- See water over your head, walk on it, denotes triumph, success.... (Water)
- If the one who sees God’s prophet Solomon in a dream practices sorcery, witchcraft, black magic, or invoking jinn or evil spirits, it means that he will profit from his trade and become wealthy after having lost hope in attaining such benefits, or he could triumph over his enemy.... (Solomon)
- Walking over the clouds in a dream means rain.... (Walking)
- To triumph over one, complete success.... (Lion)
- When the hearing is presided over by a minister, it presages mourning.... (Hearing)
- If one sees himself smearing his hair with excess grease, and if grease starts to run over his face in a dream, it means adversities, burdens and a painful depression.... (Grease 1)
- Dreaming of defending a fort, signifies your honor and possessions will be attacked, and you will have great worry over the matter.... (Fort)
- Alternatively, the dream could show the lack of love and affection from your partner, therefore you are compensating it over the dream.... (Making Out)
- Dreaming of a kid, denotes you will not be over-scrupulous in your morals or pleasures.... (Kid)
- Wearing the cloak of one of God’s prophets in a dream means attaining one’s goals, or presiding over people, or acquiring true knowledge.... (Prophet)
- It’s necessary to analyze your fear over time, although it can also be interpreted as a need to grow.... (Maturity)
- Indicates triumphs over your enemies.... (Bat)
- If one sees himself in a dream presiding over a group of people, or becoming the head of a household, or a leader of a community, etcetera, it denotes distress, pressure, burdens, sorrows, loss of livelihood, or it could mean a sickness.... (Presiding)
- If you dream that the whistle is used, it is a sign that you have perceived that there’s danger surrounding you and it won’t be easy to triumph over your enemies.... (Whistling)
- The sight of one or make buildings burning, with a clear and pure flame, with mount violence, without sparks and without being consumed or burned, is to dreamers not gifted with over good fortune, a sign of honors, employments ant dignities, But a flame obscure, violent, shedding sparks, consuming the house, announces great adversities to the dreamer, such as penalties, lawsuits, disgrace, misfortune, rum and unforeseen death.... (Conflagration)
- On the contrary, if the hearing is presided over by a sovereign, it is a sign of profit.... (Hearing)
- If one sees himself entering a graveyard and walking over the scattered bones of the dead people in a dream, it means that he will die and be buried there.... (Cemetery)
- To put others in a fortress, denotes your ability to rule in business or over women.... (Fortress)
- If a man wears a neckband over a white or a green collar in a dream, it represents victory in his life and comfort he will receive from an unexpected source.... (Neckband)
- If you visit a newly made grave, dangers of a serious nature is hanging over you.... (Grave)
- Seeing an aura or halo on the head of any other person is an important sign, but if it’s someone known as an enemy, he or she will surely triumph over you.... (Aura)
- If one sees himself having an extra eye over his shoulder in a dream, it means that he will be named to receive money in absentia.... (Eyes)
- Dreaming that you have an aura or a halo over your head is a good sign that announces success and new friendships.... (Aura)
- For a young woman to sing in a choir, denotes she will be miserable over the attention paid others by her lover.... (Choir)
- To proclaim one’s trust is God in a dream is an indication of true faith, recognition of God’s supremacy, cessation of adversities and victory over one’s enemy.... (Trust in God)
- Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means becoming a guardian over a blessed and an important child, or it could denote an important appointment one will manage with decency, integrity and honor, for the prophet Seth, upon whom be peace, was the first appointed guardian on earth.... (Seth)
- Dreaming that you attack a fort and take it, denotes victory over your worst enemy, and fortunate engagements.... (Fort)
- Dreaming of leeches, foretells that enemies will run over your interests.... (Leeches)
- Dream of having no heart or having lost it; death near at hand, triumph over your mortal enemies.... (Heart)
- Sleeping over a sheepskin in a dream means becoming rich from associating with a rich woman, or from a marriage to a rich woman.... (Wool)
- If a sick person sees ants walking over his body in a dream, it means his death.... (Ants)
- To jump over it, you will overcome obstacles and win your desires.... (Walls)
- Seeing ants over one’s bed in a dream means having many children.... (Ants)
- Seeing a pigeon standing over one’s head, or tied to his neck or shoulders in a dream connotes one’s relationship with his Lord.... (Pigeon)
- To see little children gathering flowers and chasing butterflies among the graves in the dream, denotes prosperous changes and no graves of any of your friends to weep over.... (Cemetery)
- If one sees a nice bird sitting over his neck in a dream, it means benefits or an alibi.... (Neck)
- To have the head larger or more elevated than commonly ; professional dignity according to the estate of the dreamer, gain of a lawsuit, triumph over adversaries.... (Head)
- You need to take more control over your life and behavior.... (Leader)
- Dreaming that you are endeavoring to gain pardon for an offense which you never committed, denotes that you will be troubled, and seemingly with cause, over your affairs, but it will finally appear that it was for your advancement.... (Pardon)
- The vines in a dream may show the importance of the internet the social life you are having over there, because of the existence of the vines online.... (Vines)
- On the other hand, the dream could indicate the over-confidence the dreamer has.... (Superhero)
- To see a dead nun, signifies despair over the unfaithfulness of loved ones, and impoverished fortune.... (Nuns)
- If a gilder overlays gold leaf over the cover of a book in a dream, it means that he is lying, falsifying things, innovating and that he is a heedless person who loses his money in loathsome entertainments, corruption, or it could mean that he works for a religious institution.... (Gilder)
- Standing over seawater in a dream means attaining something one did not seek.... (Ocean)
- Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means increase in one’s travels, supremacy over one’s enemy and subjugation of one’s friends and foes to his orders should he qualify.... (Solomon)
- (Honor) To help or honor poor people in a dream, or to give their needs preference over one’s own means rising in station or rank, though working under higher authorities.... (Help)
- A beautiful looking young boy in a dream also signifies good luck and victory over one’s enemy.... (Boy)
- To dream that you’ve been sentenced to suffer an execution, but such execution is postponed, it suggests that you’ll succeed over upcoming difficulties, as well as against your enemies.... (Execution)
- If one sees himself planting sesame seeds in a dream, it means that he will preside over a growing business, or it could represent an expanding trade, or a flourishing craft, happiness in one’s life, or becoming a renunciate.... (Sesame seeds)
- If one sees a man or a butcher slaughtering him in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his assailant.... (Slaughter)
- Over flowing wells, means loss of wealth, death of wife or child.... (Well)
- Using it, indicates that you will prevail over your opponents.... (Bayonet)
- To pass your hand over the forehead of your child, indicates sincere praises from friends, because of some talent and goodness displayed by your children.... (Forehead)
- It’s a warning of dangerous accidents such as being run over by vehicles, and surprise attacks such as assaults.... (Precipice – Abyss)
- It also signifies owning properties and having control over a vast land and its people.... (Finished Business)
- If she dreams of unlocking a door with a key, she will have a new lover and have over-confidence in him.... (Key)
- If one sees a snake sitting over his head in a dream, it means that he will earn the respect of people in authority.... (Snake)
- If one’s ship is drowning, and if another ship comes to its rescue in the dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger to fall into the hands of a strong person, or that he will escape from a danger, though should he disobey its captain and abandon the second ship in his dream, it means that he may disobey his leader and go astray.... (Ship)
- Mail in a dream also means being led by one’s evil actions and sins into the road of destruction or consequent death.... (Mail)
- If one sees his own hand turn into the king’s hand in a dream, it means that he will receive a leadingjob.... (King)
- If a young man sees himself turned into an old person in a dream, it means that he will suffer major losses in his life.... (Young man)
- You have an ability to make the best of everything what comes into your hands.... (Embroidery)
- If one is promised good things by his enemy in a dream, it means that he will fall into his trap and lose his fight to him.... (Enemy)
- If a traveller becomes a judge in a dream, it means that he will be held up by robbers, or it could mean that God’s blessings upon him will turn into a curse.... (Judge)
- If one sees himself transformed into a bridge in a dream, it means that he will be elected for a leadership post, and people will need him, his prestige and what he can offer.... (Bridge)
- If one sees himself carrying a calf into his house in a dream, it means distress, sorrow and dismay.... (Calf)
- If his chest turns into a stone in the dream, it means that his heart will become like a rock.... (King)
- Dreaming of seeing a negro standing on your green lawn, is a sign that while your immediate future seems filled with prosperity and sweetest joys, there will creep into it unavoidable discord, which will veil all brightness in gloom for a season.... (Negro)
- All professions are related with an area of our consciousness and we should take this into consideration when interpreting the dream.... (Professions)
- A female osprey in a dream represents homeless women who are driven into prostitution, while osprey chicks in a dream represent children born from adultery.... (Osprey)
- If one repents for a sin he is not even aware of in a dream, it may be feared that he will fall into its trap, though the conclusion will turn positive.... (Repentance)
- If you see the accelerator broken or fractured it means that you do not have control in some parts of your life, what you have to do is, to pull yourself together and take that control into your hands to get the results you wanted to get.... (Accelerator)
- To read or hear the Ten Commandments read, denotes you will fall into errors from which you will hardly escape, even with the counsels of friends of wise and unerring judgment.... (Commandment)
- What you should do, is to use this gift to make money or take important management into your control and then you will become very fortunate.... (Antenna)
- Make sure you materialize those ideas into some projects, because it is going to be successful.... (Irrigate)
- If we visit a hospice or hospital it’s a warning that we must move away as soon as possible from a business into which we have let ourselves be trapped.... (Hospice, hospital)
- If one sees himself dismembered in a dream, then it means that he will undertake extensive travels, or that members of his family will disperse into different locations, or it could mean severing one’s blood ties or paying a penalty.... (Cutting off)
- The bees are known for working hard and putting lots of effort into it.... (Bees)
- Invitation in the dream also symbolizes certain characteristics that you need to join or incorporate into your character.... (Invitation)
- If the tub is empty or we do not get into it, that indicates missed opportunities.... (Bathroom)
- The flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect and great intelligence.... (Flame)
- If he is in a state of depression or fear, it means that he will overcome it and he shall sail into success.... (Archangel Gabriel)
- If he comes back in the dream, it means that his illness will increase and his difficulties will reach their peak, though God willing, he will recover from his illness, unless he falls into a hole in a dream.... (Skies)
- If his head is transformed into a dog’s head in the dream, then it represents his vile nature.... (King)
- Overall, this is a good dream and portends luck and success, of course, we must also take into account the conditions and circumstances under which this dream is presented, for example, if the sowing field is in poor conditions or burned, the meaning could change and mean the exact opposite.... (Sowing)
- Alternatively, you should think about what unfamiliar feelings or ideas, thoughts and conceptions may be breaking into your peace of mind.... (Intruder)
- Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream.... (Secret Order)
- Bringing books into one’s home in a dream signify hearing news about an honest and a pious person, learning happy stories from a reporter or becoming acquainted with religious thoughts.... (Book)
- If one’s eyes fall into his lap in a dream, it means the death of his brother or son.... (Eyes)
- We will have to take into account the state of the plants in the dream, since it will reflect our emotional life.... (Plants)
- Alternatively, very soon you will meet somebody you realy like and this will turn into very beautiful love story.... (Banjo)
- You became strong person and you’re able to achieve anything you want, without thinking of how much energy you will have to put into this.... (Athlete (sportsman))
- If one’s foot slips in a dream, it also means that he will fall into sin and deviate from the straight path.... (Bridge of the Day of Judgement)
- If one sees his chest turned into a stone in a dream, it means that he is a hard hearted person.... (Chest 2)
- If the circumstances in the dream denote evil, it means that he will go into bankruptcy or become ill mannered, or that he will use vile language, or become filthy, or lose his integrity.... (Fraudulent bankruptcy)
- Dreaming of a bishop, teachers and authors will suffer great mental worries, caused from delving into intricate subjects.... (Bishop)
- Maybe you are coming into contact with hidden aspect of your psyche or subconscious.... (Find)
- For a young woman to fall into a clear pond, omens decided good fortune and reciprocal love.... (Fish-pond)
- If one sees the king’s head transformed into a ram’s head in a dream, it means that the king is a just and a kind ruler.... (King)
- To imagine another’s soul is in you, denotes you will derive solace and benefit from some stranger who is yet to come into your life.... (Soul)
- It seems that you put too much of the effort into everything you do and loosing the balance you had.... (Bank)
- On the other hand, it indicates that you know what to do, but you may be too lazy or scared to jump into action.... (Northern Lights)
- Whatever comes out of one’s nose in a dream is good and whatever goes into it in a dream may not be beneficial.... (Body 1)
- Also in this dream we must take into account that it could be showing repressed sexual tendencies.... (Kissing)
- Getting into the sea means abundance or wealth.... (Sea)
- If we dream of us turned into vampires, then it reveals the danger that we let ourselves be carried away by our appetites increasingly vital and impossible to appease hunger and becoming a threat for us and for others.... (Vampire)
- If a man sees himself having a woman’s breasts in his dream, it means that he will get married, or fall in love with a woman, or have a secret affair that will turn into a scandal.... (Chest 2)
- If one’s nose is transformed into iron or gold in a dream, it means an illness, an adversity, or a crime that one may commit.... (Nose)
- Majesty and reverence in a dream represents glad tidings, or rising into a high raking position and earning an exalted station in God’s sight whether the person seen in such a state is alive or dead.... (Majesty)
- If the mountain crumbles, and if it is transformed into ashes or dirt in the dream, it means that whoever is meant in that dream shall lose his devotion and waste his life.... (Mountain)
- To drive a donkey, signifies that all your energies and pluck will be brought into play against a desperate effort on the part of enemies to overthrow you.... (Donkey)
- If one sees himself turned into a deer in a dream, it means that he lives solely to satisfy his pleasures, lust and sensual desires in this world.... (Gazelle)
- Symbolize strength, the strength that we put into our actions.... (Arms)
- Dreaming of being at a table and cleaning dishes and leftovers indicates that the dreamer’s prosperity and tranquility will soon turn into failures and sorrows.... (Table)
- To hear your name called in a dream by strange voices, denotes that your business will fall into a precarious state, and that strangers may lend you assistance, or you may fail to meet your obligations.... (Called)
- So, once again, to interpret the dream we must take into account the feelings that the forest has awakened in us.... (Forest)
- Shining into the house, danger of the death of the head of the household.... (Stars)
- Dreaming of crying, is a forerunner of illusory pleasures, which will subside into gloom, and distressing influences affecting for evil business engagements and domestic affairs.... (Crying)
- If you see yourself riding on a donkey, you will visit foreign lands and make many explorations into places difficult of passage.... (Donkey)
- If the lobsters are made into a salad, success will not change your generous nature, but you will enjoy to the fullest your ideas of pleasure.... (Lobster)
- If you see someone being immersed into the water, it is not a good sign and might represent misfortune whereas coming to the surface out of water signifies revival and renewal.... (Baptism)
- It also means that he will extricate himself from an unjust deed he fell into and repent, or it could mean eschewing evil.... (Five times prayers)
- Pouring water into a container in a dream means getting married.... (Water)
- If the fruits of one’s plants turn into gold or silver in one’s dream, it means either benefits, profits, or that a disease will impair the growth of one’s plants, or it could mean unsalability of one’s crop.... (Nursery)
- If a woman sees herself flying from her house into the house of a man she knows in the dream, it means that she will marry him.... (Flying)
- In a dream, a ship also represents the Bridge of Judgement (Stirdt) that will be stretched on the Day of Resurrection for the creation to cross into the land of the Grand Gathering.... (Ship)
- If she should lose a locket, death will throw sadness into her life.... (Locket)
- The warning is to not fall into despair and start making mistakes that will prevent you from having success.... (Calendar)
- If one sees himself turned into one of the known righteous companion or followers of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace in a dream, it means trials in one’s life to equal the exalted station of such blessed beings, though the end is praiseworthy.... (Companions of the Prophet (uwbp))
- Especially if we are the ones playing, because if we dream that we are cheating during the game, it could be interpreted as a difficulty to adapt into social norms.... (Games)
- If one sees a mouse nibbling into one’s garment in a dream, it means that one will announce his intentions or goals.... (Mouse)
- If you lead one by a halter, you will be master of every situation, and lead women into your way of seeing things by flattery.... (Donkey)
- (Pearl fishery | Plunge) If one sees himself diving into the ocean for pearls in a dream, it indicates his attachment to worldly treasures.... (Diving)
- Dreaming of your nephew, denotes you are soon to come into a pleasing competency, if he is handsome and well looking | otherwise, there will be disappointment and discomfort for you.... (Nephew)
- When you see yourself morphing into another person, then it shows the aspects of that person you wish to imply in yourself.... (Morph)
- For a young woman Dreaming of being accused of being older than she is, denotes that she will fall into bad companionship, and her denial of stated things will be brought to scorn.... (Age)
- To dream that you’re baking bread in a bakery suggests that your health is deteriorating or that you may fall into poverty.... (Baking)
- This is a sign, that you want to be accepted, you want to get into environment and atmosphere where you could express your own personality.... (Acceptance)
- If you dream of cards named spades, you will be enticed into follies which will bring you grief and misfortune.... (Spade)
- If you have telepathy feeling in a dream, then such dream suggests you to look deeper into yourself, because all the questions you have about yourself or others are lying within you.... (Telepathy)
- If you are turned into stone, then it symbolizes your anchoring in an issue of the past.... (Sculpture)
- For a young woman, it means that her selfishness and greed will lead her into intricate adventures.... (Volcano)
- To a young woman, this dream foretells that her environments will bring her into evil and consequent abandonment.... (Meshes)
- We must take into account the specific circumstances of the tournament or competition in this dream, due to the reverse symbolism of dreaming about victory that usually has the opposite meaning, and means that it is very likely that afflictions, losses and humiliation happen will happen.... (Tournament)
- Knees cured and placed in condition for walking, misfortune and calumny changed into prosperity and contentment.... (Knee (Stands For The Labor Or Work To Be Done By A Man))
- Dreaming of a committee, foretells that you will be surprised into doing some distasteful work.... (Committee)
- If you are working with the gleaners, you will come into an estate, after some trouble in establishing rights.... (Gleaning)
- If a woman, especially a young woman, dreams of being accompanied by a carefully, shaved, dressed and styled corpse, it suggests that she feels tempted to fall into moral corruption, or in having an affair.... (Corpse)
- To his own detriment, such a person might steer into an activity that is opposite to God’s instructions and consequently earns himself God’s wrath.... (Archangel Gabriel)
- We will have to take into account what feeling accompanies our dreams, because if it is pleasant, indicates our drive towards spiritual development, but if it is distressing, then it indicates our fear to confront the hidden information of the unconscious.... (Emerald)
- Dreaming of being a pirate is a warning that soon the dreamer will fall into social disrepute, which will cause material losses.... (Pirate)
- Dreaming that you are speeding indicates that you will be put into a dangerous situation.... (Velocity)
- If one sees the sky turned into iron in a dream, it means drought or scarcity of rain.... (Skies)
- Blasphemy, denotes an enemy creeping into your life, who under assumed friendship will do you great harm.... (Blasphemy)
- Dreaming about being behind the wheel may mean that both at work and in business, you can succeed if you put effort into it, because you can’t expect things to go as you want, especially if you don’t really commit to them.... (Driving wheel)
- That is why all the dreams where we are with our mouth closed, covered, etc., show us the fear to make known our thoughts, and we shall take into account the identity of the other persons that appear in the dream to analyze what is the situation that represses us.... (Mouth)
- Putting holes into pearls to string them in a dream means fulfillment of one’s goals, easingof one’s passage, or facilitating one’s marriage.... (Drilling)
- Anger is likely to precipitate you into useless worries and quarrels.... (Servant)
- Well into the day is a sign of intense activity and focus on your projects.... (Days)
- Crossing from one side of a river into another in a dream means dispelling one’s fears or worries.... (River)
- If one sees the mountain rising into the skies in a dream, it means that the governor of that town will be dismissed.... (Mountain)
- For a young woman to eat it with her lover, denotes she will come into rich possessions.... (Celery)
- When you dream of seeing a blender, mixer or stirrer the dream foretells about possible hobby to cook, but at spiritual level it symbolizes your potency and talent to get united completely different objects into something new and balanced.... (Blender)
- If one eats mustard in his dream, it means that someone may poison him, or that he may fall into a vicious circle, or acquire an evil reputation.... (Mustard seeds)
- If we are taking a bath we must take into account the feelings that bath produces in us.... (Bath)
- If one’s hearing becomes clearer or increases in sensibility, or if he sees light beaming from his ears or driving into them in a dream, this dream will represent his guidance, obedience to his Lord and consent to His command.... (Ear)
- To lament the loss of relatives, denotes sickness or disappointments, which will bring you into closer harmony with companions, and will result in brighter prospects for the future.... (Lament)
- For a ghost to speak to you, you will be decoyed into the hands of enemies.... (Ghost)
- If we fall into it we will fail in our company.... (Rows)
- The yapping of foxes in a dream means a warning to escape, to move from one field into another, or it could mean suffering from jealousy, perfidy or lies.... (Voice)
- In the symbolism of dreams, the presence of bandits is related to the presence of forces moving into the subconscious and whose emergence and control by our will means a new wealth for our conciseness and a greater ability to succeed in instincts and daily life problems.... (Bandits)
- If the bellows are not in use, or if they are not blowing air into the fire, then they signify distress, adversities and trouble.... (Bellows)
- The sound of an ostrich in a dream means hiring a trustworthy and a courageous servant, or bringing a new employee into one’s business.... (Voice)
- For a young woman to think she is an adventuress, portends that she will be too wrapped up in her own conduct to see that she is being flattered into exchanging her favors for disgrace.... (Adventurer)
- If the dreamer leaves his or her own house it means that there is an internal concern about venturing into new activities in the search of fortune.... (House)
- If the bench is made of stone, the proposal must be taken into account.... (Bench)
- Dream of conversing with one, honor, profit and entrance into the best of good society.... (Prostitute)
- (Also see Blowing into the fire)... (Bellows)
- Dreaming of stepping on a crocodile’s back, you may expect to fall into trouble, from which you will have to struggle mightily to extricate yourself.... (Crocodile)
- To drop a lighted lamp, your plans and hopes will abruptly turn into failure.... (Lamp)
- In a dream, a mountain that stands high is alive, but a crumbling mountain which has turned into a pile of rocks is dead.... (Mountain)
- Dreaming of defending yourself with a javelin, your most private affairs will be searched into to establish claims of dishonesty, and you will prove your innocence after much wrangling.... (Javelin)
- If you see a whale overturn a ship, you will be thrown into a whirlpool of disasters.... (Whale)
- If an appointed governor sees himself looking into a mirror in a dream, it means that he will be dismissed from his post.... (King)
- The dream suggests you to put your energy and time into more appropriate experiences.... (Churning)
- In a dream, a saddler represents someone who has determination, and who takes matters into his own hands.... (Saddler)
- To look down into a vale in dreams is rather bad.... (Vale)
- If a sick person falls into an underground granary in a dream, it means his death, or drowning in the sea, or facing a highway robbery.... (Underground granary)
- Terrorizing people in a dream also means poverty, loss of business, a severe illness, or it could represent profits that will turn into losses.... (Terrorization)
- To see it melt, your fears will turn into joy.... (Snow)
- Dreaming of scissors is an unlucky omen | wives will be jealous and distrustful of their husbands, and sweethearts will quarrel and nag each other into crimination and recrimination.... (Scissors)
- To accord others welcome, denotes your congeniality and warm nature will be your passport into pleasures, or any other desired place.... (Welcome)
- If one’s breasts are trans- formed into iron or copper in the dream, it means loss of a child.... (Breast)
- Dreaming that you receive a warm welcome into any society, foretells that you will become distinguished among your acquaintances and will have deference shown you by strangers.... (Welcome)
- Otherwise, if one sings off key in his dream, it means that he is venturing into a losing business.... (Singing)
- If one sees himself turned into a sun in a dream, it means that he may receive a dominion that will stretch as far as the radiance one sees in his dream.... (Sun)
- Dreaming that you are looking at yourself embalmed, omens unfortunate friendships for you, which will force you into lower classes than you are accustomed to move in.... (Embalming)
- Dreaming that you rent a house, is a sign that you will enter into new contracts, which will prove profitable.... (Rent)
- Dreaming of catching mouse with a mousetrap suggests that enemies will stop but if the dreamer is the one who falls into the trap, then this could mean that the dreamer will be a victim of attacks, robbery, and intrigue.... (Rats – Mice)
- Dream of a mud and walk on it indicates you should have caution of not get into some business or dirty business.... (Mud)