• Dreaming of seeing an adder strike, and a friend, who is dead but seems to be lying down and breathing, rises partly to a sitting position when the adder strikes at him, and then both disappearing into some bushes nearby, denotes that you will be greatly distressed over the ill luck of friends, and a loss threatened to yourself.... (Adder)
  • To see a wedding ring on the hand of a friend, or some other person, denotes that you will hold your vows lightly and will court illicit pleasure.... (Wedding Ring)
  • It usually indicates the departure of a friend, and is a reminder that not all samples of affection are sincere.... (Embracing)
  • Dreaming of a railway wreck in which you are not a participant, you will eventually be interested in some accident because of some relative or friend being hurt, or you will have trouble of a business character.... (Disaster)
  • Dreaming that a friend is suffering during a snowstorm, it suggests that an enemy is failing in his or her attempt to harm the dreamer.... (Snow)
  • If, while the ceremony is in progress, her lover passes, wearing black and looking at her in a reproachful way, she will be driven to desperation by the coldness and lack of sympathy of a friend.... (Marriage)
  • When you are wearing a turban in a dream, then it means that a friend could harm you, usually by giving bad references about you.... (Turban)
  • See one, treason on the part of a friend.... (Monk)
  • To see them bite others, foretells that some friend will be injured and criticised by you.... (Snakes)
  • Dreaming of an injured or sick horse suggests that you will soon face difficulties in the matters that you’re handling, or that a friend needs your help.... (Horse)
  • If she sees a young couple in the same position as herself, who succeed in rescuing themselves, she will find that some friend has committed indiscretions, but will succeed in reinstating himself in her favor.... (Lake)
  • To put your hands on them, you will be instrumental in causing the downfall of a friend.... (Toad)
  • In a dream, jet also represents suspicious money, tainted profits, or a friend for interest, and if one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will deliver a son.... (Jet)
  • If at another’s wedding, she will be grieved over the unfavorable fortune of some relative or friend.... (Wedding)
  • Seeing saffron grow in a dream means misleading lover or false friend.... (Saffron)
  • To play upon one or to see someone perform upon a simple instrument, denotes death of a relative, a funeral of some near friend.... (Instruments (Musical))
  • Dreaming that you’re looking after dogs, indicates that you’re a trustworthy and loyal friend, especially in difficult times.... (Dog)
  • To hear the scream or the mewing of a cat, some false friend is using all the words and work at his command to do you harm.... (Cats)
  • Hope of cure for a sick friend.... (Canopy)
  • For a woman Dreaming that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from malice of a pretended friend.... (Snakes)
  • If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value.... (Ink)
  • Dreaming of seeing crape hanging from a door, denotes that you will hear of the sudden death of some relative or friend.... (Crape)
  • Dreaming of having a heavy heart, without having any justification for it in real life, announces that there will be an unpleasant event, perhaps an accident of someone close, which could be a relative or a friend.... (Nerves)
  • Polish the teeth, denotes you will receive money from a near friend.... (Polish)
  • Dreaming that a friend is happily starting a trip means an upcoming change in one’s life which is reflected in one’s harmony with family and friends.... (Trip)
  • To dream with someone enraged means we must prevent a friend’s betrayal.... (Fury, Rage)
  • Seeing a priest’s robe during our dream means that we don’t trust somebody that claims to be a good friend, and it’s usually a sign that this person is already plotting to harm you.... (Cassock)
  • Dream of making out an inventory of your personal goods, bankruptcy in which you will be involved through your own discretion or that of a friend.... (Inventory)
  • Dreaming of your friend eloping with one whom you do not approve, denotes that you will soon hear of them contracting a disagreeable marriage.... (Elopement)
  • Dreaming of your father-in-law, especially if he looks happy, may mean that family and friend ties are in great shape and they’ll continue that way.... (In-laws)
  • Dreaming of a friend’s ill-will is bad.... (Unkindness)
  • In some cases it indicates death of a beloved one, either a relative or friend.... (Marriage)
  • You will remorsefully consider your conduct toward a friend.... (Coffin)
  • To see a mausoleum in a dream indicates disease, trouble and possibly separation of a close friend.... (Mausoleum)
  • If one is rich, then it means that he will have a great friend to support him and whose inner thoughts and intentions are better than what one may think.... (Cummerbund)
  • To hear a cricket in one’s dream, indicates melancholy news, and perhaps the death of some distant friend.... (Cricket)
  • To dream that you regret someone’s loss, illness or misfortune, whether it’s a relative or friend, suggests that you’re facing the same risk, that is to say, that you’re susceptible to suffering diseases, misfortunes, losses.... (Regret)
  • For a young woman to walk in a cave with her lover or friend, denotes she will fall in love with a villain and will suffer the loss of true friends.... (Cavern or Cave)
  • If one sees an old person, then he has seen a good friend.... (Mirror)
  • Dreaming of a fainting indicates you’ll lose a friend or family member.... (Fainting)
  • Dreaming that your own hair is weakening indicates the death of someone close to you; it can be a relative or a friend.... (Hair)
  • (God’s bosom friend, upon whom be peace, arb.... (Abraham)
  • If you use one, you will be a party to a friend’s injury.... (Tooth-picks)
  • Also, it may suggest the illness of a loved one, family or friend.... (Lizard)
  • With a friend, reconciliation with a woman.... (Dispute)
  • To see an organist in your dreams, denotes a friend will cause you much inconvenience from hasty action.... (Organist)
  • To think your friend has them under control, denotes that some powerful agency will be employed in your favor to ward off evil influences.... (Snakes)
  • If a sick person sees himself taking ablution while in bed in a dream, it means separation from his wife or a close friend.... (Ablution)
  • Dreaming that you’re looking at someone in a morgue suggests shocking and terrible news of the death of a relative or close friend.... (Morgue)
  • To dream that a bullet has wounded you or that you’ve been hurt with any other weapon and are dying warns you of an upcoming unpleasant surprise such as a betrayal or infidelity from a family member or a friend.... (Wound)
  • If one’s neighbor intercedes for him on such a day in a dream, it means that one will benefit from his neighbor, or receive his help, or find a helper in a friend in times of difficulty.... (Intercession)
  • Suffering a landslide indicates your desire to harm a friend.... (Landslide)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that a friend rides behind her on a horse, denotes that she will be foremost in the favors of many prominent and successful men.... (Horse)
  • Most of the time, it’s predicting the death of a loved one, such as a family member or a good friend.... (Shroud)
  • A scorpion in a dream also represents someone who speaks his mind and does not know his friend from his enemy.... (Scorpion)
  • If it is with her husband’s friend, she will be unjustly ignored by her husband.... (Adultery)
  • Taking ablution while standing over a friend’s head in a dream means inheriting him.... (Ablution)
  • When you are dreaming that a family member or friend was abandoned on some ship or boat, then it indicates that complications in business or social relations will approach.... (Abandonment)
  • To see surgical instruments in a dream, foretells dissatisfaction will be felt by you at the indiscreet manner a friend manifests toward you.... (Surgical Instruments)
  • If one sees himself eating the foot of another human being in a dream, it means that he will become a close friend with him, acquire his intercession, reap success from his connection, fulfill his needs, receive benefits in his travels, or if he qualifies, he may preside over a group of poor people or guide seamen to their catch.... (Foot)
  • Breaking or burning the letter, it’s a sign of a breakup with a friend or a relative.... (Send)
  • If stock have it, you will lose a friend.... (Lockjaw)
  • in your dream, it can mean the triumph of a family member or a close friend that has just started a company or business.... (Mend)
  • Owning a wheat grinding stone, a juicer, porphyry, or any therapeutic or medicinal stones in a dream represent a respected or a revered person such as one’s father, one’s master, teacher, shaikh, friend, relative, physician, gnostic, a learned person, honorable people, a property, comfort, profits, benefits, or a rewarding trade.... (Stone 1)
  • To see your lover taking laudanum through disappointment, signifies unhappy affairs and the loss of a friend.... (Laudanum)
  • To see a friend killed in a riot, you will have bad luck in all undertakings, and the death, or some serious illness, of some person will cause you distress.... (Riot)
  • Dreaming that someone else is writing on a blackboard suggests that a family member or a close friend is in poor health and is asking for help.... (Blackboard)
  • Dreaming that an animal with the rabies bites you, you will be betrayed by your dearest friend, and much scandal will be brought to light.... (Hydrophobia)
  • To see an empty nest, indicates sorrow through the absence of a friend.... (Nest)
  • If in fact we are going through a crisis, dreaming of a friend indicates that the crisis is over.... (Friends)
  • If there is no enmity between them, and if he sees himself riding over the shoulders of a friend in a dream, it means earning something from him.... (Body 1)
  • If they are white-robed, the health of your nearest friend is threatened, or some business speculation will be disapproving.... (Spirit or Specter)
  • Oars in a dream also mean reaching safety, or finding a helping friend.... (Oars)
  • To hear it whistle, you will be pleased and surprised at the appearance of a friend who has been absent, or an unexpected offer, which means preferment to you.... (Locomotive)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she is taking pictures with a camera, foretells that her immediate future will have much that is displeasing and that a friend will subject her to acute disappointment.... (Camera)
  • For a young woman to receive one as a gift, denotes she will suffer estrangement from one friend, but will, by this, gain one more worthy of her.... (Blood Stone)
  • A mouse inside one’s shirt in a dream represents a woman friend out of whom no good can come.... (Mouse)
  • Dreaming of impure confectionary, denotes that an enemy in the guise of a friend will enter your privacy and discover secrets of moment to your opponents.... (Confectionary)
  • A friend needs our help and protection.... (Lawyer)
  • Represents a sincere friend that we must keep, trying to never hurt him or her.... (Fir)
  • Dreaming of regretting something suggests that in everyday life you are suffering the consequences of your misconduct and improper behavior, an attitude that could also be imitated by a very close someone, like a friend or relative.... (Regret)
  • To dream about one or more red rose bouquets usually announces an upcoming marriage; the dreamer, a friend or relative will get married.... (Flowers)
  • If a highway robber attacks someone in a dream, it means that he will suffer from the loss of a friend.... (Road)
  • It also means anticipating a relaxed financial conditions, or meeting with an old friend or a beloved after a long separation.... (Friday)
  • Dreaming of playing at dominoes, and lose, you will be affronted by a friend, and much uneasiness for your safety will be entertained by your people, as you will not be discreet in your affairs with women or other matters that engage your attention.... (Dominoes)
  • (Friendship) If a sick person sees himself walking on the road along with a friend or travelling with him in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.... (Companion of the road)
  • Dreaming of sitting on a wall or fence or made of sticks, accompanied of others and the wall collapses with you there, hints that a family member or friend is prone to have a serious accident.... (Fence)
  • To dream that you receive a bouquet of wilted flowers announces that a friend or family member will suffer a disease.... (Flowers)
  • If one does not qualify to receive any of the above, then such award will reach his superiors, or someone in his progeny, or a close friend.... (Heavens)
  • Dreaming of an acquaintance or a friend before a grave is an indication that this person may need us and we should help them.... (Tomb)
  • Seeing a friend sick in a dream means that one will suffer from the same illness.... (Illness)
  • (Plant | Woman) In a dream, daisies represent a close friend who will bring a gift or contribute something to one’s business.... (Daisy)
  • Performing the divinely ordained prayers in dream also means loyalty to one’s promise, employment for a person who could not find a job, or reconcili- ation with a long forsaken friend or relative.... (Five times prayers)
  • Dreaming that you see, or gather, hyacinths, you are about to undergo a painful separation from a friend, which will ultimately result in good for you.... (Hyacinth)
  • To see a broken latch, foretells disagreements with your dearest friend.... (Latch)
  • Dreaming of a cuckoo, prognosticates a sudden ending of a happy life caused by the downfall of a dear friend.... (Cuckoo)
  • To attend a riding school, foretells some friend will act falsely by you, but you will throw off the vexing influence occasioned by it.... (Riding School)
  • Someone who pretends to be your friend, and it is not.... (Amazon)
  • To hear the voice of a friend or relative, denotes the desperate illness of some one of them, and may be death | in the latter case you may be called upon to stand as guardian over some one, in governing whom you should use much discretion.... (Called)
  • To see your friend so afflicted, there will be uncertainty as to his faithfulness and sickness, too, may enter your home.... (Palsy)
  • You will receive emotional support of a relative or sincere friend.... (Partner)
  • For a woman to think her husband or lover is a rogue, foretells she will be painfully distressed over neglect shown her by a friend.... (Rogue)
  • View an address in a dream means that we will receive news or visit a friend.... (Address)
  • If one’s arm is broken in a dream, it means the death of one’s brother or closest friend, or it could mean an accident or a calamity.... (Arm 1)
  • Dreaming that you are oppressed by heat, denotes failure to carry out designs on account of some friend betraying you.... (Heat)
  • Dreaming that you’re having difficulties with a parachute denotes that you will be deceived by a friend.... (Parachute)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she is exchanging sweethearts with her friend, indicates that she will do well to heed this as advice, as she would be happier with another.... (Exchange)
  • To hear others repeat it, denotes the danger of some friend.... (Lord’s Prayer)
  • Wealth in a dream also denotes a righteous wife, a successful business, imposingone’s conditions upon his enemy, or subduing the evil of a jealous friend.... (Wealth)
  • Stretched hands in a dream means ill caused by a close friend.... (Body 1)
  • Skin in a dream also represents the elements of father, might, wealth, garment, farm, state of worship, faith, polytheism, or it could mean one’s enemy, friend, wife, house, beloved, son, or what protects the human being from harm.... (Skin)
  • Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk.... (Moon)
  • In a dream, a pigeon also represents a trustworthy messenger, a truthful friend, a comforting beloved, a chaste wife, striving to sustain one’s family, or a fertile woman with a large family.... (Pigeon)
  • (Chrysolite | Gem) In a dream, topaz represents a good man who is courageous, well behaved, a true friend, a pious person, or a religious person.... (Topaz)
  • To be in a place where it is sold, trouble and disappointment to a near friend.... (Lemonade)
  • If it is an unknown old man in the dream, it means that a close friend will backbite him.... (Robbery)
  • Another possible interpretation of this dream with a childhood friend is that you’re behaving childishly in real life and must mature.... (Friends)
  • Dreaming of suffering with chilblains, denotes that you will be driven into some bad dealing through over anxity{sic} of a friend or partner.... (Chilblain)
  • Dreaming that you smoke a pipe, denotes that you will enjoy the visit of an old friend, and peaceful settlements of differences will also take place.... (Pipe)
  • If the dove seems exhausted, a note of sadness will pervade the reconciliation, or a sad touch may be given the pleasant tidings by mention of an invalid friend | if of business, a slight drop may follow.... (Doves)
  • The sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means losing a parent, the passing away of one’s guardian, the death of a close friend or the impeachment of the person the dream indicate.... (Five times prayers)
  • The friend is a traitor.... (Eclipse)
  • A young woman will meet a stranger who will in time become a warm friend.... (Custard)
  • To see the spirit of your friend floating in your room, foretells disappointment and insecurity.... (Spirit or Specter)
  • If the victim is assisted, it’s a harbinger of the betrayal of a friend.... (Accident)
  • Usually hugs in dreams whether we give them or if we receive them indicate the departure of a friend, or it’s a warning that not all displays of affection are sincere and we just should trust real friends, and these are very rare.... (Hug, Hugging)
  • Dreaming of using blotting paper, signifies you will be deceived into the betrayal of secrets which will seriously involve a friend.... (Blotting Paper)
  • If one sees himself committing adultery with the wife of a close friend in a dream it means that he will take some money from him.... (Adultery)
  • To dream that your bones are coming out through your skin suggests that someone, apparently a friend is really a hypocrite who is trying to take advantage and hurt you.... (Bones)
  • If you listen to the voice of a family member or friend in your dreams that is calling out your name, it suggests that someone is in need of your help.... (Call)
  • Dreaming that you attempt to close a door, and it falls from its hinges, injuring some one, denotes that malignant evil threatens your friend through your unintentionally wrong advice.... (Door)
  • To dream that a friend or family member is crying suggests that soon someone will ask for your help.... (Cry)
  • For a young woman to upset her ice cream in the presence of her lover or friend, denotes she will be flirted with because of her unkindness to others.... (Ice Cream)
  • For a young woman to wait upon a green lawn for the coming of a friend or lover, denotes that her most ardent wishes concerning wealth and marriage will be gratified.... (Lawns)
  • If one’s hand is cut off in a dream, it means the death of his brother, his father, his partner, or a close friend or his assistant.... (Body 1)
  • If during the dream it is the dreamer who is the victim of torture, then it means that you must endure the violent anger of a family member or close friend, whose errors significantly affect your own interests.... (Torture)
  • If you see another attempt to lock a door, and it falls from its hinges, you will have knowledge of some friend’s misfortune and be powerless to aid him.... (Door)
  • The left hand represents one’s helper, friend, savings, or a compassionate relative.... (Body 1)
  • Dreaming of a cut, denotes sickness or the treachery of a friend will frustrate your cheerfulness.... (Cut)
  • Have it pierced by a sword blow at the hands of a friend, bad news should the dreamer be an old man, unalterable friendship should he be a young man.... (Chest)
  • If one sees that he has no stomach in a dream, it means that he may lose a friend, or that his guardian may die shortly, or that he may become a religious, ascetic and devoted worshiper.... (Stomach)
  • It may also indicate illness and even death of a relative or a friend.... (House)
  • To dream of a bachelor tells that you will shortly, meet with a friend.... (Bachelor)
  • Drinking it in dreams can also mean that difficulties will occur with a relative or friend, due to inconsequential chatter.... (Vinegar)
  • If you see a woman with golden blond hair, it suggests the probability to engage in an affair with a friend’s wife, which involves various dangers.... (Hair)
  • In a dream, a shield means a faithful but an arguing friend.... (Shield)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she is swimming with a girl friend who is an artist in swimming, foretells that she will be loved for her charming disposition, and her little love affairs will be condoned by her friends.... (Swelling)
  • If the ghost appears to be haggard, it may be the intimation of the early death of that friend.... (Ghost)
  • Modesty, good quality in a beloved friend.... (Veil (A Worn Is))
  • To have one cut, announcement of the speedy death of a relative or dear friend ; a male, if the right arm is injured, female, if the left.... (Arm)
  • A friend will disappoint you.... (Comrade)
  • A dead hare, betokens death to some friend.... (Hare)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she sees her sweetheart with a revolver, denotes that she will have a serious disagreement with some friend, and probably separation from her lover.... (Revolver)
  • For a friend to visit you, denotes that news of a favorable nature will soon reach you.... (Visit)
  • Owning an extra lance in a dream means having a brother or a friend who will stand for one’s defence when needed.... (Lance)
  • Dream you lose your puppy shows the loss of a friend.... (Puppy)
  • To see a lamp-post in your dreams, some stranger will prove your staunchiest friend in time of pressing need.... (Lamp-post)
  • To dream about a healthy chest is an omen that you will soon receive propositions from a friend or relative who will give you their support for the development of your purposes.... (Thorax)
  • Dream you lose a key foreshows anger, and that you will lose a friend.... (Keys)
  • Dreaming that you hear the shrill startling notes of the screech-owl, denotes that you will be shocked with news of the desperate illness, or death of some dear friend.... (Screech-owl)
  • For a young woman to see a fireman crippled, or meet with an accident otherwise, implies grave danger is threatening a close friend.... (Fireman)
  • It could be a sign of you and your friend not sorting out the problems you have.... (AIDS)
  • If you faint within dreams, it means economic loss, a relative’s loss or a friend’s loss.... (Faint)
  • Should the dreamer imagine the dog to be his own, the services of a faithful, indefatigable and courageous friend, a trustworthy servant.... (Dog)
  • Drapes in a dream also represent a confidant or a trustworthy friend or a wife who covers the pitfalls of her husband, protects his business and guards him from looking at other women.... (Drapes)
  • When you see your friend having an AIDS it represents your friendship with that person you have a dream being in mystery and conundrum.... (AIDS)
  • Consider, that if the ankles look stunted, wounded or broken, then it means that the arrival of difficulties, setbacks of fortune, illness, and even the disappearance of a relative or close friend is on your way.... (Ankle)
  • Dream of girls is the prognostic of good, expect soon to see a long absent friend, they denote success and riches to the dreamer.... (Girls)
  • To see others limping, signifies that you will be naturally offended at the conduct of a friend.... (Limp)
  • If the dog is dead or dying in dream, then it symbolizes a loss of a good friend.... (Dog)
  • Dreaming of someone being angry means that we must prevent betrayal from a friend.... (Anger)
  • To see linseed oil in your dreams, denotes your impetuous extravagance will be checked by the kindly interference of a friend.... (Linseed Oil)
  • Dreaming of a van implies a friend.... (Van)
  • Dreaming of a mausoleum, indicates the sickness, death, or trouble of some prominent friend.... (Mausoleum)
  • A column in a dream also represents a friend one can depend on.... (Column)
  • For a woman to use it in her dreams, foretells complications which will involve her separation from a favored friend.... (Snuff)
  • There is even a possible death of someone close to the dreamer, possibly a family member or friend.... (Dresser)
  • To see the ghost of a dead friend, foretells that you will make a long journey with an unpleasant companion, and suffer disappointments.... (Ghost)
  • Dreaming that you villify{sic} the teachings of the Bible, forewarns you that you are about to succumb to resisted temptations through the seductive persuasiveness of a friend.... (Bible)
  • Be in the chamber of a friend unknown to him or her, delusion, deception.... (Chamber)
  • For a woman Dreaming that her lover or associate is a printer, foretells she will fail to please her parents in the selection of a close friend.... (Printer)
  • To break one foretells your failure to obtain power over some friend.... (Chalice)
  • To see others wearing them, distinguished places will be held by you, or by some friend.... (Jewels)
  • Dreaming of hugging someone suggests that you will be disappointed in love or by a very close friend.... (Hugging)
  • Dreaming that a family member, friend or just someone you know is going to be hanged suggests that you may experience difficult situations that will affect your family and friends.... (Gallows)
  • If the cat is white the traitor will be a false friend.... (Cat)
  • To cook it, foretells spirited arguments in which you will lose a friend.... (Rhubarb)
  • Mixing wheat flour to make bread in a dream means that a friend will travel to meet one’s family.... (Flour)
  • When the instrument appears broken or is badly damaged it indicates that the dreamer self- criticizes for defrauding his/her friend’s, partner’s, etc., faith and trust.... (Flute)
  • In a dream, the stomach represents the elements of property, family, secrets, one’s mate, prison, grave, health, sickness, friend, wayfarer, one’s religious life and nature of one’s devotion.... (Stomach)
  • To dream that a friend or loved one is sick suggests that your family or friends are likely to suffer a misfortune that will also affect you.... (Disease)
  • If one’s upper lip is cut off in a dream, it means severing relationship with a close friend.... (Lips)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she is affronted, denotes that some unfriendly person will take advantage of her ignorance to place her in a compromising situation with a stranger, or to jeopardize her interests with a friend.... (Affront)
  • Lips in a dream also mean recovering from an illness, or forcing a jealous friend to follow one’s directives, or hearing good news that will heal one’s heart.... (Lips)
  • For a young woman to have her pocket picked, denotes she will be the object of some person’s envy and spite, and may lose the regard of a friend through these evil machinations, unless she keeps her own counsel.... (Pickpocket)
  • Usually, dreaming of giving of receiving a hug within dreams, predicts the departure of a beloved family member or a friend.... (Hugging)
  • To dream that you’re trying to drink milk but can’t do so is a warning that you’re at risk of experiencing a material or friend loss.... (Milk)
  • To see one’s friend or servant expose themselves indiscreetly; a quarrel.... (Nakedness, Nudity)
  • To hear weeping voices, shows that sudden anger will cause you to inflict injury upon a friend.... (Voice)
  • For a young woman Dreaming that she is executing difficult, but entrancing music, she will succeed in winning an indifferent friend to be a most devoted and loyal lover.... (Piano)