the farmer, a profitable deal of some kind to the business man, and a safe voyage to travelers and sailors.... (Farm)
  • Eating or buying ham means deals with a wise woman.... (Ham)
  • If one’s leg seems fat in the dream, it denotes a good financial standing, or it could mean buying a good car, or receiving a pleasing gift.... (Leg)
  • Seeing the moon in the position of Scorpio in a dream means benefits for health oriented people, or for buying new clothing, though it also could connote negative results for travellers.... (Moon)
  • Seeing or eating sweets in a dream indicates one’s sincerity in his religious attendance, release of a prisoner, arrival of a traveller, recovery of a sick person, marriage of an unwed person, guidance, repentance, learning the Qur’an, buying new clothing for one’s children, having a loyal servant, or earning blessed monies.... (Sweets)
  • For people in authority, a chair in their dream represents an appointment, a promotion, fame, marriage, children or buying an expensive property, a new vehicle or a new garment.... (Chair)
  • Buying wheat in a dream means increase in one’s earnings, or in the number of his children.... (Wheat)
  • Also entering without buying can mean a simple desire for promiscuity that usually appears in our life when we lack human warmth or communication.... (Market)
  • Buying goods indicates joy and happiness.... (Good)
  • If anxiety is greatly felt in closing the trade, you will succeed in buying or selling something that will prove profitable to you.... (Stone)
  • To enter the market without actually buying reflects the search, the need to find the means or the most appropriate way for the realization of our projects and ambitions.... (Market)
  • Buying a mare in a dream also means getting married.... (Mare)
  • Owning, buying or playing with a toy is a sign of whimsical love.... (Toy)
  • Buying a glittering glass ornament, or a house made of mother of pearl in a dream means choosing the pleasures of this world over the everlasting joy of the hereafter, or it could mean disdaining to obey God’s commands, or it could mean becoming an apostate.... (Glass)
  • Buying it or wearing it means that you must adjust your spends to get the best out of your money.... (Belt)
  • Buying a ram from a butcher in a dream means that a noble and a great person will come to need the person seeing the dream who will save him from a foreseeable danger, or help him to recover from an illness.... (Ram)
  • To dream that you’re buying emeralds indicates that you’ll make bad businesses.... (Emeralds)
  • Owninga gemstone in a dream could mean buying one in real life.... (Gemstone)
  • Some authors suggest that buying a puppy in a dream symbolizes that you will become pregnant.... (Puppy)
  • To dream that you’re buying or selling fruit symbolizes that your business is productive.... (Fruit)
  • If you are buying coffee, then the risks are lower.... (Coffee)
  • (Attire | Goodwill | Secondhand) Buying used clothing in a dream means poverty, but selling worn garments in a dream means good deeds, for in that case, one repels his aggravation or unwarranted adversities.... (Used clothing)
  • Dreaming of coming into the possession of a donkey by present, or buying, you will attain to enviable heights in the business or social world, and if single, will contract a congenial marriage.... (Donkey)
  • Buying from him in a dream also means hiring a worker who is trained at the hands of an experienced master.... (Roasted meat)
  • Buying a lighter or possessing one within dreams means that the way you act will result polemic for the ones around you.... (Lighter)
  • Buying a horse and tending the money to the seller in the dream means profits in one’s business, or earning money from teaching.... (Horse)
  • If one sees himself buying bread from a baker and if the baker does not look at how much money is tendered in the dream, it means that the baker is a noble man, and he is capable of doing good deeds without anticipating a reward.... (Baker)
  • If a sick person rents a room in a hostel or an inn on the highway in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will recover from an illness, or dispel anxiety, or take residence in a new country, or it could mean marriage after being single for a long time, or buying a vehicle, finding a money pouch, or something one can sell to help him during his financial crises.... (Hostel)
  • The dream about the shopping denotes to your wishes of buying things.... (Shopping)
  • Buying a leather shield in a dream also means getting married.... (Leather shield)
  • Buying meat from the butcher in a dream means adversities.... (Meat)
  • If you see yourself that you are acquitted of an offence it represents that you should be careful if you are willing to invest into buying something very valuable such as an estate.... (Acquit)
  • If you dream that you’re buying steel, it’s a sign of a prosperous trade.... (Steel)
  • When dreaming of buying bread, it signifies the dreamer’s own hypocrisy as a defense against those around him or her to hide the prosperity in which the dreamer lives.... (Bakery)
  • Dreaming of buying or selling geese or duck feathers, denotes thrift and fortune.... (Feather)