• (Death) In a dream, the return of one’s soul back to its Lord means remitting of a trust back to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent a reunion of people who love one another.... (Giving up the ghost)
  • Dreaming of repeating the Lord’s Prayer, foretells that you are threatened with secret foes and will need the alliance and the support of friends to tide you over difficulties.... (Lord’s Prayer)
  • (Death | Give up the ghost | To die) In a dream, the return of one’s soul back to its Lord means remitting a trust to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release of a prisoner from jail, or perhaps it could represent the reunion of beloveds.... (Return of one’s soul back to its Lord)
  • (Allot | Distribute | Gift | Offer) Giving something in a dream indicates the value or worth of the giver.... (Giving)
  • To hear others repeat it, denotes the danger of some friend.... (Lord’s Prayer)
  • If he is healthy, then it denotes a case of mental derangement, anger, lack of self-control or raising one’s voice unnecessarily.... (Giving)
  • If a sick person sees himself paying his debts in a dream, it means his death or the spoiling of his wealth.... (Giving)
  • If one gives his workers or a needy person little money when they merit more, it denotes his disobedience to the commands of God Almighty, or straying away from the prophetic traditions.... (Giving)
  • If a poor person sees himself paying someone’s debt in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits.... (Giving)
  • If one is denied what he is asking for in a dream, it means failure in his religious practices, suffering from the consequences of challenging others and arguing about religious laws, or it could represent one’s perilous pursuit of heedless thoughts.... (Giving)
  • Receiving monetary compensation by a court order in a dream denotes lawful earnings.... (Giving)
  • If a pregnant woman dreams that she gives birth to a boy, it is a sign that her son will have good health and he will give her a lot of satisfactions; if she dreams that she gives birth to a girl, it indicates a moral sickness.... (Childbirth, Giving Birth)
  • A difficult delivery means sensible sorrows and contrarieties.... (Childbirth, Giving Birth)
  • Being in one, means you will receive unexpectedly favorable news.... (Childbirth, Giving Birth)
  • (See Childbirth)... (Giving birth)
  • (Also see Death)... (Giving up the ghost)
  • If one sees himself worshiping a statue in a dream, it means that he is engaged in falsehood, giving preference to his personal desires and passions over obeying his Lord’s commands.... (Statue)
  • Giving birth to a girl means relief from distress, while giving birth to a boy in the dream means distress and worries.... (Childbirth)
  • To dream that your ex-boyfriend is giving you advice about your current relationship, then such dream suggest that your subconscious mind is giving you advice.... (Ex-Boyfriend)
  • (Giving birth) Seeing one’s wife giving birth to a son in a dream when in fact she is not pregnant means wealth.... (Childbirth)
  • Dream of giving advice to another upon a profession the dreamer follows, the counsel applies to the other upon a profession which he does exercise, it applies to him giving it.... (Counsel)
  • If one sees himself as a God-fearing person in a dream, it means that his worldly fears will dissipate and he will develop true devotion and constant remembrance of his Lord.... (Fear)
  • A water lily in a dream also represents a lawfully earned money from which one spends for his charities to please his Lord.... (Water lily)
  • Offering timber to burn in a religious ceremony in a dream means nearness to one’s Lord, or it could mean offering a gift to one’s teacher, bringing a culpable before a judge, or bringing a sick person to the doctor.... (Firewood)
  • Disbelief in a dream also means ingratitude or it could denote the state of a sick person when he lies in his deathbed and awaits for his soul to be taken back to its Lord.... (Disbelief)
  • Standing up or sitting at the Station of Abraham in a dream also may signify living by the divine laws until one’s soul returns to its Lord.... (Station of Abraham)
  • To see one’s records of the Day of Judgment open before his own eyes in a dream, it denotes his faith, certitude, lack of doubt and true belief in what God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, brought from his Lord.... (Papers)
  • Hearing God Almighty on the Day of Judgement in a dream means rising in station, performing good deeds and nearness to one’s Lord.... (Speaking)
  • The same interpretation applies for seeing a celebration of the night of the Nocturnal Journey during which the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, ascended to the heavens to meet his Lord.... (Night of power)
  • (God’s prophet Jesus son of Mary, upon both of them be peace.) One who sees God’s prophet Jesus upon whom be peace, in a dream is a blessed man, a generous one, an ascetic who pleases his Lord, who is filled with contentment, who travels excessively and may acquire knowledge about medicine and herbs.... (Jesus)
  • If one sees himself praying eastward or westward and beyond the point of God’s House in Mecca in a dream, it means that he is a despicable person who is full of arrogance, who backbites and slanders others and who is daring to indulge in sin and disobedience to his Lord.... (Five times prayers)
  • Seeing the prophet Lot in a dream also denotes obliteration of a nation, effacement, earthquake and destruction if the people who displease their Lord and follow the conduct of the dwellers of the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.... (Lot 1)
  • If one is blinded in a dream, it means that he will betray his covenant with his Lord.... (Blindness)
  • To be accosted by a superior in rank or a great lord, honor and profit.... (Accost)
  • If the statue combines mixed material of bronze, copper, steel, iron, or lead in the dream, it means that such a person uses his religious garb to make profits, and that he often forgets about his Lord.... (Statue)
  • If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins and turn to his Lord, or it could mean that he may receive an inheritance.... (Holy Book)
  • If one sees a sick person rising to the sky and carrying a lamp in a dream, it means the return of his soul to its Lord.... (Lamp 1)
  • If one sees himself sitting upon the Divine Throne and his Lord sitting under it in a dream, and if one qualifies for governing, then it means that he will oppress the religious scholars, show arrogance and spread evil on earth.... (Divine Throne)
  • Sirat) This is the bridge people have to walk on after the Day of Resurrection to meet their Lord on the Day of Judgement.... (Bridge of the Day of Judgement)
  • If a deceased person beats the person seeing the dream, it means that one has displeased his Lord and has committed an abominable act from which he should repent, for in the abode of truth, a deceased person accepts only what pleases God Almighty and dislikes what He dislikes.... (Death)
  • If a deceased person asks someone to wash his clothes for him in a dream, it means that he needs someone to pray for him, or to intercede on his behalf before his Lord, or to pay charity for the benefit of his soul, or to pay his debts, or to fulfill his will, or to do him justice.... (Ritual bath)
  • If one’s hearing becomes clearer or increases in sensibility, or if he sees light beaming from his ears or driving into them in a dream, this dream will represent his guidance, obedience to his Lord and consent to His command.... (Ear)
  • Making a pledge of allegiance to the governor of a seaport city in a dream means winning victory over one’s enemy, glad tidings, honoring piety, being grateful to one’s Lord and oft-praying for salvation and forgiveness.... (Pledge of allegiance)
  • If one sees himself completing the reading of the entire Qur’an in a dream, it means that a splendid reward from his Lord is awaiting him, and that he will get whatever he asks for.... (Qur’an)
  • Drinking wine in the company of mentally disturbed people along with sedatives, drugs, music, dancing, farce, or ridiculous actions in a dream means that one will brake his pledge of allegiance to his guardian or ruler, deny his covenant to his Lord, or that he may start a war against his ruler.... (Wine)
  • If a deceased person asks someone to wash his clothing in a dream, it means that he needs someone to pray for him, or to intercede on his behalf before his Lord, or pay charity for the benefit of his soul, or to satisfy his debts, or to fulfill his will, or to seek justice for his death.... (Washing the dead)
  • He will also triumph over his enemies and receive a magnificent endowment from his Lord.... (Noah)
  • It reminds the person to repent before death comes and to corrects his conduct with his Lord before meeting Him.... (Fever)
  • Selling grains and not seeing the return or money in a dream represents one’s ascetic detachment and gratitude to his Lord, for the real price of things is gratitude.... (Grain merchant)
  • If one sees himself sitting at a table covered with all types of food and fruits in a dream, it means that he will be called upon to serve his Lord and to win paradise.... (Invitation)
  • To rise close to the sky in a dream means nearness to one’s Lord.... (Skies)
  • Dine with a lord or noblemen, vain expectations.... (Dine)
  • If one meets a castrated person who is unknown to him and who has a dignified look and speaks words of wisdom in the dream, it means that he has met an angle who is conveying glad tidings or bringing a warning from his Lord.... (Castration)
  • Spiritually, the dream reflects our commitment to the lord.... (Angel, Cherub)
  • If one sees the all-encompassing sphere in a dream, it means that he will meet the Almighty Lord, the Master of the universes, God Almighty Himself or become the intimate friend of the greatest ruler in the world.... (Celestial spheres)
  • The meaning of walking in a dream implies an expression of meekness and submissiveness before one’s Lord, and it could mean seeking to earn one’s livelihood.... (Walking)
  • It is also said that hearing the drumbeat of a procession represents someone who is grateful to his Lord under all circumstances.... (Drum)
  • As for one who loves to meet his Lord, seeing the archangel ‘Izrail in a dream means attainment of one’s goal, fulfillment of a promise, freedom from prison, good news and glad tidings.... (‘Izrail)
  • If a man sees his hands dyed with henna in a dream, it means that he keeps praising his Lord.... (Henna)
  • Seeing a pigeon standing over one’s head, or tied to his neck or shoulders in a dream connotes one’s relationship with his Lord.... (Pigeon)
  • If one sees himself praying seated without an excuse in a dream, it means that he will perform a deed which is not acceptable by his Lord.... (Five times prayers)
  • In a dream, celery represents money earned from someone in authority, receiving a commendation from one’s superior, ingratitude to one’s Lord, divulging secrets, or it could mean affectation.... (Celery)
  • If one sees himself petrified in a dream, it means that he disobeys his Lord, in that sense, if he is sick, it means that he may die from his illness, or he may be inflicted with a stroke that will leave him paralyzed.... (Stone 1)
  • Seeing a new bedroom in one’s house, means renewing one’s hopes, or affirming a good intention between the one seeing the dream and his Lord.... (Bedroom)
  • Seeing an irreli- gious person sitting on a table with a plate of honey before him and refusing to eat from it in the dream means that he is ungrateful to his Lord, and that he does not confess to the innumerable favors which God Almighty has given him during this life.... (Irreligious)
  • If the engraver barters what he sells for wheat or flour in the dream, it means that he will become detached from worldly interests, and that he is grateful for his Lord’s blessings.... (Engraver)
  • If he is a hypocrite, it means that he will turn sincere, and if he is a true being to his Lord, it means that he will join the company of a noble, powerful, wise and a renowned person.... (Gratitude)
  • Finding oneself prisoner in hell not knowing when was he incarcerated in the dream means constraint, poverty, deprivation, failure to pray, fast or to remember his Lord.... (Hell-fire)
  • In that sense, a spool represents the element of religious life and the rope in a dream signifies religion, which is one’s connection to his Lord.... (Spool)
  • Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means spending a lifetime in devotion and servitude to one’s Lord, commanding good and forbidding evil.... (Noah)
  • If one’s name is called from a great distance in a dream, it means that he has disobeyed God’s commands and is suffering by being distanced from his Lord.... (Calling someone)
  • To utter the formula – ‘La ilaha il Allah’ (there is no god other than Allah) in a dream means that one will only die having faith in his Lord.... (Exalting God’s Oneness)
  • Leprosy in a dream also means working in vain, or losing the benefits of one’s deeds because of one’s arrogance toward his Lord, and consequently, he will earn God’s displeasure.... (Leprosy)
  • There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearing, the Al-Seeing Lord.... (Allah)
  • If one sees his Lord frowning at him, whereby he could not bear the effulgence of God’s light, or if he is seized by a shock and immediately commences to repent and pray for forgiveness in the dream, it means that such a person is indulging in abominable actions, and that he is a despicable sinner who follows his own mind and desires, and that he is an innovator of religious thoughts who misleads the people.... (Allah)
  • If one refuses to take his medicine in the dream, it means that he will deviate from the path of his Lord and shift his interests to his allotment or luck in this world.... (Medicine)
  • Performing any supererogatory prayer, whether during the day or the night in a dream means performing a good deed that brings someone closer to his Lord, or reconciling adversaries, or fostering love between people.... (Five times prayers)
  • If one shoots arrows and finds himself also at the receiving end in a dream, it means that he will attain his goal of meeting his Lord.... (Shooting arrows)
  • Seeing a veil separating between the servant and his Lord in a dream means that one will commit major sins and abominable actions.... (Allah)
  • God Almighty, Lord, Creator and Cherisher of the universes.... (Allah)
  • If one sees Him otherwise in a dream, it means confusion, and particularly if the Almighty Lord does not address him.... (Allah)
  • If one carries his provisions with him in the dream, it means that he stands before his Lord with piety and reverence.... (Pilgrimage)
  • If one sees himself defying and fighting Satan in a dream, it means that he is a true and a strong believer who obeys his Lord and who holds fast to his religious obligations.... (Satan)
  • (Abattoir) A slaughterhouse in a dream represents loss of lives, the return of souls to their Lord, bloodshed, skinning animals, or it could mean fetidness.... (Slaughterhouse)
  • If the one who sees the dream is a disobedient servant of God Almighty, it means that he will repent for his sins and return to his Lord.... (Muhammad)
  • If he does not qualify, it means that he will prosper, or that he will grow in piety and become righteous through much devotion, piety, sadness and crying in fear of his Lord and love for Him.... (David)
  • Perhaps, he might attain his goals in acquiring knowledge, or learn how to reconstruct his innermost being to befit a human being who is grateful to his Lord.... (Muhammad)
  • Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could mean seeing miraculous events (Karamat), for his companions witnessed and testified to a deer greeting him, a camel who kissed his foot, the broiled leg of mutton talking to him, trees moving to give him cover, pebbles glorifying God’s praises in his hand, among countless miracles, including his Nocturnal Journey and ascension (Mi’rdj) to the heavens to meet his Lord.... (Muhammad)
  • Otherwise, if an unknown old woman visits a pregnant woman in a dream, it means giving her the glad tidings of a son.... (Old woman)
  • Giving someone a lemon in a dream means criticizing him, or it could mean a bust, total loss, or a bad deal.... (Lemon)
  • If we see a beggar without giving him anything it’s a warning against the possibility that we will suffer economic losses.... (Beggar, beg)
  • When a woman dreams that she’s carrying and petting a cat, it suggests that someone is giving her negative advice about her emotional issues.... (Cat)
  • Giving the Holly Oils with a cross, it means honor and reconciliation.... (Priest)
  • When a woman dreams that her husband abandons her without giving her any explanation, it suggests upcoming serious trouble between the couple, but they’ll reconcile soon.... (Husband)
  • On the other hand, the dream could show that you expect too much from yourself and giving the abnormal pressure.... (Stealing)
  • Giving of it denotes ability to give money.... (Money)
  • If one’s wife is pregnant and he sees himself carrying an earthenware jar that falls and breaks, it means that his wife may die from complications during her delivery or after giving birth to the newborn.... (Jar)
  • When you dream of a baton it denotes to your wish of giving your voice out loud.... (Baton)
  • If in the dream you see yourself giving carnations to others we must always consider their color.... (Carnations)
  • Throwing pearls to a swine or over a trash pile in a dream means giving knowledge to people who are not worthy of it, or people who do not understand it and who will consequently mock him.... (Pearl)
  • It indicates we are giving up taking new creative initiatives.... (Automaton)
  • The process of giving the birth is very much associated with the way the tunnel looks.... (Tunnel)
  • If one sees himself licking someone’s rear end or buttocks in the dream, it means giving high praises to an unworthy and an impious person or commending him.... (Body 1)
  • Interestingly, some authors suggest that if you dreamed you are giving coral stones, or you someone give them to you, symbolizes that lies and falsehood will be installed in that relationship.... (Coral)
  • As for a pregnant woman, a nest in a dream means giving birth.... (Nest)
  • If one sees himself giving someone a banknote of the denomination one, then if he finds it shred’ded into pieces in the dream, it represents a severe enmity, a grievance, or a fight.... (Banknote)
  • Kindling a fire on top of a mountain in a dream means seeking nearness to God Almighty by making offerings, giving charities and increasing one’s devotion.... (Fire)
  • As for a pregnant woman, wearing a necklace in a dream means giving birth to a son.... (Necklace)
  • That is why some interpreters qualify the staircase in one’s dream as glad tidings, good news, prayers, charity, alms giving, fasting, or a pilgrimage.... (Stairway)
  • Giving chase to and capturing the animal, that this cruel enemy has been thwarted in his purposes.... (Boar)
  • If you see yourself giving someone an adulation this symbolizes you taking apart from someone because of financial aspects.... (Adulation)
  • Twisting one’s beard to make a rope out of it in a dream means perjury, receiving a bribe and giving a false testimony.... (Rope)
  • Dreaming of receiving honors indicates that your business will soon improve by giving you profits, which may be surprising for you.... (Ornaments)
  • It also means hoping for forgiveness while adamantly pursuing the avenues of wrongdoing, giving preference to one’s interests in the world over his lasting benefits in the hereafter, preferring masturbation over lawful sexual intercourse, or being a hypocrite, and it could mean recovering from a terminal illness, or release from prison.... (Tayammum)
  • If the glass of water breaks and the water remains in the dream, it means that the mother may die after giving birth and the infant will survive.... (Glass)
  • Giving alms augurs unexpected wealth.... (Charity, Alms)
  • To hear others stammer, foretells that unfriendly persons will delight in annoying you and giving you needless worry.... (Stammer)
  • When you see yourself giving alms grudgingly, it signifies the harm.... (Alms)
  • To swallow dust or sand in a dream means poverty, giving someone a warning look, greed, or it could mean bribing someone in authority.... (Swallowing)
  • Shooting arrows in a dream also could mean taking medicine, or giving an injection to a patient.... (Shooting arrows)
  • Giving them their proper food, wealth.... (Horse, Riding)
  • Keep in mind, that maybe your subconscious giving you an advice to choose to have a baby in the water.... (Baby)
  • Dreaming of telling, or having your fortune told, it dicates that you are deliberating over some vexed affair, and you should use much caution in giving consent to its consummation.... (Fortune-telling)
  • When you dream of yourself giving someone the alms, it is a good symbol.... (Alms)
  • If one finds himself unwillingly giving family support or alimony to his wife in a dream, it means hypocrisy, or that he is nearing his death.... (Family support)
  • Loaning someone money in a dream also means generosity and giving due preference to others’ needs.... (Loan)
  • Seeing a mason using mortar or hod in a dream means becoming strict, giving oneself hard time, or toiling hard to serve others.... (Mortar carrier)
  • If one sees himself praying without properly covering his or her modesty as required in a dream, it means committing wrong while fasting or giving charity from unlawful earnings, following innovation, falling victim to passions or professing that one is right however he does his prayers.... (Five times prayers)
  • In the case of a married woman, it can be frustration because her husband, children or relatives are not giving her enough love.... (Love)
  • A whitewasher in a dream implies covering people’s faults or giving someone a new dress or he could represent a tailor.... (Fuller)
  • If you dream of giving a bath to someone, it indicates your wish to be more in touch with that particular person.... (Bath)
  • Symbolizes virginity due to fear, fear of your capacity of giving yourself and of a lack of true love.... (Seal (animal))
  • Giving a rose in a dream means rivalry and jealousy.... (Roses)
  • To shoot both barrels of a double-barreled shotgun, foretells that you will meet such exasperating and unfeeling attention in your private and public life that suave manners giving way under the strain and your righteous wrath will be justifiable.... (Shotgun)
  • Dream of giving birth to a fish, signifies that the.... (Birth)
  • For a young woman this dream denotes distress and loss by unfortunately giving her confidence to designing persons.... (Corpse)
  • Giving birth to a cat, rat, snake, lizard or other monster, is an omen of most evil import.... (Birth)
  • Letting ourselves sink into the sea, indicates that we are giving up, but trying to come up to surface tells us about our desire to fight with all our strength.... (Sea)
  • Borrowing a pearl from someone in a dream means begetting a son and giving him for adoption, or that the boy will die shortly after his birth.... (Pearl)
  • It may also mean suffering from the burden of pregnancy, labor and the pangs of giving birth.... (Eve)
  • A staff in a dream also means giving orders, victory over one’s enemies, or attainment of one’s goals.... (Staff 2)
  • If he commands authority, it means that he disdains from giving true judgment.... (Neckband)
  • Dreaming that you have ulcers, denotes that you will become unpopular with your friends by giving yourself up to foolish pleasures.... (Ulcer)
  • If the deceased is unknown, then performing the funeral prayers means giving employment to a jobless person, profits from a partnership, or it could denote failure to adequately perform one’s regular obligatory prayers, or being forgetful or oft-distracted during prayers.... (Five times prayers)
  • To dream of seeing a thief, denotes to your energy, period of time and concepts that you are giving to others.... (Thief)
  • Tying a knot with a handkerchief in a dream means giving fringe benefits to a servant or to an employee.... (Knot)
  • Dreaming of admiring the beautiful foliage of a forest indicates deep satisfaction and appreciation for what has been achieved in life, which is like giving thanks to God, but in this case directly with the soul and without saying empty words.... (Tree)
  • Dreaming of giving away candy indicates fear of failing in certain goals.... (Candy)
  • If they are nagging, they are giving a warning that you are making mistakes.... (Grandparents)
  • When you are wearing a turban in a dream, then it means that a friend could harm you, usually by giving bad references about you.... (Turban)
  • If she sees herself giving a sermon on Friday’s congregational prayers in a dream, it means that she will be divorced, or conceive a child from adultery.... (Preacher)
  • Giving assistance to any one in a dream, foretells you will be favored in your efforts to rise to higher position.... (Assistance)
  • If one sees himself as a store owner, sitting in his shop, surrounded with his merchandise, giving orders, buying and selling in a dream, it means a commanding post in his own field.... (Merchant)
  • Receiving money in a dream is better than giving it.... (Penny)
  • Dreaming of being on a veranda, denotes that you are to be successful in some affair which is giving you anxiety.... (Veranda)
  • Giving a bonus indicates greed, and that you want other’s goods.... (Bonus)
  • Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs.... (Ablution)
  • If one sees blood emanating out of his body without cupping or cuts in a dream, it means giving money to someone .... (Blood)
  • If you dream of a pregnant woman who is giving birth to twins, then it means you’ll have a happy birth.... (Twins)
  • Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one’s debts.... (Alms tax)
  • Giving birth to a boy in a dream also could mean having a helper.... (Boy)
  • Resurrecting a deceased person in a dream means giving guidance to an unbeliever or admonishing an innovator.... (Death)
  • Cutting off the tongue of a poor person in a dream means giving something to an impudent person to shun off his evil.... (Tongue)
  • freeing oneself from a burden or obstruction in a dream means giving money in charity and doing good for the benefit of those who appreciate and those who do not appreciate.... (Disencumbering)
  • If one sees himself giving mercury to someone, or if he holds it in his hand in a dream, it means that he fails his promises.... (Mercury 2)
  • Giving cut glass objects to others means self-humiliation which will lead to failure.... (Glass)
  • To see the masts of wrecked ships, denotes sudden changes in your circumstances which will necessitate giving over anticipated pleasures.... (Mast)
  • Dreaming about receiving a letter from a loved one, to which the dreamer isn’t paying attention to, suggests that in everyday life the dreamer is behaving improperly by giving preference to trivialities.... (Letters)
  • If the dreamer is involved in politics or complicated businesses, it means that there could be betrayals that will be dangerous, especially by those who are acting extremely giving and helpful.... (Rats – Mice)
  • It reveals that to get a material advantage we are giving up to our principles and ideals to which we would never give up and putting ourselves to the mercy of those who grant us for these goods.... (Surrender)
  • Giving them away, denotes recklessness and lavish extravagance.... (Ornament)
  • If one sees his mother giving birth to him, should he be ill in real life, then it means the approach of his death, for a deceased is wrapped in a shroud, while a new born is wrapped with a receiving cloth.... (Mother)
  • A tailor doing alterations and handling trims and the ends of things represents a charitable person who makes someone happy by taking something from him and giving it to others.... (Alterations)
  • Giving birth to a dragon in a dream also represents a child who will be a great speaker or who will be known by two different names, or that he might become a fortuneteller, a monk, an evil person, a bandit or an insolent person who will be killed later.... (Dragon)
  • Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child.... (Water)
  • Dream of giving lemonade indicates good friendly ties.... (Lemonade)
  • Dream of gaming with an enemy, to be on the point of giving him an advantage.... (Gambling)
  • To dream that you’re delivering or giving away jewelry warns you of an imminent risk of serious losses.... (Jewels)
  • On the other hand you need to be more giving.... (Stockings)
  • Dreaming of giving away perfumes suggests that in real life the dreamer is calm and confident.... (Perfume)
  • He is the arc angel Saddiqiin, upon whom be peace, who is in charge of interpreting the meaning of dreams and visions, or giving explanatory parables drawn from the heavenly Preserved Tablet.... (SJddiqiin)
  • (See Giving)... (Receiving)
  • Pandering in a dream also means giving a false testimony.... (Panderer)
  • Dreaming of reading ads suggests that someone is planning somehow to harm you, like giving you bad news.... (Announcement)
  • In that case, his position is better than theirs, for the giving hand is better than the receiving one.... (Bread)
  • (Alms giving | Charity.... (Tithe)
  • Dreaming of giving pills to others is a warning that there is disgust towards the dreamer.... (Pills)
  • If a married woman dreams about giving birth, it means that there will be upcoming joys and hopes of prosperity in the immediate future.... (Birth)
  • When a single woman dreams about giving birth, it suggests that she should be careful in regards of her friends, especially if she has an admirer dating her.... (Birth)
  • When you dream of giving and advice to someone, it signifies that you could assist someone who needs an assistance.... (Advice)
  • Any of these conditions is giving you much stress.... (Sirens)
  • (Ceremonial dinner) Attending a banquet or giving a banquet in a dream means dispelling distress and overcoming adversities.... (Banquet)
  • Giving charity in secret in one’s dream also could mean seeking the friendship of people in authority, or to join the circles of people of knowledge.... (Charity)
  • Dreaming about an abandoned tomb with little details of joy, like a fresh flower, or something that indicates a recent visit, means that the bad streak you’re going through is about to end, giving way to joy, expectations and new hopes.... (Grave)
  • To dream that someone is giving you a massage suggests lack of sensual or sexual stimulation.... (Massage)
  • When a woman dreams of giving drinking water to a man in a wineglass it insinuates wishes of illicit pleasure.... (Wineglass)
  • Giving alms means good friendly ties.... (Alms)
  • However, flaterry and ingratiating oneself to others in a dream also could mean giving preference to others’ needs over one’s own, trueness and being charitable.... (Flattery)
  • Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from difficulties.... (Panties)
  • In dreams they warn us of the deathly curses of love and against giving ourselves without control to the seductions of pleasure.... (Undine, water nymph, mermaid)