- (Human sound.... (Human voice)
- Each human being in a dream represents himself, his kind, look alike, someone by the same name, his town, or his craft.... (Human being)
- (See Body’ | Brain)... (Human brain)
- (See Body’)... (Human body)
- (See Shout | Voice)... (Human call)
- (See Flesh)... (Human flesh)
- (See Destruction)... (Human rights)
- (Also see Man | Mankind)... (Human being)
- (See Shout | Voice)... (Human cry)
- See Voice)... (Human voice)
- If he does good, then it represents one’s own deeds, and if does evil, the seer may pursue the same.... (Human being)
- To see one of the children of Adam (uwbp) one does not recognize in the dream perhaps may represents oneself.... (Human being)
- If the person whom he recognizes in the dream holds an elevated rank, it means that he will lose it, and if he holds a lower rank, it means that he will be promoted.... (Human being)
- If one recognizes such a being in the dream, it means that he will receive something from him.... (Human being)
- If one likes what he receives from him in the dream, it means that he will attain his personal goals.... (Human being)
- If he takes money from him in the dream, it represents something he will lose and forgo in despair, or perhaps that a fight will take place between them.... (Human being)
- If he receives a rope in the dream, it means an agreement, a commitment or a covenant.... (Human being)
- If he receives a shirt in the dream, it means an appointment to a high ranking position.... (Human being)
- This is in contrast to human beings who are created from earth and among them some are believers and others are human satans.... (Jinn)
- Seeing string instruments in a dream also means gaining some understanding about human nature, or the physiology of the human being, or they could represent medicine or astronomy.... (String instruments)
- (Daughter | Pulsate | Servant) In a dream, the human heart represents his awareness, diligence, intelligence, master, king of the human body and its governor.... (Heart)
- In a dream, the rear side of the human being represents his outward appearance or what renders the human being accept- able, or it could represent his garment, an ostentatious person, a show of grandeur, pride about one’s social class, a show of being wealthy, the surround- ings of one’s house, the outskirts of a town, the outer display of one’s religion or his school of thought.... (Back)
- Wearing armature during a duel in a dream means marriage to a rich but deceiving person, for part of the human body is covered during the combat.... (Duel)
- A small but well lit fire, with no smoke, represents desire and tenderness, our need of human warmth.... (Fire)
- To eat human flesh, fortune acquired through disreputable means, fatigue, diovvsiness.... (Flesh)
- (Calif | Caliphate | Deputy | Human being | Minister | Ruler | Secretary of state | Vizier) In a dream, a vice-regent represents someone whom people seek for his knowledge, or to learn the mastery of his craft, or he could represent an appointed justice of the peace.... (Vice-regent)
- Its head symbolizes domineering tendencies that damages all of human relationships.... (Chimeras and monsters)
- (Human sound.... (Sound)
- Perhaps the dream suggests you to be simpler and not so needy, because the human being needs less than they think they need.... (Hut)
- However, according to Islamic interpretations of the human transformation into a lower category of creatures phenomena, if such transformation takes place in real life, it connotes a curse and a punishment, and it does not last for more than three days, and it will culminate in death.... (Transformation)
- (Call | Cry | Human call | Outcry | Shout | Scream) Shouting at a gathering of people in a dream means winning the title of a statesman, authority and power in an election, or presiding over people.... (Shout)
- If he turns into a pig in a dream, it means prosperity surrounded with absence of human dignity.... (Transformation)
- If one sees Him in His glory and majesty, without descriptive designation, without ascrip- tion of human characteristics to Him and without depiction or portrayal in the dream, it is an indication of glad tidings for both this world and the hereafter.... (Allah)
- Seeing the Divine Throne (Kursi) of God Almighty in its most perfect condition which is situated in the highest heaven and as it is without attribution of human imagination or depictions of images in a dream means acquiring knowledge, wisdom and rising in station.... (Chair)
- Also entering without buying can mean a simple desire for promiscuity that usually appears in our life when we lack human warmth or communication.... (Market)
- If one sees himself eating the foot of another human being in a dream, it means that he will become a close friend with him, acquire his intercession, reap success from his connection, fulfill his needs, receive benefits in his travels, or if he qualifies, he may preside over a group of poor people or guide seamen to their catch.... (Foot)
- In those cases when the dreamer shoots the other human being, such dream shows the aggressive emotions towards certain person or situation.... (Shot)
- (Beetle | Insect | Worm) An insect with pincers that seeks out the human ear to crawl into his body (folk.) In a dream, an earwig represents the enemy of the leaders.... (Earwig)
- To dream of the scepter denotes to the power of the human beings.... (Scepter)
- In this case, the dream is a nightmare, because God Almighty cannot be depicted according to human descriptions.... (Allah)
- If you had a dream about the cavemen, then such dream symbolizes the basic instincts of human.... (Caveman)
- It is said that each human being will see the archangel ‘Izrail three times during his lifetime, and it is the third time that ‘Izrail, upon whom be peace, will…... (‘Izrail)
- If one sees a mill grinding human beings in a dream, it means loss of lives and adversities.... (Mill)
- It symbolizes the human heart, love, revelation and life.... (Cup)
- Streams in a dream also represent the veins and the blood that flows through the human body.... (Stream)
- All actions have its reactions, that’s why negativity and positivity emerge in human being’s double nature.... (Triumph)
- Selling a human being in a dream also connotes a good end, such as that in the story of God’s prophet Joseph, upon whom be peace.... (Slave)
- Perhaps, he might attain his goals in acquiring knowledge, or learn how to reconstruct his innermost being to befit a human being who is grateful to his Lord.... (Muhammad)
- (Desire | Thirst) Body dryness or lack of humidity whether it affects the human being or even tree leaves in a dream means discomfort, poverty or living a wretched life.... (Dryness)
- The Halloween in dreams is also a symbol of transformation from human beings to something no longer exists.... (Halloween)
- This could also happen if the winner in the dream has better preparedness, or if he is fighting for his food, such as in a struggle between a beast and a human being.... (Wrestling)
- The human tongue in a dream also represents his pen and his signing authority.... (Tongue)
- (Sea Life | Human being) In a dream, if their number is known, fish represent women, but if their number is not known, then they represent money from a doubtful source.... (Fish)
- Buying a piece of human flesh in a dream means having a stagnant merchandise.... (Flesh)
- If one dies of fear in his dream, it means that he does not pay people their rights and particularly if he is afraid of a human being or from his own evildoing.... (Fear)
- Hearing a human voice in a dream means chairing an important responsibility.... (Voice)
- If the human voice emanates from an animal in the dream, it denotes great benefits and particularly if the animal speaks pleasing and soothing words or words of truth.... (Voice)
- This dream means that you will aim to better moral principles and better human relationships, more in line with your level of demand.... (Religion)
- (Defecate | Excrete | Human excrements) Feces in a dream represent money.... (Feces)
- If the human flesh appears diseased or freckled, the miscarriage of well-laid plans is denoted.... (Horse)
- It is the best symbol that can be imagined of the human soul.... (Gems)
- Although almost always when black or darkness appears it’s the negative aspect that alludes to the inferior and left side of the human psyche, symbolizing all evil, the sinister, melancholy and death.... (Darkness, Black)
- To see animals in human flesh, signifies great advancement to the dreamer, and new friends will be made by modest wearing of well-earned honors.... (Horse)
- To see a horse in human flesh, descending on a hammock through the air, and as it nears your house is metamorphosed into a man, and he approaches your door and throws something at you which seems to be rubber but turns into great bees, denotes miscarriage of hopes and useless endeavors to regain lost valuables.... (Horse)
- (Meat) Human flesh in a dream represents one’s health, strength, earnings, sickness or one’s shop, piety, religious attendance, fear of wrongdoing, scruti- nizing the difference between the lawful and the unlawful, patience, forbear- ance, anger, distress, sexual desires, suffering from adversities and punishment for sins.... (Flesh)
- In a dream, the human voice represents one’s reputation or fame, and its strength or weakness reflects one’s state of mind or the condition of his health.... (Voice)
- To see human beings swept away in an inundation, portends bereavements and despair, making life gloomy and unprofitable.... (Inundation)
- The body in a dream is what envelops and contains the human being.... (Body 2)
- (Dwellings | House | State) In a dream, the human body represents his state, and its strength represents his faith in God Almighty.... (Body 2)
- The crosier represents the human heart and the staff represents man’s tongue.... (Scepter)
- Dreaming of milk symbolizes maternal instincts and love, also denotes kindness, purity and human compassion for new acquaintances.... (Milk)
- As for seeing the human skin in a dream, it means ornaments, presiding over others, a veil, blessings, livelihood, provisions, life and a garment.... (Body 1)
- A pen in a dream also represents virtues by which one is known, or it could mean complying with a court judgement, or signing a court order, or it could represent a scholar, a judge, one’s tongue, a sword, one’s penis, a railway, generosity, abundance, human- kind, one’s confidant, or winning victory over one’s enemy.... (Pen)
- On the other hand, if a wrecker demolishes something to replace it with something better, or to reverse an unjust sentence in the dream, he then represents a true human being, and one’s dream carries a positive meaning.... (Wrecker)
- A sack in a dream also represents the body of a human being.... (Sack)
- Drinking human blood in a dream means money, profits, escape from danger, safety from trials and adversities, or it could mean committing a sin then repenting from it.... (Blood)
- (Also see Human being | Man)... (Mankind)
- Killing a human being in a dream means committing an evil and an atrocious sin.... (Killing)
- To see, or eat cooked beef, anguish surpassing human aid is before you.... (Beef)
- The human bones represent his livelihood, religion, glory or money.... (Body 1)
- In a dream, whether it be a human or an animal, creeping means a theft, spying or eavesdropping.... (Creeping)
- Dreaming of human ears suggests that there are people who are watching and listening to the dreamer in order to obtain illegal benefits.... (Ears)
- As for the human nose in a dream, it represents honor, longevity and respect.... (Body 1)
- According to Freud’s dream theory, the landscape symbolizes the human body.... (Landscape)
- Dreaming of pimples means that you shouldn’t let yourself be fooled by appearances; the true things lie within the essence of the human being.... (Pimples)
- Dreaming that you’re distanced from your own home, work, human affection, business or from the things you most want, it indicates that you will soon have to make a long journey, probably abroad, and this will have bad results.... (Distance)
- The different types of fish in a dream represent human beings and their professions.... (Fish)
- The eyes of a human being in a dream also represent his beloved, his son or his faith.... (Eyes)
- p, In a dream, the human limbs also represent the members of his family, and whatever condition they portray in one’s dream may become visible in the members of his family.... (Tooth)
- This dream actually shows the opposite in life, that is, that every human experiences his or her personal cycles, some of these cycles bring good fortune and others may bring bad fortune.... (Fortune)
- (Gender | Fertilizing | Masculine virility) A human being of the male gender in a dream represents a positive element, a decisive force, or someone who is extremely lucky.... (Male)
- Human teeth in a dream also represent one’s business and management of his life.... (Tooth)
- Dreaming of the human entrails, denotes horrible misery and despair, shutting out all hope of happiness.... (Entrails)
- (Anxiety | Agony | Grieve | Uptight | Worries) Distress in a dream signifies atonement for one’s sins and restitution of his human dignity.... (Distress)
- If you are enclosing a person, it indicates that you try to hide your human side, and if it’s a child, you’re trying to hide your innocent looks.... (Enclose)
- Seeing the back of a human being in a dream also means following his tracks or practices.... (Back)
- Seeing human excrements in a dream means abstraction of movement, stalling of businesses, or facing complex and harmful adversities.... (Feces)
- If one sees fish that have the look of human beings in a dream, it means business, trading or meeting with an interpreter, or a translator, or associating with people of good character.... (Fish)
- If a man has a dream of leaving his bride just before getting married, this could mean that in real life he’s losing human values of various kinds that he will not be able to recover, like friendships or family.... (Couples)
- The dream in which you are tortured, signifies your fears and apprehension towards particular human or situation.... (Torture)
- Seeing Jinn gathering in a known locality in a dream also may indicate the presence of snakes, scorpions, or what human beings may fear in the wilderness.... (Jinn)
- The sky in a dream represents eternity of potential and freedom of human beings.... (Sky)
- If such fish with a human face look beautiful, then one’s companions are good.... (Fish)
- If one sees a fox toadying him and seeking his protection in a dream, it represents his fear of spirits, jinns or human beings.... (Fox)
- Seeing oneself as a half-snake half-human in a dream means being able to neutralize half of the enemy’s power.... (Snake)
- (Behind | Posterior | Rear side) In a dream, the back of a human being represents what people hold for him of praises or blame, acceptance or rejection, honor or humiliation, or it could represents one’s debts.... (Back)
- Dreaming of human head disconnected from its body indicates that your business and affairs are bad, which will produce various difficulties.... (Head)
- If one sees himself acknowledging devotion or worship of another human being in a dream, it means enmity with that person.... (Acknowledging devotion)
- (Boat | Human being | Might | Mother | Prison | Star | Salvation | Stress) Seeing a ship in a dream means escape from danger, overcoming adversities, recovering from an illness, or it could represent rain after a severe drought.... (Ship)
- If one sees himself extremely tall and beyond the tallest human being in a dream, it means the nearing of his death, or it could mean his downfall.... (Tallness)
- A ship in a dream also represents the human form and its body represents his body.... (Ship)
- According to Freud, the testicles in dreams are associated with the sexuality of the human beings.... (Testicles)
- In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence of truth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him.... (Hell-fire)
- Human milk in a dream represents a trust one should not waste or give to other than its rightful owner.... (Milk)
- Dreaming of being in heaven and meeting Christ and friends, you will meet with many losses, but will reconcile yourself to them through your true understanding of human nature.... (Heaven)
- (Also see Human being? Mankind)... (Man)
- Eating tripes in a dream means defrauding rich and honorable people from their monies, for a sheep is the most noble animal, comparatively speaking, after the human being.... (Trotter)
- Dreaming that you are denouncing idolatry, great distinction is in store for you through your understanding of the natural inclinations of the human mind.... (Idols)
- Topaz in a dream also represents the substance of speech, the essence of knowledge, and the good quality of a true human being.... (Topaz)
- Eating the flesh of a human being in a dream means backbiting him.... (Meat)
- A small but well lit fire, without smoke, represents the desire and tenderness, our need for human warmth.... (Fire)
- Noting here that transformation of the human being into another creature in reality represents a divine punishment, though it may not last for more than three days.... (Lizard)
- To see illuminated human figures or animals in the heavens, denotes failure and trouble | dark clouds overshadow fortune.... (Illumination)
- If one hears a human sound calling him from behind a cloud in a dream, it means that God willing he will attend a pilgrimage.... (Clouds)
- (Swine) In a dream, a pig represents someone who is devoid of human dignity, or someone who lacks integrity.... (Pig)
- If it appears a human brain, in any form, in one of your dreams, then it is almost always a sign that you are worrying about things that are not worthy, and that you should continue with your life without giving them greater importance.... (Brain)
- To dream about human bones suggests that a person you appreciate will suffer a fatality.... (Bones)
- Seeing oneself beyond the common human size in a dream also denotes the near end of one’s life, or it could mean falling in rank.... (Figure)
- To see a herd of camels on the desert, denotes assistance when all human aid seems at a low ebb, and of sickness from which you will arise, contrary to all expectations.... (Camels)
- Seeing the Day of Resurrection in a dream also denotes that some of the major signs are actually taking place, such as blood shedding, spread of evil, belligerence of atheism, pride about wealth, ruling of the working class, building high rises, the end of the era of kings on earth, or it could remind the person of the prophesied signs, such as the rising of the sun from the West, the emergence of a beast that will speak with a human tongue, the rising of the Imposter (arb.... (Resurrection)
- If one sees himself in the sky having a form different than that of human beings in a dream, it means that he may leave this world unblessed.... (Skies)
- The incisors may represent the heart of a human being.... (Tooth)
- If one is driven by a human being in a dream, it means that he is pushed into committing a murder or that he is hired to attack someone.... (Driving force)
- Skin in a dream also represents the elements of father, might, wealth, garment, farm, state of worship, faith, polytheism, or it could mean one’s enemy, friend, wife, house, beloved, son, or what protects the human being from harm.... (Skin)
- Perhaps you need to behave more like the human instead of the animal.... (Veterinarian)
- One’s skin in a dream represents the element that cloaks the human being, veils his wealth and what he wills for his heirs.... (Skin)
- When we dream that we are acquitted by another person, a court or any other human or religious institution, it indicates that a change of attitude is near, and it is always favorable.... (Absolution)
- As explained under ‘Human being” p.... (Man)
- Thus, a beneficial bird may mean a praiseworthy person, a beast may represent the like quality in man, a harvest projecting a particular person denotes human qualities of a lesser magnitude, etcetera.... (Mankind)