• You have the ability to see the light even over your darkest side.... (Wolf)
  • Dreaming of seeing naked shoulders, foretells that happy changes will make you look upon the world in a different light than formerly.... (Shoulder)
  • For a young woman Dreaming of a bathroom, foretells that her inclinations trend too much toward light pleasures and frivolities.... (Bathroom)
  • If one is unwillingly drinking a bitter medicinal syrup in a dream, it means that he might suffer a light illness.... (Drink)
  • If a cloud covers the light of the sun in a dream, it means that a sickness will befall the leader of the country or the governor of the land.... (Eclipse)
  • A heavy snow storm in a dream means oppression, while a light snowfall or flurries mean benefits to one’s town.... (Snow)
  • If they fly around and light on you, Fortune will turn her promising countenance towards you.... (Lark)
  • To see the light in one go out, foretells that sickness and distress will cloud a promising future.... (Chandelier)
  • Dreaming of social companions, denotes light and frivolous pastimes will engage your attention hindering you from performing your duties.... (Companion)
  • To dance a jig, denotes cheerful occupations and light pleasures.... (Jig)
  • (Housekeeper | Light) The lantern of a house in a dream represents the housekeeper or a woman.... (Lantern)
  • When heavy, it represents a calamity, and when light, it is a blessing.... (Snow)
  • When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, then it shows that we know very well what we want in life.... (Candle)
  • (See Light)... (Radiance)
  • When we see them flying, then it reveals that our spirit is light, weightless and understandable for all of the spiritual things.... (Feathers)
  • (See Light | Ship)... (Beam)
  • Symbolizes the light of the day and vigilance.... (Pheasant)
  • Dreaming that an animal with the rabies bites you, you will be betrayed by your dearest friend, and much scandal will be brought to light.... (Hydrophobia)
  • If love songs of light nature are played during such a gathering in a dream, it means that falsehood will overtake such a place.... (Spiritual gathering)
  • If we are people with spiritual ambitious, and we see the hooded hawk in our dreams that symbolizes the long-awaited desire to receive the light of enlightenment.... (Sparrow hawk)
  • Dreaming that you ride in a landau, with your friend or sweetheart, denotes that incidents of a light, but pleasant character will pass in rapid succession through your life.... (Landau)
  • In dreams mines refer to all the treasures and riches that have not yet come to light.... (Mine)
  • If a positive look manifests therein, such as a sweet fragrance or the emergence of a radiant light, or if it turns into iron in the dream, it signifies one’s gratitude regarding his own condition.... (Back)
  • Dreaming that we cook with gas or we use it as light, it is a sign that everything will be fine.... (Gas)
  • Yellow is known as the symbolism of sun, gold, generosity and light.... (Colors)
  • On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to be more carefree, worry-free, and light-hearted.... (Elf)
  • If we find a traffic light, it symbolizes civilized norms of coexistence.... (Crossing)
  • If a poor person or a prisoner sees that in a dream, it means that he will never become free again, or see any light for the rest of his life.... (Eyes)
  • To see or participate in a torch-light procession, denotes that you will engage in gaieties which will detract from your real merit.... (Procession)
  • Treating one’s eyes with medicinal ointment in a dream means correcting one’s religious life or begetting a son who will become the jewel light of his father’s eyes or if one’s brother is exiled or deported from his homeland, it means that he will solicit him and entrust him with duties toward his family.... (Eyes)
  • Dreaming of seeing a comedy, is significant of light pleasures and pleasant tasks.... (Comedy)
  • Dreaming of being at a light play, denotes that foolish and short-lived pleasures will be indulged in by the dreamer.... (Comedy)
  • If you see the green traffic light, then it indicates that you have to start making changes now.... (Crossing)
  • The red traffic light red indicates that we should wait until some of the circumstances will change.... (Crossing)
  • Working in a farmland in a dream, seeing its tools, elements, seeds, water, plowing, harvesting, landscaping, blossoming of its flowers, their fragrance, light, whatever positive or negative results one sees therein in a dream represent such success or failure.... (Earth 2)
  • When a woman dreams of being chased by a bull, especially if it is white or light-colored, it simply means serious marriage proposals that does not suit her because soon she will receive another, more advantageous proposal.... (Bull)
  • Have the head small means light or pointed feebleness of spirits, servitude, dishonor.... (Head)
  • If burned, then its light means guidance, and if heated to fry something, then it represents something valuable.... (Sesame oil)
  • For a young woman Dreaming of handling dark kettles, foretells disappointment in love and marriage | but a light-colored kettle brings to her absolute freedom from care, and her husband will be handsome and worthy.... (Kettle)
  • A book with missing pages indicates that an episode of our lives we did not want to reveal will come to light.... (Books, Pages)
  • If through the vista of dreams you see your own fair loveliness, fate bids you, with a gleaming light, awake to happiness.... (Lovely)
  • Dream of seeing roast beef, light of hope.... (Beef)
  • Ajackal in a dream also could mean friendliness, or a light and fun companionship.... (Jackal)
  • Dreaming of light fabrics for women’s clothing insinuates that the matters you’re handling will soon improve.... (Fabrics)
  • An open door is like a light in the dark.... (Door)
  • Recognizing the truth through seeing a light or hearing the admonition of the holy Qur’an in a dream means walking on the straight path and abstaining from falsehood or from mixing with its people.... (Truth)
  • If they are very light colored they symbolize friendship.... (Stockings)
  • If we see a lot of light it indicates prosperity and good health.... (Sun)
  • When in dreams the veil is in light color, it’s a sign of joy and states that our dreams will come true thanks to unexpected events.... (Veil)
  • A ship in a dream also represents a tavern in the sense that one enters it sober and leaves it light headed.... (Ship)
  • If the light is weird or unnaturally bright, it augurs that you are entertaining illusive hopes.... (Canary Birds)
  • Have light feet, or be engaged in dancing: joy, friendship universal benevolence.... (Feet)
  • Dreaming of yourself traveling in a taxi by night, and being accompanied by other people, insinuates that dangerous secrets will come to light, and they require discretion.... (Taxi)
  • With the light extinguished, means sorrow, sickness and possibly utter failure in business.... (Lantern)
  • If one sees radiance, or scintillating rays of light coming through the sky in a dream, it means guidance.... (Skies)
  • If one sees a lighted candle in the sky which luster and brightness dims the light of the sun in a dream, it represents a solar eclipse.... (Skies)
  • When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, then it indicates that we will undertake preparation to the spiritual journey decisively and effectively.... (Candleholder or candlestick)
  • When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, it indicates that we will undertake decisively and effectively a spiritual journey.... (Candle)
  • If we dream that the light is off, then that indicates our difficulties won’t end soon.... (Lighthouse)
  • (See Light | Sun)... (Sunshine)
  • When we are not able to see the light and only perceive darkness, then it indicates our lack of responsiveness and our stubbornness.... (Window)
  • If one walks out of darkness into light in his dream, it means salvation, safety, guidance, repentance from sin or release from prison.... (Darkness)
  • When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, it means we know very well what we want in life.... (Candleholder or candlestick)
  • Instead, if it’s a stranger’s lantern the one that’s shedding light on you, it will be the opposite, other people are the ones who are going to be able to help you in an issue that you’re not being able to see clearly.... (Lantern)
  • If the lantern provides to shed light on others, it means that your advice and support may be useful.... (Lantern)
  • Furthermore, he will move into a more comfortable life and begin a life of sharing and doing good deeds in this world, or he may receive guidance and light, and faith will permeate his heart.... (Zikr)
  • Being bound inside a house in a dream means living with a difficult wife.... (Bond’)
  • Dreaming of Mars, denotes that your life will be made miserable and hardly worth living by the cruel treatment of friends.... (Mars)
  • Seeing oneself tied-up or fettered in a city or a village in a dream means living there.... (Bond’)
  • Dreaming of eating one ripe and juicy peach straight from the tree indicates joy of living, reasonable profits in business or work that will result in peace, harmony and home health.... (Peaches)
  • For a woman the dream about cocktail is a waning of fast living and an ignoring of moral and set rules.... (Cocktail)
  • Dreaming of the excesses of all kinds accompanying orgies reveals sexual dissatisfaction, and we must ask ourselves what we should do, or revise living conditions that are too puritanical, or conversely, slow down our imagination.... (Orgies)
  • If a man sees himself marrying a living relative who is in a degree of consanguinity that precludes such a marriage in a dream, it means that he will sever his ties with such a relative, or with her family.... (Marriage)
  • Eating the growth of one’s own flesh in a dream means usury, or living on income from usury and saving one’s capital.... (Flesh)
  • Standing up or sitting at the Station of Abraham in a dream also may signify living by the divine laws until one’s soul returns to its Lord.... (Station of Abraham)
  • If the dreamer sees himself with scabies in their own body, then it usually means problems with the way you’re living your life, or with members of your family or close friends.... (Scabies)
  • See a candle burning brilliantly promises prosperity to an enterprising man, health to invalids, prompt marriage to those living in celibacy, honor and profit in business matters.... (Candle)
  • The dream, in which you only see side streets, indicates the need to come back to basic way of the living.... (Street)
  • Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of energy life.... (Water)
  • If we dream about wearing pants that do not fit us, the dream is reflecting our fear of not living up to the authority entrusted to us.... (Pants)
  • This dream reflects our desire to rise above the reality that we are living in, whether it’s a level of psychological, spiritual, moral or social circumstances.... (Flying)
  • Dreaming of race horses, denotes that you will be surfeited with fast living, but to the farmer this dream denotes prosperity.... (Horse)
  • To dream about lizards or iguanas that are standing still suggests that you’re living an inconsequential, miserable, vulgar and dirty life.... (Lizard)
  • Dry clay in a dream represents a cut in one’s earnings or living on a budget.... (Clay)
  • Dreaming of taking a toddy, foretells interesting events will soon change your plan of living.... (Toddy)
  • To dream about an iguana or lizard symbolizes that you’re living, at least until now, a miserable life.... (Lizard)
  • The old man dreaming of being old means that he feels finished, has lost the illusion and the need to continue living.... (Youth)
  • (Adverse | Contrast | Opposite) If one’s opponent is a dead person in the dream, then the good luck goes to the living in wakefulness.... (Opponent)
  • Putting good and tasty food or sweets in one’s mouth in a dream means living a happy and a rich life.... (Mouth)
  • To dream about animal bones that are lying in a messy way suggests that you’re living in an unpleasant environment, and to avoid further complications you have to make a change.... (Bones)
  • To be in a dance with clothes from the beginnings of the past century, with soft, romantic music, waltzes for example, means that you are living very restlessly and mental and emotional balance is yearned.... (Waltz)
  • When you are reading or listening to weather forecast this signifies changes in your life, this may be changed living place or changed work.... (Weather)
  • If the color of one’s face is blush or reddish with white spots in the dream, it means joy, happiness and good living.... (Face)
  • Dream of a manager means that your way of living will cause controversy and gossip among people you know.... (Manager)
  • If one sees himself living in a grave in a dream, it means that he will be incarcerated in a prison.... (Grave)
  • Tainted water foretells about your way of living with anger in the body.... (Channel)
  • Skies in a dream also represent the ocean because of their vastness and the countless number of creation living therein, or they could represent the ripening of fruits, or the conclusion of one’s work, or they could represent one’s helmet, armor, wife, money, religion, death, or they could indicate slander and falsehood against someone who descends from them after being raised, and they could mean making peace with one’s enemies, or they could represent the shares allotted for each one of God’s creation, the good and the bad, people’s sustenance and that of beasts, gains, losses, blessings or afflictions.... (Skies)
  • It means a new and a praiseworthy development in one’s life, or it could mean receiving benefits one is hoping for, or living a new world.... (Little girl)
  • To see others thus living, signifies pleasure derived from the interest that friends take in your welfare.... (Splendor)
  • The one who dreamed of being in savanna needs to learn to adapt in different situations while living the life.... (Savanna)
  • Chemistry or pharmacy dream indicates that the sorrowful moment in which we are living will end soon.... (Pharmacy, Chemist)
  • (Abstinence | Asceticism | Bat | Celibacy | Extremism | Fear | School of thought) Living a monastic life in a dream means walking away from common traditions.... (Monk)
  • If one exercises patience toward harm or adversities he suffers in a dream, it means that he will rise in station, or receive a financial reward, or it could mean enjoying good living, safety, good health and victory in one’s life.... (Patience)
  • There are so many things you are not satisfied with, that it makes your every day life like living hell.... (Ants)
  • When you dream of living in a motor home, then such dream offers you to go on with the consider s to some factors you’re your waking life.... (Motor Home)
  • If one’s hair looks ugly and smelly in a dream, it represents the living condition or the state of the husband and wife.... (Hair)
  • To dream that you’re living as a hermit in a hut or cave, whether it’s in a mountain or elsewhere, it suggests that you long for a radical change of life (environment, employment and perhaps of city).... (Hermit)
  • Carrying water in a purse, socks, a cloth, or in any porous material in a dream means pride about one’s wealth, status, attainments, fame and living conditions.... (Water)
  • The boardwalk symbolizes what kind of the life you are living and what kind of people you are surrounded by.... (Boardwalk)
  • If one earns his livelihood from dealing with sea life, or if he sells spring water for living, then seeing frogs in his dream means profits.... (Frog)
  • If one sees himself carrying a hypocrite over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he may work in a lumberyard or carry wood to earn a living.... (Body 1)
  • Dreaming that you are living on, and looking forward to seeing doomsday, is a warning for you to give substantial and material affairs close attention, or you will find that the artful and scheming friends you are entertaining will have possession of what they desire from you, which is your wealth, and not your sentimentality.... (Doomsday)
  • If one sees one of the renowned people of knowledge sitting in a kindergarten and learning along with other children in a dream, it means that he will shift to ignorance, lose his rank, or that financial changes will affect his living conditions.... (Child)
  • Dreaming of seeing rich tapestry, foretells that luxurious living will be to your liking, and if the tapestries are not worn or ragged, you will be able to gratify your inclinations.... (Tapestry)
  • Flying near a flock of birds in a dream means associating, living or working with unknown people.... (Flying)
  • To dream that other people cough strongly, suggests that you are living in an unpleasant social situation from which you want to get away.... (Coughing)
  • When a man or woman dreams of a beautiful sunset, it indicates that the dreamer consider the present he is living in is nice, and that the immediate future will be nice too and will favor him in many ways; for example, the dreamer will receive demonstrations of affection from family and friends.... (Sunset)
  • If you drink it, it announces satisfaction and joy of living.... (Champagne)
  • Announces new activities, different projects, affective and friendly relations will be renovated, greater joy of living.... (Inauguration)
  • Seeing a sick house dog in a dream means illness and financial losses or loss of appetite or losing the pleasure of living.... (Dog)
  • To dream about water fountain that is full of crystal clear water and that it’s standing under the sunlight suggests that you’re living a comfortable life and will do so for a long time, and that you’ll travel a lot for leisure.... (Fountain)
  • Dreaming of children kissing insinuates that you’re living comfortably and in harmony.... (Kiss)
  • In the dream, anything that happens to such a breed of dogs means suffering from distress, sorrow or loss of one’s pleasure of living.... (Dog)
  • Tainted means living with anger in your body.... (Water)
  • Dreaming of resting in a hut or village hut indicates the joy of living due to the prosperity that has been achieved.... (Hut)
  • Dreaming about bankruptcy signifies hopes of improving your living conditions.... (Bankruptcy)
  • Dreaming of living or at least sleeping in a very humble hut indicates a little chance of success in whatever the dreamer is doing with his or her life or with whatever is desired.... (Hut)
  • Also it means that your strength and grace is exemplary model of living for others.... (Gymnast)
  • If you find that your love fails, or is not reciprocated, you will become despondent over some conflicting question arising in your mind as to whether it is best to change your mode of living or to marry and trust fortune for the future advancement of your state.... (Love)
  • If someone invokes spirits for a living, then wearing Solomon’s ring in a dream will make him rich.... (Solomon’s ring)
  • Dreaming you are possessed of wisdom, signifies your spirit will be brave under trying circumstances, and you will be able to overcome these trials and rise to prosperous living.... (Wisdom)
  • This dream shows us that we are living in a false sense of security and that a complicated situation is near, in which our material resources can be diminished.... (Abundance)
  • A hammer in a dream also represents one’s helper and it could mean money for one who uses it to earn a living.... (Hammer)
  • Filling a grave with dirt in a dream means longevity and living a healthy life.... (Grave)
  • Dreaming that you fail to receive a dowry, signifies penury and a cold world to depend on for a living.... (Dowry)
  • Dreaming of being in front of a ghost with a demon’s image insinuates that the dreamer is living an abnormal life, maybe immoral.... (Demon)
  • If you see that smoke coming out from somewhere, it suggests that you’re living a life full of illusions and that you desire to experience ephemeral pleasures.... (Smoke)
  • Dreaming of some living person as dead and rising up from a cooling board, denotes she will be indirectly connected with that person in some trouble, but will find out that things will work out satisfactorily.... (Cooling Board)
  • To eat them, signifies extravagance in your personal living.... (Quail)
  • Seeing in dreams a hedgerow with living plants or shrubs, usually mean that we will have to face some small obstacles, and that if we put a bit of effort in it, we can successfully overcome them.... (Hedgerow)
  • Extracting ghee from butter in a dream means lawful and blessed earnings, prosperity, comfort, and healthy living.... (Ghee)
  • When dreaming of your parents being happy and healthy, it means that everyone is living happily at home.... (Parents)
  • To dream of a luggage that is ready to be embarked on any means of transportation symbolizes that you desire a change in your life, because you dislike the type of environments in which you’ve been living.... (Luggage)
  • Perhaps you are over tired and overwhelmed by the lifestyle you are living at the moment.... (Vacation)
  • A bat in one’s dream also means having to change one’s living standards.... (Bat)
  • Seeing the heavenly Tuba tree in a dream means a good end, or living an ascetic life, or it could mean helping others.... (Tree)
  • Dreaming that you see the ghost of a living relative or friend, denotes that you are in danger of some friend’s malice, and you are warned to carefully keep your affairs under personal supervision.... (Ghost)
  • Eating bread and butter with honey in a dream means living a rich life.... (Honey)
  • Notice of important changes that will modify your living conditions.... (Drum)
  • If you are the person being questioned, it shows fears of not living up to other people expectations.... (Interrogation)
  • Dreaming about using a spoon to eat insinuates that the dreamer lives in prosperity, and will remain living that way.... (Spoon)
  • Dreaming of living and enjoying a beautiful castle insinuates satisfaction of oneself for having achieved a remarkable prosperity that promises to be extended into the future.... (Castle)
  • This dream reflects the anguish of the moment we are living.... (Exam)
  • It announces changes in your living conditions.... (Rent)
  • Dreaming of a swollen or/and deformed head means that you’re living in mediocrity, with inconsequential ups and downs.... (Head)
  • If the reins or the harness fall from one’s hand in the dream, it means corruption in one’s religious life, a decline in his devotion, or that one’s wife will become unlawful to him (i.e., living together after a divorce), or that she will remain in his house without a legal marriage.... (Reins)
  • Dreaming of living in a hotel, denotes ease and profit.... (Hotel)
  • Cleaning through a vineyard in a dream means investigating the living condition of a woman.... (Cleaner)
  • If a living person sees himself or someone else wearing green in a dream, it denotes his religious devotion.... (Garment)
  • If a living person gives a deceased person something to eat or drink in a dream, it means loss of money.... (Death)
  • Dreaming of collaborating for kidnapping someone means that you are living and interacting with people with a very low moral level, maybe criminals.... (Kidnapping)
  • Dreaming of wanting to take a bath can indicate that the body is in need of it, but when this is not the case, it symbolizes that we are living hectic moments, with a lot of tension, and long for peace.... (Bathroom)
  • Cleaning a tree in a dream means investigating the living conditions of religious people.... (Cleaner)
  • The dream in which the sky is clear and blue, promises pure living, while the cloudy and dark sky indicates sad mood and troubles.... (Sky)
  • When this dream seems calm, it indicates that you’re living out of impossible illusions, out of reality, which indicates an inconsequential life.... (Influence)
  • Hanging clothing indicates a desire to change your living conditions.... (Hanging)
  • (Clothing) Wearing a linen shirt in a dream means living an honorable life, earning lawful money and savings.... (Linen)
  • Reciting the formula – ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem’ (In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate) in a dream also means living to see one’s children and grand children.... (Basmalah)
  • Sharp sight in a dream means blessings, while weak sight means joblessness and living from the generosity of others.... (Eyes)
  • The person that is blond in your dream, offers you to start indulgencing the life you are living.... (Blond)
  • Joining the Friday con- gregational prayers in a dream is a sign of joy and living to join one of the two festive congregational prayers of the end of Ramadan or that of the pilgrimage season.... (Friday)
  • Seeing an ostrich living in one’s house in a dream means longevity.... (Ostrich)
  • Riding an ostrich in a dream also means living on unlawful money.... (Ostrich)
  • Lips in a dream also represent the livelihood of singers or musicians who play wind instruments for a living, or the livelihood of a glass blower.... (Lips)
  • And if the dreamer will work extremely hard, then he will see himself or herself living in abundance, without any invincible problem.... (Dowry)
  • The condition of a ship represents the state of the person seeing the dream or his living condition.... (Ship)
  • If a young woman dreams of being in autumn season, it could mean that in real life she’s trying to improve her living standards relying on the cooperation of her family and friends.... (Autumn)
  • You have no arrogance or pride and would do anything to get out of the life you are living at the moment.... (Cocaine)
  • If the new mattress is torn or damaged in the dream, it means living with an impious woman.... (Mattress)
  • Dreaming of seeing your likeness in a living tree, appearing and disappearing, denotes that you will be prosperous and seemingly contented, but there will be disappointments in reaching out for companionship and reciprocal understanding of ideas and plans.... (Pictures)
  • If one is given a flute in a dream, it means an appointment to a high rankingjob, protection from trials, becoming pious and living an ascetic life.... (Flute)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she is living in a glass house, her coming trouble and threatened loss of reputation is emphasized.... (Glass House)
  • When we ourselves give up something or someone, it means that we are living tied to principles or habits, or maybe we live trapped by the environment, family or friends who are limiting our best possibilities.... (Abandonment, Abandoning)
  • Do you have a lot of concerns about valuable possessions? Also it indicates large amount of activity and work for the better conditions and easier way of living.... (Downtown)
  • Wearing linen cloak in a dream also means living a dignified life.... (Garment)
  • Seeing a sowing field is a harbinger of next financial success and improvements in your own living conditions.... (Sowing)
  • The big part of the brain are made from water, therefore it is one of the most important things we have to use for living.... (Water)
  • The greater the amount we dream of, the higher standard of living we will get.... (Coat with flour, Flour)
  • If one sees himself in the third heaven in a dream, it means that he will prosper, or employ a female servants, or it could mean possessingjewelry and living in happiness and comforts.... (Heavens)
  • You have no connection with other worlds, but you are very materialistic and you have extremely good connection with physical world, in which we all are living our actual lives.... (Downtown)
  • Perhaps your mind is living your seduction desires for someone from whom you expect a flat refusal.... (Screen)
  • A travel caterer in a dream represents migration from one’s homeland or changes in one’s living conditions.... (Caterer)
  • To dream of yourself being tortured represents that you are living an unhappy life with unpleasant people.... (Torment)
  • Eating a clean garment in a dream means receiving lawful earnings, and eating a dirty garment in a dream means living from unlawful money.... (Garment)
  • Dreaming of being in a library looking for a book means that you’re living with something unpleasant and you want and you are reaching for a way out, perhaps in an intellectual or economic way.... (Library)
  • Major changes in your living conditions.... (Lobby)
  • Dreaming that the countryside surrounding the house or the village is in ruins, indicates that the dreamer will have to continue living in the city, and will also have problems in affairs or businesses that the dreamer has.... (Countryside)
  • (Acrimony | Dice | Grasping | Longevity | Migration) Falling teeth in a dream means longevity, or living past one’s contemporaries.... (Teeth 1)
  • Seeing a farmer who raises poultry for living in a dream will dispel one’s distress and and replace sorrow with happiness.... (Poultry)
  • Dreaming of being in a country house or somewhere beautiful in a nice little town hints that the dreamer isn’t happy with living in the city which is why the dreamer is searching for a definite change or at least an extended vacation in a quiet place.... (Countryside)