- Dream of spitting blood means misfortune and bad news from a distant part.... (Spitting Blood)
- Dreaming of spitting, denotes unhappy terminations of seemingly auspicious undertakings.... (Spitting)
- Failure associations.... (Saliva)
- Disappointments from Friends.... (Saliva)
- For some one to spit on you, foretells disagreements and alienation of affections.... (Spitting)
- Warm saliva in a dream means long life, while cold saliva represents a short life.... (Spittle)
- (Imprecation | Witchcraft) Spitting over something in a dream, or blowing over a knot and spitting on it with an imprecation in a dream means witchcraft.... (Spit out)
- Saliva or spittle in a dream represents the element of one’s strength.... (Spittle)
- The color of one’s saliva in a dream shows the state of one’s spirit.... (Spittle)
- Dreaming of spitting out your own teeth insinuates an imminent risk of disease, either your own or from a loved one.... (Teeth)
- To dream that you’re spitting in a spittoon announces upcoming frustrations due to your misconduct or poor performance.... (Spittoon)
- Spitting at another person in a dream means despising him.... (Spittle)
- Spitting against a wall in a dream means spending one’s money in a good cause, or engaging in a profitable business.... (Spittle)
- The spitting also shows the aggression that has been suspended.... (Spit)
- Spitting on the floor in a dream means purchasing land.... (Spittle)
- Spitting against a tree in a dream means to recant one’s promise.... (Spittle)
- Burning dragon is spitting fire on person, that you know and have feelings on her/him, so this dream represents your burning passion or burning anger for this person.... (Dragon)
- Dreaming of spitting out teeth, portends personal sickness, or sickness in your immediate family.... (Teeth)