• Dreaming of killing a spider indicates that you have chances of being successful, but if the spider revives and attacks, (but it doesn’t sting you) it announces the presence of dangerous enemies.... (Spider)
  • If we find a silver bullion or metallic silver, then it signifies that we will get an important benefit through a woman.... (Silver)
  • Buying something with silver coins of unknown origin, or placing them inside a silver bowl in a dream means hiding something suspicious, or receiving something as a trust that one should keep with honesty, then return it to its rightful owner when asked to do so.... (Silver)
  • Silverware, silver cups or silver pitchers, as well as the golden ones in a dream also may represent good deeds that lead to paradise, or they could mean good business and prosperity.... (Silver)
  • If you kill the spider you will eventually come into fair estate.... (Spider)
  • To imagine that you are running from a large spider, denotes you will lose fortune in slighting opportunities.... (Spider)
  • To see spider-webs, denotes pleasant associations and fortunate ventures.... (Spider-web)
  • Dreaming that you see a very large spider and a small one coming towards you, denotes that you will be prosperous, and that you will feel for a time that you are immensely successful | but if the large one bites you, enemies will steal away your good fortune.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of a spider, denotes that you will be careful and energetic in your labors, and fortune will be amassed to pleasing proportions.... (Spider)
  • A spider in a dream also could represent a pleasing wife.... (Spider)
  • If we are debating in the spider web, then it indicates that we are in a delicate and committed situation where we don´t know how to get out.... (Spider web)
  • When you are dreaming of a spider web, then it implies the chance of entering deals, relationships or businesses that require you to be careful.... (Spider web)
  • If we dream about objects covered with spider webs, then it means that we have forgot what those objects mean to us or it is a suggestion that we should forget it at all.... (Spider web)
  • Dreaming of a large spider confronting you, signifies that your elevation to fortune will be swift, unless you are in dangerous contact.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of facing a huge and hideous spider indicates the end of a bad streak and the beginning of better times.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of a big spider and a small that are walking towards you is an announcement of notable successes, but if one of the two bites you, it will be quite the opposite.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of a poisonous spider, announces that some adversaries or hypocritical friends seek to harm you, but if he kills you, you’ll triumph over your enemies.... (Spider)
  • In a dream, a spider represents a malicious woman, or a weak, perfidious and a distant man.... (Spider)
  • A spider in a dream also represents a weaver, an ascetic or a monk.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of a spider web involves the probability of starting a relationship or a business in which you must be very cautious.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of being bitten by a spider announces the risk of being a victim of gossips and having material losses.... (Spider)
  • However, if the spider manages to bite you, the bad streak will continue.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of running away from a big spider suggests that there will be losses and discomfort as a result of lack of energy and character to address your problems.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of spiders weaving its spider web indicates that you are in safe and happy environment.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming that you killed a spider means you will have health conditions in the near future, if you only see spiders, it means you may be deceived and treated with disloyalty.... (Spider)
  • If one sees a spider hanging down from the ceiling in a dream, it indicates a severe winter in that area.... (Spider)
  • If one sees a spider in his dream, it may mean that he will meet a pious and a religious man.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of silver, is a warning against depending too largely on money for real happiness and contentment.... (Silver)
  • To dream of the silver indicates the feminine aspects of the dreamer.... (Silver)
  • (Woman) Silver in a dream represents hard earned money or savings.... (Silver)
  • Dreaming of silver utensils, silverware for example, announces upcoming concerns, frustrations, and various inconveniences.... (Silver)
  • Dreaming of casually finding silver coins suggests that there is poverty in others, without the dreamer being rich either.... (Silver)
  • Seeing silver in a dream symbolizes the moon, intuition, and feminine aspects.... (Silver)
  • If the ingot or any other silver object is blackened, then it represents the possibilities of serious losses due of what the object symbolizes, and if it has no meaning, the losses will be attributed to a woman.... (Silver)
  • If we dream about silver coins, then we should look at the meaning of ‘’money’’.... (Silver)
  • Dreaming of silver bars is a warning that the dreamer should not only depend on money to be comfortable and happy.... (Silver)
  • In dream interpretation, the substance of silver and that of a woman are the same.... (Silver)
  • To find silver money, is indicative of shortcomings in others.... (Silver)
  • Once he looks into the mirror in his dream, it means adversities, defamation, and loss of respect, for only harm could come from looking into a silver mirror in a dream.... (Silver)
  • To see expensive silver items mixed with trivial imitations in a dream means innovation and suspicious behavior.... (Silver)
  • A silver coin in a dream represents a beautiful woman.... (Silver)
  • The same interpretation goes for receiving a silver mirror in a dream as long as one does not look into it.... (Silver)
  • Silver ornaments in a dream mean forcing one’s way, or obliging a jealous person to revert the course of his actions.... (Silver)
  • Receiving silverware or silver cups as a gift in a dream means being entrusted with money or personal items for safe keeping.... (Silver)
  • If one finds abundance of silver in his dream, it means that he will uncover a treasure.... (Silver)
  • Extracting silver in a dream means taking advantage of a woman.... (Silver)
  • Melting silver in a dream means having an argument with one’s wife that will become the talk of the town.... (Silver)
  • To kill one, signifies quarrels with your wife or sweetheart.... (Spider)
  • If one bites you, you will be the victim of unfaithfulness and will suffer from enemies in your business.... (Spider)
  • If you dream that you see many spiders hanging in their webs around you, foretells most favorable conditions, fortune, good health and friends.... (Spider)
  • To see one building its web, foretells that you will be happy and secure in your own home.... (Spider)
  • (Also see Tarantula)... (Spider)
  • If the little one bites you, you will be harassed with little spites and jealousies.... (Spider)
  • Weaving a web in a dream means becoming weak.... (Spider)
  • To see one, a lawsuit.... (Spider)
  • To kill one, loss of money proportionate to the size of the animal.... (Spider)
  • Unpleasant omen.... (Spider, tarantula)
  • Dreaming that you kill an arachnid means future ailments.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of one or more spiders indicates that if you are careful enough while doing your things, you will achieve significant benefits.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of killing one or more spiders indicates that some business you have, a family member, or a relative will slowly vanish from your life.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of seeing spiders hanging from the ceiling and being around you is a symbol of having the favorable conditions to execute anything you’re thinking of.... (Spider)
  • If it afterwards returns to life and pursues you, you will be oppressed by sickness and wavering fortunes.... (Spider)
  • Although, there are opponents waiting for an opportunity to harm you.... (Spider)
  • Confused understanding that will not allow you to act without reason.... (Spider web)
  • If you only see the spiders, then it is a premonition of deceit and disloyalty.... (Spider)
  • Dreaming of spiders weaving indicates that you’re safe and happy in your surroundings.... (Spider web)
  • Unimportant conflict that you will solve shortly.... (Spider web)
  • For a young woman Dreaming she sees gold spiders crawling around her, foretells that her fortune and prospect for happiness will improve, and new friends will surround her.... (Spider)
  • We must be very careful with our adversaries, because right now they’re plotting against us to make us enter situations that’ll be very hard to get out of, and that will have dire consequences.... (Spider web)
  • You have had some indiscretion that will lead you to cheating or deception.... (Spider, tarantula)
  • Hasty conclusions are too frequently drawn by yourself for your own peace of mind.... (Silver)
  • Dreaming of silverware, denotes worries and unsatisfied desires.... (Silver)
  • (See Money).... (Silver (Wares))
  • To sell them, amelioration of business.... (Silver (Wares))
  • (See Marriage)... (Silver cage)
  • Distress.... (Silver (Wares))
  • It is also a symbol of the wisdom and intuition the one has.... (Silver)
  • (Hairy spider | Spider) A tarantula in a dream represents a loathsome and an evil woman who interferes with people’s business and damages their interests, or who destroys what they repair and denies having anything to do with their sufferings.... (Tarantula)
  • As a bad omen, the spider can be interpreted only in those cases when you were caught by the spider and trapped in his web.... (Spiders)
  • Eating fire in a dream means eating from a golden or a silver plate, or drinking from a golden or a silver cup.... (Fire)
  • To see the spider that is spinning the web denotes to your hard work which will be appreciated.... (Spiders)
  • To dream of the spider, shows your fear of the spiders in your waking life, especially if you felt frightened by them.... (Spiders)
  • The spider that climbing on the wall, indicates the good fortune one will have.... (Spiders)
  • To dream of killing the spider, shows unpleasant news you will receive or bad experience you are going trough.... (Spiders)
  • If the hall is dark, dirty and filled with insects and spider webs in the dream, then it means the opposite.... (Hall)
  • If the spider has bitten you, then such dream shows the argument you have with somebody.... (Spiders)
  • In the reality the spider Black widow is known as destroying its partner, therefore your dream symbolizes the feminine aspects of you and how much of the domination in your personality they take, no matter if you are men or women.... (Black Widow)
  • (Also see Spider)... (Tarantula)
  • Thus, when this harmless hairy spider is seen in a dream, it also could represent a lethal enemy of a fierce sting, scowling, or a despising look.... (Tarantula)
  • To amass silver, loss through robbery of clothing or provisions.... (Money)
  • See silver coin, mediocrity.... (Money)
  • (Hair of a newborn | Immolation offered on the seventh day for a newborn | Islamic tradition of shaving the hair of a newborn on the seventh day after his birth | Sacrament | Weighing the shaved hair of a newborn and distrib- uting an equal measure in gold or silver in charity for his benefit.) The offering of an ‘Aq’iqah ceremony in a dream represents glad tidings, the arrival of a long awaited person, recovering from an illness, or the release of a prisoner.... (‘AqTqah rites)
  • If one is seen heating gold or silver in a dream, it means lies and deception.... (Goldsmith)
  • To pay charity on one’s property of silver in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean getting married.... (Alms tax)
  • If he receives a silver ring from God’s Messenger (uwbp) in a dream, it represents a gift of a greater knowledge.... (Ring)
  • A silver band in a dream means a lasting marriage.... (Bond’)
  • Seeing a golden or a silver statue in a dream also could mean prosperity.... (Statue)
  • (Buttonhole | Fastener | Man) A button in a dream represents protection, guarding one’s honor, a just contract, money, or profits particularly if the button is made of silver or gold.... (Button)
  • If a pious person, a religious person or an ascetic receives a silver ring from God Almighty in a dream, it means his salvation on the Day of Judgment.... (Ring)
  • If one sees himself worshiping a statue made of silver in the dream, it means that he uses his religion to make business out of it, or to betray others through it, or that he will solicit the help of someone to do evil, or that he may sexually abuse a young girl who trusts his religious appearance.... (Statue)
  • If one sees strips of reed turn into strips of silver or gold in a dream, then they denote good and valued deeds.... (Reed)
  • If the statue is made of silver in the dream, it means that one elicits sexual relationship with his servant, or with a foreign woman, or perhaps just a friendship.... (Statue)
  • Dreaming of being in a bank where large amounts of silver coins are visible indicates that, in the immediate future you’ll be successful in your social circles and you’ll have some economic development.... (Bank)
  • The silver earrings portend benefits; it is a warning against false vanity and presumption.... (Earrings)
  • Silver coins represent spiritual values and your own sense of self-esteem.... (Coins)
  • Plates of gold or silver, presage disappointing or fights.... (Plate)
  • If one is cauterized with gold or silver in the dream, it means stinginess or hindering the payment or distribu- tion of God’s rights upon one’s earnings to poor and needy people.... (Cauterize)
  • Dreaming of silver bars is a symbol of economy.... (Jewelry)
  • Finding silver jewelry means ruin.... (Jewelry)
  • Buying jewelry, especially silver cutlery, indicates playfulness.... (Jewelry)
  • If one buys gold coins and gives silver money in exchange in a dream, it means reparation, financial obligations or liability.... (Money exchanger)
  • Changing silver for any object usually predicts despair.... (Jewelry)
  • Gold and silver engraver in a dream represents clear wisdom and putting things where they belong.... (Engraver)
  • A shower of silver, bitter sorrows.... (Rain)
  • Drinking a smelly or a spoiled drink and particularly in a golden cup or a silver cup in a dream means denying the true source of favors or becoming an apostate.... (Drink)
  • Seeing the narcissus flower in a dream also means happiness, money, gold, or silver.... (Narcissus)
  • (Beads | Garden | Glass | Pearls | Ribs | Silver | World) A beautiful looking woman in a dream represents a year of comfort, peace and prosperity.... (Woman)
  • If you dream that you drink water from a silver goblet, you will meet unfavorable business results in the near future.... (Goblet)
  • If they turn silver in the dream, it means harm or losses.... (Tooth)
  • If the fruits of one’s plants turn into gold or silver in one’s dream, it means either benefits, profits, or that a disease will impair the growth of one’s plants, or it could mean unsalability of one’s crop.... (Nursery)
  • Of gold and silver, joy and gladness.... (Lace)
  • Dreaming about jewels, especially if they are silver, can indicate misery, however, if in the dream, the dreamer sell these jewels, it is a sign of an improvement in business.... (Jewelry)
  • If a woman sees herself wearing a pair of silver earrings in a dream, it means that she will conceive a son who will grow to be a pious man.... (Earrings)
  • For a maiden Dreaming that her lover gives her a silver coin, signifies she will be jilted by him.... (Coins)
  • If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it means honor and prosperity of the people of the house.... (Link)
  • If silver coins are your ideal of money, and they are bright and clean, or seen distinctly in your possession, the dream will be a propitious one.... (Coins)
  • Silver coin is unlucky Dreaming about.... (Coins)
  • Golden or silver cups in a dream are better than glass cups.... (Cup)
  • A silver one, a trifle less profit.... (Girdle)
  • If the ornaments are made from silver in the dream, it means that the master or leader is a wealthy person and he will be followed by a strong son who will carry the work of his father.... (Cummerbund)
  • A silver casting mold in a dream means profits.... (Mold)
  • To amass gold and silver, deceptions and loss.... (Gold)
  • Also the cup that you drink is important, because if it is gold or silver it means that fortune will be propitious.... (Drinking)
  • If they are made of silver in the dream, they mean a physical ailment, and if they are made from beads in the dream, they mean being let down by one’s friends.... (Earrings)
  • Silver color symbolizes the mystical aspect of the moon.... (Colors)
  • If it is made of gold or silver, excessive spending trend.... (Buttons)
  • Of silver.... (Vessel)
  • If the teeth of one’s comb are capped with gold or silver caps, then they represent one’s workers.... (Comb)
  • The golden caps represent trustworthy workers and the silver caps represent treacherous and disloyal workers.... (Comb)
  • To see silver and bank-notes accumulated, increase of honor and fortune.... (Bank)
  • Dreaming of silver coins without distinguishing a value, implies dubious business, uncomfortable compromises, and family problems.... (Coins)
  • If one smears his eyes with a silver-white powdered mixture or antimony in a dream, it means that he will have two wives.... (Kohl)
  • If they turn silver in the dream, it means that he is a philanderer and he will live in poverty, for lust for women and wealth cannot exist together.... (Foot)
  • If one who is accustomed to wearing a silver ring sees himself offering it as a gift to whoever he wishes in a dream, it means that he will preside over an honorable post.... (Ring)
  • Of silver, an intrigue frustrated.... (Thread)
  • If they are made of silver in the dream, they represent one’s entourage and attendants.... (Stairway)
  • If one sees a piece of gold prostrating to a piece of silver in a dream, it means that a nobler person will submit to a lowly one.... (Prostration)
  • Dreaming of gold and silver buttons indicates that your actions are driven by pretention and you waste both time and money.... (Buttons)
  • To eat with him (uwbp) in a dream means that one is commanded to pay the annual alms tax (Islamic law) due over one’s money making assets, or liquid assets, gold, silver, jewelry, savings, etcetera, excepting one’s home or vehicle.... (Muhammad)
  • (Cage | Digging a grave | Duel | Golden cage | Pearl | Sanctuary | Silver cage) Marriage in a dream represents the providence of God Almighty and care for His servants.... (Marriage)
  • Gold plated or silver plated ornaments or gold leaf objects in a dream represent a short life, changing circumstances, spending long and sleepless nights, or it could mean forgetfulness.... (Gold)
  • Looking into a silver mirror in a dream means loss of one’s status, it also means suffering from adversities, distress and fear.... (Mirror)
  • Silver is an omen of benefits.... (Jewels)
  • Pure gold or silver in a dream means purity and sincerity of one’s intentions, making a true covenant or signing a peace treaty.... (Gold)
  • If one sees silver turning into gold in a dream, it means increase in value, the rising moon of one’s wife, children, business or clan.... (Gold)
  • Wearing a golden necklace, or a silver necklace, or a necklace studded with gems in a dream means that one will become a leader, or that he could receive something in trust.... (Gold)
  • If one sees gold turning into silver in a dream, it means decrease in value, or changing conditions in relation to women, children or properties.... (Gold)
  • Wearing a decoration necklace that is made from silver and adorned with precious gems in a dream represents a political appointment which will be coupled with honor and wealth.... (Necklace)
  • If one’s decoration also carries some silver coins in the dream, it means marriage to a beautiful woman.... (Necklace)
  • (Haft | Saber guard | Sword hilt) Seeing a knife handle or a sword haft in a dream means that one still has a property or a minimum amount of property, including but not limited to livestock, gold, silver, or cash savings that is subject to the obligatory (Zakat) alms tax.... (Knife handle)
  • (Silver-white powdered mixture.... (Antimony)
  • If food is served on a forbidden golden or silver platter in the dream, it represents unlawful money, extensive debts, eating and chewing one’s food with desire and gluttony.... (Food)
  • If a young woman dreams that her lover gives her silver coins, and worse if they are old, it warns that she must remain alert or soon he’ll cheat on her.... (Coins)
  • It does get better if the silver coins appear new and shiny.... (Coins)
  • Wearing a silver armlet in a dream means giving one’s daughter in marriage to one’s nephew.... (Armlet)
  • (Also see Belt | Crown | Glass bottle | Glass | Gray hair | Ribs | Silver | Vat | Women)... (Woman)
  • If it’s silver, then it is an omen of pleasant business, and if it’s ice, then symbolizes the need to reach others through feelings.... (Melt)
  • If her neckband is made of silver, and if it is wide, comfortable and well strapped to her neck in a dream, it denotes her husband’s generosity, richness and forbearance.... (Neckband)
  • If they are made of silver in the dream, they mean a physical ailment, and if they are made from beads in the dream, they mean being let down by one’s friends.... (Necklace)
  • Silver bracelets in a dream also could be interpreted as piety and observing one’s religious duties.... (Bracelet)
  • If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it represents honor and prosperity of the people of such a house.... (Knocker)
  • A silver bracelet in a dream means increase in one’s profits.... (Bracelet)
  • If a man sees himself wearing a neckband that is made of gold, silver, iron, copper or lead in a dream, it means that he has abandoned his religious trust, forsaken his covenant and has become a profligate.... (Neckband)
  • If each wrist carries a silver bracelet or a bangle in a dream, it means disappointment or losses caused by one’s friends.... (Bracelet)
  • To hire a servant who wears a silver neckband in a dream means establishing a profitable business.... (Neckband)
  • Fleas, bedbugs, and the violent itching by these and similar domestic plagues ; the receipt of gold, silver, and every other kind of valuable property.... (Insect)