• To see young lions, denotes new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended.... (Lion)
  • If it is different from the bed you have, then it shows new loves.... (Bed)
  • To see yourself studying foretells new possibilities in your career.... (Study)
  • Seeing oneself inside a new masjid one does not recognize in a dream means attending the pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca during that same year, or joining religious circles to learn about one’s religion.... (Masjid)
  • To dream about a university may indicate that in this moment there is a new panorama in front of us that could be very beneficial if we act based on our experiences.... (University)
  • If a woman sees a spindle in her dream, it means that she will beget a daughter or have a new sister.... (Spindle)
  • Dreaming of being in a messy feast, with several empty seats and guests with gruesome faces, indicates that it’s not the right time to start new complicated business or any other activities, since there is a risk of failure for lack of support.... (Banquet)
  • Dreaming that you resign any position, signifies that you will unfortunately embark in new enterprises.... (Resign)
  • Those people who are not thinking about children and dream about uterus starts new phase in creative aspect of their life.... (Uterus)
  • Preparing it means creation of new interests that will give you advantage.... (Suitcase)
  • If one does not put a new garment after taking his ritual ablution in the dream, it means that he will be able to lighten his burdens, or recover his good health.... (Ritual bath)
  • The new moon in July – dreams on this night are very important, and foretell, truthfully, in respect to love, lovers, and marriage.... (July)
  • To see one walk away from you, denotes that your affairs will move with new energy.... (Preacher)
  • The dream in which you see the wash bowl denotes to the new activity that will bring lots of joy and happiness.... (Wash Bowl)
  • The dream, in which you washed the face with the water from the washing bowl, denotes to new unseen feelings.... (Wash Bowl)
  • You are looking for new perspectives to diversify your knowledge.... (College)
  • In the symbolism of dreams, the presence of bandits is related to the presence of forces moving into the subconscious and whose emergence and control by our will means a new wealth for our conciseness and a greater ability to succeed in instincts and daily life problems.... (Bandits)
  • Dreaming that you are in a perspiration, foretells that you will come out of some difficulty, which has caused much gossip, with new honors.... (Perspiration)
  • It warns us that we have entered a new slippery ground that can take us down.... (Slide off)
  • Dreaming that you rent a house, is a sign that you will enter into new contracts, which will prove profitable.... (Rent)
  • If you dreamed about your sexuality, then such dream could show the new attitudes you have made for yourself.... (Sexuality)
  • (Cucumber | Large cucumber | Squirting cucumber) Seeing or eating the large variety of cucumber known as snake-cucumber in a dream means blessed money, a good business, or buying a new property.... (Snake-cucumber)
  • Betting on races, beware of engaging in new undertakings.... (Bet)
  • Dreaming of a mattress, denotes that new duties and responsibilities will shortly be assumed.... (Mattress)
  • Dreaming of seeing new petticoats, denotes that pride in your belongings will make you an object of raillery among your acquaintances.... (Petticoat)
  • You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals.... (Dog)
  • Seeing or playing with an electric guitar in the dream represents sudden power and immediately occurrence of new passion.... (Electric Guitar)
  • The dream about the teacher could also indicate the feeling of being a student in some situations of your life where you are taught many new things.... (Teacher)
  • Having a dream about this means that you’re possibly sensing that a new phase will begin in a certain area of your life.... (Initiation)
  • To sleep on a new mattress, signifies contentment with present surroundings.... (Mattress)
  • If a sick person sees himself taking a ritual ablution then putting on a new garment in a dream, it means that he will soon recover from his illness.... (Ritual bath)
  • It seems that you find it very easy to start new relationships, but remember that trusting everyone is not the best idea, as sometimes people give us wrong impression which leads us to disappointments.... (Bed)
  • When you dream of seeing a blender, mixer or stirrer the dream foretells about possible hobby to cook, but at spiritual level it symbolizes your potency and talent to get united completely different objects into something new and balanced.... (Blender)
  • Perhaps you have got some new concepts and thoughts.... (Chrome)
  • To see cremains, when you are dreaming, stands as an omen for change and new beginnings.... (Cremains)
  • For a young woman Dreaming of young lions, denotes new and fascinating lovers.... (Lion)
  • Eating or prepare stew means new romances or secret loves.... (Stew)
  • When you dream of reading or having an alphabet, it usually indicates that new and unexpected favorable possibilities will be presented either in the life of the dreamer or any the people you consider close.... (Alphabet)
  • New love in your life.... (Fairy)
  • Seeing one’s own back in a dream also could mean buying new clothing, or it could mean feeling strong because of one’s knowledge, his son, power, political connections, wealth or property.... (Back)
  • If you see transfer planes, it means that you will move forward leaving your old life behind and finally getting the new one, the one you deserved.... (Airplane)
  • If you dreamed of seeing or using the sponge, then the dream denotes to your ability to learn new things quickly or adapt to certain situation.... (Sponge)
  • Entering the Sacred Mosque in Mecca in a dream means arriving with one’s bride to their new home and it could mean fulfillment of a promise, being truthful, dispelling one’s fear and reaching the shore of safety.... (Masjid)
  • (Weather) Experiencing hot weather in the winter in a dream means benefits, profits, or new and expensive clothing, but experiencing it during the summer season in a dream means the opposite.... (Heat)
  • If one’s new garment is torn and cannot be repaired in the dream, it means inability to bear children.... (Garment)
  • You are the person who is not looking back, but making new decisions and moving forward.... (Studying)
  • Dreaming of women greeting you from afar indicates that in the future, you will establish new and important social relationships, although they won’t be very favorable.... (Distance)
  • Dream of mourning means you need to set clear old events and make them in a new way.... (Mourning)
  • To dream about a young woman that is washing her clothes suggests upcoming joys due to new relationships.... (Wash)
  • New beneficial conditions for emotional relationships and family.... (Upholster)
  • If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship.... (Involved)
  • Firearms in a dream foretell that the dreamer fears that new war or an attack occurs in his personal life.... (Weapon)
  • (Humorist | Storyteller) In a dream, a comedian represents someone who selects his words, embellishes his presentation, investigates the news or someone who constantly searches for new materials to work with.... (Comedian)
  • If the socks are new and have a clean smell in the dream, it means that one regularly pays his due alms, that he is praised for his character and that his money will grow in a lawful way.... (Stocking)
  • For example: If we believe it’s all over for us and we see the clock ticking noon, it tells us that a new stage begins full of opportunities because we have a lot of life ahead.... (Time, Clock)
  • Some authors agree that if the beach is busy and we are walking through it, it will reflect our need to show ourselves off and of having new relationships, and if the beach is empty, it shows our desire for peace and serenity.... (Beach)
  • Dreaming that a jar is boiling or bubbling over suggests that you will have new ideas but will not achieve them.... (Jar)
  • To dream of the stumble, indicates the new adventures of the life.... (Stumble)
  • This dream shows the desire of new relationships, or of extending personal contacts.... (Invitation)
  • New romances.... (Wizard)
  • If one sees himself putting on a new garment after taking a ritual bath in a dream, it means prosperity or repayment of his debts.... (Garment)
  • Dreaming of new ones shows you will assist at a wedding.... (Kid Gloves)
  • This dream is usually an announcement of new opportunities that will bring success and profit, which can arrive in an unexpected or surprising way.... (Reformer)
  • On the other hand, it may mean that in real life you’re beginning to experience a new kind of freedom and conscience.... (Helicopter)
  • The new moon is also a sign of harmony, of a burning love.... (Moon)
  • Alternatively, in the dream to hear or to ring a door bell is an indication of your curious nature, it indicates that you are seeking for new experiences.... (Doorbell)
  • If she feels sad and depressed she will have new cares and regrets.... (Cemetery)
  • The bright and beautiful full moon means new romance, joy and peace.... (Moon)
  • If the shoe is tight, we still do not know to develop ourselves with the freedom in a new situation.... (Boots, sandals, shoes, slippers)
  • If one shares his meal in a dream, it means that he will meet new friends and enjoy their company, then a conflict will rise concerning his livelihood and earnings.... (Table)
  • To resuscitate another, you will form new friendships, which will give you prominence and pleasure.... (Resuscitate)
  • To see toys in dreams, foretells family joys, if whole and new, but if broken, death will rend your heart with sorrow.... (Toys)
  • It is an indicator which shows that events will take a new course which will not necessarily hurt or benefit you.... (Whirlwind)
  • If the sea opens and unveils its treasures, and if one catches a goldfish from its belly in the dream, it means that God Almighty will reveal new spiritual knowledge to him in order to help him understand his religion and to receive guidance.... (Fish)
  • It might be that you will start a new business very soon, or that your skills will be recognized.... (Baby)
  • New conditions will lead your hopes towards beneficial projects.... (Takeoff)
  • To dream that you’re washing your hands and face with clean water suggests that you long to relate with new issues, business, etc.... (Wash)
  • On the other hand, it can symbolize a new creative project.... (Uterus)
  • To speak with a librarian in your dream, means new relationship, which will give you a lot of knowledge.... (Librarian)
  • A shinny evergreen shrub.) When seen in a dream, a myrtle means health, money, covering one’s face with long hair, bashfulness, or it could mean a new garment.... (Myrtle)
  • If you see it from a certain distance, it means that you are dreaming to change your situation and organize it in a new way.... (Battle)
  • If one sees himself wearing a silken raiment and portraying a religious jurist in a dream, it means that he is a seeker of worldly titles who may invent something new.... (Garment)
  • Buying a new belt in a dream means protecting one’s property, money or knowledge.... (Belt)
  • To dream about water tanks of any type or size, for example laundry sinks, trays or basins where you can wash objects, suggests that problems or new interests that somehow affect the dreamer are close to come.... (Wash)
  • To dream about any type of brake, either a horse’s or a vehicle’s brake is a warning in the sense that you should think carefully before deciding about a new relationship, business, etc.... (Break)
  • (Knighthood | Robe) To put on a new raiment in a dream means a knighthood for a person who has lost his rank or position.... (Raiment)
  • Basil also means new relationship or deep love in current phase of relationship.... (Basil)
  • Carnation | Garden heliotrope | Wallflower) In a dream, gilly-flowers signify the death of a newborn, a celebration that will not culminate in peace, a short lived happiness, a new job that will be quickly terminated, or they could mean wearing stylish clothing, or treasuring the art effects of another culture.... (Gillyflower)
  • If one is given a knife as a gift in a dream, it means that he will beget a son, or have a new brother.... (Knife)
  • To wear new boots, you will be lucky in your dealings.... (Boots)
  • Dreaming of a dromedary, denotes that you will be the recipient of unexpected beneficence, and will wear your new honors with dignity | you will dispense charity with a gracious hands.... (Dromedary)
  • For a woman Dreaming of her nuptials, she will soon enter upon new engagements, which will afford her distinction, pleasure, and harmony.... (Nuptial)
  • Seeing a bowl in a dream denotes a new interest that gives you joy.... (Bowl)
  • The scars could also show uncertainties from the past, therefore you are unable to move forward and make a new tasks or decisions.... (Scar)
  • If the new crescent suddenly disappears in one’s dream, it means that one’s project, object or intention will not be fulfilled.... (Crescent)
  • To dream of the ice thawing, denotes to your coldness with new people, thoughts or concepts.... (Thaw)
  • Creativity can refer to children, business, new feelings or personal creations, everything that is born and grown by the dreamer.... (Seeds)
  • Perhaps new jobs or responsibilities of any kind exceed you and you don’t know how to deal with them.... (Crab)
  • If you see an unrolled skein, then it indicates that you are sensing a new activity that involves a lot of work ahead.... (Skein)
  • If she dreams of unlocking a door with a key, she will have a new lover and have over-confidence in him.... (Key)
  • If you are married and find a wedding ring means your relationship has reached a new level.... (Wedding ring)
  • If a poor person sees himself engaged in such a profession in his dream, it means easing of his difficulties, and making money from a new employment.... (Sanitation)
  • The dream also indicates the new chances you are going to get.... (CD)
  • It may indicate that you will acquire a new role.... (Theatre)
  • Discovery of secret passageways in a dream indicates something new and / or exciting is going to happen in your life.... (Alley)
  • Dreaming of being in a theater means that you will have new relationships.... (Theatre)
  • Raising a new edifice in a dream represents either personal or collective material benefits in this world.... (Building)
  • A gloomy or cloudy day, foretells loss and ill success in new enterprises.... (Day)
  • If you dream of the surgery, then such dream foretells the need of changes or total new recovery.... (Surgery)
  • In a dream, a new crescent also represents a little child, repentance from sin, dispelling adversities, release from prison or recovering from an illness.... (Crescent)
  • Hearing the sound of thunder on the first day of February in a dream means a good harvest, lowering or stabilization of prices, discovering a new disease in the East, death in the seas, heavy rains in Mecca, fear, devastation and famines in Ethiopia, or that a Western leader will move his armies to the East and control the land for a short per iod of time .... (Thunder)
  • If it is heard during the month of November in a dream, it means blessings for the land, prosperity, the spreading of God’s words in a new land, the falling of a comet in a populated area, the death of a leader, a pollution that will devastate bird life, or a heavy rainstorm with limited damages.... (Thunder)
  • The birth of a new moon in a dream also denotes the truth of one’s promise, or it could mean receiving money, for rent is usually due at the beginning of each month.... (Crescent)
  • The best part of this dream shows that if you put enough of the effort, you will see that you can build up very strong base for something new and different.... (Berries)
  • Announces new activities, different projects, affective and friendly relations will be renovated, greater joy of living.... (Inauguration)
  • A young woman is likely to engage in pleasant and harmless flirtations if her bonnet is new and of any color except black.... (Bonnet)
  • Dreaming of a gleaming and new porcelain means that there will be successful business and prosperity.... (Porcelain)
  • An omen of success and luck and it’s even possible you’ll make a new friend.... (Freedom)
  • Seeing the new crescent when everyone else is looking an failing to see it in a dream represents one’s death, or it could mean that one will be aberrant and corrupt during that year of his life.... (Crescent)
  • If you eat berries in your dream it symbolizes of an upcoming new adventures in personal life like relationships and communications.... (Berries)
  • It could also indicate the new project or journey you are willing to take.... (Sunrise)
  • Dreaming of envisioning some scenery indicates the desire to have a change in employment, business or at home, which will soon occur (including new friendships).... (Scenery)
  • Many authors agree in interpreting this dream as the harbinger of a new stage in our life, as if points out an important change of situations, whether on the sentimental or professional level.... (Border)
  • Dreaming of new shoes means you should not be so sure about success.... (Shoes)
  • The dream also represents new starts.... (Jubilee)
  • If the new crescent is opaque, or if it is created from yellow copper, or if it has the shape of a serpent or a scorpion in the dream, then it denotes evil.... (Crescent)
  • Dreaming of hearing the gramophone, foretells the advent of some new and pleasing comrade who will lend himself willingly to advance your enjoyment.... (Gramophone)
  • If a sick person rents a room in a hostel or an inn on the highway in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will recover from an illness, or dispel anxiety, or take residence in a new country, or it could mean marriage after being single for a long time, or buying a vehicle, finding a money pouch, or something one can sell to help him during his financial crises.... (Hostel)
  • If the new crescent stands surrounded with a gloomy darkness, or if water or blood dribbles away from it, even if there is no rain during that night in the dream, it denotes the arrival of a traveler from his journey or the climbing of a muezzin to the minaret to call for prayers or the standing of a preacher on the pulpit to give his sermon, payment of one’s debts, performing one’s obligatory pilgrimage or the end of one’s life.... (Crescent)
  • Dreaming about wearing a new shoe indicates your approach to life.... (Shoes)
  • The new crescent in a dream also represents a leader, an unexpected happy news or it could represent the cry of a newborn or a rebel.... (Crescent)
  • If you saw a dawn in a dream, then such dream symbolizes rebirth, life, new energy and wisdom.... (Dawn)
  • Drinking soda is a sign of positive changes, new businesses, and productive trip.... (Soda)
  • It can also be referred to a change in our expectations and desires, for the acquisition of new spiritual knowledge.... (Border)
  • To dream that the theatre is on fire means you will be defeated in a new project.... (Theatre)
  • When you drink beverage drinks in your dream, it foretells about your capability while taking new advantages.... (Beverage)
  • Listening to the radio in your dream symbolizes your knowledge and need to learn new things.... (Radio)
  • Dreaming that you’re envisioning the dawn of the day is an indicator of success, health and new beginnings.... (Dawn)
  • You are reaching new targets or concentrating on some plan or fixing some situation.... (Hair)
  • When you are dreaming of yourself wearing a new pair of shoes, then it announces success and improvements in the matters that you are dealing with such as employment, or business.... (Shoes)
  • Disappointments in loved ones, and broken ties, of enemies may make new attacks upon your property or character.... (Anger)
  • Maybe you are developing the new masculine part or feature of your individual character.... (Boy)
  • If one has spare shoes in the dream, it can mean that the losses will not be permanent and that the dreamer will recover professionally, perhaps with new gains.... (Shoes)
  • You can express independence and find a new hobby.... (Zoomorphism)
  • Tarragon is originally grown from African rue and is sprouted in vinegar for a full year before it is planted to grow a new herb.... (Tarragon)
  • If you took a shower in a dream, then such dream indicates the new beginning of your life, but only in those cases if the water was crystal clear.... (Shower)
  • If we are hired, then it symbolizes that you will be offered new perspectives in the labor field.... (Hiring)
  • Putrefaction and decomposition may also be a sign of the rebirth into a new stage.... (Decay)
  • If you dream of being a scientist then such dream shows your desire to learn something new.... (Scientist)
  • To pass down an avenue of white chrysanthemums, with here and there a yellow one showing among the white, foretells a strange sense of loss and sadness, from which the sensibilities will expand and take on new powers.... (Chrysanthemum)
  • When you dream of baby shower symbolizes that you are going to have a new start.... (Baby Shower)
  • If one engraves pictures or forms thereon in the dream, it means acquiring knowledge, learning a new craft, a leading position in the government which involves partying, alcohol and mingling with what is unlawful.... (Building)
  • This is the period of time when you have a choice doing things in a new way.... (Baby Shower)
  • Dreaming of eating crisp, new candy, implies social pleasures and much love-making among the young and old.... (Candy)
  • Seeing the moon in the position of Scorpio in a dream means benefits for health oriented people, or for buying new clothing, though it also could connote negative results for travellers.... (Moon)
  • The dream may also be an indication of the new professional growth you are making.... (Scientist)
  • To dream that someone gives a guarantee for something suggests that you’ll soon start some negotiations that’ll bring you profits, whether it’s a new job, business or for any other reason.... (Warranty)
  • Alternatively, if you see a swallow in a dream, it signifies the rebirth and new start for something.... (Swallow)
  • It can also symbolize new possibilities and opportunities in your real life.... (Nest)
  • Dreaming that you have an aura or a halo over your head is a good sign that announces success and new friendships.... (Aura)
  • Something foreign in a dream means the beginning of new friendships or the return of faraway relatives or friends.... (Foreign)
  • This is a symbol which shows that it is time for you to clean your mind and soul if you want to rebirth as a new and clear personality.... (Wet)
  • You do not have any ability or opportunity to open the circle and to create new life.... (Zero)
  • Cleaning a stove in a dream mean new amendment purposes, a twist that you want to make to your life.... (Stove)
  • Dreaming of wearing a new belt hints that soon there will be profitable business with strangers, but the dreamer should be careful in order to avoid a failure.... (Belt)
  • The dream of the theatre could indicate the new part you are going to take.... (Theater)
  • If you were happily surprised in a dream, then it shows your attitude towards new experiences and proficiencies.... (Surprise)
  • If you saw the day break in a dream, then such dream foretells about new ideas and luck within any work you will do.... (Daybreak)
  • If the shoes are new, then it suggests that there will be financial gains soon.... (Shoes)
  • A whitewasher in a dream implies covering people’s faults or giving someone a new dress or he could represent a tailor.... (Fuller)
  • If we stop while we crossing it and do not get to the other side, then it shows our inability to make choices or it could indicate our fear to make a new steps in waking life.... (Bridge, footbridge)
  • New shoes, augur changes which will prove beneficial.... (Shoes)
  • Holding a mutton inside one’s house in a dream means meeting with a new person, accepting an invitation, or inviting a person one has never met or known to share a meal.... (Meat)
  • You will also make new friends, who will lend you commercial aid.... (Quinine)
  • This dream is a good sign as you move forward as new, fresh and clean person.... (Bath)
  • Dreaming that you are combing, stroking or styling your hair, suggest that you are taking on and evaluating a new idea, concept, outlook, or way of thinking.... (Hair)
  • The dream also represents the new love affairs one is getting to start.... (Visitor)
  • If the dream takes place during the last seven days of July, it means that peace will spread throughout the earth, prices will fall in Iraq and in East Africa, and a new disease will affect fruit trees, banana trees, date trees, though wheat will be available in abun- dance, even if the farmers were concerned about it in the early part of the year.... (Thunder)
  • Of a baby means new happenings which will fill you with joy.... (Birth)
  • Beverage also suggests creation of a new idea or plan.... (Beverage)
  • It may also represent new beginnings and facts.... (Christmas)
  • Perhaps you became wiser, smarter and more interested in new aspects of the life.... (Death)
  • If you have a visitor in a dream, then it indicates the new messages that are coming up your way.... (Visitor)
  • Dreaming about changing shoes means you will change your behavior about new events and people.... (Shoes)
  • You will exert a strong attraction and dominance in certain person, with who you may initiate new friendship.... (Magnet (Stone))
  • Putting on a new shirt in a dream means marriage to a woman who has no relatives or kin.... (Shirt)
  • To dream of finding the treasure chest, denotes to the exploration of yourself as completely new person.... (Treasure Chest)
  • You are having problems while introducing yourself into new atmosphere.... (Aliens)
  • It means that you will face the new period of that cycle.... (Autumn)
  • Dream of a young person symbolizes fresh new perspectives and ideas.... (Young)
  • Dreaming about flaming also can mean new experiences or situations.... (Flamingo)
  • When attending a dying person, we finish one stage and start another with new possibilities.... (Attending)
  • It can symbolize birth of new plans, ideas, schemes, or methods.... (Terrarium)
  • When you dream of one of the seasons autumn it represents the end of old days and new begining of diferent life.... (Autumn)
  • The dream about the wedding usually symbolizes the fresh start and new goals of your life.... (Wedding)
  • And although it seems otherwise, many authors agree that if we are with our head cut off or disembodied that must be interpreted as a harbinger of comfort in affliction or clarification in confusion, because the dream is telling us that we will find a new perspective to focus on the conflict situation.... (Head)
  • A woman carrying the tambourine in a dream also means that she will become famous, or it could indicates a new social trend.... (Tambourine)
  • Each kind of flower has its own symbolism, but the color adds a new element for interpretation.... (Flowers)
  • To dream that you receive a shock, has the symbolic significance and suggests a sudden awakening and new awareness.... (Shock)
  • To dream that you’re using a new broom predicts that you’ll soon conquer all your obstacles and problems, and will finally achieve success.... (Broom)