- A poet in a dream also represents someone who pieces together a conversation, or who embellishes his words with lies, or who deceives people by giving them bad advice, encourages them to do wrong and to abstain from what is right, or misleads them with deceptive words.... (Poet)
- If you are giving meds to others then it means the advice you can give will be helpful.... (Medicine)
- Dream of a forest means that in life, you’ll have to go through numerous tests, dangers and obstacles, which you would overcome being determined, with guile, determination, perseverance and without giving up on your goals.... (Forest)
- Dreaming of seeing pigeons and hearing them cooing above their cotes, denotes domestic peace and pleasure-giving children.... (Pigeon)
- Dreaming of giving birthday gifts indicates that you must comply with undesirable social commitments.... (Birthdays)
- Only when we are awake and make a lucid analysis of the current situation we can know if the danger is moral, economic, ethical or professional, because in many cases what the dream reveals is our inner fear of giving in to what we consider base instincts.... (Abyss)
- Giving it shows productive work and economic stability.... (Prize)
- Loaning someone money in a dream also means generosity and giving due preference to others’ needs.... (Loan)
- It may be that the dream is telling us about the fear of giving what we considering as lower instincts.... (Abyss)
- To dream about your own burial sometimes implies that in real life you’re giving much self-gratification, self-tolerance, self-pity, without correcting your mistakes, you rather prefer to hide them.... (Funeral)
- Anything, persons and situation, is giving you every time more happiness.... (Day)
- There is a possibility that the subconscious mind of yours is giving you a warning, not to take the risks to something you are not sure of.... (Bet)
- Remember giving is always better than receiving.... (Allowance)
- Giving them or receive them in dreams or discussions announces break with friends.... (Tips)
- To have important relationships in a dream also cools the divine wrath, as when giving charity in secret.... (Connections)
- Dreaming of giving charity, denotes that you will be harassed with supplications for help from the poor and your business will be at standstill.... (Charity)
- Giving a false testimony in a dream denotes a panderer or a pimp.... (False testimony)
- (Wax) In a dream, a candlelight represents might or a noble son who is generous and giving.... (Candlelight)
- If you giving it to someone then it shows money urges.... (Check)
- Giving a gift is a sign of ingratitude and misfortunes.... (Gift)
- Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream denotes leadership, the seat of a judge, acquiring wisdom, or giving religious interpretations if the person who sees him in a dream qualifies.... (Solomon)
- Camphor tree | Evergreen tree) In a dream, camphor represents a commenda- tion, honor or giving charity in secret, conceiving a child, or it could mean good deeds.... (Camphor)
- Giving one indicates that there will be difficulties you didn’t expect.... (Bond)
- If it appears a human brain, in any form, in one of your dreams, then it is almost always a sign that you are worrying about things that are not worthy, and that you should continue with your life without giving them greater importance.... (Brain)
- In a dream, it means commanding good and for- bidding evil, protecting one’s family and giving a good advice to the assailant.... (Defending someone’s honor)
- Wearing a silver armlet in a dream means giving one’s daughter in marriage to one’s nephew.... (Armlet)
- Rabbit’s milk and horse’s milk in a dream means having a righteous name, or giving a righteous name to one’s newborn.... (Milk)
- In the case we are giving warmth to others, it can be interpreted as our need to offer affection or as the harbinger that our work will be positively recognized.... (Heat)
- When you are dreaming about an anvil in which hot iron is being forged and is giving off the sparks, then it is a symbol which shows that in real life, the dreamer is comfortable with what he has, because it will produce permanent gains, satisfaction, and happiness.... (Anvil)
- They also connote giving and receiving, quietness, one’s residence, savings, expen- ditures, or immobility.... (Knee)
- If we see ourselves jumping in the dream, it will be a good omen meaning that we can improve our situation, either with our own strength or with some help that will be represented in the dream by the support that is giving us momentum for the jump.... (Jumping)
- If a scholar sees himself having several faces in a dream, it means that he is utilizing his knowledge in various applications, or giving a subject several possible interpretations.... (Face)
- Giving birthday presents, denotes small deferences, if given at a fe^te or reception.... (Birthday Presents)
- Giving employment to others, indicates loss for yourself.... (Employment)
- Dreaming of washing your head indicates that pretty soon some important people will appreciate your work, giving to it the importance that it really has.... (Head)
- If someone else is giving you orders means you will have some doubts and misgivings with the person who orders you.... (Order)
- Dream of you giving orders to someone else means someone will make you certain advantageous offer.... (Order)
- If he is a man of knowledge, it means that he lies or hides his true knowledge, abstains from giving true advice, or perhaps he offers a poor quality of worship.... (Amulet)
- If you receive the photograph of your lover, you are warned that he is not giving you his undivided loyalty, while he tries to so impress you.... (Photography)
- Dreaming of giving orders to other people suggests the likelihood of changes, gains, and success.... (Obedience)
- To have a broad chest in a dream also means giving preference to others’ needs.... (Chest 2)
- If one sees the heavenly angels greeting him or giving him something in the dream, it means that his insight will grow, or that he maybe martyrized.... (Angels)
- If one vomits inside a basin in a dream, it means repentance from his wrongdoing, or it could mean giving a woman a share from unlawful money.... (Vomit)
- To dream that you are giving an eloquent speech represents pleasant outcomes in your relationship or good news for your business.... (Eloquent)
- To have strong relationships in a dream cools the divine wrath, as does giving charity in secret.... (Relationships)
- If one sees himself standing before an orthopedist in a dream because of a broken bone or another fracture and then complains about an abscess in his neck, and if the orthopedist opens that abscess with pliers to drain the puss in the dream, then it represents a debt one has to repay, or a votive offering one has to fulfill, or it could mean giving a testimony in court, or accepting the ruling of a scholar.... (Orthopedist)
- (Blunder | Lies | Tell a lie) Lying in a dream means giving false testimony in court, fabricating a lie, slandering someone, or it could mean constant failure in one’s life.... (Lying)
- It’s also connected with act of giving and asking.... (Rosary)
- To dream that you are giving medication to someone else, means that you’re trying to harm someone.... (Medicine)
- The cutting off of a poet’s tongue in a dream means giving him money for his recitation.... (Tongue)
- It also represents the action of giving and asking.... (Rosary)
- If you are pierced by a javelin, enemies will succeed in giving you trouble.... (Javelin)
- If one recites it during his prayers in a dream when it is not his custom to do so, it means borrowing an unnecessary amount of money or giving preference to leaning toward one’s mother rather than his father or the opposite.... (Basmalah)
- Avoid giving your confidence even to friends.... (Crocodile)
- Giving a ritual ablution to a deceased person in a dream also means that someone will repent for his sins at the hand of the undertaker.... (Ritual bath)
- Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from pressure.... (Underwear)
- Entering paradise together with one’s wife means a good family relationship and giving respect to one’s wife.... (Paradise)
- If the ship is interpreted as burdens and difficulties, it means that he will overcome them through prayers or giving charity, or taking a medicine if he is ill.... (Ship)
- To dream that you’re giving bad-tasting medications to another person indicates that you’re trying to create problems for someone who has relied on you.... (Medications)
- Urinating in the sea in a dream mean paying taxes or giving charity.... (Urinating)
- Dreaming that you’re giving a slap suggest that you’re suppressing some deep anger and repressed rage.... (Slap)
- To have interaction or to encounter or to see a llama, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of the fact of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.... (Llama)
- To dream of the blueprint, denotes to the necessity of giving a closer look to minor things that you didn’t notice before.... (Blueprint)
- (Retaliation | Retribution) In a dream, requital means longevity, departure from one’s past, or it could mean instituting justice, or performing penance that will purify the person from his sins, such as prayers, voluntary fasting and alms giving.... (Requital)
- (Also see Agony of death | Funeral prayers | Giving up the ghost | Izrail | Relaxation | Robbery)... (Death)
- This is a fortunate omen, which must be explained as the indication that you need to be more giving, accepting, and/or forgiving.... (Santa Claus)
- To hear a negro preaching denotes you will be greatly worried over material matters and servants are giving cause for uneasiness.... (Negro)
- Selling means giving preference and value to the merchandise.... (Sale)
- (Enclosure | Fence | Surrounding) If the green hedges of a fruit garden climb toward the outside of the fence and the trees remain inside the garden in a dream, it means improper attitude toward one’s religion, or loss of worldly status, business losses, failure to repent, or giving preference to the company of ignorant and boastful people over the company of righteous people, or it could mean lack of adequate religious devotion, rejecting one’s religion, or raising the esteem of commoners above the elect.... (Hedges)
- Giving money away in a dream means dispelling agony, difficulties or burdens.... (Money)
- If we dream of someone else who goes abroad, that means our competitors leave the fight by giving up.... (Abroad, Trip)
- Dreaming of giving jewelry away, warns you that some vital estate is threatening you.... (Jewels)
- Repairing a broken j ar or a utensil in a dream means correcting oneself, giving medicine to a sick person, or setting a broken bone.... (Repairing)
- If we dreamed that we are the gravediggers, then it symbolizes the need to close a stage of life that has already been finished and we should not continue giving it our attention.... (Gravedigger)
- To dream that you’re giving good-flavored medications to another person suggests that you’ll soon succeed in some undertaken matters (business, employment, love, etc.).... (Medications)
- If one sees himself praying without properly covering his or her modesty as required in a dream, it means committing wrong while fasting or giving charity from unlawful earnings, following innovation, falling victim to passions or professing that one is right however he does his prayers.... (Five times prayers)
- If one sees the angels giving him glad tidings and congratulating him in a dream, it means that he will beget a blessed son who will grow to be righteous and an example to be followed.... (Angels)
- A bleeding nose in a dream means receiving or giving money.... (Body 1)
- The knees swollen and giving pain, denotes grief , sickness, troubles, damage, bad success, or merely delay in business matter.... (Knee (Stands For The Labor Or Work To Be Done By A Man))
- Usually, dreaming of giving of receiving a hug within dreams, predicts the departure of a beloved family member or a friend.... (Hugging)
- Dreaming of giving a command, you will have some honor conferred upon you.... (Command)
- Throwing up food in a dream means giving away something to someone who needs it.... (Vomit)
- Giving one’s son a tender kiss in a dream means receiving joy or money from him or from his mother.... (Kiss)
- When you dream of a baton it denotes to your wish of giving your voice out loud.... (Baton)
- Giving charity in secret in one’s dream also could mean seeking the friendship of people in authority, or to join the circles of people of knowledge.... (Charity)
- To dream that someone is giving you a massage suggests lack of sensual or sexual stimulation.... (Massage)
- Dreaming about an abandoned tomb with little details of joy, like a fresh flower, or something that indicates a recent visit, means that the bad streak you’re going through is about to end, giving way to joy, expectations and new hopes.... (Grave)
- Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from difficulties.... (Panties)
- In dreams they warn us of the deathly curses of love and against giving ourselves without control to the seductions of pleasure.... (Undine, water nymph, mermaid)
- When a woman dreams of giving drinking water to a man in a wineglass it insinuates wishes of illicit pleasure.... (Wineglass)
- However, flaterry and ingratiating oneself to others in a dream also could mean giving preference to others’ needs over one’s own, trueness and being charitable.... (Flattery)
- Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs.... (Ablution)
- Dream of giving lemonade indicates good friendly ties.... (Lemonade)
- Dream of gaming with an enemy, to be on the point of giving him an advantage.... (Gambling)
- Giving alms means good friendly ties.... (Alms)
- If a farmer who is having a bad harvest sees himself giving some of what he plants in charity in a dream, it means that his crop will increase and his produce will be blessed.... (Charity)
- To be one indicates that we risk giving up our profession.... (Ambassador)
- He is the arc angel Saddiqiin, upon whom be peace, who is in charge of interpreting the meaning of dreams and visions, or giving explanatory parables drawn from the heavenly Preserved Tablet.... (SJddiqiin)
- Pandering in a dream also means giving a false testimony.... (Panderer)
- Dreaming of giving away perfumes suggests that in real life the dreamer is calm and confident.... (Perfume)
- To dream that you’re delivering or giving away jewelry warns you of an imminent risk of serious losses.... (Jewels)
- On the other hand you need to be more giving.... (Stockings)
- (See Giving)... (Receiving)
- Any of these conditions is giving you much stress.... (Sirens)
- Giving or asking for advice means that you’ll have to attend to certain social or work events.... (Advice)
- Perhaps you should stop giving others the pressure and expect less from them.... (Bribery)
- If she sees her husband giving her a beautiful haircut and talking to her affectionately in a dream, it means spiritual growth, delivering a trust, or paying one’s debts.... (Shaving)
- (Ceremonial dinner) Attending a banquet or giving a banquet in a dream means dispelling distress and overcoming adversities.... (Banquet)
- Giving a bonus indicates greed, and that you want other’s goods.... (Bonus)
- If one sees blood emanating out of his body without cupping or cuts in a dream, it means giving money to someone .... (Blood)
- It reveals that to get a material advantage we are giving up to our principles and ideals to which we would never give up and putting ourselves to the mercy of those who grant us for these goods.... (Surrender)
- If the dreamer is involved in politics or complicated businesses, it means that there could be betrayals that will be dangerous, especially by those who are acting extremely giving and helpful.... (Rats – Mice)
- Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child.... (Water)
- A tailor doing alterations and handling trims and the ends of things represents a charitable person who makes someone happy by taking something from him and giving it to others.... (Alterations)
- Giving them away, denotes recklessness and lavish extravagance.... (Ornament)
- freeing oneself from a burden or obstruction in a dream means giving money in charity and doing good for the benefit of those who appreciate and those who do not appreciate.... (Disencumbering)
- Cutting off the tongue of a poor person in a dream means giving something to an impudent person to shun off his evil.... (Tongue)
- To see the masts of wrecked ships, denotes sudden changes in your circumstances which will necessitate giving over anticipated pleasures.... (Mast)
- Dreaming about receiving a letter from a loved one, to which the dreamer isn’t paying attention to, suggests that in everyday life the dreamer is behaving improperly by giving preference to trivialities.... (Letters)
- Giving cut glass objects to others means self-humiliation which will lead to failure.... (Glass)
- If one sees himself giving mercury to someone, or if he holds it in his hand in a dream, it means that he fails his promises.... (Mercury 2)
- Resurrecting a deceased person in a dream means giving guidance to an unbeliever or admonishing an innovator.... (Death)
- If one sees himself worshiping a statue in a dream, it means that he is engaged in falsehood, giving preference to his personal desires and passions over obeying his Lord’s commands.... (Statue)
- If they are nagging, they are giving a warning that you are making mistakes.... (Grandparents)
- Receiving money in a dream is better than giving it.... (Penny)
- Dreaming of being on a veranda, denotes that you are to be successful in some affair which is giving you anxiety.... (Veranda)
- Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one’s debts.... (Alms tax)
- Dreaming of giving away candy indicates fear of failing in certain goals.... (Candy)
- When you are wearing a turban in a dream, then it means that a friend could harm you, usually by giving bad references about you.... (Turban)
- Dreaming of admiring the beautiful foliage of a forest indicates deep satisfaction and appreciation for what has been achieved in life, which is like giving thanks to God, but in this case directly with the soul and without saying empty words.... (Tree)
- Giving assistance to any one in a dream, foretells you will be favored in your efforts to rise to higher position.... (Assistance)
- If one sees himself as a store owner, sitting in his shop, surrounded with his merchandise, giving orders, buying and selling in a dream, it means a commanding post in his own field.... (Merchant)
- If she sees herself giving a sermon on Friday’s congregational prayers in a dream, it means that she will be divorced, or conceive a child from adultery.... (Preacher)
- Dreaming of reading ads suggests that someone is planning somehow to harm you, like giving you bad news.... (Announcement)
- In that case, his position is better than theirs, for the giving hand is better than the receiving one.... (Bread)
- To dream of seeing a thief, denotes to your energy, period of time and concepts that you are giving to others.... (Thief)
- To shoot both barrels of a double-barreled shotgun, foretells that you will meet such exasperating and unfeeling attention in your private and public life that suave manners giving way under the strain and your righteous wrath will be justifiable.... (Shotgun)
- If the deceased is unknown, then performing the funeral prayers means giving employment to a jobless person, profits from a partnership, or it could denote failure to adequately perform one’s regular obligatory prayers, or being forgetful or oft-distracted during prayers.... (Five times prayers)
- Dreaming that you have ulcers, denotes that you will become unpopular with your friends by giving yourself up to foolish pleasures.... (Ulcer)
- A staff in a dream also means giving orders, victory over one’s enemies, or attainment of one’s goals.... (Staff 2)
- Giving a rose in a dream means rivalry and jealousy.... (Roses)
- For a young woman this dream denotes distress and loss by unfortunately giving her confidence to designing persons.... (Corpse)
- Giving of it denotes ability to give money.... (Money)
- Giving the Holly Oils with a cross, it means honor and reconciliation.... (Priest)
- Tying a knot with a handkerchief in a dream means giving fringe benefits to a servant or to an employee.... (Knot)
- Letting ourselves sink into the sea, indicates that we are giving up, but trying to come up to surface tells us about our desire to fight with all our strength.... (Sea)
- If he commands authority, it means that he disdains from giving true judgment.... (Neckband)
- Symbolizes virginity due to fear, fear of your capacity of giving yourself and of a lack of true love.... (Seal (animal))
- To swallow dust or sand in a dream means poverty, giving someone a warning look, greed, or it could mean bribing someone in authority.... (Swallowing)
- When you dream of yourself giving someone the alms, it is a good symbol.... (Alms)
- If one finds himself unwillingly giving family support or alimony to his wife in a dream, it means hypocrisy, or that he is nearing his death.... (Family support)
- A whitewasher in a dream implies covering people’s faults or giving someone a new dress or he could represent a tailor.... (Fuller)
- When you see yourself giving alms grudgingly, it signifies the harm.... (Alms)
- Shooting arrows in a dream also could mean taking medicine, or giving an injection to a patient.... (Shooting arrows)
- If you dream of giving a bath to someone, it indicates your wish to be more in touch with that particular person.... (Bath)
- To hear others stammer, foretells that unfriendly persons will delight in annoying you and giving you needless worry.... (Stammer)
- Dreaming of telling, or having your fortune told, it dicates that you are deliberating over some vexed affair, and you should use much caution in giving consent to its consummation.... (Fortune-telling)
- Giving them their proper food, wealth.... (Horse, Riding)
- On the other hand, the dream could show that you expect too much from yourself and giving the abnormal pressure.... (Stealing)
- If in the dream you see yourself giving carnations to others we must always consider their color.... (Carnations)
- If one sees himself licking someone’s rear end or buttocks in the dream, it means giving high praises to an unworthy and an impious person or commending him.... (Body 1)
- If one sees himself giving someone a banknote of the denomination one, then if he finds it shred’ded into pieces in the dream, it represents a severe enmity, a grievance, or a fight.... (Banknote)
- Interestingly, some authors suggest that if you dreamed you are giving coral stones, or you someone give them to you, symbolizes that lies and falsehood will be installed in that relationship.... (Coral)
- That is why some interpreters qualify the staircase in one’s dream as glad tidings, good news, prayers, charity, alms giving, fasting, or a pilgrimage.... (Stairway)
- Giving chase to and capturing the animal, that this cruel enemy has been thwarted in his purposes.... (Boar)
- Kindling a fire on top of a mountain in a dream means seeking nearness to God Almighty by making offerings, giving charities and increasing one’s devotion.... (Fire)
- Seeing a mason using mortar or hod in a dream means becoming strict, giving oneself hard time, or toiling hard to serve others.... (Mortar carrier)
- When you dream of giving and advice to someone, it signifies that you could assist someone who needs an assistance.... (Advice)
- (Alms giving | Charity.... (Tithe)
- Dreaming of giving pills to others is a warning that there is disgust towards the dreamer.... (Pills)
- Dreaming of trying to go through a door and having the door become unattached and hurting someone, could signify that the dreamer’s advice and recommendations may seriously hurt the person who’s receiving them, which is why the dreamer should think carefully before giving them.... (Door)
- It also means hoping for forgiveness while adamantly pursuing the avenues of wrongdoing, giving preference to one’s interests in the world over his lasting benefits in the hereafter, preferring masturbation over lawful sexual intercourse, or being a hypocrite, and it could mean recovering from a terminal illness, or release from prison.... (Tayammum)
- Dreaming of receiving honors indicates that your business will soon improve by giving you profits, which may be surprising for you.... (Ornaments)
- Giving someone a lemon in a dream means criticizing him, or it could mean a bust, total loss, or a bad deal.... (Lemon)
- When a woman dreams that she’s carrying and petting a cat, it suggests that someone is giving her negative advice about her emotional issues.... (Cat)
- It indicates we are giving up taking new creative initiatives.... (Automaton)
- Throwing pearls to a swine or over a trash pile in a dream means giving knowledge to people who are not worthy of it, or people who do not understand it and who will consequently mock him.... (Pearl)
- Otherwise, if an unknown old woman visits a pregnant woman in a dream, it means giving her the glad tidings of a son.... (Old woman)
- If we see a beggar without giving him anything it’s a warning against the possibility that we will suffer economic losses.... (Beggar, beg)
- If you see yourself giving someone an adulation this symbolizes you taking apart from someone because of financial aspects.... (Adulation)
- Twisting one’s beard to make a rope out of it in a dream means perjury, receiving a bribe and giving a false testimony.... (Rope)
- Giving alms augurs unexpected wealth.... (Charity, Alms)
- When a woman dreams that her husband abandons her without giving her any explanation, it suggests upcoming serious trouble between the couple, but they’ll reconcile soon.... (Husband)
- In the case of a married woman, it can be frustration because her husband, children or relatives are not giving her enough love.... (Love)