• To dream that you are eating macaroni denotes small losses.... (Macaroni)
  • Having a small moustache or a short one in a dream means languor or laziness.... (Moustache)
  • Maybe you are having too many concerns in small things.... (Cymbals)
  • Drinking the milk of a deer or a gazelle in a dream represents small earnings.... (Milk)
  • You may have small annoyances to follow this dream.... (Pimple)
  • (Small hawk) In a dream, a kite means an insouciant or a languorous ruler who is audacious, defiled and stouthearted.... (Kite 1)
  • Dreaming of a watering hole is a sign of peace and rest, and if we also see horses or other animals quenching their thirst, it’s an indication that we will receive good news, a small inheritance or donation.... (Trough)
  • The other meaning could be, that all big things in life happens from small things, so keep that in mind as well.... (Ants)
  • When you dream of a barbecue it indicates the small problem that is causing some difficulties when you are dealing with the social life.... (Barbecue)
  • Of the moon, small damage.... (Eclipse)
  • In small numbers, profit and gain.... (Eggs)
  • If the mouth is small, it means that people are speaking ill of you.... (Mouth)
  • To better understand the dream about something what is little, please see the interpretations of being small.... (Little)
  • Dreaming of small monkeys, who are fidgeting nervously and climbing trees, suggests that there are hypocrites near the dreamer that are trying to hurt him or her, or to at least annoy the dreamer.... (Monkeys)
  • Dreaming of seeing a wife or husband, signifies small anxieties and probable sickness.... (Companion)
  • Abullace, a wild small plum tree, or a damson tree in a dream represent someone who benefits everyone.... (Tree)
  • Dreaming of a microscope, denotes you will experience failure or small returns in your enterprises.... (Microscope)
  • Dream of insects represents small obstacles that you must overcome.... (Insects)
  • For men, a cradle in a dream signifies sorrow, distress, imprisonment or a small and restrictive dwellings.... (Cradle)
  • Dreaming that you see a very large spider and a small one coming towards you, denotes that you will be prosperous, and that you will feel for a time that you are immensely successful | but if the large one bites you, enemies will steal away your good fortune.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of puddings, denotes small returns from large investments, if you only see it.... (Puddings)
  • Dreaming of a small and dry field with no vegetation, it may mean that, for the moment you don’t have friends or economic advisers that support you or help you to solve your problems, or give you some help with the affairs or business that you’re managing.... (Drought)
  • To be studying the signs, foretells that you will be harassed by small matters taking up your time.... (Almanac)
  • If it is too small, means lack of interest in them.... (Bed)
  • Firefly symbolizes the aspirations of spiritualty and can also be an omen that small solutions to problems will start arriving, but very slowly.... (Fireflies)
  • Dreaming of a coppersmith, denotes small returns for labor, but withal contentment.... (Coppersmith)
  • To see bantam chickens in your dream, denotes your fortune will be small, yet you will enjoy contentment.... (Bantam)
  • If you dream of having the gout, you will be sure to be exasperated beyond endurance by the silly conduct of some relative, and suffer small financial loss through the same person.... (Gout)
  • Small chickens: business, affairs, or love relationships that are barely starting.... (Chicken)
  • To be given to dram-drinking in your dreams, omens ill-natured rivalry and contention for small possession.... (Dram-drinking)
  • (Any small, blood sucking insect.) Seeing a bug in a dream means facing a weak enemy.... (Bug)
  • Dreaming of checking and counting coins of small value insinuates that the dreamer is in a good path concerning business or relationships.... (Coins)
  • If he finds that his trunk is too small for his wares, he will soon hear of his promotion, and his desires will reach gratification.... (Trunk)
  • Ordinary chimes, denotes some small anxiety will soon be displaced by news of distant friends.... (Chimes)
  • Dreaming of lozenges, foretells success in small matters.... (Lozenges)
  • Indicates small, fleeting worries.... (Distaste)
  • To receive a sword blow from an acquaintance, signifies a small service that person will render.... (Sword)
  • To see one full of flies, denotes that small embarrassments will ward off greater ones.... (Fly-trap)
  • (A small drinking cup | Tankard) A mug in a dream represents one’s progeny, love to raise children, knowledge and understanding.... (Mug)
  • Thin or too small, loss of health or money.... (Body)
  • The milk of a fox in a dream denotes a passing illness which will be followed by borrowing a small amount of money, or it could mean recovering from an illness.... (Milk)
  • If it’s decapitated, it means your ideas, projects and dreams cannot be achieved or materialized in short term; dreaming of a big head indicates health and abundance; a small head means the start of an illness and impairment in the economy.... (Head)
  • Dreaming of aluminum, denotes contentment with any fortune, however small.... (Aluminum)
  • To dream about small green fruit that’s still on its tree suggests that you’ll have to make a great effort to be able to achieve your goals.... (Fruit)
  • If the sheets are very small, then it brings disinterest on sexual issues.... (Sheets)
  • If one does not hear the barking of the dog in the dream, it signifies that one’s enemy has left him inflected with a small loss.... (Dog)
  • Seeing in dreams a hedgerow with living plants or shrubs, usually mean that we will have to face some small obstacles, and that if we put a bit of effort in it, we can successfully overcome them.... (Hedgerow)
  • (Cucumber | Small pickle) Gherkins in a dream represent a son who looks like his father and mother and acts like them.... (Gherkins)
  • Dreaming of the Heavenly City, denotes a contented and spiritual nature, and trouble will do you small harm.... (Heaven)
  • Return of small amounts in money.... (Cobbler)
  • A small, unnatural waist, foretells displeasing success and recriminating disputes.... (Waist and Shirt-Waist)
  • He will get along, but his work will bring small results.... (Flying)
  • On the other hand the tiger could reflect the sexual aspects of the dreamer, especially for women, because the tiger in some cultures is known as the symbol of birth, fertility, grown and strength.... (Tiger)
  • For women the dream shows the inclination to material values and also not very well-defined sexual orientation.... (Harem)
  • A counterpane is very good Dreaming of, if clean and white, denoting pleasant occupations for women | but if it be soiled you may expect harassing situations.... (Counterpane)
  • Young and innocent women, should seek the stronghold of friends after this dream, and avoid strange attentions, especially from married men.... (Devil)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that one stings her, or she is in a nest of them, foretells that many envious women will seek to disparage her before her admirers.... (Hornet)
  • Serving plates or kitchen utensils that are made from dried pumpkin skin in a dream represent beautiful, humorous and noble women.... (Pumpkin)
  • To see beard on women, foretells unpleasant associations and lingering illness.... (Beard)
  • In a dream, a potter represents someone who handles pots and pitchers, or he could represent a servant, a housekeeper, women, girls or daughters.... (Potter)
  • If the horse is saddled but nobody rides him then such dream symbolizes some kind of women meetings.... (Mare horse)
  • See Faces, Men, and Women.... (Old Man, or Woman)
  • Dreaming that you sell a pair of soiled, gray cotton gloves to a woman, foretells that your opinion of women will place you in hazardous positions.... (Store)
  • If they turn silver in the dream, it means that he is a philanderer and he will live in poverty, for lust for women and wealth cannot exist together.... (Foot)
  • If everyone sees Lot’s wife in a dream, it means that evil will spread among the women of that land.... (Lot 1)
  • Dreaming of finding packages of legal money, but then having someone claim them, hints losses in the business and affairs being handled, due to the presence of unscrupulous women.... (Money)
  • (A piece of fabric worn by some women as part of their headdress | To conceal one’s face | Attire | Cap | Garb | Mantle | Mantilla | Veil) In a dream, a khimar represents a husband, protection or an ornament.... (Khimar)
  • Strawberry dream reveals that women will play a role in our fate.... (Strawberries)
  • Trimming women’s hair in a dream means inability to conceive children.... (Shaving)
  • Eat it, means that you will be deceived by women.... (Fruits)
  • Mostly the dream is associated with the abilities of the women and their influence in the world.... (Cougar)
  • He will very likely deceive the women who trust him.... (Hair)
  • Women of low character, are likely to be robbed of jewels and money by seeming strangers.... (Devil)
  • If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women.... (Horse)
  • Otherwise, it portends blasted expectations, and trouble with women.... (Sky)
  • You will bow to the will of some master, even to that of women.... (Pope)
  • White rabbits, for single people, indicate upcoming satisfactions, and for women it hints promises of love.... (Rabbits)
  • In a dream, he or she represents a person who shamelessly exposes his private parts, or one who follows scandalous issues or public profanities, or one who has an inquisitive mind, or it could mean exposing women’s secrets, or being sexually obsessed.... (Circumcising nurse)
  • If you see a woman using one, it predicts that you will let women rob you of energy and fortune.... (Washboard)
  • A pillow in a dream also represents a women who knows another woman’s secret and who keeps it hidden from people’s knowledge.... (Pillow)
  • Symbolizes the enigmatic and mysterious aspect of women.... (Sphinx)
  • If he is lashed eighty times in a dream, it means that he slanders married women.... (Beating)
  • (Hair | Intertwine | Plait) Braiding women’s hair in a dream is a sign of benefits and the same goes for men who usually braid their hair.... (Braiding)
  • Necklaces usually indicate slander and gossip about women.... (Necklaces)
  • For a young woman Dreaming of fanning herself, or that some one is fanning her, gives promise of a new and pleasing acquaintances | if she loses an old fan, she will find that a warm friend is becoming interested in other women.... (Fan)
  • To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women.... (Kiss)
  • Dreaming of owning diamonds, portends the same for sporting men or women.... (Diamonds)
  • If you are the victor, you will easily obtain supremacy with women.... (Rowboat)
  • The planet Venus in a dream also could mean allegations, playfulness, complaisance, jokes, images, idolatry, jewelry, nudity, pictures of beautiful women, or it could mean beautiful clothing.... (Venus)
  • If the horse is saddled but nobody rides it, then it signifies the meeting with a women.... (Steed)
  • If one sees himself riding over someone’s shoulder backward in a dream, it means that he does not accept any advice or excuse, or it may mean that he turns to the other side if he is asked for help, or it may mean that he engages in the forbidden sexual intercourse during women’s menstrual period, or that he engages in sodomy.... (Ride)
  • Women will find this dream unfavorable in love, social and business states, and misrepresentations will overwhelm them.... (Clay)
  • Palm trees in a dream also represent Arab women.... (Palm tree)
  • In a sexual context the lead represents men and the sheath – women.... (Sword, Saber)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she meets another attired in a crimson dress with a crepe mourning veil over her face, foretells she will be outrivaled by one she hardly considers her equal, and bitter disappointment will sour her against women generally.... (Apparel)
  • For pregnant women, dreams of having an abortion are common in the second trimester of pregnancy.... (Abortion)
  • To play at poker, warns you against evil company | and young women, especially, will lose their moral distinctiveness if they find themselves engaged in this game.... (Poker)
  • If the dreamer be a man, he will be courted, and will be likely to lose his judgment under the wiles of seductive women.... (Guitar)
  • As for marble tiles in a dream, they represent beautiful and noble women, or dignitaries.... (Marble)
  • In a dream, a kohl jar represents a woman who serves others, advises them in managing their finances and teaches women about their religious and spiritual role.... (Kohl jar)
  • In a dream, pebbles represent men, women, little children, or counted money.... (Pebbles)
  • As for the ribs (See Ribs) in a dream, they represent women.... (Body 1)
  • For a married woman, unhappiness through other women.... (Gun)
  • Women will find rivals in society | vain and fruitless efforts will be made for places in men’s affections.... (Belladonna)
  • (see WOMEN).... (Lady)
  • In general, trees in a dream represent women or men of different tempers or personalities.... (Tree)
  • To have them swollen, denotes riches for the dreamer’s mistress, for all women of bad repute.... (Shoulder)
  • Business men should stay close to business, and women near their husbands or mothers | children and the sick should be looked after closely.... (Lightning)
  • Dreaming that you have a mustache, denotes that your egotism and effrontery will cause you a poor inheritance in worldy{sic} goods, and you will betray women to their sorrow.... (Mustache)
  • If you dream of seeing an Asian man or women it symbolizes unexplored side of you.... (Asia)
  • If these are produced by a child, and the one that dreams of it is an uncommitted man, he will have a lot of trouble with women.... (Scratches)
  • In a dream, an astronomer represents someone who trades with women, a pimp, or a salesman.... (Astronomer)
  • If a woman sees herself moving between other women and breast- feeding them in a dream, it means that she will never yield milk.... (Breast-feeding)
  • In the dream to drink a cocktail, represents that you will deceive your friends as to your inclinations and enjoy the companionship of fast men and women while posing as a serious student and staid home lover.... (Cocktail)
  • As for women, dyeing means happiness, new clothing, receiving gold, or a wedding celebration.... (Dye)
  • Dreaming that you are an object of scandal, denotes that you are not particular to select good and true companions, but rather enjoy having fast men and women contribute to your pleasure.... (Scandal)
  • A column base in a dream also could represent unmarried women, one’s wife, knowledge, a trade, or a craft, or religious precepts.... (Base)
  • Dreaming of a horseshoe, indicates advance in business and lucky engagements for women.... (Horseshoe)
  • For a man to see strange women in the twilight, at a distance, and throwing kisses to him, foretells that he will enter into an engagement with a new acquaintance, which will result in unhappy exposures.... (Distance)
  • Dreaming that you win a victory, foretells that you will successfully resist the attacks of enemies, and will have the love of women for the asking.... (Victory)
  • If an unmarried man sees himself drinking this fermented rice drink in a dream, it may mean that he considers it lawful to live unmarried with divorced women.... (Amazaki)
  • To see hot iron with sparks flying, is significant of a pleasing work | to the farmer, an abundant crop | favorable indeed to women.... (Anvil)
  • Dreaming of an ostrich, denotes that you will secretly amass wealth, but at the same time maintain degrading intrigues with women.... (Ostrich)
  • To see a jailer, denotes that treachery will embarrass your interests and evil women will enthrall you.... (Jailer)
  • If she is irreligious and not a transgressor, it foretells that she will have that independent frankness and kind consideration for others, which wins for women profound respect, and love from the opposite sex as well as her own | but if she is a transgressor in the eyes of religion, she will find that there are moral laws, which, if disregarded, will place her outside the pale of honest recognition.... (Religion)
  • The column base of a mosque in a dream represents pious people and the column base of a house represent chaste women.... (Base)
  • To grind black pepper, denotes that you will be victimized by the wiles of ingenious men or women.... (Pepper)
  • If a farmer sees butterflies in his dream, it means hardships and lack of work, or consenting to evil by associating with evil companions, or befriending vile women.... (Butterfly)
  • If you dream of growing beard and you are a women, the dream foretells about your masiuline side.... (Beard)
  • For women, this dream is a warning against slander and gossip.... (Fight)
  • If a mulatto appears to you in a dream, beware of making new friendships or falling into associations with strange women, as you are threatened with loss of money and of high moral standing.... (Mulatto)
  • In the reality the spider Black widow is known as destroying its partner, therefore your dream symbolizes the feminine aspects of you and how much of the domination in your personality they take, no matter if you are men or women.... (Black Widow)
  • To see women acrobating, denotes that your name will be maliciously and slanderously handled.... (Acrobat)
  • If a warden looks at glass in a dream, it means that he will guard women’s interests.... (Rural warden)
  • Married women will exasperate your cheerfulness.... (License)
  • When young women dream that they are enjoying solid and real wealth and comforts, they will always wake to find some real pleasure, but when abnormal or fairy-like dreams of luxury and joy seem to encompass them, their waking moments will be filled with disappointments | as the dreams are warnings, superinduced by their practicality being supplanted by their excitable imagination and lazy desires, which should be overcome with energy, and the replacing of practicality on her base.... (Opulence)
  • For women Dreaming of seeing men marching, foretells their inclination for men in public positions.... (March)
  • Much activity is indicated for farmers and their women folks.... (Peas)
  • If one sees gold turning into silver in a dream, it means decrease in value, or changing conditions in relation to women, children or properties.... (Gold)
  • Honeydew in a dream represent a group of men and women who possess good character and manners.... (Melon)
  • For a young woman Dreaming of women with gray hair, denotes that they will come into her life as rivals in the affection of a male relative, or displace the love of her affianced.... (Hair)
  • Dreaming of a dance where women dress provocatively and men show a perverse face indicates immorality, eroticism, and degeneration and is a warning that tells you not to fall into excesses.... (Dance)
  • A young girl who dreams of being in a convent indicates that her personality and honesty are suffering due to malicious gossip and intrigues of other women.... (Convent)
  • If one sees a field of sugar cane planted in inadequate terrain, then means destruction, ruin, or archaeological excavations that will lead to exposing the past and exhuming the dead, or it could mean a wailing party of women showing their grief and sorrow.... (Sugar cane)
  • To see or hear Eve conversing with the serpent, foretells that artful women will reduce you to the loss of fortune and reputation.... (Adam and Eve)
  • Dreaming of a prison guard insinuates that something bad is being plotted against the dreamer, with the intervention of women.... (Prison)
  • If the young women dreams about herself being an abbess, then such dream foretells about some situation she will be forced to perform and won’t enjoy it at all.... (Abbess)
  • Dreaming of seeing a marmot, denotes that sly enemies are approaching you in the shape of fair women.... (Marmot)
  • Sugar cane in a dream also represents chaste and noble women or pious men.... (Sugar cane)
  • This dream signifies many and varied love affairs to women.... (Eggs)
  • In a dream, a hunter represents a philanderer, a womanizer who rounds women, or a pimp.... (Hunter)
  • The ears often refer to women who share the life with the dreamer or the owner of the ears in the dream.... (Ears)
  • If a man sees himself experiencing women’s menstrual period in a dream, it means that he will commit an unlawful act, or that he lies.... (Menstrual period)
  • In women, this dream is usually a warning which tells that they shouldn’t exhaust the patience of those around them.... (Donkey)
  • Plenty, to the housewife is the omen for women.... (Auction)
  • If the lower lip is split or chapped in the dream, it means conducting a secret relationship with two women.... (Lips)
  • To dream that you’re listening to music produced by flutes or other wind instruments suggests that you (especially if you’re women) will have to defend your honor or a family member’s honor.... (Flute)
  • The bleeding is also very common dream for women, because of the menstruation period they are having every month.... (Blood)
  • Among women, oppressive torments.... (Quarrels)
  • A female osprey in a dream represents homeless women who are driven into prostitution, while osprey chicks in a dream represent children born from adultery.... (Osprey)
  • This dream is more common among women who experience hardships and want to live in abundance.... (Milk)
  • For a man Dreaming of seeing strange women in a mirror, he will ruin his health and business by foolish attachments.... (Glass)
  • Designing women will lure you to paths of sin.... (Harlequin)
  • Dreaming about being celibate suggests that the dreamer is not only shy with women, but also in many other ways, such as fear of the unknown, insects, loneliness, darkness, and traveling without company.... (Celibacy)
  • For a man Dreaming that he is a bachelor, is a warning for him to keep clear of women.... (Bachelor)
  • A closet in a dream also represents a made, keeping secrets, confidentiality or intimacy between husband and wife, protecting the reputation of chaste women, beautiful garments or it could represent the day and the night.... (Closet)
  • It also indicates pregnant woman or women on the edge of their menstrual cycles.... (Watermelon)
  • (Medicinal solution prepared for women after giving birth | Plant) In a dream, fenugreek represents hard earned money.... (Fenugreek)
  • If one sees them looking like women in the dream, it means that he lies before God Almighty.... (Angels)
  • Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream.... (Secret Order)
  • Seeing grapes in season in a dream also could mean success associated with women, love, tenderness and compassion.... (Grapes)
  • To young women, a vision of weird and fairy affluence is ominous of illusive and evanescent pleasure.... (Affluence)
  • If you lead one by a halter, you will be master of every situation, and lead women into your way of seeing things by flattery.... (Donkey)
  • If a man dreams that he is visiting women in a hotel, it symbolizes that he is channeling his life in the wrong direction, and this will cause him problems.... (Hotel)
  • When a beads salesman is seen in a dream, he represents a man who interferes with or deals in women’s businesses.... (Beads salesman)
  • If you are pregnant women who dreams of having a child, then it means nervousness and unrest regarding the arrival of your future baby.... (Son, Daughter)
  • If the naked women are exciting that only speaks of sexual desire in a man without inhibitions.... (Woman)
  • This is a very propitious dream for women.... (Milk)
  • Also the foreign woman and unfamiliar women in general.... (Pheasant)
  • If you are in love, evil women will cause you trouble.... (Donkey)
  • Money in a dream is also interpreted as women’s talk.... (Money)
  • Dreaming of playing at dominoes, and lose, you will be affronted by a friend, and much uneasiness for your safety will be entertained by your people, as you will not be discreet in your affairs with women or other matters that engage your attention.... (Dominoes)
  • If one enters it in his dream it means that he will be struck with distress caused by women.... (Bathroom)
  • If it is about women’s underwear, it means seduction and tenderness.... (Combination)
  • A flock of partridges in a dream represents women.... (Partridge)
  • In women the same can be taken as a garment more to dress, reflect of timidity, fear of sex or desire or fear of motherhood.... (Clothes)
  • Thorns in a dream also represent pain and sufferings, complexity of matters, sorrows, distress, difficulties, love, injustice, or harm caused by women.... (Thorns)
  • To drink some, you will come into doubtful possession of wealth, but your generosity will draw around you convivial friends, and women will seek to entrance and hold you.... (Liquor)
  • Dreaming of women greeting you from afar indicates that in the future, you will establish new and important social relationships, although they won’t be very favorable.... (Distance)
  • Designing women may intrigue against your morality and possessions.... (Coffee House)
  • For women Dreaming of divorce, denotes that a single life may be theirs through the infidelity of lovers.... (Divorce)
  • Beware of talking too frankly with over-confidential women.... (Crochet Work)
  • The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, a forthcoming evil, women’s cries for help, or the cry of people who ab andoned all hope .... (Voice)
  • This dream is almost always meaningless for women due to the perfumes they wear and scents during the night.... (Wind)
  • If you are a young woman who sees several women with gray hair, it announces the presence of rivals in interests and love.... (Hair)
  • To visit women in a hotel, your life will be rather on a dissolute order.... (Hotel)
  • Double veil worn by Muslim women | Apparel | Attire | arb.... (Yashmak)
  • (Linen shop) A linen merchant in a dream represents trials with women, depression, distress, toiling, adversities and humiliation.... (Linen merchant)
  • If you saw many women, then such dream warns you to be aware of the gossips that may affect your personal life.... (Woman)
  • To dream about your own face with a fierce attitude suggests that you aren’t acting properly, particularly with women, and this behavior will prevent you from achieving your desired success.... (Ferocity)