• Death rattling in a dream also signifies preparing to take a journey, marriage of an unmarried person, moving from one house to a new one, changing one’s trade or repaying one’s debt, or divorcing one’s wife.... (Agony of death)
  • Dreaming that you are descending into one, signifies that you will knowingly risk health and fortune for greater success.... (Pit)
  • Dreaming of taking a Turkish bath, foretells that you will seek health far from your home and friends, but you will have much pleasurable enjoyment To see others take a Turkish bath, signifies that pleasant companions will occupy your attention.... (Turkish Baths)
  • A dry canal in a dream signifies cessation of business, unsalable merchandise, a dead market or discord with one’s wife, suffering from a urinary bladder, or having kidney problems.... (Canal)
  • To break them, signifies your ability to overcome enmity and competition.... (Ropes)
  • Dreaming of a stage driver, signifies you will go on a strange journey in quest of fortune and happiness.... (Stage Driver)
  • If one is called a teenager in a dream, it signifies the necessity to take a ritual ablution, or that something good or bad may take place in wakefulness.... (Boy)
  • Dreaming that he fails in his suit, signifies that he only needs more masterfulness and energy in his daring, as he has already the love and esteem of his sweetheart.... (Failure)
  • The tail cut and separated from the horse, signifies that you will be abandoned by friends, servants and companions, or brother soldiers, should the dreamer be in the military.... (Tail)
  • In the dream you are wet this signifies your emotional status.... (Wet)
  • When you dream of an adder it signifies someone very smart, clever and tricky.... (Adder)
  • As for a sick person, being under the constraint of debts in a dream signifies further health complications.... (Loan)
  • Play one, signifies good luck, prosperity.... (Tambourine)
  • (Home coming) The arrival home of a traveller in a dream signifies relief after sustaining depression and distress, or it could mean recovering from an illness, or regaining a stronghold.... (Arrival)
  • If the horse is saddled but nobody rides it, it signifies a women’s meeting.... (Horse, Riding)
  • Dreaming of relating an anecdote, signifies that you will greatly prefer gay companionship to that of intellect, and that your affairs will prove as unstable as yourself.... (Anecdote)
  • Dreaming you are using incantations, signifies unpleasantness between husband and wife, or sweethearts.... (Incantation)
  • (Unfinished business) An incomplete job in a dream signifies joblessness, inactivity, indolence, or it could mean an unattainable desire for leadership.... (Incomplete Job)
  • (Corset | Jerkin | Knee brace | Support) In a dream, a brace signifies tight circumstances, difficulties, adversities, pain, sufferings, weakness and need for someone’s support.... (Brace)
  • Dream of being beheaded by an acquaintance, signifies participation in his pleasures, success, or dignities.... (Beheading)
  • Dreaming of them as ornaments, signifies a rushing trade, and some remuneration.... (Quills)
  • To see imps in your dream, signifies trouble from what seems a passing pleasure.... (Imps)
  • To see or hear a mocking-bird, signifies you will be invited to go on a pleasant visit to friends, and your affairs will move along smoothly and prosperously.... (Mocking-bird)
  • If you dream of almonds it signifies rich and stable life, after the disappointments you have been suffering.... (Almonds)
  • Thus, the first saying signifies what is real and true while the second saying implies the physical reality and its example.... (Muhammad)
  • To walk a rope, signifies that you will engage in some hazardous speculation, but will surprisingly succeed.... (Ropes)
  • If they fall to the ground, then it signifies disputes between family members.... (Scissors)
  • To dream of Rome, signifies a change for the worse.... (Rome)
  • If you dream of a basket it signifies the material asspects of your being.... (Basket)
  • It also signifies owning properties and having control over a vast land and its people.... (Finished Business)
  • (Dejection | Melancholy | Sadness) In a dream, depression signifies the opposite.... (Depression)
  • Dreaming of seeing fagots piled up to burn you at the stake, signifies that you are threatened with loss, but if you escape, you will enjoy a long and prosperous life.... (Fagot)
  • A beautiful looking young boy in a dream also signifies good luck and victory over one’s enemy.... (Boy)
  • Dreaming of seeing turtles, signifies that an unusual incident will cause you enjoyment, and improve your business conditions.... (Turtle)
  • For a young woman Dreaming of kissing the forehead of her lover, signifies that he will be displeased with her for gaining notice by indiscreet conduct.... (Forehead)
  • To be in her company, signifies temptation, pastime.... (Sweetheart)
  • See them served on table, signifies joy, friendship.... (Oysters)
  • Old and broken pipe, signifies ill health and stagnation of business.... (Pipe)
  • Dreaming of broken or soiled spoons, signifies loss and trouble.... (Spoons)
  • To walk on it, signifies distasteful engagements.... (Sheet Iron)
  • To think your face, or the face of others, is blackened or mutilated, signifies you will be accused of indiscretion which will be unjust, though circumstances may convict you.... (Explosion)
  • Also signifies peace and contentment at home.... (Oats)
  • A broken tankard in a dream signifies the death of one’s servant or employee.... (Tankard)
  • This is an ominous dream in terms of family relationships, because it signifies hardships when we try to solve arguments and fights in this area.... (Neighbors)
  • A Japanese spaniel or a Pekingese in a dream signifies mixing with, or doing business with a foreign counterpart.... (Dog)
  • Dreaming that you bear witness against others, signifies you will have great oppression through slight causes.... (Witness)
  • Seeing Eve in the dream signifies slow thinking or slow doings.... (Eve)
  • To eat them, signifies extravagance in your personal living.... (Quail)
  • Dreaming of seeing the minuet danced, signifies a pleasant existence with congenial companions.... (Minuet)
  • This dream could also signifies your actual fear of dying not only in car accidents, but in general.... (Accident)
  • Dreaming of fly-paper, signifies ill health and disrupted friendships.... (Fly-paper)
  • If one witnesses the emergence of the Imposter (Antichrist) in a dream, it signifies new trends, innovations and masses straying from the straight path.... (Resurrection)
  • Dreaming of a broken glass signifies thriving business and is always a sign of happiness and fortune.... (Glass)
  • To see a fleece in the dream signifies a strong endurance and security.... (Fleece)
  • (Adze | Ax) Seeing an adz in a dream signifies continuing progress, perma- nence, stability, livelihood, profits, money, benefits from one’s wife or child.... (Adz)
  • To see a bent or rusty pin, signifies that you will lose esteem because of your careless ways.... (Pins)
  • To dream that a necklace breaks signifies our liberation from a negative relationship.... (To break)
  • Dreaming that you fail to receive a dowry, signifies penury and a cold world to depend on for a living.... (Dowry)
  • Old or rusty wire, signifies that you will be possessed of a bad temper, which will give troubles to your kindred.... (Wire)
  • One’s arm in a dream also signifies protection from sin or it cold represent his wife, his mother, his teacher, wealth, craft, source of income, a supporting son or a close brother one can depend on at times of difficulties.... (Arm 1)
  • (Dissolute | Immoral | Shameless) In a dream, profligacy signifies ingratitude, disbelief, or denial of the truth.... (Profligacy)
  • When you dream of seeing yourself apologizing to someone, it signifies you as open minded to people who have been in your life.... (Apologize)
  • To dream of a barrier signifies the interruption to your emotional increasment.... (Barrier)
  • If you dream of drinking an acid, it signifies that you are emotionally enchained and do not know which way to represent yourself.... (Acid)
  • Dreaming you are possessed of wisdom, signifies your spirit will be brave under trying circumstances, and you will be able to overcome these trials and rise to prosperous living.... (Wisdom)
  • Dreaming of seeing a boiler out of repair, signifies you will suffer from bad management or disappointment.... (Boiler)
  • Dreaming of bolts, signifies that formidable obstacles will oppose your progress.... (Bolts)
  • To become frightened and think you are falling, signifies that, while you may advance, you will have no firm hold on your position.... (Roof)
  • Dreaming of a rich, green and sunny land is a good omen, because it signifies wealth, peace and mental or physical balance.... (Land)
  • When dreaming of buying bread, it signifies the dreamer’s own hypocrisy as a defense against those around him or her to hide the prosperity in which the dreamer lives.... (Bakery)
  • If you cut off the tree, then it signifies the useless strength and power you invested.... (Trees)
  • Dreaming of baptism, signifies that your character needs strengthening by the practice of temperance in advocating your opinions to the disparagement of your friends.... (Baptism)
  • If you saw the tree that fell down or was destroyed by the force, then it signifies the lost control of your life.... (Trees)
  • Shoulder pain in a dream signifies bad earnings.... (Pain)
  • Dreaming of lit candles whose wax trickles down, signifies closeness of hypocrites who intend to harm you.... (Candles)
  • Dreaming that you are an applicant, signifies that you will humiliate your inward self for public favor.... (Baptism)
  • Dreaming of shooting off your pistol, signifies that you will bear some innocent person envy, and you will go far to revenge the imagined wrong.... (Pistol)
  • If you dream of using an ax while shattering the wood it signifies your problems which you should not try take care all of them at once.... (Ax)
  • Pain in one’s navel in a dream signifies ill-treatment of one’s wife.... (Pain)
  • A barking bitch in a dream signifies harm and deceit which is caused by abominable people.... (Dog)
  • To dream of scallop shell signifies the feminine side of the dreamer.... (Scallop)
  • Using a contracep- tive in a dream also signifies impeachment from office or losing the election or divorcing one’s wife or changing one’s trade.... (Birth control)
  • Dreaming of the gutter, signifies degradation and unhappiness to others.... (Gutter)
  • If you see yourself trying to pluck the acorns from the tree and shaking the tree, it signifies your good impact on other people.... (Acorn)
  • Dreaming of seeing a crowd of merry children dancing, signifies to the married, loving, obedient and intelligent children and a cheerful and comfortable home.... (Dance)
  • To break idols, signifies a strong mastery over self, and no work will deter you in your upward rise to positions of honor.... (Idols)
  • Killing a dog in a dream signifies vanquishing one’s enemy.... (Dog)
  • A dream of a burning building signifies that big problems are coming.... (Burn)
  • Dreaming that you are building a shelter, signifies that you will escape the evil designs of enemies.... (Shelter)
  • If the box appears with coins, it signifies close hardship.... (Cash Register)
  • Dreaming of a racing turf, signifies that you will have pleasure and wealth at your command, but your morals will be questioned by your most intimate friends.... (Turf)
  • When many boxes full of valuable things appear in a dream, it signifies that there might be envious feelings close to the dreamer.... (Cash Register)
  • Dreaming of seeing turkeys, signifies abundant gain in business, and favorable crops to the farmer.... (Turkey)
  • Dreaming of a waiter, signifies you will be pleasantly entertained by a friend.... (Waiter)
  • Dream of making vows signifies a desire to return to virtue divine love.... (Offerings And Vows To The Divinity)
  • Are you experiencing new-found freedom? It also signifies that you will be champion in overcoming your obstacles that may presently seem overwhelming.... (Floating)
  • Dreaming of being in a bakery signifies economic stability.... (Bakery)
  • Whether someone is taking care of us or we’re taking care of someone it signifies the end of hostility and quarrels.... (Care)
  • Dream of having hair black, short and crispy, signifies sadness and misfortune.... (Hair)
  • To hear the roar of a lion, signifies unexpected advancement and preferment with women.... (Lion)
  • To see fat oxen in green pastures, signifies fortune, and your rise to positions beyond your expectations.... (Ox)
  • To send a gift, signifies displeasure will be shown you, and ill luck will surround your efforts.... (Gift)
  • To see people you know in the firmament, signifies that they are about to commit some unwise act through you, and others must be the innocent sufferers.... (Firmament)
  • To eat one, signifies that the jealousy of your wife will cause you to forego friendly intercourse with your friends.... (Pheasant)
  • In dreams, a pearl signifies our ideals and also the purity of our innermost feelings.... (Pearl)
  • Dreaming of a switch, signifies you will meet discouragements in momentous affairs.... (Switch)
  • Such dream also signifies the belief in yourself you have.... (Spire)
  • A cage in a dream also signifies complications.... (Cage)
  • To pass through green, growing fields, and look upon landscape, in your dreams, and feel that it is an awaking experience, signifies that there is some good and brightness in store for you, but there will be disappointments intermingled between the present and that time.... (Awake)
  • Company at your house, signifies tears, inquietude.... (Society)
  • Most of the time dreaming of dogs signifies a great desire of feeling loved and protected, of having someone by our side that gives us love and selfless company.... (Dogs)
  • A bat in a dream also signifies blindness, heedlessness, a child of adultery, or a bastard son.... (Bat)
  • (Brag | Feat) Boasting about something in a dream signifies wealth and spending.... (Boast)
  • To see a well-fed ox, signifies that you will become a leading person in your community, and receive much adulation from women.... (Ox)
  • For a woman Dreaming that she sees Daniel in the lions’ den, signifies that by her intellectual qualifications and personal magnetism she will win fortune and lovers to her highest desire.... (Lion)
  • Dreaming that you are dressing up your dog with clothes, signifies your attempts to cover up your own character imperfections, flaws and habits.... (Dog)
  • If cows are fat and shiny, then it signifies wealth and prosperity.... (Cow)
  • Dreaming that you resign any position, signifies that you will unfortunately embark in new enterprises.... (Resign)
  • For a young woman, this dream signifies entertainments and pleasant visiting to distant places.... (Fireworks)
  • To a youth, it signifies admittance to military honors and a bright career.... (Buttons)
  • Dreaming that you buy an emerald, signifies unfortunate dealings.... (Emerald)
  • If there’s upbeat music at this party, it signifies that there’s upcoming success.... (Piano)
  • To dream that someone is absent, when you expect to see them, signifies your lost.... (Absence)
  • To dream of the eleventh hour, signifies that time is running out for you.... (Eleventh Hour)
  • Dreaming about the North Pole signifies that a trip or situation will soon come to an end.... (North Pole)
  • Dreaming of scum, signifies disappointment will be experienced by you over social defeats.... (Scum)
  • If one sees himself in a dream reading from the pages the holy Qur’an, it signifies honor, command, happiness and victory.... (Qur’an)
  • If you dream of a bamboo it signifies reliability and toughness.... (Bamboo)
  • To find yourself escaping from the path of one, signifies that you will do well to avoid some rival as much as you can honestly allow.... (Automobile)
  • If you sense the air conditioner while dreaming it signifies the relief you are going to have, it is a good sign, which means things will be sorted out to your satisfaction.... (Air Conditioner)
  • If it is empty, then signifies regrets.... (Bottle)
  • Thin lips, signifies mastery of the most intricate subjects.... (Lips)
  • To admire the neck of another, signifies your worldly mindedness will cause broken domestic ties.... (Neck)
  • If a positive look manifests therein, such as a sweet fragrance or the emergence of a radiant light, or if it turns into iron in the dream, it signifies one’s gratitude regarding his own condition.... (Back)
  • For a woman Dreaming of making jelly, signifies she will enjoy pleasant reunions with friends.... (Jelly)
  • To see fancy pet dogs, signifies a love of show, and that the owner is selfish and narrow.... (Dogs)
  • For a woman to receive one, signifies that honors will be conferred upon her.... (Girdle)
  • To work with dough (kneading of dough) in your dream, signifies opportunity to create something valuable.... (Dough)
  • Holding to a sealed book, decree, or a letter in a dream also signifies abidingby the rules of one’s superior.... (Book)
  • When you dream of seeing an athlete or of being one (a sportsman, or just a person who is skilled in sports) it signifies that you are exhausted and came to the point where you are not able to do anything else, that is already been done.... (Athlete (sportsman))
  • Seeing a nail filer in the dream signifies financial changes and the reason for these changes are the rough edges of your personality or your relationship with others.... (Filer)
  • Dreaming of being in company with a Jew, signifies untiring ambition and an irrepressible longing after wealth and high position, which will be realized to a very small extent.... (Jew)
  • Holding a sealed book in one’s dream also signifies success, leadership and honor.... (Book)
  • To dream about slavery, signifies the lost ability and control of your own life.... (Slavery)
  • Dreaming of an open gateway signifies nature, help, and understanding.... (Gateway)
  • If in the mid-afternoon, it signifies a rest or taking a break from a troubling job.... (Invitation)
  • Combing one’s hair in a dream signifies paying alms tax, or it could mean distributing charities.... (Comb)
  • If the tower was set up in the water, then it signifies your hidden feelings.... (Tower)
  • Seeing a goalie in your dream signifies many problems in business.... (Goalie)
  • Dreaming of a whip, signifies unhappy dissensions and unfortunate and formidable friendships.... (Whip)
  • Dreaming that you are nearsighted, signifies embarrassing failure and unexpected visits from unwelcome persons.... (Nearsighted)
  • Seeing a water bearer in your dream signifies favorable perspectives on fortune and love.... (Water Bearer)
  • Dead fish, signifies the loss of wealth and power through some dire calamity.... (Fish)
  • In a dream, distance signifies injustice or being deprived from some- thing.... (Distance)
  • To employ one, signifies comparative comfort will be possible for your obtaining.... (Housekeeper)
  • If we dream of not having legs, it signifies that we lack knowledge or qualities necessary to carry out the project that we are planning.... (Legs)
  • Dreaming of a closed gateway signifies disillusion, deception, and financial constraints.... (Gateway)
  • When you dream of being at an asylum (madhouse or badlam) or orphanage, it signifies the stress you are suffering from.... (Asylum (madhouse, bedlam), Orphanage)
  • The broken watch as a dream symbol signifies that you are not certain how to express yourself and to show the emotions, now you are in stagnation.... (Watch)
  • Dreaming of thick, unsightly lips, signifies disagreeable encounters, hasty decision, and ill temper in the marriage relation.... (Lips)
  • Dreaming of veal signifies you will go to a feast soon.... (Veal)
  • Writing with a pen signifies that you will soon receive important news.... (Pen)
  • Embracing a man in a dream signifies lending him support and helping him.... (Embrace)
  • Dreaming of a horse-trader, signifies great profit from perilous ventures.... (Horse-trader)
  • If one denies his act to be a sin in the dream, then such disobedience signifies that he will suffer from a severe punishment for his arrogance.... (Disobedience)
  • If we take them out of their shell, it signifies gains.... (Almonds)
  • To see others limping, signifies that you will be naturally offended at the conduct of a friend.... (Limp)
  • If you see the tortoise in a dream, then it signifies the need for security and protection.... (Tortoise)
  • If the dog is vicious and / or to dream that dog is growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself.... (Dog)
  • If the record is interrupted, for example because the record or tape is broken, then it signifies that serious problems are coming.... (Record player)
  • To embrace relatives, signifies their sickness and unhappiness.... (Embrace)
  • Dreaming that you bitterly lament the loss of friends, or property, signifies great struggles and much distress, from which will spring causes for joy and personal gain.... (Lament)
  • To hear it grinding, signifies you will hardly overthrow some evil pitted against your interest.... (Coffee Mill)
  • Signifies an ill-intentioned man.... (Apothecary)
  • If you saw ballons that are black it signifies sadness and uhapiness you are suffering from, especially if those ballons are becoming smaller and smaller.... (Balloon)
  • Dreaming about angry bees that attack signifies conflicts with partners, or the fact that you will leave the job because of the pursuit of pleasure, which can bring misfortune and total ruin.... (Bees)
  • Dreaming of buying at an auction, signifies close deals to tradesmen, and good luck in live stock to the farmer.... (Auction)
  • In a dream, a hone also signifies movement, activities, sharpness and good nature.... (Hone)
  • To see them dead or blighted, signifies despair.... (Cedars)
  • Seeing angels is always a good sign, it signifies spiritual and religious aspects of you, how deep you believe in God, how pure and innocent you are.... (Angels)
  • An embrace in a dream also signifies kindness, liking for one another, travels, arriving from a journey and dispelling distress or anxiety.... (Embrace)
  • Anointing oneself with amber in a dream signifies hearing praises.... (Amber)
  • In a dream, the Bishop signifies playfulness, distraction or a chronic illness.... (Chess bishop)
  • It is also said that an embrace in a dream signifies exchanging praises.... (Embrace)
  • If you dream of seeing someone being assassinated, it signifies your rejection to small components, which might look irrelevant, but it has lots of significance in your life.... (Assassin)
  • If we eat them, it signifies good news.... (Anchovies)
  • A hone in a dream also signifies tribadism, or lesbianism when in use in one’s dream.... (Hone)
  • To pay rent, signifies that your financial interest will be satisfactory.... (Rent)
  • In a dream, seeing the Knight signifies contracts, deals and money.... (Chess knight)
  • To see a slide in dreams signifies the fact that you will be facing the hardships while managing your affairs or businesses.... (Chute, Slide)
  • To stop in front of the threshold of a house and wish to take the first step, then it signifies about your desire to join some community, but you didn’t make up your mind completely yet.... (Threshold)
  • If you dream of being on a stretcher, then it signifies your desperate call for help.... (Stretcher)
  • If you dream of the teacher, then such dream signifies your search for help, suggestion and intelligence.... (Teacher)
  • To see a fireman in your dreams, signifies the constancy of your friends.... (Fireman)
  • Dreaming about electricity signifies the need of life energy.... (Electricity)
  • For a married man to see embroidery, signifies a new member in his household, For a lover, this denotes a wise and economical wife.... (Embroidery)
  • For a maiden Dreaming that her lover gives her a silver coin, signifies she will be jilted by him.... (Coins)
  • Overall, bees in dreams signifies wellness, since it represents the work and industriousness.... (Bees)
  • To receive property as a gift, signifies marriage with a maiden whose qualities of mind and beauties of person will be agreeable proportionately to the value of the gift.... (Property)
  • If you were washing yourself to get rid of all the dirt, then it signifies the negative emotions you are trying to wash away.... (Washing)