• If the flowers are wilting or the flower bed is unattended and without flowers that announces preoccupations and problems.... (Flower bed)
  • Yellow is a symbol of sunlight that illuminates everything and gives us warmth.... (Yellow)
  • However, if in addition to the yellow there is also color red, we probably feared excessive force that results in irritability or anger.... (Yellow)
  • (Color) Wearing a yellow silken garment in a dream means a sickness.... (Yellow)
  • To see a yellow bird flitting about in your dreams, foretells that some great event will cast a sickening fear of the future around you.... (Yellow Bird)
  • Traditionally dreaming with color yellow is interpreted as an omen of intelligence, luck and energy to everyday life.... (Yellow)
  • To see a dead or sick yellow bird, foretells tragedy in your affairs.... (Yellow Bird)
  • If a warrior sees himself wearing a yellow silken garment in a dream, it means that he will be decorated for his chivalry.... (Yellow)
  • Seeing a yellow bird in the dream, predicts good luck, cheerful time and profit in financial affairs, but not so good in affairs of the heart.... (Yellow Bird)
  • Yellow in a dream also represents strains.... (Yellow)
  • Seeing a yellow bird land on your, denotes trouble, misfortune, misery.... (Yellow Bird)
  • If it’s in bloom it’s a sign of happiness and well-being.... (Flower bed)
  • It is the most popular symbol of modesty.... (Violet (flower))
  • To see flowers blooming in barren soil without vestage of foliage, foretells you will have some grievous experience, but your energy and cheerfulness will enable you to climb through these to prominence and happiness.... (Flower)
  • For a young woman to receive a bouquet of mixed flowers, foretells that she will have many admirers.... (Flower)
  • Dream of flowers in a desert means your energy and positive attitude will help you overcome current problems.... (Flower)
  • Withered and dead flowers, signify disappointments and gloomy situations.... (Flower)
  • To dream that someone gives you a bouquet of flowers is a sign of respect, admiration and recognition of others towards you.... (Flower)
  • Wilted or white flowers symbolize disappointment and sad situations.... (Flower)
  • The dream may mean an expression of love, joy and happiness.... (Flower)
  • Dream of colorful flowers symbolizes kindness, compassion, tenderness, beauty and profits.... (Flower)
  • {Held in slumber’s soft embrace, She enters realms of flowery grace, Where tender love and fond caress, Bids her awake to happiness.} See Bouquet.... (Flower)
  • (See Garden)... (Flower garden)
  • Dreaming of seeing flowers blooming in gardens, signifies pleasure and gain, if bright-hued and fresh | white denotes sadness.... (Flower)
  • In a dream, he represents someone who has gratitude and contentment, or someone who faces his adversities with patience.... (Flower shop owner)
  • (Also see Colors | Paleness)... (Yellow)
  • (See Scorpion)... (Yellow scorpion)
  • (See Rose)... (Yellow rose)
  • It is the color of intuition and intelligence.... (Yellow)
  • It is basically the color of intellect.... (Yellow)
  • Predicts trouble, but for lovers – marriage.... (Yellow)
  • To see it sick or dead, foretells that you will suffer for another’s wild folly.... (Yellow Bird)
  • This flower is a summer flower and in summer people relax and enjoy their vacations with the most important persons in their life.... (Zinnias)
  • Perennial plant | Flower) Seeing an Iris flower in a dream signifies recurring festivities, continuing success, happy news, a rainbow of colors, or a foreigner.... (Iris)
  • If one sees a deceased person carrying such a flower, or offering him a hyacinth flower to smell in a dream, it means that the deceased person is dwelling in paradise.... (Hyacinth)
  • To see them flying from flower to flower, it indicates a budding love.... (Beehive, bees)
  • Smelling rose-water or orange-blossom water or distilled water from jonquil or from any species of the narcissus flower in a dream means joy, happiness, cheers, eulogies and prosperity.... (Distilled water)
  • Dreaming of this little flower starring the grass at your feet, is an omen of joys laden with comfort and peace.... (Primrose)
  • Seeing this flower in dreams is interpreted as an omen of tenderness and love.... (Violet)
  • In dreams, this flower is taken as a symbol of friendship and benevolence.... (Hyacinth)
  • This meaning may vary depending on the flower’s condition.... (Flowers)
  • To dream of beautiful flower bouquets usually symbolizes global joy and satisfaction.... (Flowers)
  • It also could represent a flower merchant.... (Garment)
  • Dreaming about the bee who is on a flower is a symbol of a nascent love.... (Bees)
  • A hyacinth in a dream also represents a son when standing erect in the fields, and it represents a woman when gathered as a bouquet of flowers, while it means a calamity if seen cut and placed inside a flower pot, a vase , or in an inappropriate place.... (Hyacinth)
  • If we see the flower is a bad omen.... (Amaranth)
  • If they are blooming, it indicates that our projects come true happily, but if the flower falls indicates upcoming disappointments.... (Almonds)
  • A hyacinth flower in a dream also represents a beautiful woman or blessings, its fragrance represents one’s love for his wife, and its tenderness represents one’s concern and support for his family.... (Hyacinth)
  • If one throws a hyacinth flower to another person in a dream, it means that the receiver will experience sorrow at his hand and that their friendship will be hampered.... (Hyacinth)
  • If one is offered a hyacinth flower but find that it carries no fragrance in the dream, it means an adversity.... (Hyacinth)
  • If one sees a bride on her wedding day, dressed in her beautiful robe, looking beautiful and adorned with flower in a dream, it means wealth in this world.... (Bride)
  • The narcissus flower in a dream also signifies longevity or gray hair.... (Narcissus)
  • It’s a tree with a flower that expresses sadness and melancholy, but also security and certainty, even if it’s certainty in the next life.... (Mimosa)
  • Seeing them going from a flower to another: it indicates a new love.... (Bee)
  • Dreaming about an abandoned tomb with little details of joy, like a fresh flower, or something that indicates a recent visit, means that the bad streak you’re going through is about to end, giving way to joy, expectations and new hopes.... (Grave)
  • The hyacinth flower is a symbol of friendship and benevolence.... (Hyacinth)
  • To dream about flower with white woolly leaves, announces that luck and happiness will be on your side.... (Edelweiss)
  • Drinking an infusion of a violet flower in a dream means recovering from an illness, or avoiding certain food in one’s diet.... (Drink)
  • If the flower appears alive it indicates brief and momentary happiness, and if it appears to be wilted, then the dream might be telling us about our inability to accept aging or the decline of a project.... (Daffodil)
  • (Flower garden) A garden in a dream means repentance, and repentance from sin in a dream means a garden.... (Garden)
  • (Flower) In a dream, a lily of the valley denotes harm or a despised act.... (Lily of the valley)
  • It is said that any flower from the lily family may represent death when presented to a sick person in a dream.... (Hyacinth)
  • A hyacinth flower salesman in a dream represents a worrisome person, for such flowers do not remain long in his possession.... (Hyacinth)
  • If one sees a hyacinth flower being raised to the heavens in a dream, it means the death of a gnostic or that of a renowned scholar.... (Hyacinth)
  • If a married person sees a hyacinth flower in his dream, it means that he will beget a son, or he may acquire knowledge, or specialize in a scientific project that will add to his pride.... (Hyacinth)
  • If an unwed person sees a hyacinth flower in his dream, it means that he will get married.... (Hyacinth)
  • Receiving a lily flower in a dream means displaying bad conduct, or showing a bad example.... (Lily of the valley)
  • If one smells a hyacinth flower in a dream, it means relief from sorrow, end of adversities, good deeds, or making a true promise.... (Hyacinth)
  • To dream pansy flower means that in these days someone remembers us and also it motivates us to reflection and meditation, so essential to thinking.... (Pansy)
  • A flower corolla indicates tenderness and happiness.... (Corolla)
  • Seeing the narcissus flower in a dream also means happiness, money, gold, or silver.... (Narcissus)
  • To dream about a flower garden is good, as always, it announces a calm, happy and optimistic future where honest, friendly and caring people will surround you.... (Garden)
  • See it in flower and in season, happy innocence.... (Lily)
  • (bot.) In a dream, a narcissus flower represents a woman.... (Narcissus)
  • A daisy flower in a dream is also interpreted to means marrying one’s cousin.... (Daisy)
  • Finally, see them on a flower is a symbol of a new love.... (Bees)
  • A daisy flower in a dream is also interpreted to represent a beautiful woman.... (Daisy)
  • The lilac flower symbolizes the first emotions of love in youth.... (Lilacs)
  • Each kind of flower has its own symbolism, but the color adds a new element for interpretation.... (Flowers)
  • If in dream we see flower garlands the dream involves a double symbolism, on one hand the welcome to new events that appear in our life, and secondly, the ephemeral because flowers fade in a short space of time.... (Garland)
  • If it is the flower, then it indicates the performing of a good deed which will be worth a prize.... (Anise)
  • Seeing a jasmine flower in one’s hand in a dream also means recovering from a chest cold or a fever.... (Jasmine)
  • To dream about a limp and little flower garden suggests that you’ll soon experience moments of sadness because of an illness or loss.... (Garden)
  • When a woman dreams of a flower garden instead of a vegetable one, it suggests that if she acts wisely she’ll be able to achieve success in her social environment.... (Garden)
  • No flower of purity will ever be too sacred for you to breathe a passionate breath upon.... (Absalom)
  • This little flower reminds us that you must make good on your promises.... (Forget-me-not)
  • Wearing a yellow garment in a dream means sickness.... (Bond’)
  • If one eats a cucumber in his dream, it means that he will strive for something but with great strain on him and particularly if he sees yellow cucumbers.... (Cucumber)
  • (See Colors | Safflower | Yellow)... (Orange)
  • A black flag in a dream means a man of knowledge, a white one represents jealousy, a yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land.... (Colors)
  • (Black | Blond | Bluish-black | Green | Maroon | Purple | Red | Reddish-brown | White | Yellow) The color black in a dream means prosperity, happiness or sickness.... (Colors)
  • If one sees a piece of alum or a yellow piece of metal in a dream, it means that he will be addressed with harsh words or become subject to slander and defamation.... (Alum)
  • Yellow means this love will be accompanied by jealousy.... (Carnation)
  • Wearing a red shirt in a dream means fame, while a yellow shirt in a dream means an illness.... (Shirt)
  • If the yellow color is more dominant in the dream, it means an illness.... (Rainbow)
  • If it is yellow in the dream, it means wealth which is accompanied with health problems.... (Sequins)
  • Seeing a yellow spathe and not eating from it in a dream represents the anger of a landlord toward his ranchers.... (Pollen)
  • Orange and yellow flowers reflect the solar symbolism and express life and creative energy, or according to other authors, nostalgia.... (Flowers)
  • If a believer sees his face yellow in a dream, it denotes his devotion and fear of wrongdoing.... (Face)
  • If the color of one’s beard yields to yellow in the dream, it means poverty and illness.... (Beard)
  • The changing of their color into yellow or black in a dream mean changes in one’s life.... (Tooth)
  • All types and colors of sequins in a dream represent money except the yellow ones.... (Sequins)
  • If the new crescent is opaque, or if it is created from yellow copper, or if it has the shape of a serpent or a scorpion in the dream, then it denotes evil.... (Crescent)
  • The meat of a yellow cow in a dream means illness.... (Meat)
  • The orange and yellow flowers reflect life and creative energy.... (Flowers)
  • Yellow food in a dream means sickness, except for fowl’s meat.... (Food)
  • A red flag in a dream means war, while a yellow flag means a plague.... (Army’s flag)
  • A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: {I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them.... (Forest)
  • If it’s red it can be dangerous, if it’s green it will mean some sort of help and if it’s yellow you should not trust others appearances.... (Traffic lights)
  • Yellow sand in a dream means repentance, recovering from an illness, or tightening of one’s livelihood.... (Sand)
  • In general, a yellow face in a dream means humiliation, loneliness, hypocrisy or illness.... (Face)
  • Yellow means lack of knowledge.... (Butterfly)
  • If the color of his skin is yellow, then it relates to his galls.... (Thief)
  • Yellow is known as the symbolism of sun, gold, generosity and light.... (Colors)
  • A black or a yellow cow represents happiness, prosperity and a good harvest.... (Cow)
  • Wearing a yellow garment in a dream or any of its derivative colors in general means ulcer or other internal festering illness.... (Garment)
  • Yellow water in a dream means an illness.... (Water)
  • Yellow represents strain, sickness, repentance, a son, or it could mean chivalry.... (Colors)
  • A green quince in a dream is better than a yellow one.... (Quince)
  • Dreaming of having white flowers in a bathroom indicates a risk of developing a benign disease such as a cold, if they are yellow flowers and they are not in a vase, you should take precautions.... (Bathroom)
  • If it turns yellow in the dream, it means an illness.... (Sun)
  • Yellow, we will fight for intelligence.... (Flag)
  • Yellow teeth in a dream mean spending money to restore one’s reputation, or it could mean being knowledgeable in one’s own esteem.... (Tooth)
  • Yellow dragon indicates the relaxation and freedom.... (Dragon)
  • Any yellow colored drink in a dream means sickness.... (Drink)
  • If one’s teeth turn yellow or black in a dream, such a dream also represents a disgraceful act that will bring shame upon one’s family.... (Tooth)
  • If a shipment of yellow cows arrives at the port of a city in a dream, it means a plague or the spreading of unknown diseases.... (Cow)
  • It is the color of intellect (yellow) and (red) passion.... (Colors)
  • If one’s vomit is yellow and bitter in taste in the dream, it means repentance after having paid the price of one’s crime.... (Vomit)
  • If one’s fingernails turn yellow, green or blue or if they are broken in the dream, it means death.... (Body 1)
  • It also means prosperity, especially when the pieces of clothing are golden or yellow.... (Clothing)
  • (Crab apple | Crataegus azarolus | Mespilus germanica) Eating a bitter tasting applelike fruit of the medlar tree or any of such varieties that are also used in making preserves, or eaten yellow, spoiled, or unripened in a dream means a sickness.... (Medlar tree)
  • Eating any yellowish fruit in a dream represents a sickness, except for citron, apples, or the lotus fruit, for their yellow color in the dream does not cause any harm, since their substance is a viable medicinal cure.... (Medlar tree)
  • If the stove or the fireplace is made from yellow copper or brass in the dream, then such a woman may have come from a house of a worldly and rich people.... (Fireplace)
  • If they are yellow, they represent an epidemic disease.... (Banner)
  • A yellow colored medicine in a dream means illness.... (Medicine)
  • Harvesting green spikes of wheat in the dream means the death of a young person, but if they are yellow and dry, then they mean the death of an elderly person.... (Wheat)
  • Brass or similar yellow metals in a dream represent an imposter who swindles money from people, cheats and threatens them.... (Brass)
  • A yellow olive in a dream represents heavy concerns about one’s religious life.... (Olives)
  • If he is wearing a yellow gown in the dream, then his dream represents a light sickness that will not last.... (Fat person)
  • When it ripens and becomes yellow in adream, it denotes greater profits.... (Apricot)
  • A yellow scorpion in a dream repre- sents a fierce enemy, though he would have more patience in getting at his prey.... (Scorpion)
  • Yellow or opaque cheeks in a dream mean fear, sorrow and loss of status.... (Cheeks)
  • A yellow scorpion in a dream also means incoming money.... (Scorpion)
  • Wearing yellow or red silk in a dream means a sickness.... (Silk)
  • In general, a yellow colored fruit in a dream signifies illness.... (Apricot)
  • It is also said that an apricot tree in a dream represents a hypocrite, because yellow in a dream means illness, and hypocrisy is an illness.... (Apricot)
  • A yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land.... (Flag)
  • Yellow brass in a dream also represents a person who is proud about his worldly possessions.... (Brass)
  • Should they be white, the difficulties will be slight, if they be yellow the difficulties will be painful, and if red then the dream oftentimes foretells death.... (Flowers)
  • On the other hand, if one’s face is yellow and pale and his body is white in the dream, then it means that his heart is better than what others can perceive from his outer look.... (Paleness)
  • Wearing a yellow garment in a dream means an illness, unless if it is made from silk.... (Paleness)
  • (Also see Yellow)... (Paleness)
  • If one sees his face white and his body yellow in a dream, it means that what he shows outwardly is better than what he hides.... (Paleness)
  • To see white roses in a bathroom, and yellow ones in a box, denote that sickness will interfere with pleasure | but more lasting joys will result from this disappointment.... (Bathroom)
  • To pass down an avenue of white chrysanthemums, with here and there a yellow one showing among the white, foretells a strange sense of loss and sadness, from which the sensibilities will expand and take on new powers.... (Chrysanthemum)
  • (Yellow) Paleness of one’s face in a dream means a sickness.... (Paleness)
  • If one sees his face bright yellow in a dream, it means that he will be among the exalted and blessed people in the hereafter.... (Paleness)
  • Almost all authors interpret that if carnations are yellow, the dream is announcing the appearance of jealousy in the relationship.... (Carnations)
  • To see yellow apparel, foretells approaching gaieties and financial progress.... (Apparel)
  • (Money | Yellow) Brass in a dream means enmity.... (Brass)
  • Smelling the fragrance of a yellow rose in a dream means kissing a sick woman.... (Rose(s))
  • It is also said that if one sees yellow brass in his dream , it means that he will hear harsh words and false statements.... (Brass)
  • A yellow turban means sickness.... (Turban)
  • You will be fortunate if you dream of yellow cloth.... (Apparel)
  • If it is green or yellow, in this case it announces disease.... (Reap)
  • If you dream that a spotted or yellow cat chases you, it suggests that you’ll meddle among intrigues and embarrassments that will end up harming you.... (Cat)
  • Killing a yellow scorpion in a dream means making a good investment that will show profits.... (Scorpion)