• (Automobile | Carriage | Carrier | Coach | Lift | Litter | Transport | Vehicle | Wheels) In a dream, a car represents someone who properly manages his life, for a car is made from many well coordinated parts, and carries many things and transports them from one location to another.... (Car)
  • If one sees himself holding to a car or running after it in a dream, it means that he will lobby someone in authority and profit from him as much as his nearness to such a car.... (Car)
  • Electrical car shows the intelligence.... (Car)
  • If a traveller sees a car in his dream, it means that his trip will take a slow turn and he will be delayed.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of traveling in an old and dilapidated car of any kind, it’s a sign of bad luck in the immediate future (bad business, setbacks, illnesses, etc.).... (Car)
  • Dreaming of seeking or trying to get a luxury car indicates huge ambitions that can’t be satisfied with simple work efforts.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of driving a luxury car, especially if it’s black, it insinuates diseases because of neglecting your health.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of driving a car accompanied by someone and you have an accident, suggests that even though your affairs are going well, there’s a risk of them ending abruptly and finishing with negative results.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of being saved from being run over by a car indicates that the dreamer must run away from situations or dubious business, light affairs and rivalries of all kinds.... (Car)
  • Not working properly car represents our ability to view facts.... (Car)
  • A car in a dream also signifies dignity, honor, advancement and attainment.... (Car)
  • If the car is in good condition, it means we are confident.... (Car)
  • If we are driving the car alone indicates desire for independence.... (Car)
  • If you dream you’re driving the car, it means insecurity and lack of self-confidence.... (Car)
  • Frame of the car indicates our external appearance.... (Car)
  • To dream that you’re driving a car in a dream indicates insecurity and a lack of confidence.... (Car)
  • If the car is in good condition, it means we are confident.... (Car)
  • If we are driving the car alone, it indicates desire for independence.... (Car)
  • If the car is in good condition, it means we are confident.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of a new luxury car indicates that you want to have, though not luxurious.... (Car)
  • To interpret this dream you will have to attend to the shape, rating, price and size of the car.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you don’t pay attention to the details.... (Car)
  • Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought.... (Car)
  • The solutions and the time in which you find the car are the same you’ll solve your problems in real life.... (Car)
  • To see a car in a dream symbolizes difficulties.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved.... (Car)
  • If seeing an empty car and abandoned, means loss and discontent.... (Car)
  • Dreaming about being worried about losing your own car, but then finding it, indicates that these setbacks, you’re experiencing, will disappear soon.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, it’s possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort.... (Car)
  • Green silky garments are the robes of the dwellers of paradise.... (Green)
  • (Fertile | Good harvest | Longevity | Paradise | Youth) Wearing a green garment in a dream is a sign of piety, religious attendance, assiduity and devotion.... (Green)
  • If it is a green dream, the excess means an overflow of vegetative, instinctive life, which can drown out the rest of the personality.... (Green)
  • Seeing a departed person wearing a green raiment in a dream means that he or she are living in a good state and reaping the benefits of their deeds in the world.... (Green)
  • Generally green in dreams symbolizes sensitivity and immaturity and indicates that what we want or project is still immature, therefore it cannot be realized.... (Green)
  • All green garments in a dream represent benefits.... (Green)
  • In any case, green needs to be taken as a color that indicates something uncertain, not yet mature, that’s why it’s important to remain alert and not just assume good results, you should have good attitude to work on achieving what you want.... (Green)
  • The green color, in dreams, as in everyday life, is a symbol of hope and continual nature regeneration, indicating happiness and prosperity.... (Green)
  • Green in a dream is also interpreted to mean submission to God’s will.... (Green)
  • When in a dream everything is surrounded in snow and cold, or everything is surrounded in barren desert and in these circumstances you see something being green, then it promises life and hope.... (Green)
  • If we are driving alone, it indicates desire for independence.... (Car)
  • If it is another person driving, it means that we are not masters of our destiny.... (Car)
  • If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears.... (Car)
  • If another person drives, it means that we are not masters of our destiny.... (Car)
  • (Also see Carrier | Racing)... (Car)
  • If we travel accompanied, the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us.... (Car)
  • (See train).... (Trolley car)
  • Our own life is represented and everything depends on us.... (Car)
  • Gasoline represents our energy’s capacity.... (Car)
  • Electrical circuit how intelligence we are.... (Car)
  • If one sees himself riding on a cargo vehicle in a dream, it means suffering from distress and sorrow.... (Car)
  • Headlights shows our ability to view the facts.... (Car)
  • Brakes represents our will.... (Car)
  • Dreams about cars usually reflect the desires and lust for power.... (Car)
  • It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us.... (Car)
  • Steering wheel shows control’s capability.... (Car)
  • Unexpected support which will help you finish a very profitable operation.... (Funicular, Cable car)
  • Dreaming of simply driving indicates that you are restless, despite of having nice living conditions; it also announces that you will soon make changes in affairs that you’re handling, and in this case you should be very careful with your behavior and character, since any mistakes will bring fatal consequences.... (Car)
  • Dreaming of many moving cars suggests that, in the immediate future, there will be some short trips made and some issues that disturb your tranquility will be controlled.... (Car)
  • It also means the visit of very dearly people, or that you will have to make a short trip to visit someone simply for affection and pleasure.... (Car)
  • This is actually a warning so you can avoid greater evils.... (Car)
  • The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status.... (Car)
  • It can also mean economic resources and not willing to take any risks.... (Car)
  • If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears.... (Car)
  • Save money for hard times.... (Car)
  • It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us.... (Car)
  • Gasoline represents our energy capacity.... (Car)
  • Brakes refer to our will.... (Car)
  • If one sees himself riding a litter that is carried by people in a dream, it means that he will preside over people or beget a son who will be elevated in rank.... (Car)
  • Steering wheel signifies the capability to be in control.... (Car)
  • (See Racing)... (Car racing)
  • In short, it’s a warning to withdraw from anything that is not clear in the mind of the dreamer.... (Car)
  • Bodywork indicates our external appearance.... (Car)
  • If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears.... (Car)
  • If we travel accompanied the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us.... (Car)
  • If we travel accompanied, the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal our attitude to those around us.... (Car)
  • If another person drives, it means we are not masters of our destiny.... (Car)
  • However, we must be cautious when associating it to a jungle, as it means that serious dangers of an unknown nature are approaching.... (Green)
  • It can also be a warning that you need to be patient if you’re awaiting a resolution, this dream indicates that it’s not the right time yet.... (Green)
  • For those engaged in literature it can be interpreted as a harbinger of a period of inspiration, and for traders, good business.... (Green)
  • (Also see Garment)... (Green)
  • Symbolizes hope and regeneration.... (Green)
  • The dream means sarcasm, mockery or laughter from a person who is inferior to the dreamer.... (Green beans)
  • As for the deceased person himself, it could also mean that he has left this world in a state of martyrdom.... (Green)
  • It symbolizes life, hope and immortality.... (Green)
  • It also symbolizes the poison and death.... (Green)
  • It could also mean inheriting the deceased person.... (Green)
  • (See Crop)... (Green fields)
  • Dreaming of witnessing a car crash and even worse being part of the car crash, is a warning that precautions need to be taken since the dreamer is at risk of suffering from an accident or from a very unpleasant surprise at work, business, or family and love relationships.... (Crashing)
  • (See Car | Driver)... (Transportation)
  • A car race, deep desire for change.... (Race)
  • (Also see Car)... (Cargo)
  • A cloud of dust which is produced from a brisk movement of a car or a horse in a dream means controlling one’s affairs, indulging in falsehood or enticing trouble.... (Dust)
  • To dream that you are driving a car in reverse indicates that you’re experiencing major obstacles in reaching your goals.... (Driving)
  • It can be a warning against possible car accidents in the future.... (Accident)
  • If you dream of your car, van motorcycle or any other vehicle that you are driving has broken down, than such dream shows the pressure you have made for yourself.... (Breakdown)
  • Dream of washing your car suggests your troubles will soon pass.... (Wash)
  • (see CAR)... (Automobile)
  • On the other hand, the car crash could also indicate your tendency to drive without any care.... (Crash)
  • Hitting the car brake means you’ll overcome the obstacles in your way.... (Brake)
  • If you put your car in a gear, then such dream indicates the preparation you have made in order to achieve in new projects.... (Gear)
  • Seeing yourself gripping the steering wheel of a car shows your need to direct the situation which you’re afraid to some direction.... (Steering Wheel)
  • The dream about the car crash denotes to your attitude, life and targets that clashed with another’s.... (Crash)
  • If you brought your car or any other vehicle for a service, then such dream warns you about the break that has to be done, otherwise you will get overstrained.... (Service)
  • When one of your acquaintances dies in a car accident, it means that you need to check or retrieve your relationship with that acquaintance in real life.... (Accident)
  • (See Car)... (Lift)
  • (See Car)... (Carriage)
  • (See Car | Wheel)... (Wheels)
  • Dreaming that you are filling your car with gasoline, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your need to take better care of your Self.... (Gasoline)
  • (Car racing | Competition | Contest | Horse race | Pigeon racing) Racing on foot in a dream means activities, actions, accomplishments, workout, amuse- ment, playfulness, idling, a vacation, or travelling without a purpose.... (Racing)
  • If you dream of a car accident, it represents how spiritual you are.... (Accident)
  • This dream could also signifies your actual fear of dying not only in car accidents, but in general.... (Accident)
  • Car racing in a dream means exceeding the boundaries of safety, or crossing into the boundaries of danger.... (Racing)
  • (Also see Car | Carrier)... (Driver 2)
  • If, on the other hand, it is the car of the passenger, then it is an indicator of upcoming, unfavorable changes.... (Carriage)
  • Car- rying water in a container in a dream means conceiving a child and increase in one’s income.... (Water)
  • To travel in a crowded car, foretells fortunate adventures, and new and entertaining companions.... (Traveling)
  • Are you in control of your life or is someone else? Are you following the goals of others instead of your own? If you are driving from the passenger side of a car, then it represents that you are trying to be in control.... (Driving)
  • (See Car)... (Automobile)
  • If you were washing your car, then it means you are ready to move forward in your life full of energy and potential.... (Washing)
  • Dreaming that you’re attacked and wounded in an ambush is a warning that you’re surrounded by various kinds of dangers, like: adversaries, accidents, bad situations caused by your self-imprudence or excess of passion in dangerous activities like car racing.... (Ambush)
  • Dreaming you travel alone in a car, denotes you may possibly make an eventful journey, and affairs will be worrying.... (Traveling)
  • To find yourself, in a dream, on top of a sleeping car, denotes you will make a journey with an unpleasant companion, with whom you will spend money and time that could be used in a more profitable and congenial way, and whom you will seek to avoid.... (Train)
  • See Car | Palanquin | Stretcher)... (Litter)
  • If it is a freight car, it means that the financial situation will evolve favorably and in accordance with the aspirations and needs.... (Carriage)
  • If one’s leg seems fat in the dream, it denotes a good financial standing, or it could mean buying a good car, or receiving a pleasing gift.... (Leg)
  • Seeing a car full of water in a dream suggests that you are willing to find protection in destructive situations.... (Tank)
  • (see CAR)... (Vehicle)
  • Dreaming of a fire truck and that firefighters are extinguish the fire, it is a sign that all your problems will be solved, but if firefighters fail to control the fire, or the car appears destroyed or broken and useless and it doesn’t work, the existing problems that you have will be aggravated.... (Firefighters)
  • To ride on a car, foretells that rivalry and jealousy will enthrall your happiness.... (Cars)
  • When you dream of yourself sitting in the backseat of the car it symbolizes that you are not managing your own life anymore.... (Backseat)
  • To stand on the platform of a street-car while it is running, denotes you will attempt to carry on an affair which will be extremely dangerous, but if you ride without accident you will be successful.... (Cars)
  • The chances that this wish will come true in a short-term, depends on the symbols displayed in the dream itself, for example: If in the dream the train or bus, or car in which he was traveling leaves the dreamer stranded, then it indicates that it is unlikely to make the trip or change what he wants soon, perhaps because he have failed to seize the opportunity presented to him before and he delayed the date without actually knowing it.... (Train)
  • (See Bear trainer | Car | Carriage house)... (Coach)
  • If it is a car or vehicle in which we travel, it means we have made a mistake.... (Jam)
  • To pass through a tunnel in a car, denotes unsatisfactory business, and much unpleasant and expensive travel.... (Tunnel)
  • If we are driving a car alone then it indicates desire for independence.... (Driving)
  • Dreaming of driving a vehicle, such as a car, and hitting something with it, indicates uncontrolled aggression which can be very dangerous.... (Crashing)
  • (See Car)... (Vehicle)
  • A muddy lake, surrounded by green trees, portends that the moral in your nature will fortify itself against passionate desires, and overcoming the same will direct your energy into a safe and remunerative channel.... (Lake)
  • To dream that you see butterflies in a green garden full of flowers suggests prosperity but warns you that your inconstancy may harm you.... (Butterfly)
  • (Black | Blond | Bluish-black | Green | Maroon | Purple | Red | Reddish-brown | White | Yellow) The color black in a dream means prosperity, happiness or sickness.... (Colors)
  • Wearing a green garment and seeing one’s hands tied-up in a dream means spiritual growth.... (Bond’)
  • (Green garments) Seeing paradise and not entering it in a dream means glad tidings of a blessed deed one will perform.... (Paradise)
  • To see large and magnificent buildings, with green lawns stretching out before them, is significant of a long life of plenty, and travels and explorations into distant countries.... (Buildings)
  • Dreaming that peaches are cut green and eating them hints illness in the family and other problems.... (Peaches)
  • To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happiness to all classes.... (Field)
  • If the stoplight is green, then it indicates that you have been given a seal of approval to follow whatever path you have chosen or whatever decision you have made.... (Stoplight)
  • Traditionally, seeing a tree with new green leaves can be interpreted as an omen of abundance which could mean that there will be economic and sentimental abundance.... (Leaves)
  • Dreaming of lambs frolicing{sic} in green pastures, betokens chaste friendships and joys.... (Lamb)
  • However, eating a green onion, or a scallion in a dream means prosperity and good health, though they will be accompanied with stress, sadness or separation from one’s wife.... (Onion)
  • If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope.... (Ink)
  • Dreaming of seeing good-looking and fat cattle contentedly grazing in green pastures, denotes prosperity and happiness through a congenial and pleasant companion.... (Cattle)
  • It means wealth, unless it is harvested very late, if it is still green or already yellowed, then in this case it announces disease.... (Harvest)
  • Dreaming that a common spotted snake approaches you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside as it passes you, and after you had forgotten the incident to again see it approaching and growing in dimensions as it nears you, finally taking on the form of an enormous serpent | if you then, after frantic efforts, succeed in escaping its attack, and altogether lose sight of it, it foretells that you will soon imagine you are being disobeyed and slighted, and things will go on from bad to worse.... (Snakes)
  • Both dry and green coriander or chervil in a dream mean money.... (Chervil)
  • Dry cheese for a traveller means profits while green cheese means profits for a resident.... (Cheese)
  • Dreaming of eating green mustard cooked, indicates the lavish waste of fortune, and mental strain.... (Mustard)
  • Seeing a dyer dying a white garment into a green color in a dream means repentance from sins.... (Dyer)
  • Dreaming of an isolated tree with small and green fruit indicates that your business and affairs are not going well.... (Tree)
  • A black flag in a dream means a man of knowledge, a white one represents jealousy, a yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land.... (Colors)
  • Yet, seeing fresh green almond in season in a dream means profits and blessings.... (Almond)
  • (bot.) A green lupine plant in a dream represents poverty and struggle to earn one’s livelihood, or it could mean knowledge without actions.... (Lupine)
  • Dreaming of just one green, leafy tree that is flowering indicates health and wellbeing.... (Tree)
  • Green leaves symbolizes profits.... (Palm tree)
  • The color green in a dream also represents a good harvest or prosperity.... (Colors)
  • Green eyes in a dream represent a religion that is different from all religions.... (Colors)
  • Green in a dream also means youth or fear of wrongdoing.... (Colors)
  • Seeing unknown white or green tents in a valley represent the graves of martyrs.... (Tent)
  • To see mustard growing, and green, foretells success and joy to the farmer, and to the seafaring it prognosticates wealth.... (Mustard)
  • To go through a swamp where you see clear water and green growths, you will take hold on prosperity and singular pleasures, the obtaining of which will be attended with danger and intriguing.... (Swamp)
  • Dreaming of a beautiful green forest is a good sign, and if there are plenty of white or colored birds is much better because it indicates a successful end to the affairs you’re handling.... (Tree)
  • A tree filled with green leafs means profits.... (Tree)
  • To see and cherish a green meadow without being able to unfold its reach in a dream represents the vastness and essence of Islam.... (Meadow)
  • (See Khidr | Green)... (Enoch)
  • Dreaming of green bananas indicates upcoming sorrows and problems.... (Bananas)
  • Unknown pavilions of either green or white colors in a dream mean healing, endowments, gifts, martyrdom, visiting the graves of righteous people, or a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.... (Pavilion)
  • To see green ones, indicates approaching good fortune.... (Cherries)
  • To dream that you’re eating any kind of fruit is usually an unfavorable dream, especially when the fruit is still green.... (Fruit)
  • Dreaming about green or immature coffee beans suggests that enemies will try to prevent the dreamer to reach his or her goals in business, affection, etc.... (Coffee)
  • If you notice green trees and vegetation below you in flying, you will suffer temporary embarrassment, but will have a flood of prosperity upon you.... (Flying)
  • To see green dragon eats grass in the dream means that you need to work even harder.... (Dragon)
  • (Beauty | Grass | Green | Knowledge | Paradise | Wisdom) In a dream, a meadow represents an easy and a trouble free money, or it could represent a wife who has little reservation and tactfulness.... (Meadow)
  • Dreaming about flying over a green forest signifies that soon you’ll see your wishes come true.... (Flying)
  • If one sees that the green hedges are replaced with a wall, a fence, or a ditch in the dream, it represents the rising star of the owner of such a garden.... (Hedges)
  • (Enclosure | Fence | Surrounding) If the green hedges of a fruit garden climb toward the outside of the fence and the trees remain inside the garden in a dream, it means improper attitude toward one’s religion, or loss of worldly status, business losses, failure to repent, or giving preference to the company of ignorant and boastful people over the company of righteous people, or it could mean lack of adequate religious devotion, rejecting one’s religion, or raising the esteem of commoners above the elect.... (Hedges)
  • To see a hut in a green pasture, denotes prosperity, but fluctuating happiness.... (Hut)
  • Dreaming about flying frequently but with white wings, and better if it’s over a green forest, means success in your objectives, business profits and satisfaction in love.... (Flying)
  • The same if the countryside is wide, green and sunny.... (Field and countryside)
  • A green leaf (or leaves) on a tree means health and joy.... (Leaves)
  • To dream about small green fruit that’s still on its tree suggests that you’ll have to make a great effort to be able to achieve your goals.... (Fruit)
  • For a young man Dreaming that he is flying with white wings above green foliage, foretells advancement in business, and he will also be successful in love.... (Flying)
  • If one sees himself bartering green sprouts for bread in a dream, it means aversion to poverty.... (Sprout)
  • To see a green turf, indicates that interesting affairs will hold your attention.... (Turf)
  • If a young woman dreams of walking beside a green hedge with her lover, it foretells that her marriage will soon be consummated.... (Hedges)
  • Dreaming of a rich, green and sunny land is a good omen, because it signifies wealth, peace and mental or physical balance.... (Land)
  • If the bowl is filled with sour food or some green raw vegetables in the dream, it means that animosity will develop on the part of his beloved, and it will provoke despise and fighting between husband and wife.... (Bowl)
  • When the pumpkins appear green or immature it indicates envy from competitors or rivals in business.... (Pumpkin)
  • If one sees himself in a dream exchanging quails and manna (See Manna) for green sprouts and garlic, it means that he will be subjugated to poverty and humiliation.... (Sprout)
  • If the green color is more dominant in the dream, then it means safety, peace and tranquility.... (Rainbow)
  • If one sees himself after coming out of the water wearing a green garment in a dream, it means that he will pursue the path of knowledge and succeed in acquiring it.... (Drowning)