• (Beacon) Carrying a torch in a dream means knowledge, wisdom, guiding and leading the people on the straight path, or it could represent someone people depend on to learn about the truth.... (Torch)
  • Dreaming about being the target of slander hints that the dreamer’s affairs are being managed or operated by inept people and people who are acting in bad faith.... (Slander)
  • If a learned person sees himself delivering a sermon at Mina, and if the people listen to him attentively in the dream, it means that he will rise in station and lead his people, or he could be appointed as a project manager or become an administrator.... (Pilgrimage season)
  • (Monster | Wild beast) In a dream, a beast represents mountain people or people living in the wilderness, or an innovator who breaks from the community and introduces his own religious ideas.... (Beast)
  • If one soars in the air like a pigeon in a dream and sees people below him, whereby he can benefit or harm whomever he wants, it means that he will preside over people and reach a rank of honor and dignity.... (Flying)
  • (Well of Zamzam | Ka’aba | Mecca) If one sees the well of Zamzam quenching the thirst of people and if it is situated in a particular neighborhood, or in a town other than Mecca, it signifies that a gnostic will come to reside in that place and whose knowledge and wisdom will benefit its people.... (Zamzam)
  • It also means reconciliation between two people, quelling a conflict, mediating between two people and bringing about a just and a peaceful agreement.... (Sa’i)
  • If other people were crying in a dream, then it shows your affection towards other people.... (Tears)
  • (Bond | Bondage | Harness | Shackles | Yoke of matrimony) In a dream, a yoke means benefits for most people except for people in bondage.... (Yoke)
  • You should pay close attention to people who may be helping out in the dream because they represent the support that you have, which is either referring to actual people or personal qualities that you possess and which you should strengthen.... (Disability)
  • To dream that some people have shipwrecked, but the dreamer can help, hints that the dreamer will soon have to help someone who is in disgrace, and that these people are losing faith in one’s ability to correct errors.... (Boat)
  • As for most people, hearing the screeching of a pen in a dream means divulging secrets, or attacking people’s reputation in the process of attaining one’s selfish goals.... (Screeching of a pen)
  • If one sees himself feeding it to the people in the dream, it means that he will chant the Qur’an with embellishment and awaits people’s praises and request to encore his recital.... (Honeycomb)
  • In a dream, a windmill represents a harsh fight between two people, or and end of a major dispute between two people.... (Windmill)
  • If other people were lending you money or any other things, then it shows your dependency on other people.... (Lending)
  • If we see other people legless, then it means that we wrong opinion about some people.... (Legs and feet)
  • If one sees people playing it, then such people represent the leaders or the statesmen.... (Chess)
  • Having two tongues in a dream also means backbiting others, or having two faces with people, for people say that so-and so has two tongues or two faces.... (Tongue)
  • Dreaming of staring at the feet of other people could mean that the dreamer has the will to not be influenced by other people and is able to achieve important success.... (Feet)
  • As for rich and noble people, riding an osprey in a dream means death, while for poor people it means profits and success that will benefit their families and neighbors.... (Osprey)
  • If it is full of people, it means that there are many people wanting the same.... (Elevator)
  • It could also represent people with hardened hearts, heedless, or jobless people.... (Stone 1)
  • If he calls with a beautiful voice and the people hearken to his call in the dream, it means that he is seeking the approval of people in authority.... (Call to prayers)
  • (Evergreen) An oak tree in a dream represents profits, prosperity, honor, or associating with heedless people who live in the mountains, or perhaps it could mean visiting righteous people, ascetics and renunciates who live in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins.... (Oak tree)
  • Dreaming of other people being possessed by fear, indicates that the people who the dreamer trusts are in trouble and that it could eventually affect the dreamer.... (Fear)
  • If people of knowledge or religious leaders wear brocaded garment in a dream, it represents their love for the world, or misleading the people through innovation.... (Brocade)
  • (Followers | Righteous people | Successors) If one sees in a dream that one of the companions of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, his followers or their successors entering a town or locality that is suffering under natural adversities, oppression or war, it means relief for its people and reversal of their conditions.... (Companions of the Prophet (uwbp))
  • This dream is especially good for farmers and rural people, but also for industrialists, merchants and traders, but not for people with regular salary.... (Cotton)
  • If one sees people drinking from it in the dream, it denotes his generosity and sharing of his wealth with needy people, or it could mean imparting knowledge to others.... (River)
  • Water in a dream also denotes the drink of poor people, or what gallant people exchange and share among themselves.... (Water)
  • If one sees people gathered to pray the congregational Friday prayers at the grand mosque while he is still in his house or shop, and if he hears the call and segments of their prayers, or if he suspects people to be leaving the mosque to return to their homes in the dream, it means loss of his status in that town.... (Friday)
  • If one sees people listening to his recital of the Qur’an in a dream, it means that he will command a job, and that people will follow his instructions.... (Qur’anic recital)
  • (Butterskin) A churn, a butterskin, or a container in which people make butter in a dream represents a scholar or a renunciate who imparts his knowledge to people but does not act upon it.... (Churn)
  • If one sees the well of Zamzam quenching the thirst of people in a particular neighborhood other than Mecca in a dream, it means that a gnostic will come to that town, and whose knowledge and wisdom will greatly benefit its people.... (Well)
  • (Money | Refuse | Trash) Seeing garbage in a dream is good news for poor people, though it represents bad news for rich people.... (Garbage)
  • Also, dreaming of God is common in people of markedly religious ideas, which does not happen to people with developed intellectual.... (God)
  • Any gold plated ornaments in a dream means emulating mundane people, or outwardly imitating spiritual people, or ostentatiously acting like them.... (Gold)
  • Giving charity in secret in one’s dream also could mean seeking the friendship of people in authority, or to join the circles of people of knowledge.... (Charity)
  • Dreaming of people riding donkeys like biblical prophets, suggests that the dreamer is unfairly creating judgments about others, which will create problems; if the ones riding the donkeys are people from the present, it suggests that a friend of the dreamer is in trouble and is seeking for help.... (Donkey)
  • If one sees a scholar who is considered to be a reference in religious knowledge, and if one accepts his admonition in the dream, though in wakefulness he does not follow this school of thought, it means that he will be tried with an adversity that will be remembered by people for sometime to come, though his testimony will be accepted by the people.... (Scholars)
  • The falling of small stars in a dream signifies the death of unknown people and the meek ones, while the falling of large stars represent the death of renowned people.... (Star)
  • When you dream of seeing other people being amorous, it means that somebody will try to get you into illegal or disgraceful business if you see animals being amorous it shows that you will pursue in humiliating enjoyments will fast people.... (Amorous)
  • Otherwise, if he sees people crowding over him to get their bread in the dream, it means that people will seek what he has to offer.... (Bread)
  • If he sees a gathering of young people he does not recognize in the dream, it means that he will associate himself with rich people.... (Elderly person)
  • (Brass polisher | Dishwasher | Washer) A dishwasher or a brass polisher in a dream represent an interior decorator, or someone who beautifies and embellishes people’s properties, or one who attracts people to himself.... (Washing)
  • If one sees Jesus son of Mary in a town looking into people’s conditions, it means that calamities will be lifted away from that place, and people will live in peace and tranquility for a while.... (Jesus)
  • This dream is frequent in religious people when they have serious personal conflicts in which case they should be very careful with the people that somehow are associated with them.... (Trial)
  • It also means feeling safe, mixing with people of knowledge, associating with people of religious ranks, joining the company of knowledge seekers, and developing sincere love for the family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, serving and loving those who love his progeny.... (Visiting holy sites)
  • As for citrus trees in a dream, they represent righteous people, wise men and people of inner and outer awareness who practice what they preach.... (Tree)
  • Sitting under the shade of a tree in a dream means profits and money, or it could mean dependence on people in authority, or befriending rich people for their money.... (Tree)
  • People who often dream that they participate, in some way, in a heroic act, are not reliable persons because they suddenly change their minds, depending always on the people who approach them.... (Heroism)
  • A masjid filled with people in a dream represents a gnostic, a man of knowledge and wisdom, or a preacher who invites people to his house, advises them, brings their hearts together, teaches them the precepts of their religion and explains the wisdom behind the divine revelations.... (Masjid)
  • Seeing paradise in one’s dream also means joining the company of revered people of knowledge and observing good conduct with people in general.... (Paradise)
  • A garden whose owner is known in a dream represents a mosque, a park, people of knowledge, ignorant people, the generous ones or the stingy ones.... (Garden)
  • As for worldly people, seeing an elephant in a dream means benefits, but as for pious and religious people, it denotes adversities.... (Elephant)
  • If a religious and a pious looking person is evicted or driven away from a place in a dream, it means that he is failing to fulfill his religious vow, or it could mean that he is avoiding to remain in the company of true pious people, ascetics, people of knowledge and noble ones.... (Expulsion)
  • Do not be embarrassed of asking for help if you need it, asking for help is something that smart people do and people who are unwise or weak don’t do it.... (Chiropractor)
  • Visiting holy sites in a dream also means seeking knowledge and wisdom, having love for charitable people, associating with good people, seeking to learn one’s religion at the hand of a pious teacher, to receive blessings and benefits in this life and in the next.... (Visiting holy sites)
  • (Fat | Oil) A motor lubricator in a dream represents knowledge, guidance, serving the people of knowledge, or being close to people in authority.... (Lubrication)
  • An oak tree in a dream means profits, prosperity, honor, associating with heedless people who live in the mountains, or perhaps it could mean visiting righteous people or a renunciate who lives in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins.... (Tree)
  • Hate and abhorrence are the cause of divisiveness and enmity between people, and people need one another in order for them to reach their common goal.... (Hate)
  • Dreaming of friends or close people in situations of ordinary life, in which you could help them, indicates envy of other’s people success.... (Help)
  • Throwing pearls to a swine or over a trash pile in a dream means giving knowledge to people who are not worthy of it, or people who do not understand it and who will consequently mock him.... (Pearl)
  • (God’s prophet Hud, upon whom be peace, who was sent to the people of the king ‘Ad.) If one sees God’s prophet Hud in a dream, it means that he will suffer harm from ignoble and ignorant people, then he will escape from a great distress, and be saved from their evil.... (Hud)
  • If you eat them, then it means romance for the young people and good health for the old people.... (Sausages)
  • (Call | Cry | Human call | Outcry | Shout | Scream) Shouting at a gathering of people in a dream means winning the title of a statesman, authority and power in an election, or presiding over people.... (Shout)
  • A bullet proof jacket maker in a dream represents someone who makes difficult work easier, one who helps people to attain their goal, a marriage broker, one who teaches people about good conduct, or one who disseminates knowledge or teaches about behavior modification, though he masks hypocrisy.... (Bullet proof jacket)
  • Dreaming of adopting children, young people or adults, suggests that the dreamer seeks to empathize at some level with society, in order to succeed and maybe become rich, of course at the expense of gullible, naive or foreign people.... (Adoption)
  • Dreaming about other people handling poisons suggests that one is surrounded by dishonest people who’re trying to hurt him.... (Poison)
  • Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved.... (Car)
  • If one sees that his own house has become the Ka’aba and people are seeking it and crowds are gathering at his door in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with wisdom, gain knowledge and act upon it, and that people will learn at his hand and follow his example.... (Ka’aba)
  • Dreaming of saying goodbye to many people because you’re a celebrity or just popular, suggests that the dreamer is not satisfied with the mediocrity or the environment surrounding him, and you want to get involved with important people to improve your social, political and economic conditions.... (Goodbye)
  • (Breaking wind | Passing gas | Foolishness | Wind) Passing gas in a dream means hearing or speaking vile words, or suffering from adversities, or it could mean dispersing a group of people, telling a shocking news, stupidity, belittling people, lies, using insulting words, or it could represent the sound that could emanate from beating someone.... (Fart)
  • A glass bottle in a dream also could mean exposing people’s secret life or slandering disloyal people.... (Glass bottle)
  • In a dream, any glass by-products represent people of knowledge, scholars, gnostics, sages or people of wisdom.... (Glass)
  • If one sees himself riding a litter that is carried by people in a dream, it means that he will preside over people or beget a son who will be elevated in rank.... (Car)
  • Dreaming that other people are lonely implies that the dreamer is suffering because of other people.... (Loneliness)
  • Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also denotes the strength of righteous people, and the inevitable defeat of iniquitous people.... (Moses)
  • Good tasting medicine in a dream is beneficial for rich people, though bad for poor people.... (Medicine)
  • If one sees a common marketplace on fire, or filled with people, or with a stream of fresh water running in the middle of it, or if it is fragrant with perfumes in the dream, then it represents good business for everyone and increase in their profits, though hypocrisy will later on spread among the people.... (Marketplace)
  • Seeing a group of needy people and beggars in a dream connotes the death of a rich person in that locality, and it is a sign for poor people to go and collect the charitable donations his heirs will distribute after his death.... (Poverty)
  • To dream about one-eyed people or watching them during a dream, means that people around us love us very much.... (One-eyed)
  • To dream of people leaving indicates your desire of approaching public people.... (Leaving)
  • Kindling a fire to bring warmth to a group of people in a dream means starting a community project that will benefit several people including oneself.... (Fire)
  • Sleeping people in a dream also represent mass annihilation, death, murders, rising prices, or it could denote things which people are unaware of.... (Sleep)
  • If one sees himself wearing a white uniform and serving people in a dream, it means that he washes people’s hearts and dispels their trouble.... (Turkish bath)
  • Therefore, it will be important to observe if we are surrounded by people and if these people help us to go on or if the delay us.... (Mountain)
  • When you dream of other people being in contact with an ague it means that you will hurt other people around you.... (Ague)
  • Dreaming of a tree with ripe fruit and some of them already being on the ground, where you can pick and eat them, suggests that you’ll receive significant benefits, including economic, business, and even in the lottery, etc.... (Tree)
  • If you are dreaming about a field with ripe wheat then this indicates the accomplishment of aims.... (Wheat)
  • To see it ripe, denotes fame and wealth.... (Corn and Corn-Field)
  • The huge and ripe grains of wheat in the dream foretell wealth and prosperous life... (Wheat)
  • To see them ripe, denotes joyous occasions, which, however, will be of short duration.... (Plums)
  • To see them or to eat them ripe, pleasant satisfaction.... (Pears)
  • To see a breakfast of fresh milk and eggs and a well filled dish of ripe fruit, indicates hasty, but favorable changes.... (Breakfast)
  • If well filled with ripe and matured grain, and perfect ears of corn, with fat stock surrounding it, it is an omen of great prosperity.... (Barn)
  • If not ripe, temporary illness.... (Oranges)
  • If we eat a ripe and tasty apple it means that we choose the enjoyment of material life.... (Apple)
  • If the wheat is ripe, your fortune will be assured and love will be your joyous companion.... (Wheat)
  • (Damp | Food | Humid | Produce | Ripe | Tender) Fresh vegetables or fruits in a dream and in their season represent a political appointment in a populated village or a small town.... (Fresh produce)
  • To dream that in this garden abounds ripe fruit, suggests gratification due to the faith put in what you’ve done, a near future reward that will bring peace and happiness into your home.... (Orchard)
  • To dream that you pick up a ripe fruit of any kind is a sign of prosperity and many successes.... (Orchard)
  • To see or eat ripe fruit, signifies uncertain fortune and pleasure.... (Fruit)
  • A friend who interprets dreams says: Ripe apples on a tree, denotes that the time has arrived for you to realize your hopes | think over what you intend to do, and go fearlessly ahead.... (Apples)
  • Dreaming of eating one ripe and juicy peach straight from the tree indicates joy of living, reasonable profits in business or work that will result in peace, harmony and home health.... (Peaches)
  • Dream of being in Italy, or sunny Spain, shows a ripe age for you.... (Italy)
  • For a young woman to see ripe ones, foretells her happiness in the married state.... (Tomatoes)
  • Dreaming of eating tasty and ripe peaches indicates that the success that the dreamer wants is very close.... (Peaches)
  • To dream of ripe figs and to eat them, means we will enjoy good health, good profits and abundant pleasures without having to make any effort.... (Figs, fig tree)
  • To gather the ripe fruit, is a happy omen of plenty to all classes.... (Orchard)
  • Pressing ripe olives in a dream represents one’s homeland.... (Extracting oils from seeds)
  • Dreaming of ripe fruit to be eaten means we will enjoy good health, good profits and abundant pleasures without having to make any effort.... (Fruits)
  • Ripe on the top of the tree, warns you not to aim too high.... (Apples)
  • If they are full and ripe, it symbolizes maximum wealth.... (Spike, Sprig)
  • Seeing a number of orange trees in a healthy condition, bearing ripe fruit, is a sign of health and prosperous surroundings.... (Oranges)
  • To gather them ripe, fortune coming from an influential person.... (Pomegranates)
  • To ripe pears in a dream indicates joys and unexpected pleasures.... (Pear)
  • When not ripe, sudden illness or pain.... (Pineapples)
  • To dream about a half disassembled train and therefore useless suggests that what you desire will be impossible to achieve and that you’ll most likely experience failures.... (Train)
  • Seeing one-half of one’s beard shaved in a dream means poverty.... (Beard)
  • If one’s tongue is split in half in a dream, it means that he is a liar.... (Tongue)
  • Seeing half gray hair mixed with one’s beard in a dream means strength, dignity and honor.... (Gray hair)
  • If one’s shirt is torn in half vertically in a dream, it means relief from anxiety or depression.... (Shirt)
  • Shaving half of one’s beard in a dream means losing one’s source of income or loss of one’s dignity.... (Beard)
  • A broken pomegranate in half in a dream represents a deflowered girl, a divorcee or a widow.... (Pomegranate)
  • Hopping on one foot in a dream means losing half of one’s wealth.... (Walking)
  • If the color of one’s beard is gold in the dream, it means that he will lose some respect and perhaps half of his wealth.... (Beard)
  • Young or half grown chickens, signify fortunate enterprises, but to make them so you will have to exert your physical strength.... (Chickens)
  • Looking at a pen one is holding in his hand and seeing another pen laying beside him in a dream denotes having a half brother, or if one’s mother is pregnant, it means that she will deliver a new son.... (Pen)
  • If only half of one’s ear is there in the dream, it means the death of his wife.... (Ear)
  • When an old home appears to be abandoned, neglected, and half-destroyed, it indicates that the dreamer will suffer from a painful disease if not treated in time.... (House)
  • (Also see Half a bushel | Mea- sure 2 | Weight)... (Unit of weight)
  • Half-dried molds of adobes placed under the sun in a dream represent workers or servants.... (Adobe maker)
  • To see a white one, half success.... (Bats)
  • If one’s midday Zuhur prayers or his mid-afternoon ‘Asr prayers are interrupted in the dream, it means that he will pay half of what he owes.... (Five times prayers)
  • Should the head be only half cut off, the effect of the dream will be in proportion.... (Beheading)
  • Hopping on one leg because of an illness or an impairment in a dream means loss of half of one’s money or property and finding it difficult to sustain one’s needs with the balance.... (Jumping)
  • Tying a cummerbund around one’s waist in a dream means that one has exhausted half of his life.... (Cummerbund)
  • If one foot is broken or cut off in a dream, it means either the death of a parent or loss of half of one’s capital.... (Body 1)
  • Cutting a louse in half in a dream means being good toward one’s children.... (Lice)
  • Shaving half of one’s beard in a dream means losing one’s source of income and dignity.... (Shaving)
  • If one sees himself taking a date, splitting it in half and extracting the date pit from it in a dream, it means that he will beget a son.... (Dates)
  • Losing a slipper in a dream means losing half of one’s assets.... (Slippers)
  • The warning of this dream is that deals are usually closed without a complete understanding, or as it’s generally said, being half-asleep, above the clouds or on the moon, which doesn’t always work.... (Somnambulism)
  • If the museum is half empty, unattended, then the chances of success are lower.... (Museum)
  • To dream about a half-empty pond with a muddy bottom indicates that your affairs may be experiencing dirty and dangerous complications.... (Pond)
  • If one walks on one foot in a dream, it means that he will lose half of his wealth.... (Leg)
  • If the ladder breaks half-way through in the dream, it means losing to one’s adversary.... (Descending)
  • Remember that life is half serious but cheerful.... (Learn)
  • Drinkinghalf of the water contained in a jar in a dream means having consumed half one’s life span.... (Jar)
  • Carrying a money belt in a dream means having knowledge one has earned in the first half of his life.... (Wallet)
  • If one’s foot is amputated in a dream, it means that he will loose half of his wealth.... (Foot)
  • If a traveller in the desert sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, or if there is drought somewhere, it means that rain will fall and springs will gush forth, as water gushed from between his blessed fingers when he placed his blessed hand over a half filled cup to quench the thirst of an entire army.... (Muhammad)
  • Broken pennies in half in a dream represent an enmity that cannot be healed.... (Penny)
  • Wearing a green garment in a dream means martyrdom.... (Clothing)
  • To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity.... (Trees)
  • If one sees the sky green in a dream, it means prosperity and a good harvest.... (Skies)
  • Green colored water in a dream means a long illness or a wretched life.... (Water)
  • If the hills or mountains are fertile and green, you will be eminently prosperous and happy.... (Traveling)
  • If one sees that the green hedges are replaced with a wall, a fence, or a ditch in the dream, it represents the rising star of the owner of such a garden.... (Hedges)
  • Eat them green, small contraries, followed by heavy profits.... (Grapes)
  • Green plants in dream is a signal of fame or fortune.... (Plants)
  • Green dragon represents hard working personality.... (Dragon)
  • If we see them green, blooming and full of life, then it means that our love life is or will be full and healthy.... (Plants)
  • A green mattress in a dream represents a pious and a religious wife.... (Mattress)
  • To see green dragon eats grass in the dream means that you need to work even harder.... (Dragon)
  • (See Khidr | Green)... (Enoch)
  • To see and cherish a green meadow without being able to unfold its reach in a dream represents the vastness and essence of Islam.... (Meadow)
  • Unknown pavilions of either green or white colors in a dream mean healing, endowments, gifts, martyrdom, visiting the graves of righteous people, or a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.... (Pavilion)
  • Dreaming of seeing a negro standing on your green lawn, is a sign that while your immediate future seems filled with prosperity and sweetest joys, there will creep into it unavoidable discord, which will veil all brightness in gloom for a season.... (Negro)
  • Dreaming of green bananas indicates upcoming sorrows and problems.... (Bananas)
  • (Beauty | Grass | Green | Knowledge | Paradise | Wisdom) In a dream, a meadow represents an easy and a trouble free money, or it could represent a wife who has little reservation and tactfulness.... (Meadow)
  • To see a hut in a green pasture, denotes prosperity, but fluctuating happiness.... (Hut)
  • Dreaming about flying frequently but with white wings, and better if it’s over a green forest, means success in your objectives, business profits and satisfaction in love.... (Flying)
  • A green leaf (or leaves) on a tree means health and joy.... (Leaves)
  • The same if the countryside is wide, green and sunny.... (Field and countryside)
  • Dreaming about flying over a green forest signifies that soon you’ll see your wishes come true.... (Flying)
  • Green spikes of grain in a dream represent prosperity and a good harvest, while dry spikes of grain mean drought.... (Spikes of grain)
  • It is also said that wearing a green garment in a dream means receiving an inheritance.... (Garment)
  • When it’s eaten green or dry, it usually portends disappointments and failures.... (Apricot)
  • Carrying a bunch of green spikes in one’s hand in a dream means knowledge or profits.... (Spikes of grain)
  • To dream about big and stately buildings that are surrounded by green and flowery gardens symbolizes a long and pleasant life, a fun and full of journeys life.... (Building)
  • Green coffee, denotes you have bold enemies who will show you no quarter, but will fight for your overthrow.... (Coffee)
  • If a living person sees himself or someone else wearing green in a dream, it denotes his religious devotion.... (Garment)
  • Unknown white or green tents in a camp in a dream represent the graves of martyrs.... (Colors)
  • Dreaming of seeing them green and shapely, denotes pleasing success in an undertaking.... (Cedars)
  • Wearing a green robe in a dream brings benefits and no harm.... (Garment)
  • A green quince in a dream is better than a yellow one.... (Quince)
  • To see a butterfly among flowers and green grasses, indicates prosperity and fair attainments.... (Butterfly)
  • White or green drapes mean good results.... (Drapes)
  • If you see the green traffic light, then it indicates that you have to start making changes now.... (Crossing)
  • Dreaming of seeing cabbage green, means unfaithfulness in love and infidelity in wedlock.... (Cabbage)
  • Dreaming of green leaves means you just found happiness and various aspects of your life will improve.... (Leaves)
  • To see them growing on green vines, denotes that present troubles will result in good fortune for you.... (Melon)
  • If we eat a green apple we also choose the material, although full of work and life difficulties.... (Apple)
  • Green eyes in a dream mean a religion which is different from all religions.... (Eyes)
  • If leaves are green, it announces prosperity.... (Leaves, leaf)
  • To see fat oxen in green pastures, signifies fortune, and your rise to positions beyond your expectations.... (Ox)
  • Green is the color of nature, fertility, sympathy and adaptability.... (Colors)
  • To pass through green, growing fields, and look upon landscape, in your dreams, and feel that it is an awaking experience, signifies that there is some good and brightness in store for you, but there will be disappointments intermingled between the present and that time.... (Awake)