• (Bond | Shackle) To see one’s feet put in irons or fettered in a dream represents evil people, or it could mean travels or leaving one’s homeland.... (Fetter)
  • Probably the dream may suggest you to take the best features of those people and put it in yourself.... (Morph)
  • If you hesitate to put these objects on the body, it indicates that either you won’t be fooled, or that you’ll manage to take back some of the things they took away from you.... (Corpse)
  • Dreaming that you are speeding indicates that you will be put into a dangerous situation.... (Velocity)
  • If somebody else has put a hex on you, then such dream shows the frustration and rage you have towards particular person.... (Hex)
  • Dreaming about being behind the wheel may mean that both at work and in business, you can succeed if you put effort into it, because you can’t expect things to go as you want, especially if you don’t really commit to them.... (Driving wheel)
  • If sometimes you’re acting in devious way, then try to put yourself in someone else’s shoe and determine how they might feel in such acts.... (Santa Claus)
  • Symbolize strength, the strength that we put into our actions.... (Arms)
  • To put a horseshoe on a horse is a symbol of solid and beneficial projects.... (Horseshoes)
  • To put a lock upon your fiance’e’s neck and arm, foretells that you are distrustful of her fidelity, but future episodes will disabuse your mind of doubt.... (Lock)
  • When you are dreaming of being pursued by a bull, but managing to protect yourself, (for example behind a platform, a tree or a house) then this could mean that although your problems in real life seem serious, in the end everything will be fine, because of intense work and attention that you put.... (Bull)
  • The square as a good omen represents your ability to put things right, exactly where they supposed to be.... (Square)
  • Perhaps you don’t forget the things that other people have done to you, especially if you put a hex on someone.... (Hex)
  • We must put in order our reasoning, there is inconsistency in our ideas.... (Dime store, variety store)
  • The recommendation of subconscious mind for the dreamer is to consider how to eliminate the pressure and stress, which is being put on him.... (Sandwich)
  • The person who irons will have the possibility of having fatal mistakes, if he/she does not put more attention to his/her acts or work.... (To iron)
  • In the dream you worship a thing or a person, this marks that you put to much efforts or attention to that object.... (Worship)
  • If in a dream one sees his stomach open, it means that his business may be temporarily put out of commission, or that he may lose any benefits he used to derive from it up to then.... (Stomach)
  • The dream could also show the differences you are trying to put together.... (Grafting)
  • To put to the question (an ancient torture to extort confession from prisoners); happiness, prudence, contentment, integrity.... (Question)
  • Dreaming of fighting flames, foretells that you will have to put forth your best efforts and energy if you are successful in amassing wealth.... (Flame)
  • Seeing a rock in a dream means permanence and stability as expressed in the familiar phrase “solid as a rock.” It may also indicate that it will put a more solid foundation on your life.... (Rocks)
  • Fork in dreams indicates that envious people will try to challenge your feelings and put your home in a conflict situation.... (Cutlery)
  • Alternatively, it may also mean that you need to put more effort on your professional life.... (Employment)
  • Anyway, you will reach your target after all hard work and and effort you will put in.... (Attic)
  • On the other hand the dream could indicate the pressure and stress you put on others and do not let them act or perform normally.... (Squeeze)
  • Seeing or doing a crossword puzzle means you must put up with a mental challenge.... (Jigsaw puzzle)
  • To put in the clothes means financial abundance.... (Lining)
  • If we put too much passion in the game and lose it’s a sign of indiscretions.... (Dominoes)
  • When you receive a love-letter avowing a passion for you, lay it full open ; then fold it into nine, fix it near or next your heart; wear it thus till you are going to bed, put it in the glove belonging to your left hand, and then them both under your head.... (Love-Letter)
  • If one is sick or under stress, and if he sees Satan touching him in a dream, it means that he will put his hand on material wealth.... (Satan)
  • When we are dreaming about objects being in zigzag, then it is a very good omen and tends to indicate that a future filled with success will appear before us, thanks to the support which we will receive from very influential people, but just as long as we put enough of the effort for it to happen.... (Zigzag)
  • Alternatively, the dream could indicate your fear of being laughing-object, especially if you put the trousers on the wrong way.... (Trousers)
  • To see them in bouquets, denotes that love will be offered you, but a foolish ambition will cause you to put it aside.... (Chrysanthemum)
  • To see a Nazi in a dream represents a form of evil and merciless force that you can’t fight back, you may feel that others will want to put you down.... (Nazi)
  • You must put in order a certain situation in your life.... (Zoo)
  • Perhaps you are trying to put some walls and barriers in your sexual life.... (Celibacy)
  • If one gets drunk from wine, then tears off his shirt in the dream, it means that he has put his life in order and has it harmoniously organized.... (Drunkenness)
  • To put others in a fortress, denotes your ability to rule in business or over women.... (Fortress)
  • To put money on the eyes of a corpse in your dreams, denotes that you will see unscrupulous enemies robbing you while you are powerless to resent injury.... (Corpse)
  • (Custodian | Trustee) If one receives instructions from a testator in a dream, it has six interpretations – either that what he is told is true, or that he maybe put in charge of an important project, thus, it represents rising in rank, increase in knowledge, celebrating forty years of age, a blessing of a spiritual attainment, or protection from sin.... (Legal guardianship)
  • Instead, you put the things aside and express the lack of sexuality with anger and aggression.... (Soccer)
  • When you dream of doing backlifts it means that you are willing to do something and put extra effort into it to just to make someone happy.... (Backflips)
  • When you put the deodorant in a dream, then it shows your capability to remove the obstacles and those that are longer good for you.... (Deodorant)
  • The dream could also indicate the tendency to put other people first instead of caring only his own business.... (Socks)
  • Seeing one within dreams means that you have to be a bit less of a dreamer and put your feet on the ground doing a retrospective analysis and examine what your limitations are.... (Blind)
  • Dreaming that you are possessed with an abundance | foretells that you will have no occasion to reproach Fortune, and that you will be independent of her future favors | but your domestic happiness may suffer a collapse under the strain you are likely to put upon it by your infidelity.... (Abundance)
  • If you got a voucher in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the attempt you have put into something very important.... (Voucher)
  • If you only put it on one eye you will be able to recover lost property after an almost hopeless struggle.... (Corpse)
  • If you put the light on it presages joy.... (Torch)
  • Dreaming of reading Greek, denotes that your ideas will be discussed and finally accepted and put in practical use.... (Greek)
  • You must put them aside to clear your mind.... (Night)
  • Perhaps the dream is offering you to put aside that anger and desperation away.... (Junkyard)
  • Signing a loan in a dream means being put under court restraint.... (Loan)
  • It also suggests that you should put your feet on the ground.... (Shoes)
  • To dream about something that has been written incompletely in such desk suggests that you have to put more attention to your matters.... (Desk)
  • The efforts you’ve put in will be insufficient to improve your situation.... (Impotence)
  • You should try to put a stop to criticism from certain people.... (Toilet bag)
  • The money put on a scale for measuring represents the lawsuits, and the weights represent the judgment.... (Balance)
  • If we haul down the anchor, it is time that we put ourselves into action.... (Anchor)
  • Seeing in dreams a hedgerow with living plants or shrubs, usually mean that we will have to face some small obstacles, and that if we put a bit of effort in it, we can successfully overcome them.... (Hedgerow)
  • This dream announces that soon you will enjoy great happiness, and you should put all your efforts to preserve it because if you don’t, you’re likely to never feel it again.... (Breastfeeding)
  • Maybe there are doubts about something and you feel like you are unable to put things together.... (Separation)
  • If we see an enemy’s cadaver it symbolizes a peaceful conscience, and attending to a corpse’s funeral indicates that we’ll finally put end to some old grudges.... (Cadaver)
  • You must sometimes put away your pride and learn to ask for help.... (Talisman)
  • Put your feet on the ground.... (Scepter)
  • Dreaming that you have and enjoy from an enormous wealth, can mean that you live a difficult life so you must put all of your effort and energy, and maximize your abilities to get to achieve the things you saw in the dream.... (Wealth)
  • Many people dream of the wedding that goes wrong, but only because of the fear they have to put everything in place.... (Wedding)
  • Dreaming of watching how a coffin is put into a carriage is announcement of serious problems at home, as well as frequent fights in the marriage or in relationships.... (Coffin)
  • Dreaming that we are being whipped is a warning that there is something inside us that is harmful to us and we need to find out to put remedy to it.... (Whipping)
  • To put a ledger into a safe, you will be able to protect your rights under adverse circumstances.... (Ledger)
  • This dream suggests you to put all your effort into your target.... (Appointment)
  • Perhaps you received the great achievements in your waking life through the hard work and efforts that you put in.... (Confetti)
  • If there is something you wish to get in this life, you must put the effort to achieve the result you wish for.... (Surfboard)
  • Empty bookcases, imply that you will be put out because of lack of means or facility for work.... (Bookcase)
  • Dreaming of intensely looking for a pair of pants to put them on signifies that the dreamer lives in a state of confusion as a result of problems that cannot be decrypted or whose solution is out of reach.... (Pants)
  • But it is also considered that the dream tells us about the need to put more energy into our daily affairs, if we want to grow properly.... (Fir)
  • To dream that you’re a student in any school suggests that you recognize your lack of preparation and that you’re not likely to succeed in life, mainly because you don’t put enough energy and willpower in your projects.... (School)
  • When a man dreams that his wife is mopping, washing floors or walls, then it announces that he will suffer shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which will put him at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail.... (Mop)
  • To put a letter in one, denotes you will be held responsible for some irregularity of another.... (United States Mail Box)
  • Perhaps you need to put together some aspects of your life.... (Grout)
  • If, during a dream, we find ourselves blowing a fire to put it out, then it indicates that we’re tired, disenchanted and we lack the strength to keep fighting.... (Blow)
  • Also a subconscious veil that we put over our own nightmares.... (Darkness)
  • If one sees himself crucified and did not know when was he put on the cross in a dream, it means that he will recover lost property or money, or fulfill his goals.... (Crucifixion)
  • If you saw or seen the chili in a dream, then it means you are trying to put some spiciness in your life.... (Chili)
  • If you are mending some kind of the garment in a dream, then such dream indicates the effort you put in order to sort out some problem.... (Mending)
  • (Death | Punishment) In a dream, crucifixion means exaltation of the one who is put on the cross, or a high rank he will attain.... (Crucifixion)
  • Dreaming of thinking people are liars, foretells you will lose faith in some scheme which you had urgently put forward.... (Liar)
  • It is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation, relationship, or person.... (Stomach)
  • To see some put on stockings, relates to some sexual situation.... (Stockings)
  • To dream that you are struggling to put the seat belt on, shows your inability to confront the problems you have.... (Seat Belt)
  • To put a hole in one’s shoe in a dream means facing trouble and adversities.... (Hole)
  • Finally you are able to put them together and see the whole image of it.... (Hanging)
  • In addition it may indicate that you need to put more control over your life.... (Scourge)
  • You need to put away your arrogance and ask for outside assistance.... (Talisman)
  • Some authors consider that seeing ourselves put on earrings or another person putting them on for us, means that there’s a possible marriage coming or a sentimental alliance.... (Ears)
  • When a merchant dreams of a cat, he should put his best energies to work, as his competitors are about to succeed in demolishing his standard of dealing, and he will be forced to other measures if he undersells others and still succeeds.... (Cats)
  • If you lost the sock, it means that there are some things which you find it hard to put together or you are in conflict with someone and unable to find an agreement.... (Socks)
  • Dreaming that you put a halter on a young horse, shows that you will manage a very prosperous and clean business.... (Halter)
  • You should try to put more efforts to change your own mind or someone else mind.... (Pursuit)
  • If you put in a window-pane with putty, you will seek fortune with poor results.... (Putty)
  • To dream yourself being among darkness is a sign that your own businesses will improve notably, as long as you put the dedication that is deserved to your job.... (Darkness)
  • To dream about the biblical final judgment, in the middle of the disaster, it symbolizes that your affairs are doing wrong and it is urgent to put maximum attention to avoid serious losses.... (Trial)
  • You will struggle to put forth an appearance of happiness, but will secretly care for other associations.... (Art Gallery)
  • If a religious person sees timber in his dream, it means that he will commits a major sin such as theft, murder, or adultery, he will then be caught and put to justice.... (Firewood)
  • You need to put more efforts, to work harder in order to gain all benefits.... (Farmer)
  • Perhaps you had experienced situations where you have been out of control and now you try to put your feet on the ground.... (Landing)
  • To dream about ghosts of one or more of your acquaintances that in real life are still alive is a sign that you have not put enough attention to your activities, such as your social relations and businesses; this can end up hurting you.... (Ghosts)
  • Consider that the dream could also be the reflection of your emotions as maybe you are floating at some situation and do not put the effort to make it better.... (Sea)
  • To see a shoe put on a horse, denotes trouble, shackles.... (Horse)
  • They are considered symbol of an agreement, tendency to reconciliation and notice that it is a good time to put some affairs in order.... (Nettles)
  • If a wife sees herself playing a string instrument in her dream, it means that she will put a child in her lap.... (String instruments)
  • To dream that you have committed a murder indicates you must put an end to an old habit and to your previous ways of thinking.... (Murder)
  • If you put your signature in a dream, it means that you have accepted to do something or willing to agree with the offer that was given to you.... (Signature)
  • You need to put your pride aside and ask for a help if you need it.... (Lawyer)
  • The dream of breathing under the water could indicate the lack of self trust, therefore you put all of the responsibilities to those around you.... (Breathe)
  • If the boiling stops, and if the contents start to cool down, and if the fire is put off in one’s dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.... (Pot)
  • If you dreamed of the thumb, then such dream indicates the power and apprehends you put on certain things.... (Thumb)
  • And now is the time to put it up, please use it the way you think is most appropriate.... (Volcano)
  • To dream that you’re applying makeup to yourself means that you are trying to cover up your real self; that you want to put on a mask.... (Makeup)
  • The dream warns you that after you put your signature there is no way back, because you accept with all of the conditions.... (Signature)
  • Dreaming of ostriches can be a sign that you will soon have to put up with vain and insubstantial speeches.... (Ostrich)
  • You must put your family matters in order.... (Executor)
  • Possibility of having to make heavy spending that will put you at an economic disadvantage.... (Son-in-law)
  • Dreaming of having very developed muscles indicates vanity which will put the dreamer in disadvantage against any enemies that the dreamer might have.... (Muscles)
  • If we witness the fall of a meteorite that announces serious events which will put our way of life at risk.... (Meteorite)
  • If you were picking up the pieces of the cotton, then such dream shows the frustration and desperation you are suffering from, because of all the efforts you put in it, but received only very minor results.... (Cotton)
  • If during the dream you fight with the executioner and defeat him, it means that triumph over adversity is possible if you put enough effort into it.... (Executioner)
  • Is there something that you aren’t able to put into words or articulate? You should try to decode what message you are trying to announce.... (Charades)
  • To dream that you put on too much makeup may suggest hypocritical, false and deceitful relations.... (Makeup)
  • Suffering and sorrow that will affect your mood and put you down.... (Nails)
  • If you are an adulterer in real life, reconsider the things you’re doing and put an end to this relationship, because you’re being cheating on or your partner knows what you are doing.... (Adultery)
  • If one sees him (uwbp) in a prison or persecuted, or if one fears a major event that could put and end to his life, or an accident that could kill him, or a dangerous sea trip that could drown him, it means that God willing, he will escape and survive such adversity.... (Moses)
  • If you dream of bending it shows your capability to adjust to new surroundings.... (Bending)
  • If one witnesses the emergence of the Imposter (Antichrist) in a dream, it signifies new trends, innovations and masses straying from the straight path.... (Resurrection)
  • Seeing a workshop in a dream represents that you will develop your skills and try to understand new things.... (Workshop)
  • You are opening yourself up to new experiences.... (Drill)
  • Perhaps you are trying to go into new phase of your life.... (Border)
  • When you dream of having an awakening it shows you will face new concepts.... (Awakening)
  • To find it foretells that new relationships are not as beneficial as we expected.... (Director, Patron, President)
  • If a woman sees herself wearing a new, large and comfortable blouse in a dream, it denotes her piety, religiousness, happiness and the enjoyment of a rich life in this world.... (Shirt)
  • Is there anything you need to express from deepness of your soul? Perhaps you have started new relationship.... (Saxophone)
  • As for a merchant, hearing a pleasant story in a dream represents easy and quick profits from his business, and for a craftsman, it represents a sizeable contract, or an important new account.... (Storyteller)
  • If they are different from ours, new loves.... (Sheets)
  • Such dream could also denote to the new period of your life.... (Wedding)
  • Also, this dream points out new principles.... (Retirement)
  • A count of one hundred soldiers in a dream represents the chastisement and calamity which God Almighty inflicts upon the people of the earth because of their sins at the conclusion of each century, or at the beginning of a new one.... (Soldiers)
  • You have got energy and power from your inner world to start and create something new and awesome in your life.... (Yeast)
  • You are elevating your consciousness to a new standards.... (Evaporation)
  • If you feel shocked in a dream, then such dream represents the new beginning or awareness.... (Shock)
  • If the stories are new, then they mean disturbances in one’s life.... (Storyteller)
  • To have interaction with a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard material in your dream is a symbol of fresh start and new beginnings.... (Drill)
  • If you see the nativity in a dream, then such dream shows the new features you have found in yourself you didn’t know you have.... (Nativity)
  • To see a drill, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion that you are headed toward a new direction in life.... (Drill)
  • If two groups of opposing trends compromise or consent to respect each others’ philosophy in a dream, it denotes the birth of a new ideology, innovations and trials.... (Conciliation)
  • Dream of climbing up a ladder means you will reach a new level of achievement and higher knowledge.... (Ladder)
  • New shoes, profits.... (Shoes)
  • If a traveler sees his wife giving birth to a new child in a dream, it means obstruction of his travels and changes in his plans.... (Childbirth)
  • In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence of truth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him.... (Hell-fire)
  • Perhaps you are the person who likes to learn new things every day.... (Journal)
  • It could also mean richness after poverty, marriage, a servant, or moving into a new house.... (Hand mill)
  • Wear a new one gain and pleasure.... (Hat)
  • It represents a sign of new businesses or successful projects.... (Camel)
  • This is the moment when the beginning and basis will be very important because you will build new relations or life.... (Weeds)
  • So it will be an enabling time to initiate projects or build something new.... (A letter)
  • Dreaming about changing shoes means you will change your behavior about new events and people.... (Shoes)
  • Seeing the new crescent when everyone else is looking an failing to see it in a dream represents one’s death, or it could mean that one will be aberrant and corrupt during that year of his life.... (Crescent)
  • Dream of walking through woods means your return to a spiritual aspect of yourself, also indicates you’re starting a new phase of your life.... (Wood)
  • You will exert a strong attraction and dominance in certain person, with who you may initiate new friendship.... (Magnet (Stone))
  • This dream could be a sign of taking the new chances which are ahead of you.... (Alligator)
  • If you are weeding in your dream, this is a sign that it is time for you to get rid of bad habits, negative attitude because it is time for you to step into new period in your life and grow yourself as a wise personality.... (Weeds)
  • Are you experiencing new-found freedom? It also signifies that you will be champion in overcoming your obstacles that may presently seem overwhelming.... (Floating)
  • Such dream could also denote to the new period of your life.... (Wedding Dress)
  • In most cases this dream appears when everything seems to go wrong, to announce us, that the worst is over and that a new spring, full of opportunities in all activities is approaching.... (Spring)
  • Alternatively, you are having a new understanding that is revealing in your life.... (Awakening)
  • Huge lightning means new Hope.... (Lighting)
  • To dream of the green and beautiful trees, denotes to new opportunities, wishes and growth.... (Trees)
  • It does get better if the silver coins appear new and shiny.... (Coins)
  • Dreaming of any stream of clean, and clear water announces new opportunities, perhaps at work, in business or in love.... (River)
  • The dream could also show the new possibilities that are about to come, but firstly you must finish what you have started.... (Casket)
  • Dreaming of a foal, indicates new undertakings in which you will be rather fortunate.... (Foal)
  • An earthquake in a dream also represents exposing secrets, hearing bad news, a general scare, public disturbances, the surfacing of new diseases.... (Earthquake)
  • On the other hand, the dream may show you how you are able to learn new things by doing certain mistakes.... (Guinea Pig)
  • Contemplating a zodiac sign means a happy omen, new paths and prospects that will be presented.... (Zodiac)
  • The dream about the wedding usually symbolizes the fresh start and new goals of your life.... (Wedding)
  • New objects, if they are useful, it signifies a period of benefits.... (Buying)
  • Dreaming of being wrapped in a mystery suggests that strangers will come to the dreamer to ask for help or for advice, which will involve new unwanted obligations or businesses that could be dangerous.... (Mystery)
  • Wages, if received in dreams, brings unlooked for good to persons engaging in new enterprises.... (Wages)
  • Dreaming of your purse being filled with diamonds and new bills, denotes for you associations where {Good Cheer} is the watchword, and harmony and tender loves will make earth a beautiful place.... (Purse)
  • You will acquire new possessions in love.... (Laurel)
  • To dream that you take LSD, has the symbolic significance and suggests an awakening, new talents and expanded consciousness.... (LSD)
  • To dream of the travel with the company, denotes to new discoveries and experiences.... (Traveling)
  • You are looking at things in your life from a new broader perspective.... (LSD)
  • Seeing your nephew in a dream represents a sexual aspect of yourself or a new romantic adventure.... (Nephew)
  • Dreaming about lintel that is new or in good condition indicates that favorable changes are coming.... (Lintel)
  • If the hair you dream of is blonde and nice, it means new projects to be undertaken; if the hair is black it’s a sign of trouble and sorrow; dreaming of gray hair is a premonition of disregard and anguish.... (Hair)
  • To see a camping settlement, many of your companions will remove to new estates and your own prospects will appear gloomy.... (Camp)
  • The dream may also symbolize new opportunities.... (Hierarchy)
  • Symbolically it has a sacred character because it’s considered a precursor of a new day, so in dreams it’s considered one of the best omens of luck and fertility.... (Dew)
  • Dreaming of renting a house announces that soon new opportunities for improvement will be presented in several ways.... (Rent)