• Since molds are containers, then he represents a man of knowledge who understands and protects people’s secrets.... (Molder)
  • As for godly and righteous people, seeing the Preserved Tablet in a dream means guidance relating to what God Almighty has written of commands and prohibitions.... (Tablet)
  • For old people to dream of a cemetery, symbolizes that they will soon make other journeys where they will find perfect rest.... (Cemetery)
  • (Coating | Glazier | Pride) In a dream, an enamelist represents someone who is proud of himself or who is arrogant and deceives himself about his greatness, wealth and attainments, or who mixes with and befriends stupid people and opens his heart to them.... (Enamelist)
  • If one sees himself collecting the waters of a flood in jars and people seem happy about it in the dream, it means the availability of food products in abundance and falling or stabilization of prices.... (Flood)
  • A molder in a dream is also interpreted as a person who encourages people to travel even as far as China to acquire knowledge.... (Molder)
  • Dreaming of numbers is very common in accountants, people who work at banks, economists, speakers, etc., and the dreams about the numbers are consequence of working with them so much.... (Numbers)
  • To dream that you’re at a party is usually a good sign, especially if people are dancing happily and dressed in a decent or elegant way, as this suggests prosperity.... (Party)
  • It will be good to observe how this army looks like and if its people deserve our confidence.... (Army)
  • Harsh words to people around you.... (Talcum)
  • When a virgin woman, of any age, dreams that she is pregnant, it announces upcoming scandals, and the main cause of it will be jealousies, intrigues and problems with the people that surrounds her.... (Pregnancy)
  • To dream about menopause suggests that you can’t stand the people around you.... (Menopause)
  • Dreaming with sighs, either other people sighing or we doing it ourselves, means that something that we’ve been waiting for is going to take its time.... (Sigh)
  • Seeing people we do not know in our bed symbolizes danger.... (Bed)
  • If we see other people naked it might mean sexual desire, or the desire to know the thoughts and intentions of others about us.... (Naked, Undressing)
  • Killing of a fly in dreams expresses a desire to move away from conceited people, to make them disappear from our lives and thus avoid discomfort and problems.... (Flies and mosquitoes)
  • If you dream of the gnawing at certain people, then it shows your attempt to fight the issues and problems that have been irritating you for a while.... (Gnaw)
  • If you dream of breathing a hot air it means that there are too much of negative energy around you, be aware of that and make sure you are attentive to people around you.... (Air)
  • A fox in a dream represents a lethal enemy, a perfidious person, a liar, a poet, someone who defraud people, a schemer and a trickster.... (Fox)
  • If the sun discretely shines over one’s belly and without people’s noticing it in the dream, it means that he will be struck with leprosy.... (Sun)
  • Sittingunder the shade of a tree along with a group of people, praising and glorifying God’s attributes in a dream means receiving God’s blessings in this world and in the hereafter.... (Tree)
  • It indicates disagreements with influential people that has a say about the management of your business.... (Back up)
  • Dreaming of a crucifix is a symbol of upcoming problems that affect several people, including the dreamer.... (Cross)
  • Dreaming of silk scarves or bandanas suggests that you have a pleasant, magnetic and charismatic personality, and you project it to the people that surrounds you.... (Silk)
  • To see people you know in the firmament, signifies that they are about to commit some unwise act through you, and others must be the innocent sufferers.... (Firmament)
  • Beware of such people who make you feel bad and take them out of your life as soon as it is possible.... (Tear Gas)
  • When you dream of bedbugs, it represents your irritation at some people or situation.... (Bedbugs)
  • If you dream of something that is absorbed in things that you are doing, it means that you are too much concentrated on your own stuff, ignoring people around you and not paying attention to them.... (Absorb)
  • If one sees his town flooded with blood in a dream, then it represents God’s wrath and punishment for people’s sins.... (Flood)
  • Moulting and songless birds, denotes merciless and inhuman treatment of the outcast and fallen by people of wealth.... (Birds)
  • To see others appearing handsome, denotes that you will enjoy the confidence of fast people.... (Handsome)
  • If you dream of seeing or hearing the aid, then such dream shows that you are neglecting and not hearing what other people are trying to say to you.... (Hearing Aid)
  • If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of making demands on people and controlling situations around you.... (Dog)
  • Counting beads in a dream means getting involved in people’s business, using obscene language, or fornication.... (Counting)
  • Some people around you will cause serious trouble.... (Chimney sweeper)
  • If a young woman dreams of somehow being related to the nobility of any country suggests that her vanity and ambitions make her prejudge people based on their appearance, without distinguishing their merits or their true personal value.... (Nobility)
  • Dreaming of an empty mousetrap could mean that the people who are supposed to be enemies are not or that they don’t exist.... (Rats – Mice)
  • Cleaning throughout a farmland in a dream means seeking the company of righteous people.... (Cleaner)
  • Dreaming of arches made of heavy material, such as bridges or portals, suggests that there is a deep satisfaction because you’re in the process of become successful, in your work or business, which announces a nearby prosperity, despite of some people not understanding what you are doing or they being jealous and therefore seeking to humiliate you and cause you any type of harm.... (Arch)
  • Wearing a woolen garment in a dream means renouncing the world and calling on people to do the same and to desire the benefits of the hereafter.... (Garment)
  • If a thief sees himself carrying musk in a dream, it means that he will cease robbing people, for a sweet fragrance points to its carrier and exposes what he hides.... (Musk)
  • It also denotes the weakness of people’s faith and their lack of trust in God Almighty.... (Noah)
  • In a dream, a basket represents a woman who guards people’s secrets.... (Basket)
  • (Amenity | Extravagance) Luxuries salesman in a dream means enriching oneself at people’s expense.... (Luxuries shop)
  • If one’s headgear is stripped off his head, or if it falls to the ground in a dream, it means the death of his superior, or any of the abovementioned people.... (Headgear)
  • To take a ritual ablution after washing a deceased person in a dream means abandoning one’s association with heedless people.... (Ritual bath)
  • You are warned to avoid the blandishments of seemingly well-meaning people.... (Wet)
  • If no harm occurs in one’s dream, then hail represents glad tidings and especially if people start collecting it in bowls.... (Hail)
  • Cleaning a tree in a dream means investigating the living conditions of religious people.... (Cleaner)
  • Seeing one’s tongue black in a dream means that one may preside over his own people.... (Tongue)
  • If you dream of the skunk, then it suggests you to be more polite as people do not like you for who you are.... (Skunk)
  • If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world.... (Arabic months)
  • In a dream, a floor cleaner represents someone who investigates people’s conditions and likes to help them.... (Cleaner)
  • Dream of other people suffering from madness means a melancholy end to prospects and hope.... (Madness)
  • Dreaming of horseradish, foretells pleasant associations with intellectual and congenial people.... (Horseradish)
  • If you see yourself as an angel it means that you behave very good with other people and this dream represents how good you feel about that.... (Angels)
  • Perhaps you are one of those people who give all they have to achieve the results they are aiming for.... (Bureau)
  • Asking people for water to drink in a dream means lying to them by claiming to be needy.... (Water)
  • (zool.) In a dream, an oriole represents doubt, wonderment, subsiding, concealment, trusting, confiding, associating with people in authority, or fear of one’s enemy.... (Oriole)
  • If the money coins or the banknotes are designed with images or portray the picture of known people in the dream, then they mean engaging in innovation, religious innovation, falsehood or polytheism.... (Counting)
  • If one enters a masjid in the company of a group of people, and if they dig a small hole for him inside the masjid in the dream, it means that he will get married.... (Masjid)
  • If one sees him in a ship in a dream, it means that such a ship will escape from destruction, or that all its people will be saved from drowning.... (Noah)
  • People around do assert their claims.... (Suffer)
  • Dreaming of collaborating for kidnapping someone means that you are living and interacting with people with a very low moral level, maybe criminals.... (Kidnapping)
  • You frequent people who do not agree with your way of being.... (Cricket)
  • This dream in the case of people, who are just dating, indicates mutual suspicion of cheating and infidelity.... (Letters)
  • Perhaps you feel that people may see your real intentions.... (Housecoat)
  • If we slander people, it states that we have been imprudent.... (Slander)
  • When you lend something for others, then such dream indicates your responsibilities and duties to other people.... (Lending)
  • If an unwed person sees himself buttoning a shirt in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will play an important role in uniting two people, or to bring peace between two partners, or that he will revive an old and a forsaken project.... (Button)
  • If the ornaments are made from led in the dream, it means that they are weak people.... (Cummerbund)
  • Terrorizing people in a dream also means poverty, loss of business, a severe illness, or it could represent profits that will turn into losses.... (Terrorization)
  • The stretch marks are also the indicator of your efforts to be in help for other people all the time.... (Stretch Marks)
  • On the other hand, if one strikes a flint stone with a piece of steel and produces sparks from them in his dream, it means that he will witness an awesome fight between two rock hearted and cruel people.... (Flint Stone)
  • Announces opposite circumstances to your hopes that will make you look for support on people who are wishing to see you fail in your activities.... (Usurer)
  • Dreaming about wasps instead of bees indicates that you are being surrounded by negative people who are going to intrigue you.... (Bees)
  • There are people who because of their deep religious beliefs, think so much about Christ that they might even believe to have seen him and heard him while being awake or in dreams.... (Christ)
  • What the people accompanying us say or do will inform us about our true personalities.... (Lake)
  • If you saw yourself urinating in front of other people, then it suggest you to make some privacy in your life.... (Urination)
  • However, honey in a dream also means distress, trouble, bad-temper, jealousy, or worrying about people’s perfidy, for honey also attracts flies and wasps.... (Honey)
  • Herding one’s flock in a dream means serving one’s people with compassion, and caring for their interests.... (Shepherd)
  • The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, a forthcoming evil, women’s cries for help, or the cry of people who ab andoned all hope .... (Voice)
  • Seeing a spring in the valley in a dream means blessings for most people and particularly for the sick and the needy.... (Fountainhead)
  • Maybe you became a bit irritating or even annoying and that is the main reason why people are avoiding you.... (Bed)
  • Talking with deceased people in a dream means longevity.... (Death)
  • Otherwise, it means that one will serve God’s House and fill it with invocations, supplications, serving the interest of the community, leading the people to unity and love, and teaching them to value obedience to God’s commands.... (Masjid)
  • If people touch one’s tongue or suck it in a dream, it means that they are acquiring his knowledge.... (Tongue)
  • It also could mean one’s pursuit to be accepted by the people, either by defending them or by daring to face their enemy.... (Courage)
  • (Affection | Benevolence | Love) In a dream, amity between people means a wise judgement, understanding the consequences of things, realizing one’s benefits, unity and balance.... (Amity)
  • Perhaps you feel unaccepted or that people do not pay enough attention to you.... (Hear)
  • Dreaming of a banquet is a good symbol, especially when it’s developed in a healthy and joyful time, this dream implies that important people will encourage you, and help you selflessly without having bad intentions.... (Banquet)
  • Dreaming that someone’s committing suicide or that you heard someone committed suicide, especially if it’s someone you know or someone you’re emotionally connected to, indicates that other people’s problems do affect the dreamer, for which he/she must be ready.... (Suicide)
  • Seeing a chessboard, and if no one is playing it in a dream represents a strike, or people who are dismissed from their job.... (Chess)
  • Dreaming of fish in clear running water, suggests that the dreamer has the ability to approach wealthy people, and that the dreamer will soon receive benefits.... (Fish)
  • Mixed sized of different kinds offish in a dream represent money, trouble, liking social events or mixing with all types of people, the good and the bad ones.... (Fish)
  • If one takes money from a tree in his dream, it means that he will earn lawful and blessed money from people who deal with the same type of trees, or that he will live in their vicinity.... (Tree)
  • To men of literary affairs, advancement and honors | to business people, unlimited success.... (Fire)
  • (Challenges | Game) Playing chess in a dream means mixing with all kinds of people.... (Chess)
  • Buying something, then selling it in a dream means needing people’s help.... (Buyer)
  • If a king offer someone a headgear or a tiara in a dream, it means that he will have the power to appoint people in different administrations.... (Headgear)
  • As for a pious person, honey in a dream represents the delight of his religious life and good deeds, while for profane and worldly people, it means little earnings which are acquired through toiling and hardships.... (Honey)
  • Dreaming of doing crochet work, foretells your entanglement in some silly affair growing out of a too great curiosity about other people’s business.... (Crochet Work)
  • Maybe there are things that haven’t been solved and now you feel like it is time for you to bring them out with huge anger on people who didn’t deserve it.... (Anger)
  • You feel much safer and better when other people are in charge of your life.... (Womb)
  • To see a long-haired preacher, denotes that you are shortly to have disputes with overbearing and egotistical people.... (Preacher)
  • When you dream that you are surrounded by bees which are flying peacefully, then it indicates the fact that you are being surrounded by people of good behavior.... (Bees)
  • Dreaming about a mailman or hearing his whistling indicates the visit of unpleasant people.... (Mailman)
  • Herding camels in a dream means presiding over people from a different land.... (Shepherd)
  • Taking a ritual ablution before circumambulating the sacred House in Mecca in a dream means working for one’s livelihood, serving rich people, or caring for one’s wife and parents.... (Ritual bath)
  • In deeply mystical people it symbolizes the road they have to take to achieve grace.... (Desert)
  • To dream with a parked train indicates that your issues will not progress, so you should put special attention to them to avoid the intervention of selfish people and enemies.... (Train)
  • He will then be released to enjoy his life for a while along with a group of bewildered people.... (Jonah)
  • If one sees himself in a dream presiding over a group of people, or becoming the head of a household, or a leader of a community, etcetera, it denotes distress, pressure, burdens, sorrows, loss of livelihood, or it could mean a sickness.... (Presiding)
  • As for niggardly people, seeing the Preserved Tablet in a dream means acquaintance with one’s written shares and certainty about one’s limitations and his life in this world.... (Tablet)
  • If you kiss a stranger, it means that it is not good to over trust people.... (Kiss)
  • What people around us do or say in a dream, that’s what will inform us about their true personality.... (Pool)
  • When a woman dreams of weapons, particularly firearms, it suggests that somehow she’s getting involved with military people.... (Weapon)
  • Dreaming that you see yourself in a seminar is usually a warning about lies and betrayals that will soon arise and that will come from people you didn’t expect to hurt you, usually your own relatives or close friends.... (Seminar)
  • If you were dreaming that you enjoyed the beer it symbolizes your respectable status in society, which means that people like to communicate and admire your company.... (Beer)
  • Dreaming that you are discussing the immortality of your soul, denotes you will improve opportunities which will aid you in gaining desired knowledge and pleasure of intercourse with intellectual people.... (Soul)
  • If one presides over people in a dream, it means that he may be dismissed from his job.... (Judge)
  • Nails in a dream also represent someone who associates with evil people.... (Nail)
  • If one meets an unknown young man whom he dislikes in a dream, it means that such an enemy will surface and people will abhor him.... (Young man)
  • Seeing others who have measles in a dream denotes that you don’t worry too much about other people.... (Measles)
  • If one sees himself transformed into a bridge in a dream, it means that he will be elected for a leadership post, and people will need him, his prestige and what he can offer.... (Bridge)
  • If one sees the sky shooting arrows causing people wounds, injuries and bleeding in a dream, it means taxes and confiscation of properties by the government.... (Skies)
  • Gazing at the sun in a dream means gaining authority and dominion, or presiding over the people of one’s locality.... (Sun)
  • If one happens to like him in the dream, then it means that he will face an enemy whom most people like and sympathize with.... (Young man)
  • To see someone branding and sealing people’s hearing, sights, mouth or hearts in a dream means that God Almighty abhors their actions and qualities.... (Seal)
  • Fighting an osprey in a dream means fighting people in authority.... (Osprey)
  • (Bond | Shackle) To see one’s feet put in irons or fettered in a dream represents evil people, or it could mean travels or leaving one’s homeland.... (Fetter)
  • If one sees himself in the fourth heaven in a dream, it means that he will reach leadership, gain authority and win respect, or that he will serve such people.... (Heavens)
  • His measuring pennies are his fights with people.... (Money exchanger)
  • (Demanding person | Obtrusive person) It is common among the people of knowledge to describe an ignorant person as a stone.... (Ignorance)
  • If people are talking about a specific pharaoh in a dream, it means that one will earn fame in that locality.... (Pharaoh)
  • If he is buried and the people walk away from his grave in the dream, it means that one will pursue something of no benefit, unless God Almighty decrees otherwise.... (King)
  • Seeing a passenger ship transporting people in a dream means safety.... (Ship)
  • Any defect in them in the dream may reflect in such people.... (Eyes)
  • In turn, people will seek him to learn from him.... (Heavens)
  • Maybe there are some people around you who make you feel frustrated and the unconscious mind of yours letting you know it.... (Vampire)
  • Dreaming that other people talk about two boats crashing or a shipwreck, suggests that your issues are bad because you neglected them, and perhaps because of the intervention of women (when the dreamer is a man) or men (in the case of women).... (Boat)
  • Seeing a quantity of people or goods in a dream is good.... (Quantity)
  • However, if pharaoh looks ugly in the dream, it means that both the Imam and his congregation are good people.... (Pharaoh)
  • If one sees a lion wearing a cotton or a linen cloak in a dream, it represents a ruler who confiscates people’s properties and money.... (Garment)
  • (Admonition | Fellowship | Gathering | Meeting | Religious meeting) If one who does not qualify to be a spiritual leader or a scholar sees himself holding a religious gathering and admonishing people to do good and to forbid evil in a dream, it means distress and an illness which he is praying hard for it to be lifted by God’s leave.... (Spiritual gathering)
  • Dream of a scorpion means you should be very cautious with people around you.... (Scorpion)
  • If one sees dead people coming out of their graves and going to their homes in a dream, it means a mass release of prisoners during a general amnesty.... (Death)
  • Climbing a mountain until one reaches a flat surface in a dream means serving orphans, or nursing sick people.... (Mountain)
  • Dreaming of other people with pajamas on suggests that soon there will be unpleasant news concerning loved ones that are absent.... (Pajamas)
  • Probably you said something insulting to other people, therefore everything you did badly comes back to you.... (Teeth)
  • For young people Dreaming that they are engaged, denotes that they will not be much admired.... (Engagement)
  • To throw it on people, shows you will bear malice towards parties who seek to favor you.... (Vitriol)
  • The dream may also indicate that you need to tread lightly around certain people or risk offending them.... (Sandals)
  • If it’s us who predicts their fate to others that indicates that these people will be useful.... (Horoscope)
  • Dreaming about being in a marriage where both people feel jealous, insinuates that they’re both facing problems in their own interests, which may be economic or sentimental issues.... (Jealousy)
  • When see other people sleeping, it usually symbolizes yourself the way you feel and the way you accept others.... (Sleeping)
  • Thus, sneezing in a dream could mean acknowledging the truth, and that is why people’s common reply is ”God bless you.” Sneezing in a dream also could mean the death of a sick person, or experiencing agony, distress, adversities, or facing a disturbing problem.... (Sneezing)
  • If one sees himself sitting in the center stage, in the middle of learned people and religious scholars in a dream, it means that he will receive a greater knowledge and honor in his life.... (Spiritual gathering)
  • Dreaming that you are in affluence, foretells that you will make fortunate ventures, and will be pleasantly associated with people of wealth.... (Affluence)
  • Having a tail in a dream means having a following of people or students.... (Tail)
  • He will also lose his good reputation to people’s envy and evil qualities and he will live in tight financial conditions.... (Angels)
  • (Clergyman | Conjecture | Monk | Prognosticator) A priest in a dream connotes faith, renouncing the world, staying away from suspicion, or he could represent an Imam, a guide, an example to be followed, or a wise man whose instructions people respect and obey.... (Priest)
  • This is particularly true for pious people and for true believers.... (Skies)
  • In that sense, traditional people say – ”So and so flew with so and so’s wings.” Having wings and not using them to fly with in a dream means acquiring worldly wealth.... (Wings)
  • Dreaming that she loses jewels, she will meet people who will flatter and deceive her.... (Jewels)
  • Seeing a group of people gathering in a dream may represent business losses or a trial that will end in mercy and success.... (Gathering)
  • (Tongue | Speaking | Speech) Speaking the language of another people in a dream may represent their country or culture.... (Language)
  • Maybe you should be more sensitive and indulgent towards other people opinions.... (Sharpen)
  • A caterer in a dream also represents someone who encourages people to work and seek an honest livelihood.... (Caterer)
  • To dream that people quibble with you, shows a coming enemy.... (Quibble)
  • If you have a wound in the dream, this signifies deep sorrow, annoyance, displeasure and fear to lose your dear people.... (Wound)
  • Dreaming of working as a messenger suggests that the dreamer wants to be a friendly and helpful person who wants to be able to get along with family members as well as socially with other people.... (Messenger)
  • In dreams, visits symbolize a bond that link us to others, which is why almost always these dreams reveal the need to relate to other people or the feeling of being intimately isolated from others.... (Visits)
  • If, in the dream, we find ourselves adding a table to others, it shows that it’s time to partner up if we wish to find success in the business world, as we’d surely associate with people that will bring us benefits.... (Table)
  • Dreaming of a warship suggests that there will be difficulties in your life and in other people’s life as well, perhaps in an upcoming trip that is made either for pleasure or business.... (Warship)
  • If the arrows hit people’s ears and eyes only in the dream, it means that major trials and temptations will strike at everyone.... (Skies)
  • For a woman to see one flying around in the room at night, forebodes unrequited wishes and disposition which will effect the enjoyment of other people.... (White Moth)
  • If you dream of being attacked by the animal it symbolizes that you have to be careful with people you are surrounded by.... (Attack (assault, strike))
  • If one sees a known judge being unjust in a dream, it means that the people of that locality are inequitable and that they cheat in their weights and measures.... (Judge)
  • The death of a prophet in a dream means weakness in people’s religious life, while their coming back to life in a dream means a flourishing spiritual life in that place.... (Death)
  • To dream of yourself being tortured represents that you are living an unhappy life with unpleasant people.... (Torment)
  • (Losing the sense of taste | Masticate) Chewing gum in a dream means committing loathsome sins or indulging in sodomy, for the people of the Prophet Lot (uwbp) used to chew gum.... (Chewing gum)
  • If a herd of ugly looking cows enters a city with smoke emanating from their noses, and if the people hate their look in the dream, it means a raid, an enemy, or that unwanted solders will control that town.... (Cow)
  • This type of dream is common in people who have suffered failures in real life, for example the frustration of their illusions, hopes, passions business, etc.... (Corpse)
  • (Element of earth | Dirt) In a dream, earth represents people, for they are created from the same element.... (Earth 1)
  • Near the end of one’s life, one who sees such a dream also will suffer from people’s slander and backbiting.... (Angels)
  • If one sees mountains moving forward with him, it means a war or a major conflict between people of knowledge.... (Mountain)
  • If we are people with spiritual ambitious, and we see the hooded hawk in our dreams that symbolizes the long-awaited desire to receive the light of enlightenment.... (Sparrow hawk)
  • When you are dreaming of trying to heal the wounds of tortured people, then it signifies success in your affairs, even if it takes a little time.... (Torment)
  • To dream that a nurse is staying at your house, suggests upcoming diseases and other problems, for example: the visit of unpleasant people.... (Disease)
  • Dreaming, if you are a foreigner, of meeting English people, denotes that you will have to suffer through the selfish designs of others.... (English)
  • If you hear the voice of God, you will make a noble effort to rise higher in unselfish and honorable principles, and will justly hold the admiration of high-minded people.... (Voice)
  • This dream is a sign that there are people who use you and your ideas.... (Worm)
  • If we see unknown people laughing, then it indicates that we will be mocked.... (Laugh)
  • It means dealing with decent and correct people.... (Pine, pineapple)
  • If you were the one who was teasing somebody else, then such dream foretells about your behavior which is not appropriate towards other people.... (Teasing)
  • If it is animals or people of the opposite sex, you are preventing that your most hidden desires are known.... (Enclose)
  • The dreams where you find people dressed in priestly character like the abbot or abbess, and are from any religion, reveal the need to trust someone who can understand us with our problems and help us fix them.... (Abbot, Abbess)
  • When a woman dreams of talking with lawyers, then it shows the risk she is taking while being in contact with other people.... (Attorney)
  • To dream about email, is interpreted as suggestion that you need to reach out to people who may not necessarily always physically be around.... (Email)