• A warning that we are or we will be in difficult circumstances that will require having every bit of caution.... (Skate)
  • If one sees himself having marital intercourse with his bride, but could not see her or recognize her, nor is she named to him in the dream, it also means his death.... (Wedding)
  • If one’s beard in wakefulness is gray and he sees its color black in a dream, it means strength, determination, firmness, certainty, having great energy and exuberance.... (Beard)
  • Seeing ants over one’s bed in a dream means having many children.... (Ants)
  • He also could represent alcoholism, falling in love, marriage, or having children.... (Painter)
  • If you dreamed of having a baby, but forgot it as a fact it symbolizes your fear of being recognized as fragile person.... (Baby)
  • If a subversive and a sinful person sees himself having a beard in a dream, it means that he will repent of his sins.... (Beard)
  • (Hairy spider | Spider) A tarantula in a dream represents a loathsome and an evil woman who interferes with people’s business and damages their interests, or who destroys what they repair and denies having anything to do with their sufferings.... (Tarantula)
  • Seeing Ali in a dream also means having a blessed progeny, vanquishing one’s enemy, presiding over the believers, hardships during travels, booty, manifestation of blessings and miracles, acquiring extraordinary knowledge, following the leading practices of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, or fulfillment of one’s commands.... (Ali)
  • Dreaming that you’re in a state of anguish too often without having real causes in your everyday life, can mean that this has a pathological origin, so you should go to your doctor.... (Angst)
  • To dream that all your eyelashes fall off, can be explained that you are having difficulties expressing yourself.... (Eyelashes)
  • Wearing a suit of mail in a dream also means having a strong son, or it could mean travels.... (Coat of mail)
  • Dreaming about not having time to do things means stress, anxiety and fear.... (Season, Time)
  • Having a dream that whoever is serving the table takes a tray full of food before serving it, insinuates that the dreamer doesn’t get along with his subordinates or other people that somehow depend on the dreamer.... (Eating)
  • If the dreamer sees himself/herself being suffocated during the dream, it’s an omen for diverse contrarieties, impediments and tiredness for having had a difficult struggle without obtaining any valuable result.... (Suffocate)
  • Thrusting against someone with the head during a fight in a dream also means having pride about one’s ancestry.... (Bullfight)
  • Dreaming of having defective teeth from birth or crooked teeth is a bad dream because it insinuates that health and all of the dreamer’s affairs, business, interests and emotions go from bad to worse and will remain that way if they are not given immediate attention.... (Teeth)
  • For a young woman or any person to return to an academy after having finished there, signifies that demands will be made which the dreamer may find himself or her self unable to meet.... (Academy)
  • If you are the accountant, the dream may be showing you a fear of financial problems, or having to report back to someone or tax entity.... (Accountant)
  • Dreaming of looking at your own face in a mirror means discontent and disgust with yourself for not having achieved your purposes, material losses, or creating enmities.... (Face)
  • Dreaming of having dirty, stained, and filthy clothes is a warning to stay away from bad influences, contagious patients or people that due to the illegal activities that they participate in might involve the dreamer in dangerous situations.... (Dirt)
  • If you are having the feeling of the delight, then it means you will have much of the pleasure in your life.... (Delight)
  • Burning pearls to cook with them rather than wood in a dream means putting a heavy burden on someone who cannot carry it and consequently having him explode.... (Pearl)
  • Having no brain in a dream means ignorance.... (Brain)
  • Seeing a crow standing over the roof of one’s house in a dream means that one’s wife is having a secret affair with one of his friends.... (Crow)
  • If we feel awkward in the dream by having to perform a task with gloves on, it means an inferiority complex about which we should meditate.... (Gloves)
  • (Ocean) In a dream, swimming in troubled waters or high tides means adversities, or having to face a strong opponent.... (High tides)
  • To dream that you are an exterminator, suggests your fear about having scarcity of some skills.... (Exterminator)
  • When a woman dreams of having freckles on her face it indicates that soon the dreamer will suffer from small problems that will damage her own happiness.... (Freckles)
  • If one is having difficulties with his wife, then seeing the morning in a dream means divorce or separation.... (Morning)
  • Dream of having a robust body, authority.... (Body)
  • For pregnant women, dreams of having an abortion are common in the second trimester of pregnancy.... (Abortion)
  • Dreaming of having very developed muscles indicates vanity which will put the dreamer in disadvantage against any enemies that the dreamer might have.... (Muscles)
  • Alternatively, he could have done some sins in the past, keeps carrying them and therefore having these kinds of dreams.... (Birthmark)
  • If the dreamer is sleeping under a tree in a dream means having a large progeny.... (Sleep)
  • Dreaming of having flabby and weak muscles, insinuates that the dreamer recognizes his or her own inability to solve problems.... (Muscles)
  • Dreaming that you are having difficulties in contacting the police suggest that you have yet to recognize your own credibility in a position.... (Police)
  • (Wrap) A shroud in a dream means coveringone’s private parts, or it could mean having a secret affair, concealing one’s action while displaying a deceptive appearance, or it could mean marriage with an incompatible spouse.... (Shroud)
  • In a dream, a coppersmith represents evil, adversities, difficulties, headaches, noises, marriage of an unwed person or cherishing the pleasure of having children.... (Coppersmith)
  • (Emergence | Manifestation | Visibility) In a dream, if one sees something that is kept away from him as a secret, it means experiencing comfort after suffering from trials, receiving compensation after suffering from injus- tice, conceiving a child after having given up hope or the like examples.... (Appearance)
  • Owning such a piebald crow in a dream means having a bad son.... (Crow)
  • To utter the formula – ‘La ilaha il Allah’ (there is no god other than Allah) in a dream means that one will only die having faith in his Lord.... (Exalting God’s Oneness)
  • (Dates) Having a bunch of dates in a dream means savings, family reunion and each bunch of dates represents a member of a clan, or a head of a household.... (Bunch of dates)
  • Dreaming of having an abortion suggests that a certain idea or plan is yet to come.... (Abortion)
  • If a merchant or a businessman who is having trouble in his trade sees the morning in his dream, it means good news and business growth.... (Morning)
  • When the dreamer dreams about having a birthmark it shows that there is a possibility of the need to take specific risks.... (Birthmark)
  • A grammar teacher and a language teacher in a dream represents honor, dignity, exalted rank, helping others, having impor- tant connections with people in authority, scholars, or he could represent understanding, clarity of speech, easy life, profits, marriage, children, or parents.... (Teacher)
  • Sleeping on the floor in a dream means owning a land, being a rich person, or having children.... (Sleep)
  • If you dream of having the determination, then such dream indicates the lust to pursuit the things you have made as the target for yourself.... (Determination)
  • Having an oversized brain in a dream means reason.... (Brain)
  • Dream of seeing or eating butter suggests you’re having difficulties communicating your thoughts and ideas.... (Butter)
  • If there is a tunnel under such a house in the dream, it denotes deception or that a perfidious person is having access to that household.... (House)
  • Having sexual intercourse with a woman through the anus in a dream means asking for something in the wrong way.... (Anus)
  • Having it delayed or refused is a sign of difficulties.... (Increase)
  • You wish you could shake of all the problems you are having.... (Bathtub)
  • Dreaming of being drunk announces that you will succeed in your projects and that will give you only fleeting joys because you will soon start having obstacles.... (Drunk)
  • (Ocean) In a dream, swimming in troubled waters or high tides means adversities, or having to face a strong opponent.... (Tides)
  • Drinkinghalf of the water contained in a jar in a dream means having consumed half one’s life span.... (Jar)
  • This dream also usually happens after living with great enthusiasm due to false optimism and high hopes, but having it all fail.... (Death)
  • You should consider when you should say something to the others while having a discussion, and when you should keep quiet and keep your opinion to yourself without expressing it to the others.... (Ambassador)
  • Dream of having a pale face, threatened illness of as long duration as the face is unusually pale.... (Paleness)
  • If a young woman dreams of firefighters resting, inactive, it indicates that she or some of her relatives or friends are at risk of having an accident.... (Firefighters)
  • Dream of having very large hands indicates that you will succeed and achieve your objectives.... (Hand)
  • Dreaming of having problems, even though you might not have them in real life, could mean that soon they will arrive.... (Problems)
  • Dreaming of having high hopes in love that turn very passionate, suggests that in some cases that the loved one is passionate and unreflective, not in a loving or sexual way, but ideologically, in sports, business, politics, anything that’s capable of producing successes or failures as a result of outbursts of passion which even though they might be temporary, they always leave their mark.... (Passion)
  • Drilling a hole in a pearl in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with a blood relation.... (Pearl)
  • Dream of having your hands stained with blood means you feel guilty about something in real life.... (Hand)
  • Having a raise in our salary announces happy changes to our living conditions.... (Increase)
  • Seeing or eating sweets in a dream indicates one’s sincerity in his religious attendance, release of a prisoner, arrival of a traveller, recovery of a sick person, marriage of an unwed person, guidance, repentance, learning the Qur’an, buying new clothing for one’s children, having a loyal servant, or earning blessed monies.... (Sweets)
  • Having sexual intercourse with an unknown woman in a dream represents the type of interactions and dealings one fosters with people in general.... (Sexual intercourse)
  • (Plenitude | Abundance | A river in paradise.) To drink from the Kawthar river of paradise in a dream means acquiring knowledge, developing correct deeds, having perfect certitude and truly emulating the leading practices and character of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.... (Kawltiar)
  • Having a gun in your hand is a sign that you need material things to feel fully satisfied.... (Weapons)
  • This dream could also represent your denial with health issues you are having.... (Ambulance)
  • Having sexual intercourse with one’s wife in a dream means success in one’s trade.... (Sexual intercourse)
  • Like other working tools, this symbolizes a task that will bring us some sort of advantage after having worked hard.... (Hammer)
  • Having sexual intercourse with a prostitute in a dream means love for the world, or it could mean profits.... (Sexual intercourse)
  • If you dreamed of having a birthday party and no one attended it, there is a possibility that you feel neglected and abandoned.... (Birthday)
  • (Day) The dawning of the daylight in a dream means relief from pain, distress and sorrow, or it could mean buying a new garment, marriage, having beautiful children, the emergence of truth, unveiling what is hidden, release from prison or the coming home of a traveller.... (Daylight)
  • Dreaming of simply driving indicates that you are restless, despite of having nice living conditions; it also announces that you will soon make changes in affairs that you’re handling, and in this case you should be very careful with your behavior and character, since any mistakes will bring fatal consequences.... (Car)
  • Having sexual intercourse with a heavenly woman in a dream means religious and spiritual attainment.... (Sexual intercourse)
  • If an effeminate person sees himself having a vagina in a dream, it means that he has two faces or that he is satisfied to be knowledgeable as well as a fraud.... (Effeminate)
  • Dream of having a spear in your hands and that you injured an unknown person, indicates success in business.... (Spear)
  • Dreaming of having somewhat of a large debt, indicates a self-reproach for being wrong or acting inappropriately, which will bring bad results.... (Debts)
  • In a dream, an old woman represents the ending of one’s life in this world, sorrows, the hereafter, wine, or bearing children after having lost hope in one’s fertility.... (Old woman)
  • (Fungus | Ringworm | Tetter) Suffering from herpes, or ringworm, or tetter in a dream means stinginess, or having resources to repay one’s debts and concealing such knowledge from the lenders and being afraid of their asking for their money.... (Herpes)
  • Carrying a money belt in a dream means having knowledge one has earned in the first half of his life.... (Wallet)
  • If you dream of having the feeling of Déjà vu, then it means you did not sorted out all of the things in your life.... (Déjà vu)
  • Being a sailor in a dream and seeing us at the sea, indicates concern because our matters can go adrift without having a direct form of guiding them.... (Sailor)
  • If the birthday was yours and you were having a good time, it signifies that you feel accepted among your community and/or you feel happy of who you are and the life you have.... (Birthday)
  • As for a prisoner, having large shoulders in a dream means serving a long term imprisonment.... (Shoulders)
  • Having sexual intercourse in a dream also signifies paying one’s debts, or it could mean relief from pressures.... (Sexual intercourse)
  • Having problems turning the key in the lock promises that we will find difficulties and obstacles in obtaining what we want.... (Key)
  • Dreaming us bald but having hair in reality, portends loss of friends.... (Bald)
  • If one sees himself in a dream having many noses, each of them represents the renewal of his comfort.... (Nose)
  • Dreaming of having red or swollen feet suggests that soon there will be changes, perhaps family separations that may eventually become a serious conflict.... (Feet)
  • If a man sees himself having a woman’s breasts in his dream, it means that he will get married, or fall in love with a woman, or have a secret affair that will turn into a scandal.... (Chest 2)
  • Having chest pain in a dream denotes a sin one is being punished for, or it could mean being a spendthrift or generous in other than God’s pleasure, and the pain in the dream represents his punishment for it.... (Chest 2)
  • Dreaming of having foot pain, announces difficulty in matters being handled and with family.... (Feet)
  • Some authors agree that if the beach is busy and we are walking through it, it will reflect our need to show ourselves off and of having new relationships, and if the beach is empty, it shows our desire for peace and serenity.... (Beach)
  • Dreaming of chopping onions and crying because of the smell indicates that a lot of work and effort will be required to defeat enemies and competitors before having successful results.... (Onions)
  • If one’s vomit is yellow and bitter in taste in the dream, it means repentance after having paid the price of one’s crime.... (Vomit)
  • The bleeding is also very common dream for women, because of the menstruation period they are having every month.... (Blood)
  • Having one hundred eyes in a dream means money.... (Eyes)
  • If you dream of your grade, then such dream represents the joy you are having while passing different phases of your life.... (Grade)
  • Dreaming of having fits, denotes that you will fall a prey to ill health and will lose employment.... (Fits)
  • (Waterfall) To discover oneself having cataract in a dream means suffering from sorrow, sadness and dismay.... (Cataract)
  • This dream shows how big expectations you are having out of your work and personal life.... (Airport)
  • If you dreamed of having the bad teeth, then such dream warns you about upcoming disasters, problems, pain and suffering you will get.... (Teeth)
  • The vampires in dreams also are associated with the harsh sexuality you are having or wishing to have.... (Vampire)
  • (Bagel | Bread | Twist) Pretzels in a dream mean travels, hoarding money, evil, or having an argument.... (Pretzel)
  • To dream you’re having fun means that you will live in a false joy.... (Fun)
  • A mole in a dream also could mean having sharp hearing, or correcting one’s vision if one happens to have hearing disability or sight problems.... (Mole 3)
  • Dreaming of having a high abundance of adequate element, means that you have to look after your incomes and supplies which you have.... (Abundance)
  • Dreaming of living and enjoying a beautiful castle insinuates satisfaction of oneself for having achieved a remarkable prosperity that promises to be extended into the future.... (Castle)
  • If one sees himself having hair like that of a hog in a dream, it connotes major calamities.... (Hair)
  • (Outdoor bench) If one sees a cement bench in front of his door in a dream, it means that one’swife is having a secret affair.... (Bench)
  • When you dream of having bandages it shows that you need to be cured and taken care of.... (Bandages)
  • If we dream of not having legs, it signifies that we lack knowledge or qualities necessary to carry out the project that we are planning.... (Legs)
  • If a head shaved person or a bald person sees himself having curly hair in a dream, it means following the leading example of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace.... (Curly hair)
  • Dream of having the ear wounded or cut, treason on the part of one abusing your secrets confided to him.... (Ear)
  • (Damn | Profanity) Cursing one’s wife in a dream means perjury and yielding to sin, or suspicion about the legality of one’s marriage, or having apprehensions about the legitimacy of one’s earnings.... (Cursing)
  • Dreaming of controlling a goat by grabbing it by the horns means that having success in your business is really close, and the enemies or competitors will be defeated; but if in your dream the goat beats and defeats you, it indicates that you should take maximum precautions regarding your enemies, whether you know them or not.... (Goat)
  • Dreaming of an infant having a deep sore so that you can see the bone, denotes that distressing and annoying incidents will detract from your plans, and children will be threatened with contagion.... (Sores)
  • Having good posture in a dream represents confidence and power.... (Posture)
  • When you dream of reading or having an alphabet, it usually indicates that new and unexpected favorable possibilities will be presented either in the life of the dreamer or any the people you consider close.... (Alphabet)
  • If you dream having a huge abundance of different type of things, represents your future as happy, successful, lucky and profitable.... (Abundance)
  • Seeing a page in a dream means you’re angry from a broken relationship, this will result to having a relationship with another person.... (Page)
  • Make sure of the new thoughts you are having and start realising them.... (Airport)
  • Dreaming of a field of cotton implies that you’re very close of having prosperity and abundance due to good business.... (Cotton)
  • If one sees himself as a tailor or altering garments in a dream, it means prosperity, setting up a business venture, getting married, having a progeny, or putting things where they belong.... (Tailor)
  • If one sees grass growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means that he will discover his wife having a secret affair, and he will find her in the company of someone else.... (Grass)
  • If one sees a ruler having two horns in a dream, it means that such a ruler will control interests throughout the East and the West.... (Horn)
  • Having a horn in a dream means conquering one’s enemy.... (Horn)
  • Repudiation in a dream also denotes having loathsome sexual preferences, or desiring anal intercourse with one’s wife, or it could mean running away from one’s enemy.... (Repudiation)
  • Seeing a hunchbacked person in a dream means prosperity, longevity or having a large family.... (Back)
  • If one sees himself reading his book of records on the Day of Judgment in a dream, and if he is an unlettered person in wakefulness, it means that he will become rich after having suffered from poverty, and that he will answer all the questions he will be asked on the Day of Reckoning, or that he will be protected by God Almighty from what he fears most.... (Qur’anic recital)
  • If you dream of having bad breath, is a premonition of temporary discomforts.... (Mouth)
  • (Beverage) Drinking an unknown sweet drink or a glass of a cold and fresh water in a dream means guidance, knowledge, having good taste, and the diligence of the people of the path.... (Drink)
  • Dream of having difficulty in turning the key in a lock means you will have some difficulties and obstacles in good situations.... (Key)
  • If one sees himself in a dream performing one of the five obligatory prayers on time, having performed the proper ablution and correctly completed its obeisance of the proper standing, bowing and prostrating postures, standing with reverence and piety and facing the Ka’aba, it means that he will perform a religious duty or attend the annual pilgrimage in Mecca.... (Five times prayers)
  • Having two male organs in a dream means that one will beget two sons.... (Male organ)
  • Owning a pet mouse in a dream means having a servant or a housekeeper.... (Mouse)
  • Dream of having a lot of keys symbolize a purchase of goods or knowledge, proportional to the number of keys in hand.... (Key)
  • A black garment means honor, reign and having mastery over people.... (Clothing)
  • Alternatively, the dream may indicate your anxiety about having the vasectomy in your waking life.... (Vasectomy)
  • If the rope is old, worn or dirty, it’s announcement of failure in marriage due to having rushed the marriage.... (Rope)
  • If a woman, especially a young woman, dreams of being accompanied by a carefully, shaved, dressed and styled corpse, it suggests that she feels tempted to fall into moral corruption, or in having an affair.... (Corpse)
  • It can also be interpreted as the fact that you are having the intuition that an enemy is arriving.... (Jaguar)
  • This dream is an invitation to restrain our impulses or otherwise you’ll find yourself at risk of having big losses, disappointments and difficulties.... (Pointing)
  • Thick and long hair in a dream also can be interpreted as having many children, or it could represent fear of wrongdoing, or thinking about an important person, or it could represent common daily concerns.... (Hair)
  • Having long fingernails for someone who needs them for his or her work in a dream means prosperity.... (Nails)
  • If it is the upper lip, it means having two friends.... (Lips)
  • Seeing an old or rusty wire means having a bad temper.... (Wire)
  • Having an illness in a dream represents a sickening character, or a hypocrite.... (Illness)
  • Having less hair in a dream means diminishing difficulties.... (Hair)
  • Owning a hoopoe in a dream means having influence over someone in authority, or it could represent a writer, or a perspicacious person but who has no religious commitment.... (Hoopoe)
  • Dreaming of lying in order to avoid responsibilities implies that the dreamer’s conscience is accusing the dreamer of having inappropriate thoughts.... (Lies)
  • Dream of having jaundice means that after a period of losses and embarrassments you will have great fortune.... (Jaundice)
  • Carrying a heavy load over one’s back in a dream also means having many children with little money to sustain them.... (Back)
  • If in the dream, just like in reality the bee stings you, be aware of someone in your life as you could be tricked or/and deceived or already feel the consequences of it, and therefore having these dreams.... (Bees)
  • If one sees a dog or a pig sleeping on his mattress in a dream, it means that an insolent person is having a secret affair with one’s wife.... (Mattress)
  • The person who irons will have the possibility of having fatal mistakes, if he/she does not put more attention to his/her acts or work.... (To iron)
  • In that sense, traditional people say – ”So and so flew with so and so’s wings.” Having wings and not using them to fly with in a dream means acquiring worldly wealth.... (Wings)
  • Dreaming that you are having your own photograph made, foretells that you will unwarily cause yourself and others’ trouble.... (Photography)
  • Owning an extra lance in a dream means having a brother or a friend who will stand for one’s defence when needed.... (Lance)
  • Dreaming of having an abscess, reminds you that there is something that has to be represented.... (Abscess)
  • Having a dream about this means that some issue with family or friends is keeping you unconsciously tense.... (Ingratitude)
  • For a young man, who dreams of a bathroom, it insinuates that he has natural tendency to frivolous and not recommendable ways of having fun.... (Bathroom)
  • Dreaming of having an abundance of nice, clean crockery, denotes that you will be a tidy and economical housekeeper.... (Crockery)
  • Having many tongues in a dream also means speaking many foreign languages.... (Tongue)
  • Many authors interpret dreams with umbrellas as the possibility of protection, but the discomfort of having to adjust to their shelter, it tells us about the loss of independence.... (Umbrella)
  • To dream about having long nails may mean that you’re offending other ones by adopting vanity self-sufficiency attitudes.... (Nails)
  • If you dream of having difficulties to comb your hair, it means that you may lose the friendship and the benefits provided by a man of a good social an economic position due to your bad manners (disdain, arrogance or misconduct).... (Hair)
  • To show courage in a dream means perseverance and having a strong will.... (Courage)
  • Dreaming of flipping pages of a photo album indicates that in real life, you’re having fond memories associated with places and loved ones.... (Album)
  • Dreaming of a banquet is a good symbol, especially when it’s developed in a healthy and joyful time, this dream implies that important people will encourage you, and help you selflessly without having bad intentions.... (Banquet)
  • Dreaming that you have beautiful hair and you’re combing it, states that you are careless by nature in your personal affairs, which puts you at risk of having losses due to negligence and distraction.... (Hair)
  • Having a dream about this means that you’re possibly sensing that a new phase will begin in a certain area of your life.... (Initiation)
  • Having many tongues and of many colors in a dream means telling different and contradictory stories, or it could represent a music writer.... (Tongue)
  • If one sees himself attempting painstakingly to catch a whale in a small pond in a dream, it means money that he will fight for, though he cannot get hold of it without having to cross major obstacles.... (Fish)
  • Taking a ritual ablution in a dream also could mean the release of a prisoner, payment of one’s debts, dispelling one’s distress, or it could mean richness, prosperity, attending the sacred pilgrimage in Mecca, or having a successful business.... (Ritual bath)
  • Dreaming about pain can be a warning sign that your body is sending to you and also a manifestation of the pressure that a situation of daily life is having on you and you do not dare to confront it.... (Pain)
  • If a wretched person sees himself having many tongues in a dream, it means that he will have a large family.... (Tongue)
  • When you see your friend having an AIDS it represents your friendship with that person you have a dream being in mystery and conundrum.... (AIDS)
  • Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means crying and lamentation, disputes with one’s family, rising prices, relief from distress, adversities and having recalcitrant children.... (Noah)
  • If the singing is bad, or off key in the dream, then it could mean lack of work, meekness, or it could mean having little opinion about oneself.... (Singing)
  • Dreaming of having beautiful hair, well maintained and groomed, announces next improvements in all your affairs.... (Hair)
  • An embrace in a dream is also interpreted to mean having sexual intercourse.... (Embrace)
  • I you dreamed of having the stress in a dream, then such dream indicates the actual tension and strain you are suffering in your waking life.... (Stress)
  • Having difficulties to dry it, means gossip will threaten family stability.... (Laundry)
  • Having it: sadness, misfortune, cheatings, bad omen.... (Cough)
  • A cummerbund in a dream also means work for a jobless person, a wife for an unmarried person, and should it be carrying many ornaments, then it means the added blessing of having several children.... (Cummerbund)
  • Dreaming of having white flowers in a bathroom indicates a risk of developing a benign disease such as a cold, if they are yellow flowers and they are not in a vase, you should take precautions.... (Bathroom)
  • Having bleared eyelids in a dream means being in love.... (Eyelid)
  • Singing in the bathroom or under a shower in a dream means speaking unclear words, or having a dispute.... (Singing)
  • By having this dream the desire of being uncontrolled or watched could be fulfilled.... (Infringement)
  • If you are healing in a dream, then it could indicate the actual process of healing you are having in your waking life and have no problems while moving on.... (Healing)
  • If one is forbidden from having the fruits of paradise in a dream, it denotes his failure to properly attend to his religious duties.... (Paradise)
  • If one sees himself singing while walking in a dream, it means earning a comfortable livelihood, being content and having a good opinion about oneself.... (Singing)
  • When you dream of having a heart attack, then it shows the lack of love you are suffering from.... (Heart Attack)