• Seeing the expedition of hounds returning from a hunt or a chase in a dream means dispelling people’s fears, or it could mean lack of work.... (Dog)
  • Symbolizes friendship and fidelity.... (Dog)
  • If a mad dog succeeds in biting you, it is a sign that you or some loved one is on the verge of insanity, and a deplorable tragedy may occur.... (Dogs)
  • Pinching or biting someone’s hand in a dream may represent a snake bite, or a bite of a scorpion.... (Pinch)
  • For a woman Dreaming that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from malice of a pretended friend.... (Snakes)
  • Dreaming of a dog killing a snake announces good luck in the future.... (Dogs)
  • For a dog to kill a snake in your presence, is an omen of good luck... (Dogs)
  • Seeing or visiting a physician in a dream means exposing one’s secrets, for a physician works to extract the patient’s illness just like a snake charmer who brings a snake out of its hiding.... (Physician)
  • But if the dreamer dominates the dog, and even better if the dreamer kills the dog, it could mean that he or she will solve any problems by defeating enemies or competitors.... (Dogs)
  • To dream that you’re wounding or biting someone suggests that your behavior isn’t correct, and that it could cause you problems in your relationships or even cause you material losses.... (Wound)
  • Eating one’s tongue or biting on it in a dream represents an act one will regret.... (Tongue)
  • Dreaming of dogs biting you, foretells for you a quarrelsome companion either in marriage or business.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of biting your nails means you have a problem that is difficult to resolve.... (Nails)
  • If one sees himself hitting a cow with a wooden stick or biting a cow in a dream, the cow then represents his sins.... (Cow)
  • Biting someone in a dream portends that our aggression will create numerous enemies, or reveals the desire to possess and dominate the person we bite.... (Bite)
  • Biting one’s tongue in a dream also could denote gluttony.... (Tongue)
  • Biting on one’s tongue in a dream also means remaining mostly silent, withholding one’s advice, or controlling one’s fury and anger.... (Tongue)
  • Conditions will change from good to bad if you are joined with others in back-biting.... (Back-bite)
  • If one sees people biting him in a dream, it means that he could have pretended something in public, though he fortunately restrained himself.... (Tooth)
  • Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one’s sexual desires or being sexually obsessed.... (Apple)
  • Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one’s desires.... (Bite)
  • Biting one’s own fingers in a dream means regret or fury, rage and anger.... (Bite)
  • Biting on one’s tongue in a dream means regret.... (Body 1)
  • Dreaming that some dogs are biting you or are about to bite, could mean that soon there will be serious problems with matters that are being handled, with friends or family, all of it provoked by the dreamer’s selfish attitude, which means that the dreamer should analyze his or her behavior.... (Dogs)
  • The uncooked flesh of a snake in a dream means slandering one’s enemy.... (Meat)
  • If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will avow his enmity toward others.... (Body 2)
  • (Snake pit.... (Pit 1)
  • For a young woman Dreaming of seeing a snake crawling through blossoming clover, foretells she will be early disappointed in love, and her surroundings will be gloomy and discouraging, though to her friends she seems peculiarly fortunate.... (Clover)
  • The problems will always be greater and more serious if a cat is fighting with a snake or other poisonous animal.... (Cat)
  • To dream about a cat and a snake and that these animals have a friendly relationship is the worst dream and omen, and the best we can do is watch carefully around us to find out what can be upcoming.... (Cat)
  • (Also see Snake charmer)... (Tracker)
  • Giving birth to a cat, rat, snake, lizard or other monster, is an omen of most evil import.... (Birth)
  • (Boy | Enemy | Power | Snake | Troves | Unjust ruler | Woman) If the treasure one discovers in his dream is hidden by a previous generation, it means receiving an inheritance, lawful earnings, a booty, a son from adultery, or it could represent an orphan because it comes from someone else’s earnings.... (Hidden treasure)
  • If a snake speaks gently with someone in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits from an enemy.... (Speaking)
  • (See Snake charmer)... (Charmer)
  • For a woman to think a child places one on the back of her head, and she hears the snake’s hisses, foretells that she will be persuaded to yield up some possession seemingly for her good, but she will find out later that she has been inveigled into an intrigue in which enemies will tantalize her.... (Snakes)
  • Dreaming of a snake’s nest is a clear warning that enemies seek the opportunity to harm the dreamer and that the friends could betray him or her.... (Nest)
  • For a woman to hypnotize a snake, denotes your rights will be assailed, but you will be protected by law and influential friends.... (Snakes)
  • (Also see Pickles | Snake-cucumber)... (Cucumber)
  • (Large cucumber | Snake-cucumber | Squirting cucumber) In a dream, cucumbers represent distress and sadness.... (Cucumber)
  • Dreaming of seeing a cat and snake on friendly terms signifies the beginning of an angry struggle.... (Cats)
  • Dreaming that a common spotted snake approaches you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside as it passes you, and after you had forgotten the incident to again see it approaching and growing in dimensions as it nears you, finally taking on the form of an enormous serpent | if you then, after frantic efforts, succeed in escaping its attack, and altogether lose sight of it, it foretells that you will soon imagine you are being disobeyed and slighted, and things will go on from bad to worse.... (Snakes)
  • Dreaming that a snake coils itself around you and darts its tongue out at you, is a sign that you will be placed in a position where you will be powerless in the hands of enemies, and you will be attacked with sickness.... (Snakes)
  • (See Snake charmer | Tracker)... (Tracer)
  • A staff in a dream also could represent a snake or sorcery.... (Staff 2)
  • The sting of a scorpion, or the bite of a snake in a dream means falling into sin, or committing a wrong action.... (Sting)
  • If one is distracted during his prayers by a creeping snake or a lion in a dream, it means that he must be on his guard and cautious with his wife or child.... (Distraction)
  • (Adversary | Boy | Foe | Hidden treasure | Opponent | Power | Snake | Unjust ruler | Woman) To meet an enemy in a dream signifies honor, signing a treaty, rising above differences, receiving God’s help and victory.... (Enemy)
  • A thief in a dream also can be interpreted to represent a cunning person, a deceiver, an adulterer, a hunter, a backbiter, someone who asks for things that do not belong to him, a lion, a snake, a Satan, eavesdropping, or one’s mind, desire and passions.... (Thief)
  • Vomiting a snake in a dream also means death, or distancing oneself from one’s enemies.... (Vomit)
  • If one sees a snake rather than a cummerbund around his waist in a dream, it represents a money belt.... (Cummerbund)
  • One’s tongue in a dream also represents a captured prisoner of war, or a snake hiding in its pit.... (Tongue)
  • If one’s waistband becomes a snake in the dream, it means enmity with his brother in-law.... (Belt)
  • To dream childbirth of or giving birth to a rat, cat, snake or other monster, symbolizes the precursor of manifold disaster.... (Childbirth)
  • (Also see Poem | Snake charmer)... (Poet)
  • (Also see snake)... (Tapeworm)
  • (See Snake-cucumber)... (Squirting cucumber)
  • ‘Have feet bitten by a venomous snake or other reptile, jealousy of mistress or lover.... (Feet)
  • The cooked meat of a snake in a dream means receiving money from one’s enemy.... (Meat)
  • A weasel is the only mammal that can kiss a snake.... (Weasel)
  • Drinking snake’s milk in a dream means performing a deed that is pleasing to God Almighty, rejoicing, or escaping from a calamity.... (Milk)
  • If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will unmask his animosity toward others.... (Skin)
  • The hissing of a snake in a dream means a warning or a fight with someone who hides his enmity.... (Voice)
  • Dreaming that a hunting dog or a hound is chasing the dreamer, could mean that the dreamer is involved in illicit relations that are dangerous (it is equivalent to saying that the law is watching the dreamer).... (Dogs)
  • If you dream of a dog that is barking nicely it signifies happiness and energy.... (Bark)
  • When the dog is barking brutally it symbolizes your unpleasant talking towards the others.... (Bark)
  • (See Dog)... (Obsequious)
  • If a wolf and a dog make a pact of friendship in a dream, it means that one will witness hypocrisy and deceit.... (Wolf)
  • (Crocodile | Guardian | Mercury | Thunder | Watchman) A policeman in a dream represents security and peace, prayers, a secret friendship, a hidden love, protection against Satan or his party, or perhaps he may represent one’s guardian dog.... (Policeman)
  • The barking of a dog in a dream means vein talk and meddling in people’s business.... (Listening)
  • When a woman dreams of having fear because a dog is attacking her, it means that some friends are betraying her or that they will at least try to.... (Fear)
  • (Doorjamb | Door latch) A door latch or a doorjamb in a dream represents a door attendant, a guard dog or a servant.... (Latch)
  • See Dog)... (Procyon)
  • (See Celestial spheres | Constellations | Dog | Star)... (Zodiac signs)
  • (Also see Dog)... (Dogfight)
  • (See Dog)... (Canine)
  • See Dog)... (Canis Major)
  • A dog wearing sheepskin in a dream represents a lowly person who subsidizes his business through a well known and a respected person.... (Wool)
  • (Also see Celestial spheres | Dog | Star)... (Constellations)
  • (See Dog)... (Bitch)
  • (Also see Constellations, Dog | Moon | Skies | Star)... (Celestial spheres)
  • To see a dog chasing one, foretells disagreements and unpleasantness among friends.... (Squirrel)
  • (See Book | Dog | Bedmate | Messmate)... (Companion)
  • If one sees a dog or a pig sleeping on his mattress in a dream, it means that an insolent person is having a secret affair with one’s wife.... (Mattress)
  • Dreaming of owning a dog with fine qualities, denotes that you will be possessed of solid wealth.... (Dogs)
  • See Dog)... (Sirius)
  • Seeing a dog in danger could be a sign that a love relationship is being threatened.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming that a dog fondles you, indicates great gain and constant friends.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of a vicious dog, denotes enemies and unalterable misfortune.... (Dogs)
  • If a dog, a pig, or a donkey sits in one’s saddle in a dream, it means that an ignoble person will betray him with his wife.... (Saddle)
  • (See Dog)... (Lust)
  • In general, a door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, an announcer, a messenger, a warning post, or a guard dog.... (Link)
  • Dreaming of a dog-show, is indicative of many and varied favors from fortune.... (Dogs)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she is afraid of a dog, there will be a possibility of her doubting a true friend.... (Afraid)
  • Dreaming of a mad dog, your most strenuous efforts will not bring desired results, and fatal disease may be clutching at your vitals.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of traveling alone, with a dog following you, foretells stanch friends and successful undertakings.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming that a dog kills a cat in your presence, is significant of profitable dealings and some unexpected pleasure.... (Dogs)
  • If his head is transformed into a dog’s head in the dream, then it represents his vile nature.... (King)
  • A dog wearing a woolen cloak in a dream represents a just ruler.... (Garment)
  • To hear the lonely baying of a dog, foretells a death or a long separation from friends.... (Dogs)
  • If you dream of a friendly white dog approaching you, it portends for you a victorious engagement whether in business or love.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of a many-headed dog, you are trying to maintain too many branches of business at one time.... (Dogs)
  • See Dog)... (Canis Minor)
  • If a dog attacks a workhorse in a dream, it represents an enemy who will follow his wife.... (Workhorse)
  • If it turns into a dog’s head, a donkey’s head, or a horse’s head, or any of the domesticated animals in a dream, it means toiling and hardships.... (Head)
  • Dreaming of being in front of a fierce-looking dog and being really scared of, it could mean that there are internal doubts concerning business due to receiving high offers that the dreamer didn’t have before.... (Dogs)
  • (Also see Beast | Dog | Hunt)... (Hunter)
  • When a woman dreams of being the owner of a cute dog, it could signify that she’s selfish and possessive.... (Dogs)
  • This dream should be taken with caution, since there could actually be a dog in the neighborhood barking.... (Dogs)
  • (Also see Dog | Hunter)... (Hunt)
  • (See Dog)... (Tyke)
  • (See Dog)... (Barking)
  • (See Dog | Hunter | Shooting)... (Hunting)
  • Dreaming of a dog with several heads means that there is insufficient mental concentration and futile effort in trying to simultaneously handle various affairs and businesses, this leads to wasting a lot of energy that could expose the dreamer to an illness.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of a sleeping dog indicates that there’s internal peace in the dreamer due to having a clear conscience.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of an angry dog killing a cat announces pleasant surprises.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of an angry dog announces that enemies are trying to harm the dreamer.... (Dogs)
  • See Dog.... (Bulldog)
  • Dreaming that the dog that’s following you is swimming in water, indicates future success, fortune, and happiness.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of an angry dog that’s trying to attack the dreamer without achieving it, could mean that the dreamer’s effort and work are not producing the expected benefits, and that he or she is also exposed to a serious illness.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of being bitten by an angry dog signifies problems at work, bad relationships, disadvantages in business and the likelihood of an unfortunate event.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of being followed everywhere by a dog indicates that the dreamer has the protection of superior forces, and that he or she counts with good friendships and that the dreamer will succeed in matters that are being handled.... (Dogs)
  • Dreaming of being the owner of a smart dog that knows how to do various tricks (this dream is like thinking about one-self), could signify that prosperity is approaching and that it could create an economic boom.... (Dogs)
  • If the dog is black, then it suggests that there are hidden enemies that are trying to harm the dreamer.... (Dogs)
  • (Also see Dog | Listening | Roaring | Speaking | Voice)... (Sound of animals)
  • (Also see Dog)... (Beaver)
  • If one sees himself cooking dog’s meat in a dream, it means that he will manage a lowly job.... (Cooking)
  • (See Dog)... (Japanese spaniel)
  • (Also see Dog | Dryness)... (Desire)
  • The barking of a dog in a dream means vain talk and meddlingin others’ business.... (Sound of animals)
  • (Dog | Lust | Passion | Wantonness) To feel a yearning or desire to see one’s homeland in a dream means a divorce between a husband and wife or separation between friends, or it could mean that one will become rich after being poor, though in general, desire in a dream connotes evil if accompanied with crying or lamentation.... (Desire)
  • A door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, the an- nouncer, a messenger, a warning guard, a security system or a guard dog.... (Knocker)
  • Eating a dog’s soup in a dream means presiding over a loathsome and a despicable business, working with evil people and earning black profits.... (Soup)
  • (See Dog)... (Greyhound)
  • If a dog, a panther, or a falcon speaks to someone and tells him a dream in a dream, it means glad tidings, great earnings, benefits and joy.... (Speaking)
  • Dreaming of a very friendly dog could mean that the dreamer has very good friends and that he or she will get new ones as well.... (Dogs)
  • If the dog is white and it gets near to the dreamer in a friendly way, it could signify that soon the dreamer will achieve the success that he or she is looking for, either in sentimental aspects, business, or at work.... (Dogs)
  • (See Dog)... (Puppy)
  • (Astral | Celestial spheres | Constellation | Dog star | Moon | Procyon | Sirius | Stars) In a dream, a star represents thebest and the most noble of people.... (Star)
  • Dreaming of dog teeth is a symbol of sincerity, loyalty and good friendships, including love.... (Teeth)
  • (Tender touch) In a dream, caressing a bird, a dog, a cat, a horse or a cow, etcetera, means having a soft heart, speaking gentle words, ability to draw people to oneself.... (Caressing)
  • (See Dog)... (Spaniel)
  • When a woman dreams of a hunting dog it suggests that soon she’ll fall in love with a man who has a lower status in society.... (Dogs)