• Holding a tight fist in a dream implies poverty, or tight living conditions.... (Palm)
  • Bread made with bleached flour means living a clean life, having pure knowledge, or a beautiful wife.... (Bread)
  • The fruit of an olive tree represents easy money, or living a rich and a happy life.... (Olives)
  • When you dream of the medicine man, then such dream signifies the good surroundings you are living in.... (Medicine Man)
  • Dreaming that you’re in agony usually indicates that you’re living with uncertainties and, more or less, imaginary fears, but they are almost always unjustified.... (Agony)
  • Cheetah indicates passive way of living.... (Cheetah)
  • Fasting the day of ‘Ashiira in a dream means doing good deeds, but it could also mean witnessing adversities and escaping from its dangers, or it could mean living to witness the next religious festival, or if one’s wife is pregnant, it could mean that she will beget a blessed son who will grow to be a righteous man.... (Fasting)
  • To dream of jewels suggests that you are enjoying or want to enjoy a comfortable and pleasant life, although the chances of living it, in case you’re not doing so by the moment, are minimal.... (Jewels)
  • (Abstinence | Asceticism) To see oneself living an ascetic life in a dream means that one is earnestly seeking to show kindness and love for people and to earn their love.... (Ascetic Detachment)
  • A rolling wheel in a dream means the ongoing process of living and earning one’s livelihood.... (Wheel 1)
  • Seeing a beaver in a dream means initiating a project that will not be completed, or it could mean living with false hopes.... (Beaver)
  • If one cooks beef in his dream, it means living a comfortable life using the labor of tradesmen.... (Cooking)
  • Swimming on sand in a dream means that one may be incarcerated, that his living conditions in his jail will be constricted, and that he will suffer in his prison from hardships equal to the difficulties he encounters during his swim in the dream.... (Swimming)
  • Cooking mutton in a dream means living an honorable life, being generous and earning lawful money.... (Cooking)
  • Perhaps you are living the life that is quite boring, therefore the unconscious mind of yours gives you the clue to change something and make the life more interesting.... (Wafers)
  • On the other hand, the dream may show your desire to get away from the life you are living at the moment.... (Depart)
  • If you’re the smuggler means that you are afraid of getting caught in a trap, and if someone else is doing the smuggling then that may indicate that you are not agreeing with certain regulations or standards of living, in which you are wrapped.... (Smuggling)
  • To dream that you’re travelling in an air balloon suggests that you’re living among unfounded illusions, and that you’re standing with your feet off the ground, and if you make a trip it can be disastrous in many ways.... (Balloon)
  • To see one of the companions living in a city in a dream also represents the joy, happiness, prosperity, and justice the inhabitants of such a city enjoy under the leadership of a righteous governor.... (Righteous people)
  • If a mother or a father dreams about a big cage that has many songbirds inside, it suggests that she/he is living a happy life surrounded by her/his children, and that she/he also enjoys a good economic condition.... (Cage)
  • Dream of a broken sink means punishment as a result of living in a fast lane.... (Sink)
  • Dreaming of saltpeter, denotes change in your living will add loss to some unconquerable grief.... (Saltpeter)
  • If an elderly person sees himself turned young in a dream, it represents his strength, wealth, good living and a healthy life, or it could mean material or religious losses, or it could mean his death.... (Elderly person)
  • If it’s sad and abandoned, it indicates a change in your way of living.... (Village)
  • Dreaming of being in a dance with clothes from the beginning of the century, with soft and romantic music like waltzes, suggests that you are living very restlessly and you long for regaining your mental and emotional balance.... (Dance)
  • When you dream of the future and actually living in one, then such dream signifies the expectations and fears you have about your own life.... (Future)
  • Eating meat cooked with vinegar from a ladle in a dream means living happily with dignity from money one has earned from his own labor, or it could mean serving the domestic needs of others, working for rich people and making good money, making healthy profits from one’s trade, or winning an important political appointment.... (Ladle)
  • If one sees himself fishing with a fishing instrument in a dream, it means making an honest living, or seeking lawful earnings.... (Hunt)
  • Dreaming of being a prisoner indicates that the dreamer is living in an unpleasant environment because enemies are constantly attacking and trying to harm the dreamer.... (Prison)
  • Carrying the Holy Book, or buying a copy of the Qur’an in a dream means living by its criterion.... (Holy Book)
  • (Covering) For those who love wealth, a sheath in a dream means guarding one’s money, but it could also mean being extravagant, or living lavishly.... (Sheath)
  • In fact, death in a dream also could mean love, or living distant from one’s beloved or life after death.... (Love)
  • Eating a flat loaf of bread, or a loaf of pita bread in a dream means easy living or prosperity.... (Bread)
  • It also means living a long and a prosperous life.... (Elephant)
  • Seeing stars that denote the coming of winter in a dream means distress and sorrow, while seeing the stars that denote the coming of summer in a dream mean happiness and good living.... (Star)
  • Leeches in dreams usually announce that you’ll face several difficulties that will disrupt your daily life soon, and it’s possible that because of this you will radically change the way you live, or your living conditions.... (Leeches)
  • See one dead whom you believe to be living, proof that you can calculate upon the good of the individual.... (Dead, Death)
  • It means that the dreamer is living special moments full of love, selfless acts, which can only bring positive changes.... (Cherub)
  • Seeing oneself in Egypt in a dream means longevity and a comfortable living.... (City)
  • Having a loaf of bread baked with coarsely grounded grains in the dream means living a comfortable life, though with insignificant religious attendance.... (Bread)
  • To see a marine in your dream denotes your desire of living an adventure, of its liberty and its explorations.... (Marine)
  • To see fine stallions, is a sign of success and high living, and undue passion will master you.... (Horse)
  • Dreaming of a stump, foretells you are to have reverses and will depart from your usual mode of living.... (Stumps)
  • It symbolizes that we feel like teenagers, and if we are, we are filled with the joy of living.... (Cork oak)
  • Dreaming of being broke (bankrupt), means that the dreamer will notice an improvement in his or her living conditions, professionally the dreamer will be very productive, as well as in earning money, etc.... (Bankruptcy)
  • Living in a palace means vain fantasies and impossibility for getting some goals.... (Palace)
  • The dream about the memorial could also indicate your tendency of living on the past.... (Memorial)
  • Driving fast is like living fast.... (Driving)
  • (Cost of living) Seeing a winged loaf of bread flying in a dream means high prices.... (High prices)
  • Living in the time of one of God’s prophets on earth in a dream means honor, dignity, success, piety and wealth if one is suited for such gifts.... (Prophet)
  • Eating one’s own ribs in a dream means becoming a burden to his family and relatives, or it could mean that he may sell wood for living, or work at a lumberyard.... (Ribs)
  • (Employment) In a dream, an office means attaining a leadership position, or it could mean degradation, contemptible position, parsimony, living under tight circumstances, poverty, worrying about one’s children and fear for one’s future.... (Office)
  • Knitting in a dream also means living under acceptable conditions, or experiencing the gifts of life between exhilaration and deflation.... (Knitting)
  • It also means that he has abused his privileges by indulging in vain pleasures of living to such a degree that he could not bear to live with such comfort or control his passions and wants.... (Drunkenness)
  • In a dream, it represents an illness, debts, a journey that necessi- tates living a simple life, being filthy, or it could represent a rare form of art.... (Tuberculosis)
  • If one is living at a time of economic chaos, and if high prices are exploiting the people of the land, or if injustice is tyrannizing everyone, then seeing God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream represents an end to such adversities.... (Muhammad)
  • Seeing a departed person wearing a green raiment in a dream means that he or she are living in a good state and reaping the benefits of their deeds in the world.... (Green)
  • (Desire | Thirst) Body dryness or lack of humidity whether it affects the human being or even tree leaves in a dream means discomfort, poverty or living a wretched life.... (Dryness)
  • Dreaming about an exchange of any sorts represents activities with huge profit and financial gain which will influence your way of living.... (Exchange)
  • To dream about construction timber that is on fire due to carelessness and that it causes major losses suggests that the dreamer is living a careless and negligent life.... (Wood)
  • The dreamer will find that he is spending his money unwisely and is living beyond his means.... (Money)
  • (Monster | Wild beast) In a dream, a beast represents mountain people or people living in the wilderness, or an innovator who breaks from the community and introduces his own religious ideas.... (Beast)
  • Seeing the Ka’aba inside one’s own house in a dream means that one is still in power and living with grace.... (Ka’aba)
  • Dreaming that you are corking bottles, denotes a well organized business and system in your living.... (Cork)
  • To dream of the starfish, denotes to two different worlds the dreamer is living, because the star is something very unreachable and high, but the fish is something in the water that also unable to be seen, therefore the starfish is something that is united, but the same time apart as two completely different worlds.... (Starfish)
  • To see them while they are living, and they seem to be in your home and happy, denotes pleasant changes for you.... (Parents)
  • Dreaming of being unemployed or losing your current job, hints insecurity and that you are living in fear of the future.... (Unemployed)
  • To dream that you are next to a bookshelf, or taking a book, suggests that you’re living and working with joy.... (Library)
  • (The prophet Jacob, upon whom be peace.) Seeing God’s prophet Jacob (uwbp) in a dream means strength, living in God’s blessings and having many children.... (Jacob)
  • It indicates an improvement in your health and your living conditions.... (Sage)
  • If a young woman dreams of fainting, it denotes that she will fall into ill health and experience disappointment from her careless way of living.... (Fainting)
  • Dreaming of seeing the dead, living and happy, signifies you are letting wrong influences into your life, which will bring material loss if not corrected by the assumption of your own will force.... (Dead)
  • Seeing one of God’s prophets in a dream also means living the experience of time, space and condition in which he saw him in the dream.... (Prophet)
  • To dream that you feel restless suggests that in your real life you’re going through difficult times and perhaps it’s due to the environment in which you’re living, for example, you may have difficulties at home, with your family, friends or business, or even ideological encounters.... (Restlessness)
  • If he is living in heedlessness, it means that he will be guided.... (Muhammad)
  • Dreaming of yourself angry at the servant announces difficulties in your living environment.... (Servants)
  • If we are living in a farm in the dream, then it represents the world of the administration of our goods, so we have to take note of the positive or negative connotations that appear around the dream farm.... (Farm)
  • Dreaming of simply driving indicates that you are restless, despite of having nice living conditions; it also announces that you will soon make changes in affairs that you’re handling, and in this case you should be very careful with your behavior and character, since any mistakes will bring fatal consequences.... (Car)
  • A broken one, portends that you will come to grief and disgraceful deeds through fast living.... (Washboard)
  • If a poor person sees the floor of his house covered with marble in a dream, it means prosperity, marriage, purchasing a business, acquiring knowledge, learning a poem, bearing righteous children, or if he qualifies, it could mean that he will receive a high ranking appointment, or that he may actually work with marble, or in sculpturing marble or in manufacturing fountains from marble, or work in masonry, or as a stone cutter, or he may change his attitude toward things, signaling the end of depression and the start of a joyful time in his life, living in high rises, or spending money for leisure and vacations.... (Marble)
  • When a woman dreams of going up an attic it can mean that she’s living in vanity, selfishness and her own “greatness.”... (Attic)
  • Dreaming of other people living in prosperity means that there will be benefits for the dreamer thanks to the support of friends.... (Prosperity)
  • If the turban is made of wool in the dream, it means a spiritual appointment, and if it is made of silk in the dream, then it means living a corrupt state of mind, or earning unlawful money.... (Turban)
  • (Cuddle | Embrace | Hold) To embrace a living person in a dream means to associate with him and to love him.... (Hug)
  • To dream that others are exerting revenge on the dreamer indicates that they are living in fear, but without being able to define or explain it.... (Revenge)
  • You are living beyond your psychic possibilities and, from one moment to another, you can break out.... (Volcano)
  • Dreaming that you are in a strange city, denotes you will have sorrowful occasion to change your abode or mode of living.... (City)
  • If you are one of the passengers leaving home, you will be dissatisfied with your present living and will seek to change it.... (Passenger)
  • Dreaming that you are living on a farm, denotes that you will be fortunate in all undertakings.... (Farm)
  • If, in dreams, you see a tempest approaching, it means that your living conditions may possibly change negatively, because your business situation will get worse, which will bring money losses along with unexpected spending.... (Tempest)
  • If one sees himself living or owning a house in Mecca in a dream, it means honor and knowledge.... (Mecca)
  • This dream is usually a consequence of living a sedentary and monotonous life, and such situation makes you desire a change; you’ll be seeking joy and waiting for something extraordinary to happen.... (Hope)
  • Having a raise in our salary announces happy changes to our living conditions.... (Increase)
  • It’s highly probable that living conditions and financial resources will improve favorably.... (Grape harvest)
  • Drinking fresh water from a rivulet, a stream, or a river in a dream represents the joy of living or longevity.... (Stream)
  • This dream also usually happens after living with great enthusiasm due to false optimism and high hopes, but having it all fail.... (Death)
  • To dream about soap suggests that you’re living an upright life, and that motivates others to estimate you.... (Soap)
  • Living conditions contrary to your wishes.... (Purgatory)
  • Carrying a hypocrite over one’s shoulders in a dream could mean that one may work at a lumberyard, or deliver wood for living.... (Shoulders)
  • If one sees himself living in Mecca in a dream, it also may mean that he will give his daughter in marriage to a noble person.... (Mecca)
  • Dreaming that you encounter a fiend, forbodes reckless living and loose morals.... (Fiend)