• This dream is also a sign that you want to be heard and you would like that people around you would listen what you have to say and ask your opinion.... (Amplifier)
  • If you think you lay them upon something, which turns out to be a radiator, and they begin to grow hot and make you very uncomfortable, and you ask others to assist you, and they refuse, it foretells unexpected calamity, which will probably come in the form of a desperate illness or a misfortune for which you will be censured by those formerly your friends.... (Intestine)
  • If one sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) eating alone in a dream, it means that the one seeing the dream refuses to give charities and disdains to help those who ask for his help.... (Muhammad)
  • Do not get surprised if this person will ask help from you.... (Aerosol)
  • See a wedge in a dream symbolizes the ability to ask for help when needed.... (Wedge)
  • Are you afraid to ask for help, when you need it? Then secretary in your dream, is an alert to seek for an advice.... (Secretary)
  • Dreaming of using a knocker, foretells you will be forced to ask aid and counsel of others.... (Knocker)
  • Make sure you are going to ask for assistance if you need one.... (Advertisement)
  • Seeing or dreaming that you are a lawyer, represents the fact that you will get help if you ask for it.... (Lawyer)
  • If one sees himself as a tax collector in a dream, it means that he will earn respect, or that he will be forced to ask everyone for permission regarding everything he does.... (Tax collector)
  • You need to put your pride aside and ask for a help if you need it.... (Lawyer)
  • Dreaming that you ask favors of anyone, denotes that you will enjoy abundance, and that you will not especially need anything.... (Favor)
  • If young woman dreams of getting a ring as a gift from a man, then such dream suggests that her lover will soon ask her to marry him.... (Ring)
  • If the pot one is stirring in his dream does not contain any meat or food, it means that he will ask a poor person to do something beyond his means, and consequently he will not benefit from his doing.... (Pot)
  • Dreaming of wearing another’s coat, signifies that you will ask some friend to go security for you.... (Coat)
  • You need to put away your arrogance and ask for outside assistance.... (Talisman)
  • Thus, whatever he ask, God Almighty will grant.... (Light)
  • If a deceased person asks someone to wash his cloth in a dream, it means that he needs the prayers and forgiveness of the person who saw him in his dream, or it could mean that one needs him to pay a debt he left behind or to ask people to forgive him his sins or to fulfill his will.... (Death)
  • Coming before a fortuneteller to ask about some understanding in a dream denotes distress, burdens or dismay.... (Fortuneteller)
  • If one thinks that he took such a meal in his dream, it means that he may commit a wrongdoing then repent and ask for forgiveness.... (Suhiir)
  • Please do not trust the people you thought you could ask help from either.... (Towel)
  • Palm trees, walnut trees, or the like trees in a dream represent people of the upper social class from whom no one can get anything, or no one will even attempts to ask them for anything.... (Tree)
  • Dreaming of the excesses of all kinds accompanying orgies reveals sexual dissatisfaction, and we must ask ourselves what we should do, or revise living conditions that are too puritanical, or conversely, slow down our imagination.... (Orgies)
  • Make sure you ask for help when it’s needed, because people are willing to give you a hand.... (Mental Institution)
  • Make sure you ask people to give you a hand when it is needed.... (Chiropractor)
  • If you wore the talisman in a dream, then the dream suggest you to ask for assistance when it is needed.... (Talisman)
  • If a person is asked to repent and to ask for forgiveness in a dream, it means that he or she will commit adultery.... (Forgiveness)
  • If you dream of an animal it means that someone will come to you to ask for help; if you can provide the person with it, don’t deny it.... (Animals)
  • Such a person would be truthful as long as he does not ask for a price for his services.... (Counselor)
  • A young woman that dreams of an ape implies that she doesn’t trust her loved one’s honesty and fidelity, which means she must ask for an explanation.... (Ape)
  • Through these solicitous souls we may obtain a great deal of knowledge to good or to evil things if we ask them to reveal them to us.... (Dead)
  • Maybe it’s time to ask why you feel this desire for change.... (Railway)
  • Dreaming of walking and using a cane is a warning that tells you that you should ask for advice and maybe even help from another person to solve the problems you have.... (Cane)
  • Dreaming of being wrapped in a mystery suggests that strangers will come to the dreamer to ask for help or for advice, which will involve new unwanted obligations or businesses that could be dangerous.... (Mystery)
  • This dream might be a suggestion for you to be less proud and to ask for help.... (Collections)
  • To dream that a friend or family member is crying suggests that soon someone will ask for your help.... (Cry)
  • If others pay them, you will be forced to ask aid of friends.... (Taxes)
  • On the other hand, it suggests that you will not ask someone to lend you money.... (Weeping)
  • To dream that orphaned children ask for your help suggests that soon you’ll have new and delicate responsibilities in the activities or business that you’re planning or already working on.... (Orphan)
  • One who sees God’s prophet Joseph (uwbp) in a dream will also be a pious, generous, charitable, and shares his good advice with those who need it, or ask for it.... (Joseph)
  • You will ask for help to solve a delicate situation.... (Architect)
  • This dream shows you that you are afraid to ask someone’s to give you a hand and sort the problems you have .... (Banker)
  • (Amputation | Beheading | Cutting | Decapitation | Scission | Chopping off | Severing) Cutting off one’s hand in a dream signifies failure to perform one’s obligatory prayers or being devoid of any need or an income that eliminates the need to ask others for anything, or it could mean repentance from sin.... (Cutting off)
  • Once completed, one may ask for his personal needs or pray for others.... (Tajiayyat)
  • On the other hand, if the earth reprimands someone in the dream, it means that he must amend his actions for the better and ask for God’s forgiveness and guidance.... (Earth 2)
  • You must sometimes put away your pride and learn to ask for help.... (Talisman)
  • If they ask us advice, it denotes to success in what we are doing.... (Tips)
  • To ask a question, foretells that you will earnestly strive for truth and be successful.... (Question)
  • Dreaming of asking to borrow an umbrella announces negative and unpleasant moments that will make the dreamer to ask for help.... (Umbrella)
  • Dreaming of animals is an indication that someone will ask for your help and you should not deny it.... (Animals)
  • Dreaming about one person slandering another implies that someone will soon ask or even demand favors, perhaps in the form of blackmail.... (Slander)
  • If one finds himself depressed and annoyed with the arrival of the traveller in the dream, then his dream may signify having to ask for something from someone, or needing others, or confronting the unavoidable.... (Arrival)
  • Ask for grace indicates that you will benefit from the favors of an influential person.... (Grace)
  • Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace.... (Muhammad)
  • To dream about someone who is drowning and that you aid in his/her rescue, is a warning that someone will probably ask for your help.... (Sinking)
  • To ask for one means a positive change.... (Bond)
  • If any sick person ask you what they are, foretells there will be surprising events in your present and future.... (Katydids)
  • Clouds in a dream also represent the people in authority who do others favors and ask for no reward.... (Clouds)
  • Dreaming of distant monkeys usually refers to distant relatives or friends who are in a difficult moral situation and that will soon ask for advice or help.... (Monkeys)
  • If one sees the world decorated for him and he is able to ask for whatever he wishes from it in a dream, it means that he will become poor, or that he may face destruction.... (Ornaments)