• Dreaming of being in agony implies that the suffering and effort in your life will allow you to enjoy a better life in the future.... (Death)
  • Keep in mind that if you will realize your mistakes which you did before, you will be able not to do them again in the future, learn from them and live better and happier life.... (Archaeologist)
  • If we see ourselves with an injured head, it portends losing a position to take a better one.... (Head)
  • To better understand the dream about piss, read the meanings of urination.... (Piss)
  • If one sees a crow speaking to him in a dream, it could mean suffering from depression, then feeling better thereafter.... (Crow)
  • If the air is a gentle breeze, we can expect a quiet time, and if scented is even better.... (Air)
  • To dream that you’re a magician and are dressed as one suggests that you are aware that you can be whatever you want to be, either if you better or bust yourself.... (Magician)
  • If you are groaning with fear, you will be pleasantly surprised at the turn for better in your affairs, and you may look for pleasant visiting among friends.... (Groans)
  • To dream of performing theatrical magicians suggests that the dreamer wishes to better oneself in many ways, particularly his/her professional or business knowledge.... (Magic)
  • To see a dungeon lighted up, portends that you are threatened with entanglements of which your better judgment warns you.... (Dungeon)
  • To get a better interpretation of your dream, please check the meaning of flying.... (Soaring)
  • In some cases, it’s simply a warning that you need to take better care of your daily grooming in order to prevent hair or skin from being attacked by inopportune parasites.... (Fork)
  • Always portends better access to wealth and happiness.... (Plain, prairie)
  • It doesn’t matter that you feel unsafe and helpless this will be only better for you.... (Wheelchair)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of UFO.... (Flying Saucer)
  • Alternatively, it means that you are reliving the past in order to have better future.... (Ex-Boyfriend)
  • Maybe you should look back at past feelings to understand better your current mental state.... (Snorkeling)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of amusement park.... (Theme Park)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of yelling.... (Shout)
  • The landscape that is perceived through the door will tell us if the crisis that we are going through is for better or worst.... (Door)
  • If we see ourselves with the head cut off, it signifies about the losing a position in order to take a better one.... (Decapitate)
  • The situation in your life is going to become better, but in a complex way.... (Constellation)
  • Dreaming of seeing a broken door, and worse if it’s falling, suggests that there are no probabilities of achieving whatever is desired, which is why it would be better to look for other options.... (Door)
  • Dreaming of a prison symbolizes a timeout before upcoming changes, and it will be necessary to remember our feelings in the dream, for a better interpretation.... (Jail)
  • Dreaming of having an affair with an actor or actress indicates the desire of having an affair; it also means that the dreamer, because of his vanity, considers himself talented enough to overcome obstacles and get a better life… And which means, that he is not currently happy about what he has.... (Actors or actresses)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of oar.... (Paddle)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of pursuit.... (Followed)
  • To be a driver of the bus, means that you wish to take control over someone else and make the better life for them.... (School Bus)
  • The more fit a workhorse in a dream, the better is one’s determination and drive.... (Workhorse)
  • On the other hand, it is said that bidding farewell in a dream also means marriage reconciliation, or the changing of one’s conditions for the better.... (Farewell)
  • If one sees himself listening to some talks of which he follows the better avenues in the dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings.... (Eavesdropping)
  • If you see yourself entering a cavern symbolizes your need to know you better, or delve into a subject.... (Cavern)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of rowboat.... (Paddleboat)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of lock... (Padlock)
  • If someone dreams of himself as an actor (especially when this person is young), it means that he’ll have to work to survive, even if it’s not nice, you better work with enthusiasm and resignation.... (Actors or actresses)
  • Dreaming about a constant light of any kind, and better if its sunlight is a good sign that announces a nearby success.... (Light)
  • Getting out of it announces better prospects.... (Parking, garage)
  • It is also sign of longing better times from of the past.... (Ancestors)
  • For merchants, it denotes a change for the better in their line of business.... (Cotton)
  • To see cotton in bales, is a favorable indication for better times.... (Cotton)
  • Consider that the dream could also be the reflection of your emotions as maybe you are floating at some situation and do not put the effort to make it better.... (Sea)
  • Dreaming that you have ink on your fingers, you will be jealous and seek to injure some one unless you exercise your better nature.... (Ink)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of couch.... (Sofa)
  • Dreaming of turkeys flying insinuates that the dreamer is on his or her way to ascend to a better economic and social positon.... (Turkey)
  • Seeing him wearing an unsuitable garment in a dream reflects one’s own state, or it may mean that his current religious state is weak, though it may become better at a latter stage of his life.... (Vice-regent)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of prostitute.... (Whore)
  • Dreaming that cotton is advancing, denotes an immediate change from low to high prices, and all will be in better circumstances.... (Cotton)
  • Dreaming of having an attack suggests you need to make a better use of your time.... (Attack)
  • Maybe you feel you are better and higher then they are.... (Stilts)
  • Dreaming about one exchanging, whether objects, animals or money, means good business in the present and better ones in the near future.... (Barter)
  • If you ate the sea food in a dream, then such dream indicates the process of your mind to get yourself knowing better both physically and mentally.... (Seafood)
  • You should learn how to tame your feelings and control your reactions better.... (Scarecrow)
  • If one’s foot is fractured in a dream, it means that he should not near the people of authorities for some days or he better leave town for sometime and pray for his safety.... (Foot)
  • Stammering in a dream means acquiring knowledge and a better religious understanding, or it may mean eloquence in speech.... (Stammer)
  • If he receives money for his candies in the dream, it means that he praises people with kind words and they praise him back with better words.... (Candy salesman)
  • Dreaming about a hairdresser at work, and better if this person is clean and has good presentation, suggests that the dreamer is an honest and educated person, which seeks success in affairs or business, including in love.... (Hairdresser)
  • To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of flashlight.... (Searchlight)
  • Seeking good health in a dream means trying to amend one’s life for the better.... (Medicine)
  • Changing one’s mattress in a dream means leaving one’s wife for the sake of another woman.... (Mattress)
  • Nakedness in a dream also could mean divorce, or death of one’s wife.... (Naked)
  • Combing the hair of one’s wife in a dream means divorce.... (Hair)
  • If digging the earth is interpreted as seeking marriage, then the earth itself represents one’s future wife.... (Earth 1)
  • Having no lips in a dream means loosing any of the above, or one’s dream could mean a broken door, or loosing one’s keys, or perhaps it could mean the death of one’s parents, husband or wife.... (Lips)
  • If a gazelle jumps at someone in his dream, it means that his wife will rebel against him.... (Gazelle)
  • Sitting in the center stage in a spiritual gathering in a dream represents one’s station or rank, or it could represent one’s wife, child, property, or personal secretary.... (Spiritual gathering)
  • (Desertion | Denial | Divorce | Estrangement) Repudiating one’s wife in a dream means unveiling or exposing disturbing secrets.... (Repudiation)
  • If one sees the sun rising, then immediately setting in the same direction in a dream, it means a newborn who may die shortly after his birth, returning an ex-prisoner to jail shortly after his release, earning amazing amounts of money, or repenting from sin, reverting to wrongdoing, the return of a bride to her parent’s house immediately after her wedding night, or it could mean reconciliation between husband and wife.... (Sun)
  • If the color of the mattress is white in the dream, it represents a religious and a pious wife.... (Mattress)
  • For a man Dreaming that his wife has them, signifies a pleasant termination to some affair which has been long in dispute.... (Triplets)
  • If one sees himself touching his wife’s sexual organ which then turns into a male organ in a dream, it means that she may undergo an operation in relation to abnormal sexual trend.... (Male organ)
  • If one sees himself stealing the sky and hiding it in ajar in a dream, it means that he may steal a copy of the holy Qur’an and hides it with his wife.... (Skies)
  • Nearing the sky in a dream also could mean going before the governor of one’s town, or any person from whom one may need something, i.e., a teacher, a man of knowledge, a father, or a wife.... (Skies)
  • Seeing a bottle of water in a dream may denote a wife, a husband, a host, a merchant, or a pregnant woman.... (Bottle)
  • (Castle | Chivalry | Generosity | Goodness | Merchant | Nobility | Partner | Son | Travels | Wife) Owning horses in a dream means prosperity, or victory over one’s enemy.... (Horse)
  • The death of one’s wife in a dream means the end of a prosperous life.... (Death)
  • A prison in a dream also represents an ill-natured wife, a difficult cause, silence, or controlling one’s tongue, the perfidy of one’s enemy, accusations, allegations, associating with rich people, one’s grave, suspension of travels because of an illness, losing one’s drive, poverty, or unhappiness.... (Prison)
  • (Keeping a secret | Scribe | Secretary of state | Tailor | Vice-regent | Writer) In a dream, a secretary represents someone who is acquainted with the ins-and-outs of a business, or a woman who is aware of the private life of her employer, or she could be his wife or his mistress.... (Secretary)
  • Watering a garden or a farm in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with one’s wife.... (Water)
  • Man’s sickness in a dream also could signify abstaining from sexual course with his wife during her menstrual period.... (Illness)
  • Repudiation in a dream also denotes having loathsome sexual preferences, or desiring anal intercourse with one’s wife, or it could mean running away from one’s enemy.... (Repudiation)
  • A green mattress in a dream represents a pious and a religious wife.... (Mattress)
  • If he calls to prayers while laying down in his bed in a dream, it means that his wife is backbiting and slandering the neighbors.... (Call to prayers)
  • Hair in a dream also denotes farming, money, a wife, a husband or marriage.... (Hair)
  • For a wife or any one to think a will is against them, portends that they will have disputes and disorderly proceedings to combat in some event soon to transpire.... (Will)
  • An arched bridge or a viaduct in a dream also could represents one’s wife, or it could mean dispelling of one’s worries or trouble.... (Arched bridge)
  • If one sees his wife carrying a bag of dirt in a dream, it means a suspicious pregnancy.... (Earth 1)
  • Running away from the sun in a dream means that one may leave his wife, or he may run away from the governor of that land, or escape from an evil.... (Sun)
  • Sweeping dirt in one’s house means to swindle money from one’s wife.... (Earth 1)
  • Wearing a silk brocaded garment in a dream means taking a beautiful and a virgin servant for a wife.... (Brocade)
  • If one finds himself unable to sleep on his bed in a dream, it means that he cannot have marital relationship with his wife, or perhaps he could be suffering from impotence.... (Mattress)
  • In a dream, a rabbit represents a coward man, a wife, an evil woman, or someone who talks continuously about unimportant matters.... (Rabbit)
  • In a dream, a roof also represents a woman or a wife.... (Flying)
  • If one’s hair looks ugly and smelly in a dream, it represents the living condition or the state of the husband and wife.... (Hair)
  • Throwing a stone at a gazelle in a dream means raping a woman, or committing a sin, or divorcing one’s wife or being violent with her.... (Gazelle)
  • If one sees grass growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means that he will discover his wife having a secret affair, and he will find her in the company of someone else.... (Grass)
  • If angels disarm someone in a dream, it means that he will lose his wealth and strength, or that he may divorce his wife.... (Angels)
  • Seeing the Divine Throne in a dream also means receiving a high ranking position or assuming a noble function, if one qualifies, or it could represent one’s wife, house, vehicle, victory over his enemy, writing poems, or doing good deeds for the one who sees it in its perfect, radiant and glorious manifestation.... (Divine Throne)
  • In this sense, flyingbetween two roofs could mean having a mistress beside one’s wife.... (Flying)
  • (Chair) One’s seat in a dream represents his capital, wealth, work, profit, joy, happiness, a good son, or a wife who is content with what she has.... (Seat)
  • To kill one, signifies quarrels with your wife or sweetheart.... (Spider)
  • (Poverty) If someone divorces his wife in a dream, it means that he will be dismissed from his job.... (Divorce)
  • If the dreamer is a man and the closet is full, he should be suspicious of his wife.... (Wardrobe)
  • Dreaming of seeing a wife or husband, signifies small anxieties and probable sickness.... (Companion)
  • Seeing a tornado in a dream also could mean money, a wife, or a servant.... (Cloud of destruction)
  • A deer jumping at someone in a dream represents a disobedient wife.... (Deer)
  • If one is already married, then it means that his wife will beget a blessed son.... (Milk)
  • If one sees that his wife has just delivered children who are playing around him in a dream, it means distress or misfortune and the consequences could be either good or bad.... (Child)
  • It also could denote concerns about protecting one’s wife, adopting what is beneficial, conducting scientific re- search, or preserving one’s heritage.... (Stonemasonry)
  • If the earth changes into iron or rocks in one’s dream, it means that one’s wife will not bear children, or it could mean changing one’s trade or profession.... (Earth 2)
  • If one sees himself watering a garden from that bucket in a dream, it means that he will get married and benefit from his wife’s wealth.... (Bucket)
  • A kite in a dream also represents an adulterous wife and a secret affair.... (Kite 1)
  • To blow one’s nose in someone’s house in a dream means marrying someone from that family, or betraying the house master by having a secret affair with his wife.... (Nasal mucus)
  • Meadows in a dream also represent the world and its pleasures, or they could represent a rich wife.... (Meadow)
  • If one sees himself flying hori- zontally in the dream, it means that his wife will straighten her act and without much effort on his part.... (Flying)
  • Roasting a calf in a dream means appeasement of one’s fears, or news about one’s wife giving birth to a son, or it could mean standing in court before a judge.... (Roasted meat)
  • If friends accompany you, you will be successful in building an ideal home, with happy children and faithful wife, or husband.... (Road)
  • Divorcing one’s wife in a dream also means disregarding a treasure, renouncing an inheritance, abdicating one’s throne, or impeachment from one’s office.... (Divorce)
  • If a beardless man sees himself hairy in a dream, it means that his wife will soon be pregnant.... (Hair)
  • However, if one divorces his sick wife with the intention of returning to her again in the dream, in that case, it means that she will recover from her illness.... (Divorce)
  • A nag in a dream represents a wife or a husband.... (Horse)
  • Fallen teeth in a dream may denote that the husband and the wife sleep in separate beds, or it may mean poverty, or that one may die in a foreign land, or that the term of one’s life span in this world maybe extended.... (Tooth)
  • (Belt | Cincture | Waistband) A waist belt in a dream represents a wife who owns a house or a property.... (Waist belt)
  • There is no use of dotting on the wife, for life is coming to an end.... (Eclipse)
  • If it relates to one’s wife, the trench then represents her guardian or her father.... (Trench)
  • In a dream, if one looks in a mirror and sees his face to be that of a child, and if his wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who will look like his father.... (Child)
  • If one sees himself committing adultery with the wife of a close friend in a dream it means that he will take some money from him.... (Adultery)
  • If one’s reckoning is easy in a dream, it denotes his wife’s piety, compassion and love for him.... (Resurrection)
  • If one sees himself sleeping with someone else’s wife, while the husband is not minding in a dream, it means that the husband will entrust him with his home to manage.... (Adultery)
  • If one sees himself divorcing his wife in a dream, it means that he will become rich, or that his life will run smoother.... (Divorce)
  • (Beauty | Grass | Green | Knowledge | Paradise | Wisdom) In a dream, a meadow represents an easy and a trouble free money, or it could represent a wife who has little reservation and tactfulness.... (Meadow)
  • (Backside | Buttocks | Rump) In a dream, the backside represents the wife’s property and money, or it could mean one’s husband.... (Backside)
  • In a dream, a bow means travels, a brother, a wife, a son or closeness to someone.... (Bow)
  • Divorcing one’s sick wife in a dream means that she may die of her illness.... (Divorce)
  • If one sees himself doing so in a dream, it means that he will betray his wife.... (Adultery)
  • (Zachar | to remember +ya | God | The prophet Zachariah, upon whom be peace.) If one sees the prophet Zachariah in a dream, it means that God Almighty will restore fertility to him and to his wife at an advanced age.... (Zachariah)
  • If he is not seeking knowledge, it means that he will divorce his wife, then proceed to live with her in sin.... (Ship)
  • For a man Dreaming of a bald-headed woman, insures him to have a vixen for wife.... (Bald)
  • When a man dreams that his wife is mopping floors or cleaning walls, it announces that he’ll experience shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which puts him at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail.... (Mop)
  • If one divorces his wife with the intention of returning to her in a dream, it means that he will change his trade for a short time, then engages back in it.... (Divorce)
  • If one sees himself and his wife being the only people who are brought for judgement of the grand Day of Gathering in a dream, it means that he is being unjust.... (Resurrection)
  • To see a dead dove in the dream, is ominous of a separation of husband and wife, either through death or infidelity.... (Doves)
  • (Ferro concrete | Chaste wife)... (Storage)
  • If the wife of such a friend wipes the nasal mucus of her husband’s guest in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband and carry the child of his friend.... (Nasal mucus)
  • (Auditorium | Large hall) A large hall in a dream means comfort, overcoming financial difficulties, a helping wife, a good mistress of the house, a high ranking position that involves little danger, a highway sign, a praiseworthy son, a hard working employee, or a good investment.... (Hall)
  • If the dreamer is a man with assembly, and the assembly is full of young and beautiful women, is a suggestion that he should look for a wife.... (Assembly)
  • Skies in a dream also represent the ocean because of their vastness and the countless number of creation living therein, or they could represent the ripening of fruits, or the conclusion of one’s work, or they could represent one’s helmet, armor, wife, money, religion, death, or they could indicate slander and falsehood against someone who descends from them after being raised, and they could mean making peace with one’s enemies, or they could represent the shares allotted for each one of God’s creation, the good and the bad, people’s sustenance and that of beasts, gains, losses, blessings or afflictions.... (Skies)
  • A covered bow in a dream means that, one’s wife is pregnant.... (Bow)
  • Blowing one’s nose and using someone’s bed sheet in a dream means betraying him with his wife.... (Nasal mucus)
  • If one sees a cloud inside his house or descending upon him in his room in a dream, it means that he will join the company of believers or receives an award, or that he is endowed with wisdom, or should he wish for a child, his wife will conceive one.... (Clouds)
  • If one sees a dog or a pig sleeping on his mattress in a dream, it means that an insolent person is having a secret affair with one’s wife.... (Mattress)
  • Shooting a pigeon in a dream means slandering one’s own wife.... (Bow)
  • Seeing one’s back in a dream also could mean to repudiate one’s wife.... (Back)
  • If a dog, a pig, or a donkey sits in one’s saddle in a dream, it means that an ignoble person will betray him with his wife.... (Saddle)
  • A hone in a dream is also interpreted to represent a woman, or someone who causes division between a husband and a wife, or between friends and beloveds.... (Hone)
  • Bones in a dream also represent one’s helpers, family, wife, children, vehicles and properties.... (Bones)
  • One’s tongue in a dream also repre- sents a hidden treasure, a hidden knowledge, a toadying servant, an employee, one’s house, a vehicle, a skilled enemy, a seedling of a fruit bearing tree, a bad wife, a barren woman, one’s spoken and irretrievable words, earnings, collecting garbage, following someone’s traces, a policeman, or a prisoner.... (Tongue)
  • A broken glass in a dream also signifies the death of one’s wife.... (Cup)
  • A hyacinth flower in a dream also represents a beautiful woman or blessings, its fragrance represents one’s love for his wife, and its tenderness represents one’s concern and support for his family.... (Hyacinth)
  • If one’s leg is dislocated in a dream, it means that his wife may get sick.... (Limping)
  • Leaning against a tree in paradise in a dream represents the chastity of one’s wife.... (Paradise)
  • If one cuts a tree in a dream, it may mean the death of his wife, or that he will infringe upon a contract, or break a covenant.... (Tree)
  • To dismount a saddle in a dream also means divorcing one’s wife.... (Saddle)
  • A spider in a dream also could represent a pleasing wife.... (Spider)
  • If he divorces his wife in a dream, it means that he will abdicate his throne.... (King)
  • (Aloe plant) Eating or smelling a cactus plant in a dream means sorrow, sadness, separation between husband and wife or it could mean enduring an unhappy life.... (Cactus)
  • To eat one, signifies that the jealousy of your wife will cause you to forego friendly intercourse with your friends.... (Pheasant)
  • To feel a yearning or a desire to see one’s homeland in a dream means divorce between a husband and a wife, or separation between friends, or it could mean becoming rich after being poor.... (Yearning)
  • A cloak in the dream usually represents longevity, prosperity for the one wearing it and protection against a cold winter, that is poverty or the heat of summer, or heaviness in one’s life caused by his wife, his spiritual life, his religious attendance, or it could mean a sickness, imprisonment, distress caused by a woman or the stress of war .... (Cloak)
  • Ears in a dream are also interpreted to mean separation from one’s wife or daughter.... (Ear)
  • In a dream, a cloak represents marriage or a child bearing wife.... (Cloak)
  • A valuable shield in a dream represents a beautiful and a wealthy wife, or any female acquaintance or relative.... (Shield)
  • Climbing a mountain, enjoying its vegetations and drink- ing from its fresh and sweet water in a dream means sheltering one’s chastity in the company of one’s wife.... (Climbing a mountain)
  • A pillar in a dream also represents a father, a son, money, capital, a partner, a vehicle, one’s wife or a leader.... (Column)
  • If you see a woman with golden blond hair, it suggests the probability to engage in an affair with a friend’s wife, which involves various dangers.... (Hair)
  • A belt or a waistband in a dream could represent one’s wife or his property.... (Belt)
  • If a man sees his wife pregnant in a dream, it reflects his desire for material success.... (Pregnancy)
  • Drapes in a dream also represent a confidant or a trustworthy friend or a wife who covers the pitfalls of her husband, protects his business and guards him from looking at other women.... (Drapes)
  • (Case | bag) In a dream, a quiver represents a good wife, a trustworthy companion, or one’s confidant.... (Quiver)
  • If one sees himself sitting at a distance from the window in a dream, it means that he will secretly divorce his wife.... (Window)
  • If the king gives him a brocaded silk garment in the dream, it means that he will give him a wife from the royal family.... (King)
  • Using drugs or intoxicants in a contemptible way in a dream signifies apostasy, loss of honor, negation of the truth, corruption of one’s wife, or it could mean profanity.... (Intoxicants)
  • A lame hyena in a dream represents a witch, or the wife of an unknown person, a jobless person, a loafer, or a cheater.... (Hyena)
  • If the reins or the harness fall from one’s hand in the dream, it means corruption in one’s religious life, a decline in his devotion, or that one’s wife will become unlawful to him (i.e., living together after a divorce), or that she will remain in his house without a legal marriage.... (Reins)
  • Wearing one’s underpants inside-out in the dream means indulging in a loathsome and a forbidden act of anal intercourse with one’s wife.... (Underwear)
  • If a she-camel leaves one’s house in a dream, it means separation from one’s wife through either a divorce or death.... (Camel)
  • To place the spindle on the spinning wheel in a dream means reconciliation between husband and wife.... (Spindle whorl)
  • (See Closet | Protection | Veil | Wife)... (Safe)
  • A hyena in a dream also may denote exposing one’s secrets, interfering in people’s business, effeminacy, a her- maphroditic person, a wretched wife, or an ugly, treacherous and a disloyal woman.... (Hyena)
  • If a man sees himself sitting inside a window in a dream, it means that he will divorce his wife in public.... (Window)
  • If one discovers wetness in his underpants in a dream, it means that his wife is pregnant.... (Underwear)
  • If a man of knowledge sees such a dream, then drapes represent his integrity, his honorable wife and children.... (Drapes)
  • A cummerbund in a dream also means work for a jobless person, a wife for an unmarried person, and should it be carrying many ornaments, then it means the added blessing of having several children.... (Cummerbund)
  • If one sees his pregnant wife delivering a baby boy in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl and the opposite maybe true, except if it is common for the person in the dream to experience in wakefulness what he sees in his dream.... (Pregnancy)
  • They also represent one’s teacher, brothers, sisters, family, wife, children, coffer, veil, guards, confidant or trustees.... (Eyelid)
  • Dreaming of embracing your husband or wife, as the case may be, in a sorrowing or indifferent way, denotes that you will have dissensions and accusations in your family, also that sickness is threatened.... (Embrace)
  • Break a glass without losing the water or its other contents, death of the wife, safety of the child.... (Glass)
  • Sexual pleasure in a dream also may mean arrogance, pride about one’s properties, business partnership, or a marriage where the wife will enjoy what she receives and the husband will benefit from satisfying his desire.... (Pleasure)
  • As for the fifth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadul Awwal, seeing a dream during this month means that one should slow down or scrutinize his buying and selling, or it could mean that he may lose his daughter or wife, for it is in this month that the daughter of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, Fatima died.... (Arabic months)
  • Taking a ritual ablution before circumambulating the sacred House in Mecca in a dream means working for one’s livelihood, serving rich people, or caring for one’s wife and parents.... (Ritual bath)
  • Honey in a dream also could represent a husband and a wife, or their private moment, taking a rest, or engaging in a marital relationship.... (Honey)